Federal Judge throws out Democrat Attempt to Block Wall Funding

mostly i advocate using military force and a WALL and other forceful means against the invading enemy Iceberg .

So instead of using trained and qualified boarder security staff you want to use unqualified staff...

The Boarder Security was and is funded to increase but Trump has failed to hire more.

Why don't the Military just quit and join the Border Security?

Boarder Security have asked for more numbers and better technology... Trump wants a big grand wall...

Lets ask Boarder Security do they want less staff and a wall OR more staff, better tech like drones and motion detectors (AI), and improved barrier which they design for certain heavy traffic sections...
-------------------------------------- trained , wow , trained [chuckle] . Use military training and pure force to repel invaders by force . 2 days of forceful training using weapons [as intended] by 'cbp' and military and good old boys as STOPS the invasion 'english' .
I didn't vote for Trump.
Walls don’t work but you have a brain? Lol
Upgrading Ellis Island is more equitable than increasing risks for the less fortunate and whining about refugees.
Yes you had to pass a economic test to get passed Ellis Island,, medical.. I agreed bring it back
sure; stop creating refugees with our free drug war; we should not be providing free wars to foreigners.
So are you for Ellis island? Lol
Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
does it?

these people walk thousands of miles through harsh country paying people they know would kill them if it served their purpose to get here. do you really think a wall is going to fix the problem?

man, i walked 2000 miles through the desert but this wall is now going to stop me...so close...

we need to fix the problem at the core - not try to simply contain it.

Containing it is a start. Besides, we were promised border security in 1986 by the government, so...where is it, hmm?
and yet we've been arguing about containment for the entire trump admin and most all of the obama one.

where is that again?

again, you risked your life on the trip to get to america, is a wall going to stop you and make you turn around and go home?

we need to give them reasons to turn around and find a better life - at home.

Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.

Stop feeding the Beast and it will go away like stray cats. No Govt benes for illegals. If individual States want to support them with tax money collected from "their Citizens" I'm okay with that. Identify them and if they leave their Sanctuary State deport them as soon as they are apprehended then go Arrest the Politicians who were negligent by allowing them to leave! I don't want to pay for South Americas Social and Political failures do you. Well guess what you already are. Cut federal Welfare funding to any State that gives Sanctuary to Illegal Migrants. And Fine employers who hire illegals so severely they can't survive financially.
of this i 100% agree. you bring yourself over here illegally you get 0 benefits of our country. anything else is encouragement.

medical emergencies i can see but all the "here have our resources" the left loves to do? screw that shit.
Walls don’t work but you have a brain? Lol
Upgrading Ellis Island is more equitable than increasing risks for the less fortunate and whining about refugees.
What is it about the word "illegal" that you don't understand?
appealing to ignorance of the law is no excuse. show us the Express immigration power in our federal Constitution.
Your mumbo jumbo is a smoke screen. Illegal means "illegal".
being illegal to Constitutional law while condemning the less fortunate, is worse, right wingers.
Walls don’t work but you have a brain? Lol
Upgrading Ellis Island is more equitable than increasing risks for the less fortunate and whining about refugees.
Yes you had to pass a economic test to get passed Ellis Island,, medical.. I agreed bring it back
sure; stop creating refugees with our free drug war; we should not be providing free wars to foreigners.
So are you for Ellis island? Lol
Yes, we have a Commerce Clause and modern forms of conveyances can help them generate revenue for us.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more equitable than increasing risks for the less fortunate and whining about refugees.
What is it about the word "illegal" that you don't understand?
appealing to ignorance of the law is no excuse. show us the Express immigration power in our federal Constitution.
Your mumbo jumbo is a smoke screen. Illegal means "illegal".
being illegal to Constitutional law while condemning the less fortunate, is worse, right wingers.
No we republicans are saving resources for our poor.. not giving it to foreigners
Upgrading Ellis Island is more equitable than increasing risks for the less fortunate and whining about refugees.
Yes you had to pass a economic test to get passed Ellis Island,, medical.. I agreed bring it back
sure; stop creating refugees with our free drug war; we should not be providing free wars to foreigners.
So are you for Ellis island? Lol
Yes, we have a Commerce Clause and modern forms of conveyances can help them generate revenue for us.
And you know we checked finance and medical right?
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
Leftist locksteppers are groomed to believe that they are above the Constitutional laws, and that their function is to sling mud on anyone who disagrees with DNC party planks, which amount to only one thing: "orange man bad." It's seedy. :coffee:
lol. the right wing is even worse. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution; the right wing prefers to Imply that power so they can indulge their moral turpitude of bigotry.
Here, From Russia with Love, from the Soviets' Socialist Republic:

Siberian - Misery Index

Misery Index

March out submissive, tundra-locked labor slaves
Eight years inside here, counting down our endless days
We're rationed, worked and flogged till bitter dusk dissolves
And beckons back to here, so far from mother's arms
Each day, a penance, each night, a sigh
Through every night I ponder, what exists beyond these walls,
This dreaded repetition, gnawed flesh, a shield gone numb
I'll tread this place no longer, tomorrow I'll be gone
Into the unforgiven, a bleak and barren land
This rock, and birch-bound cradle, saps the life from me
No gods, no laws, just open empty earth
At one with crystal-white, to die alone
Narodnaya, our time is nigh, open your door to the end
White clouds of frozen breath, these ghosts accompany
Waiting for death, together longing for release
And from my resting place, I stare at Narodnaya
Beneath the gray clouds brooding, the air escapes my lungs
You socialists know not what you ask for, but the above poetry should give you a clue to what socialism brings if you are accused, whether you did it or not. You see, in socialism, terror comes from on high. And if it lands on you, Siberia. Like the death camps at Auschwitz, nobody cares, because nobody knows.
mostly i advocate using military force and a WALL and other forceful means against the invading enemy Iceberg .

So instead of using trained and qualified boarder security staff you want to use unqualified staff...

The Boarder Security was and is funded to increase but Trump has failed to hire more.

Why don't the Military just quit and join the Border Security?

Boarder Security have asked for more numbers and better technology... Trump wants a big grand wall...

Lets ask Boarder Security do they want less staff and a wall OR more staff, better tech like drones and motion detectors (AI), and improved barrier which they design for certain heavy traffic sections...

Yup better technology would include a very sturdy impenetrable wall with all kinds or other electronic surveillance to detect these shit bags before they cross the River. Not a run down cow pasture barbed wire barrier that wouldn't deter even the most inept Coyote from just walking through. We are a technologically advanced Nation that has the Ability but not the Political leadership to end this problem. Vote the turds who oppose a secure border back to Civilian life and see how they feel about it then, doesn't matter Dem, Rep, or Independent , Socialist, Libertarian etc. They would have a different outlook from the Outside of Govt. Or pass a law that requires every Lawmaker in Washington to go to the border and help enforce the Laws they passed or be removed from Political office forever. Make them Pledge their lives their Fortunes and their Sacred honor to stop the Invasion. If they were made to go help they would pass the Laws very quickly so they wouldn't have too! Guaranteed! Our Political Leaders are basically Cowards who will do anything or nothing to hold onto power whichever way the wind blows is the way they will walk.
It is in the favor of America if we let them have their little dreamy delusions of making America into a shithole so they can seize power. They hate President Trump merely because he tells it like it is. And the American people, who they do not think will catch on to Hillary Rodham Clinton's vast left-wing conspiracy, are catching on, and it will be stand in the corner, Democrats at the next election. Of course, they will get sillier and sillier, but that's just how the mop flops. :)
isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Got it right on the nose, didn't I. :)
It's not republicans who are in fantasy, we know the truth.
It's sadly, the Democrat party, who Zeig Heil their puppetmasters and diss everyone else, especially those Republicans who know our leaders do the right thing. We like the President America voted into office. And he doesn't bend just because a few squiggeling movie star broads hate him based on lies that your Democrat Party sensationalized with a bought-and-paid-for liberal press who want socialism/communism at any price.
Show us the Express immigration clause, right wingers. Only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy claim what the right wing does.

The problem is that there is no consensus on “express immigration” laws. Anything outside of “open borders” and the Left will not consider as “express”.
There is no appeal to ignorance of the law but blaming the less fortunate.

Ignorance of the Law - Liberals who don’t know asylum guidelines. Blaming the less fortunate - the less fortunate need to be held accountable to laws instead of saying “fuck you”.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more equitable than increasing risks for the less fortunate and whining about refugees.
What is it about the word "illegal" that you don't understand?
appealing to ignorance of the law is no excuse. show us the Express immigration power in our federal Constitution.
Your mumbo jumbo is a smoke screen. Illegal means "illegal".
being illegal to Constitutional law while condemning the less fortunate, is worse, right wingers.
No we republicans are saving resources for our poor.. not giving it to foreigners
then, stop wasting our free crime, drug, and terror wars on foreigners.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more equitable than increasing risks for the less fortunate and whining about refugees.
Yes you had to pass a economic test to get passed Ellis Island,, medical.. I agreed bring it back
sure; stop creating refugees with our free drug war; we should not be providing free wars to foreigners.
So are you for Ellis island? Lol
Yes, we have a Commerce Clause and modern forms of conveyances can help them generate revenue for us.
And you know we checked finance and medical right?
only Lousy capitalists lose money on border policy with a Commerce Clause.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
Leftist locksteppers are groomed to believe that they are above the Constitutional laws, and that their function is to sling mud on anyone who disagrees with DNC party planks, which amount to only one thing: "orange man bad." It's seedy. :coffee:
lol. the right wing is even worse. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution; the right wing prefers to Imply that power so they can indulge their moral turpitude of bigotry.
Here, From Russia with Love, from the Soviets' Socialist Republic:

Siberian - Misery Index

Misery Index

March out submissive, tundra-locked labor slaves
Eight years inside here, counting down our endless days
We're rationed, worked and flogged till bitter dusk dissolves
And beckons back to here, so far from mother's arms
Each day, a penance, each night, a sigh
Through every night I ponder, what exists beyond these walls,
This dreaded repetition, gnawed flesh, a shield gone numb
I'll tread this place no longer, tomorrow I'll be gone
Into the unforgiven, a bleak and barren land
This rock, and birch-bound cradle, saps the life from me
No gods, no laws, just open empty earth
At one with crystal-white, to die alone
Narodnaya, our time is nigh, open your door to the end
White clouds of frozen breath, these ghosts accompany
Waiting for death, together longing for release
And from my resting place, I stare at Narodnaya
Beneath the gray clouds brooding, the air escapes my lungs
You socialists know not what you ask for, but the above poetry should give you a clue to what socialism brings if you are accused, whether you did it or not. You see, in socialism, terror comes from on high. And if it lands on you, Siberia. Like the death camps at Auschwitz, nobody cares, because nobody knows.
dear, i have a Happy camper policy. full body massage with Happy ending and g-spot focus work.
isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Got it right on the nose, didn't I. :)
It's not republicans who are in fantasy, we know the truth.
It's sadly, the Democrat party, who Zeig Heil their puppetmasters and diss everyone else, especially those Republicans who know our leaders do the right thing. We like the President America voted into office. And he doesn't bend just because a few squiggeling movie star broads hate him based on lies that your Democrat Party sensationalized with a bought-and-paid-for liberal press who want socialism/communism at any price.
Show us the Express immigration clause, right wingers. Only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy claim what the right wing does.

The problem is that there is no consensus on “express immigration” laws. Anything outside of “open borders” and the Left will not consider as “express”.
There is no appeal to ignorance of the law but blaming the less fortunate.

Ignorance of the Law - Liberals who don’t know asylum guidelines. Blaming the less fortunate - the less fortunate need to be held accountable to laws instead of saying “fuck you”.
show us the express immigration clause, right wing Hypocrites.
Got it right on the nose, didn't I. :)
It's not republicans who are in fantasy, we know the truth.
It's sadly, the Democrat party, who Zeig Heil their puppetmasters and diss everyone else, especially those Republicans who know our leaders do the right thing. We like the President America voted into office. And he doesn't bend just because a few squiggeling movie star broads hate him based on lies that your Democrat Party sensationalized with a bought-and-paid-for liberal press who want socialism/communism at any price.
Show us the Express immigration clause, right wingers. Only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy claim what the right wing does.

The problem is that there is no consensus on “express immigration” laws. Anything outside of “open borders” and the Left will not consider as “express”.
There is no appeal to ignorance of the law but blaming the less fortunate.

Ignorance of the Law - Liberals who don’t know asylum guidelines. Blaming the less fortunate - the less fortunate need to be held accountable to laws instead of saying “fuck you”.
show us the express immigration clause, right wing Hypocrites.

Can't show you an express immigration clause, but I'd be happy to show you the express bus back to South America.
So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
Leftist locksteppers are groomed to believe that they are above the Constitutional laws, and that their function is to sling mud on anyone who disagrees with DNC party planks, which amount to only one thing: "orange man bad." It's seedy. :coffee:
lol. the right wing is even worse. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution; the right wing prefers to Imply that power so they can indulge their moral turpitude of bigotry.
Here, From Russia with Love, from the Soviets' Socialist Republic:

Siberian - Misery Index

Misery Index

March out submissive, tundra-locked labor slaves
Eight years inside here, counting down our endless days
We're rationed, worked and flogged till bitter dusk dissolves
And beckons back to here, so far from mother's arms
Each day, a penance, each night, a sigh
Through every night I ponder, what exists beyond these walls,
This dreaded repetition, gnawed flesh, a shield gone numb
I'll tread this place no longer, tomorrow I'll be gone
Into the unforgiven, a bleak and barren land
This rock, and birch-bound cradle, saps the life from me
No gods, no laws, just open empty earth
At one with crystal-white, to die alone
Narodnaya, our time is nigh, open your door to the end
White clouds of frozen breath, these ghosts accompany
Waiting for death, together longing for release
And from my resting place, I stare at Narodnaya
Beneath the gray clouds brooding, the air escapes my lungs
You socialists know not what you ask for, but the above poetry should give you a clue to what socialism brings if you are accused, whether you did it or not. You see, in socialism, terror comes from on high. And if it lands on you, Siberia. Like the death camps at Auschwitz, nobody cares, because nobody knows.
dear, i have a Happy camper policy. full body massage with Happy ending and g-spot focus work.
No wonder the shortest verse in the bible says "Jesus wept."
...I didn't cherry pick a line...
Ah, but that is EXACTLY what you did... although you lack either the perception or honesty to recognize or admit it.

...I am quite bright with a pretty high IQ...
Yes, we know... a 'stable genius' with 'the best words', I'm sure.

...Now go whine some more that I picked you apart and SOMEHOW link it to intelligence...
I did not initiate hostilities... go back and look at the initial sequence as to who fired first.

And, when you throw rocks at somebody whose entire-context post moved your ball 10 yards in the right direction, well...

As I said, that's not exactly Brightest Crayon in the Box thinking... your cross to bear, not mine; machts nichts zu mir.

...Ya fucking tool
Tool? How so?

For standing firm against Illegal Immigration and conceding that a Wall may be the only poor-but-viable option left?

Uh.... yeah... sure... you tell 'em, champ... :21:


The Wall truly is a dumb idea, but given the lack of balls shown by politicians on both sides, especially the (D)s, it may be time for one.
...I didn't cherry pick a line...
Ah, but that is EXACTLY what you did... although you lack either the perception or honesty to recognize or admit it.

...I am quite bright with a pretty high IQ...
Yes, we know... a 'stable genius' with 'the best words', I'm sure.

...Now go whine some more that I picked you apart and SOMEHOW link it to intelligence...
I did not initiate hostilities... go back and look at the initial sequence as to who fired first.

And, when you throw rocks at somebody whose entire-context post moved your ball 10 yards in the right direction, well...

As I said, that's not exactly Brightest Crayon in the Box thinking... your cross to bear, not mine; machts nichts zu mir.

...Ya fucking tool
Tool? How so?

For standing firm against Illegal Immigration and conceding that a Wall may be the only poor-but-viable option left?

Uh.... yeah... sure... you tell 'em, champ... :21:


The Wall truly is a dumb idea, but given the lack of balls shown by politicians on both sides, especially the (D)s, it may be time for one.
Oh for fucks sake, STOP CRYING
Why do you support illegal immigration?
Leftist locksteppers are groomed to believe that they are above the Constitutional laws, and that their function is to sling mud on anyone who disagrees with DNC party planks, which amount to only one thing: "orange man bad." It's seedy. :coffee:
lol. the right wing is even worse. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution; the right wing prefers to Imply that power so they can indulge their moral turpitude of bigotry.
Here, From Russia with Love, from the Soviets' Socialist Republic:

Siberian - Misery Index

Misery Index

March out submissive, tundra-locked labor slaves
Eight years inside here, counting down our endless days
We're rationed, worked and flogged till bitter dusk dissolves
And beckons back to here, so far from mother's arms
Each day, a penance, each night, a sigh
Through every night I ponder, what exists beyond these walls,
This dreaded repetition, gnawed flesh, a shield gone numb
I'll tread this place no longer, tomorrow I'll be gone
Into the unforgiven, a bleak and barren land
This rock, and birch-bound cradle, saps the life from me
No gods, no laws, just open empty earth
At one with crystal-white, to die alone
Narodnaya, our time is nigh, open your door to the end
White clouds of frozen breath, these ghosts accompany
Waiting for death, together longing for release
And from my resting place, I stare at Narodnaya
Beneath the gray clouds brooding, the air escapes my lungs
You socialists know not what you ask for, but the above poetry should give you a clue to what socialism brings if you are accused, whether you did it or not. You see, in socialism, terror comes from on high. And if it lands on you, Siberia. Like the death camps at Auschwitz, nobody cares, because nobody knows.
dear, i have a Happy camper policy. full body massage with Happy ending and g-spot focus work.
No wonder the shortest verse in the bible says "Jesus wept."
It is not the shortest in the original languages

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