Federal Judge throws out Democrat Attempt to Block Wall Funding

I quit arguing about the wall with these jackals. The truth is they hate everything good and decent about their country. They gladly flood this nation with illegals to overburden the system to force this nation to fall into socialism. That's how depraved they are. People are shooting up the inner cities, throwing used needles and crapping on sidewalks, and all these losers can do is spend all their limited brainpower and energy on hateful rhetoric against the President. They're losers.
Walls don’t work but you have a brain? Lol
And when one of them falls and breaks his neck or dies, you'll blame Trump.
Oh? Did you blame Obama for any such broken necks?
Of course not. Both parties are to blame for illegal immigration. Trump was elected to fix it, and that's why he has had opposition from both establishment republicans and democrats.
He was elected because the right is ignorant and full of dupes. In reality, apprehensions dropped significantly since 2006...


Sometimes charts change when someone else is counting. I have a hunch nobody was making too much of an accounting or was routing illegals by any other means into the US with grand promises to allow them to vote at locations designated by omerta precincts where people did not have to have id's. That way, they could bus them around to other precincts where they could pull more illegal votes for Democrats. The fringe benefit of having people here who did not come through the legal ways, Democrats could play big loving brother in exchange for votes and cooperation on rally days. And there's so little to be gleeful about these days with the Democrat-FBI scandal the Democrats tried to pin on a Republican President, knowing all their information was totally false, now the thoroughly corrupt and rather evil Nancy Pelosi tells her base she now just wants President Trump behind bars, when she know it is herself who has conspired to destroy him completely, not anything he has allegedly done. She's played the Trump card one too many times. It's time to send Nancy to the old folks home, where she can gum away all her lies and carpet-pulling from underneath this honest man we know as President Trump. Nancy should keep her own streets clean. Instead, here's what she doesn't want to go back to California for:

Nancy's own Neglect is all in the Streets of her home town, San Francisco.
Now she's bringing it to Washington with Phony Get-Trump-in-jail Announcements:


Go Home Nancy Pelosi. Clean your own damn streets up.​
show us the express immigration clause, right wing Hypocrites.

Can't show you an express immigration clause, but I'd be happy to show you the express bus back to South America.
your implied power leads to nothing but bigotry.

Which is different from your bigotry how?
mine includes being the truest witness bearer among the one thousand.
the person with the fewest fallacies is the least hypocrite.
being illegal to Constitutional law while condemning the less fortunate, is worse, right wingers.
No we republicans are saving resources for our poor.. not giving it to foreigners
then, stop wasting our free crime, drug, and terror wars on foreigners.
where are those alleged wars being waged?
No idea what your talking about
no idea why anybody takes right wingers seriously.
show us the express immigration clause, right wing Hypocrites.

Can't show you an express immigration clause, but I'd be happy to show you the express bus back to South America.
your implied power leads to nothing but bigotry.

Which is different from your bigotry how?
mine includes being the truest witness bearer among the one thousand.
You're the truest witness bearer among the one thousand best liars in the DNC?

Don't think that's much to brag about, Daniel.
we can find even less on the right wing.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

Donald’s shill? Shocking. Lol

You know he’s not the last word, right idiota?
she really just needs a full body massage with Happy ending and g-spot focus work, to be sugar and spice and everything nice.
No we republicans are saving resources for our poor.. not giving it to foreigners
then, stop wasting our free crime, drug, and terror wars on foreigners.
where are those alleged wars being waged?
No idea what your talking about
no idea why anybody takes right wingers seriously.
You want open borders lol
Can't show you an express immigration clause, but I'd be happy to show you the express bus back to South America.
your implied power leads to nothing but bigotry.

Which is different from your bigotry how?
mine includes being the truest witness bearer among the one thousand.
You're the truest witness bearer among the one thousand best liars in the DNC?

Don't think that's much to brag about, Daniel.
we can find even less on the right wing.
And you couldn't find your butt with a search warrant, Daniel.
then, stop wasting our free crime, drug, and terror wars on foreigners.
where are those alleged wars being waged?
No idea what your talking about
no idea why anybody takes right wingers seriously.
You want open borders lol
we have a naturalization clause. All foreign nationals should be known to the general government and be federally identified for civil purposes. We should have no illegals or illegal underclass for you to complain about.
where are those alleged wars being waged?
No idea what your talking about
no idea why anybody takes right wingers seriously.
You want open borders lol
we have a naturalization clause. All foreign nationals should be known to the general government and be federally identified for civil purposes. We should have no illegals or illegal underclass for you to complain about.
Well change the laws loser
where are those alleged wars being waged?
No idea what your talking about
no idea why anybody takes right wingers seriously.
You want open borders lol
we have a naturalization clause. All foreign nationals should be known to the general government and be federally identified for civil purposes. We should have no illegals or illegal underclass for you to complain about.
Admit it, you want open borders.
Sitting on top of a wall means walls don’t work? Lol haha

Dumbfuck, it means the wall didn't stop them. :eusa_doh:
Of course it did..

A wall they're climbing over stopped them? :lmao:
It did.. what don’t you understand?
Why you're too retarded to understand that someone who can climb over a wall is not stopped by the wall.
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And when one of them falls and breaks his neck or dies, you'll blame Trump.
Oh? Did you blame Obama for any such broken necks?
Of course not. Both parties are to blame for illegal immigration. Trump was elected to fix it, and that's why he has had opposition from both establishment republicans and democrats.
He was elected because the right is ignorant and full of dupes. In reality, apprehensions dropped significantly since 2006...


Sometimes charts change when someone else is counting. I have a hunch nobody was making too much of an accounting or was routing illegals by any other means into the US with grand promises to allow them to vote at locations designated by omerta precincts where people did not have to have id's. That way, they could bus them around to other precincts where they could pull more illegal votes for Democrats. The fringe benefit of having people here who did not come through the legal ways, Democrats could play big loving brother in exchange for votes and cooperation on rally days. And there's so little to be gleeful about these days with the Democrat-FBI scandal the Democrats tried to pin on a Republican President, knowing all their information was totally false, now the thoroughly corrupt and rather evil Nancy Pelosi tells her base she now just wants President Trump behind bars, when she know it is herself who has conspired to destroy him completely, not anything he has allegedly done. She's played the Trump card one too many times. It's time to send Nancy to the old folks home, where she can gum away all her lies and carpet-pulling from underneath this honest man we know as President Trump. Nancy should keep her own streets clean. Instead, here's what she doesn't want to go back to California for:

Nancy's own Neglect is all in the Streets of her home town, San Francisco.
Now she's bringing it to Washington with Phony Get-Trump-in-jail Announcements:

View attachment 264080

Go Home Nancy Pelosi. Clean your own damn streets up.​

If you think trump is an honest man, you're beyond the point where you can be helped.
Sitting on top of a wall means walls don’t work? Lol haha

Dumbfuck, it means the wall didn't stop them. :eusa_doh:
Of course it did..

A wall they're climbing over stopped them? :lmao:
It did.. what don’t you understand?
Why you're too retarded to understand that someone who can climb over a wall is not stopped by the wall.
Come they don’t climb over the walls in prison?
Dem Tard Supply of Brown Slaves to work on DemNazi Plantions is threatened.

Now watch how foaming at the mouth insane they will get if their supply of LATINO SLAVE LABOR IS CUT OFF!
And when one of them falls and breaks his neck or dies, you'll blame Trump.
Oh? Did you blame Obama for any such broken necks?
Of course not. Both parties are to blame for illegal immigration. Trump was elected to fix it, and that's why he has had opposition from both establishment republicans and democrats.
He was elected because the right is ignorant and full of dupes. In reality, apprehensions dropped significantly since 2006...


Sometimes charts change when someone else is counting. I have a hunch nobody was making too much of an accounting or was routing illegals by any other means into the US with grand promises to allow them to vote at locations designated by omerta precincts where people did not have to have id's. That way, they could bus them around to other precincts where they could pull more illegal votes for Democrats. The fringe benefit of having people here who did not come through the legal ways, Democrats could play big loving brother in exchange for votes and cooperation on rally days. And there's so little to be gleeful about these days with the Democrat-FBI scandal the Democrats tried to pin on a Republican President, knowing all their information was totally false, now the thoroughly corrupt and rather evil Nancy Pelosi tells her base she now just wants President Trump behind bars, when she know it is herself who has conspired to destroy him completely, not anything he has allegedly done. She's played the Trump card one too many times. It's time to send Nancy to the old folks home, where she can gum away all her lies and carpet-pulling from underneath this honest man we know as President Trump. Nancy should keep her own streets clean. Instead, here's what she doesn't want to go back to California for:

Nancy's own Neglect is all in the Streets of her home town, San Francisco.
Now she's bringing it to Washington with Phony Get-Trump-in-jail Announcements:

View attachment 264080

Go Home Nancy Pelosi. Clean your own damn streets up.​

If you think trump is an honest man, you're beyond the point where you can be helped.
President Trump has his apples all in a row and is Dudley Do-Right compared to the lying liars of the left who take their own errors and ascribe them to their opposition as arrogantly and aristocratically as they can. It's like watching some B-rated soap opera when you tune in to Congress to see the horror show put on by Pelosi, Nadler and Waters.
I don’t really mind educating Republicans. Even if they get all angry and start screaming names and saying bad words.

This isn’t about the wall. This is about usurping the duties of Congress as laid out in the constitution.

Think about it, if you can’t figure it out, ask and I’ll explain in detail.
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Sitting on top of a wall means walls don’t work? Lol haha

Dumbfuck, it means the wall didn't stop them. :eusa_doh:
Of course it did..

A wall they're climbing over stopped them? :lmao:
It did.. what don’t you understand?
Why you're too retarded to understand that someone who can climb over a wall is not stopped by the wall.
Anybody stupid enough to get on top of that wall and jump down 40 feet into a field of broken glass may not make it to the hospital to register his issues.
I don’t really mind educating Republicans. Even if they get all angry and start screaming names and saying bad words.

This is an about the wall. This is about usurping the duties of Congress as laid out in the constitution.

Think about it, if you can’t figure it out, ask and I’ll explain in detail.
The Democrats worked in unison with the schema set up by Hillary Clinton's hit teams who thought they'd never get caught if they hid behind the FBI.
<<<<<W R O N G ! ! !>>>>>

Dumbfuck, it means the wall didn't stop them. :eusa_doh:
Of course it did..

A wall they're climbing over stopped them? :lmao:
It did.. what don’t you understand?
Why you're too retarded to understand that someone who can climb over a wall is not stopped by the wall.
Anybody stupid enough to get on top of that wall and jump down 40 feet into a field of broken glass may not make it to the hospital to register his issues.
Don’t worry, if they’ get scared, they’ll get over it.


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