Federal Judge throws out Democrat Attempt to Block Wall Funding

Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
That post, in its entirety, was making your case FOR you, and you want to cherry-pick one friggin' line? Really?

Not the brightest crayon in the box, are ya... dolt ?
I didn't cherry pick a line. I took issue with that particular statement. This is a fucking message board dummy. I singled it out because it was a terrible place to start the argument and ignores the underlying issues that bring these losers to our nation in droves.

And I am quite bright with a pretty high IQ.

Now go whine some more that I picked you apart and SOMEHOW link it to intelligence.

Ya fucking tool
From Brit Hume, Fox News, June, 2019:

Hume said he believed Trump's use of tariffs as a warning to Mexico on that particular policy front is not something Capitol Hill is used to.

"[Trump] calls himself 'tariff man' and he is wielding tariffs now as his tool of choice and all kinds of ways. He is trying to help solve the immigration crisis at the border with tariffs threatened against Mexico," he said.

Brit Hume: Trump tariff policies 'a dramatic departure' from conservative American thought

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless

Your head is funnel shaped. A wall covering 0.00025 of the border doesn't funnel anyone. :cuckoo:
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
just lousy right wing management. we have a Commerce Clause and should be making money on border policy not losing money, like the more national socialist right wing prefers since Government not Capitalism solves all problems for them.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
Leftist locksteppers are groomed to believe that they are above the Constitutional laws, and that their function is to sling mud on anyone who disagrees with DNC party planks, which amount to only one thing: "orange man bad." It's seedy. :coffee:
lol. the right wing is even worse. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution; the right wing prefers to Imply that power so they can indulge their moral turpitude of bigotry.

Your head is funnel shaped. A wall covering 0.00025 of the border doesn't funnel anyone. :cuckoo:
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh vcd
Border agents said differently
show us the express wall building clause.
So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Two walls are being built, private and publicly funded

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless
Seeking asylum is not illegal. And, there is no express immigration clause.

Nothing but the abomination of hypocrisy with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

That is why we don't take the right wing seriously.

Job 34:30 applies.

Hypocrisy cuts many angles. My favorite is the Asylum defense from Liberals. Based on the Asylum guidelines, Mexico should be the final stop. Further, why do liberals lose their shit over Trump calling these countries “shit holes” and immediately pivot to the oppression, persecution, torture, and rape these people face?
Means nothing until they are subject to the Jurisdiction of the United States; then, natural rights apply.
Two walls are being built, private and publicly funded

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless
Seeking asylum is not illegal. And, there is no express immigration clause.

Nothing but the abomination of hypocrisy with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

That is why we don't take the right wing seriously.

Job 34:30 applies.

Hypocrisy cuts many angles. My favorite is the Asylum defense from Liberals. Based on the Asylum guidelines, Mexico should be the final stop. Further, why do liberals lose their shit over Trump calling these countries “shit holes” and immediately pivot to the oppression, persecution, torture, and rape these people face?
It is in the favor of America if we let them have their little dreamy delusions of making America into a shithole so they can seize power. They hate President Trump merely because he tells it like it is. And the American people, who they do not think will catch on to Hillary Rodham Clinton's vast left-wing conspiracy, are catching on, and it will be stand in the corner, Democrats at the next election. Of course, they will get sillier and sillier, but that's just how the mop flops. :)
isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.

You see wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall which isn’t needed and won’t have any affect on your illegal immigrant population whatsoever, as a good idea. People who are smarter, and students of history know that WALLS DON’T WORK.

Walls do NOTHING to deal with the root causes of illegal migration which is employers like Donald Trump who are only to happy to exploit them. Taking away their jobs sends them home REAL fast.

Voted for Donald Trump which proves you’re not really very smart at all and you don’t know much at all or you would have known what a crook and a con man he is.
------------------------------- if nothing else the WALL and Pro WALL talk is simply a ' Personal poke in the eye to 'mex' and other third worlders' as it says , hey , we don't want YOU third worlders and i approve of it for that reason alone DLady .

Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country of the First World, you're not likely to get many well educated first worlders, because we're all much better off where we are with our universal health care, cleaner air and water, lower drug prices, and strong social safety net. There aren't mass shootings every week where we live.

I notice you feel no need to build a wall to stop Canadians from flooding across your border. While the American middle class is shrinking, ours is the fastest growing in the world.

With your c

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless
Seeking asylum is not illegal. And, there is no express immigration clause.

Nothing but the abomination of hypocrisy with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

That is why we don't take the right wing seriously.

Job 34:30 applies.

Hypocrisy cuts many angles. My favorite is the Asylum defense from Liberals. Based on the Asylum guidelines, Mexico should be the final stop. Further, why do liberals lose their shit over Trump calling these countries “shit holes” and immediately pivot to the oppression, persecution, torture, and rape these people face?
It is in the favor of America if we let them have their little dreamy delusions of making America into a shithole so they can seize power. They hate President Trump merely because he tells it like it is. And the American people, who they do not think will catch on to Hillary Rodham Clinton's vast left-wing conspiracy, are catching on, and it will be stand in the corner, Democrats at the next election. Of course, they will get sillier and sillier, but that's just how the mop flops. :)
isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Got it right on the nose, didn't I. :)
It's not republicans who are in fantasy, we know the truth.
It's sadly, the Democrat party, who Zeig Heil their puppetmasters and diss everyone else, especially those Republicans who know our leaders do the right thing. We like the President America voted into office. And he doesn't bend just because a few squiggeling movie star broads hate him based on lies that your Democrat Party sensationalized with a bought-and-paid-for liberal press who want socialism/communism at any price.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.

You see wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall which isn’t needed and won’t have any affect on your illegal immigrant population whatsoever, as a good idea. People who are smarter, and students of history know that WALLS DON’T WORK.

Walls do NOTHING to deal with the root causes of illegal migration which is employers like Donald Trump who are only to happy to exploit them. Taking away their jobs sends them home REAL fast.

Voted for Donald Trump which proves you’re not really very smart at all and you don’t know much at all or you would have known what a crook and a con man he is.
------------------------------- if nothing else the WALL and Pro WALL talk is simply a ' Personal poke in the eye to 'mex' and other third worlders' as it says , hey , we don't want YOU third worlders and i approve of it for that reason alone DLady .

Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country of the First World, you're not likely to get many well educated first worlders, because we're all much better off where we are with our universal health care, cleaner air and water, lower drug prices, and strong social safety net. There aren't mass shootings every week where we live.

I notice you feel no need to build a wall to stop Canadians from flooding across your border. While the American middle class is shrinking, ours is the fastest growing in the world.

With your c
You said: "Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country.....With your c"

You're calling my country a shit hole? I'm not worried about what foreigners say about my country, and you just earned yourself a ignore for it.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.

You see wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall which isn’t needed and won’t have any affect on your illegal immigrant population whatsoever, as a good idea. People who are smarter, and students of history know that WALLS DON’T WORK.

Walls do NOTHING to deal with the root causes of illegal migration which is employers like Donald Trump who are only to happy to exploit them. Taking away their jobs sends them home REAL fast.

Voted for Donald Trump which proves you’re not really very smart at all and you don’t know much at all or you would have known what a crook and a con man he is.
------------------------------- if nothing else the WALL and Pro WALL talk is simply a ' Personal poke in the eye to 'mex' and other third worlders' as it says , hey , we don't want YOU third worlders and i approve of it for that reason alone DLady .

Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country of the First World, you're not likely to get many well educated first worlders, because we're all much better off where we are with our universal health care, cleaner air and water, lower drug prices, and strong social safety net. There aren't mass shootings every week where we live.

I notice you feel no need to build a wall to stop Canadians from flooding across your border. While the American middle class is shrinking, ours is the fastest growing in the world.

With your c
--------------------------------------- many 'canooks' would prefer to be Americans so they are somewhat OK DLady .
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh vcd
Border agents said differently
show us the express wall building clause.
Immigration laws
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
does it?

these people walk thousands of miles through harsh country paying people they know would kill them if it served their purpose to get here. do you really think a wall is going to fix the problem?

man, i walked 2000 miles through the desert but this wall is now going to stop me...so close...

we need to fix the problem at the core - not try to simply contain it.

Oh yes a wall would stop them. Walls work. Ask the Israeli's. Ask the members of Congress who have walls around their homes.

We aren't responsible for the core problem. That's the responsibility of the Govt. in the country they came from.

I'm tired of spending billions on people who shouldn't be here at all. Build the wall and then boot those 20 million the hell out.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.

You see wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall which isn’t needed and won’t have any affect on your illegal immigrant population whatsoever, as a good idea. People who are smarter, and students of history know that WALLS DON’T WORK.

Walls do NOTHING to deal with the root causes of illegal migration which is employers like Donald Trump who are only to happy to exploit them. Taking away their jobs sends them home REAL fast.

Voted for Donald Trump which proves you’re not really very smart at all and you don’t know much at all or you would have known what a crook and a con man he is.
------------------------------- if nothing else the WALL and Pro WALL talk is simply a ' Personal poke in the eye to 'mex' and other third worlders' as it says , hey , we don't want YOU third worlders and i approve of it for that reason alone DLady .

Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country of the First World, you're not likely to get many well educated first worlders, because we're all much better off where we are with our universal health care, cleaner air and water, lower drug prices, and strong social safety net. There aren't mass shootings every week where we live.

I notice you feel no need to build a wall to stop Canadians from flooding across your border. While the American middle class is shrinking, ours is the fastest growing in the world.

With your c

Well for a shithole we are doing pretty damned good. Seems this shithole is the target of every freeloader in Mexico and South America.

Canadians don't flood across the border. Why should they?? They have a pretty good land to live it with free everything. Why come to America??

If you don't like America you can always move to Mexico or Canada. Good riddance.
and yet we've been arguing about containment for the entire trump admin and most all of the obama one.

where is that again?

again, you risked your life on the trip to get to america, is a wall going to stop you and make you turn around and go home?

we need to give them reasons to turn around and find a better life - at home.

Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.
what is going on in Guatemala that makes all these people risk lives to come here anyway? why is there such a flood THESE DAYS that wasn't hear 5 or 10 years ago?

how about we do some analytical thinking to this vs. slap up wall then bitch when they still come and now just view the wall as obstacle 381,383 of 450,000 to get here?
------------------------------------------------- MOTIVE for invading . My quick answer is WHO CARES . I don't understand this MOTIVE thing at all . I t happens all the time and to me its just silliness . As an example , on FOX a few minutes ago there was a shooting reported in 'australia' and the big Question is , what was the Motive for the shooting and the 4 that were shot dead in gun controlled 'australia' . Just an example on the silliness of worrying about MOTIVES .

They may very well be paid by enemies of America. It doesn't matter, a wall would keep a majority of them out.
again - you walked 2k miles through deadly country guided by people who will kill you w/o thought and drop you off to never be found in the desert.

and a wall is going to stop you?

do you give up on your dreams that easily? "God damn it - wall. going the fuck back home now..."
You're giving them far to much credit. Desire fails when you lack the resource or skill to overcome some obstacles.

It reminds Me of what Mike Rowe said about passion. Passion is not enough.

Watch the first 1:30 seconds to get the gist of what I am saying.

Simply because you won't give up, does not mean you will succeed. It is very likely they'll die on that hill, or wall if you prefer.

We need to do all the other stuff too, but first, we need the wall.
So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.

You see wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall which isn’t needed and won’t have any affect on your illegal immigrant population whatsoever, as a good idea. People who are smarter, and students of history know that WALLS DON’T WORK.

Walls do NOTHING to deal with the root causes of illegal migration which is employers like Donald Trump who are only to happy to exploit them. Taking away their jobs sends them home REAL fast.

Voted for Donald Trump which proves you’re not really very smart at all and you don’t know much at all or you would have known what a crook and a con man he is.
------------------------------- if nothing else the WALL and Pro WALL talk is simply a ' Personal poke in the eye to 'mex' and other third worlders' as it says , hey , we don't want YOU third worlders and i approve of it for that reason alone DLady .

Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country of the First World, you're not likely to get many well educated first worlders, because we're all much better off where we are with our universal health care, cleaner air and water, lower drug prices, and strong social safety net. There aren't mass shootings every week where we live.

I notice you feel no need to build a wall to stop Canadians from flooding across your border. While the American middle class is shrinking, ours is the fastest growing in the world.

With your c
You said: "Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country.....With your c"

You're calling my country a shit hole? I'm not worried about what foreigners say about my country, and you just earned yourself a ignore for it.

So Trump says make America Great Again and bitches and complains about the country for over a year and he gets a vote..

But Dragon lady actually show real evidence of some glaring problems and she is ignored...

Explain your reasoning...
So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.

You see wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on a wall which isn’t needed and won’t have any affect on your illegal immigrant population whatsoever, as a good idea. People who are smarter, and students of history know that WALLS DON’T WORK.

Walls do NOTHING to deal with the root causes of illegal migration which is employers like Donald Trump who are only to happy to exploit them. Taking away their jobs sends them home REAL fast.

Voted for Donald Trump which proves you’re not really very smart at all and you don’t know much at all or you would have known what a crook and a con man he is.
------------------------------- if nothing else the WALL and Pro WALL talk is simply a ' Personal poke in the eye to 'mex' and other third worlders' as it says , hey , we don't want YOU third worlders and i approve of it for that reason alone DLady .

Well, considering that the USA is the shit hole country of the First World, you're not likely to get many well educated first worlders, because we're all much better off where we are with our universal health care, cleaner air and water, lower drug prices, and strong social safety net. There aren't mass shootings every week where we live.

I notice you feel no need to build a wall to stop Canadians from flooding across your border. While the American middle class is shrinking, ours is the fastest growing in the world.

With your c

Well for a shithole we are doing pretty damned good. Seems this shithole is the target of every freeloader in Mexico and South America.

Canadians don't flood across the border. Why should they?? They have a pretty good land to live it with free everything. Why come to America??

If you don't like America you can always move to Mexico or Canada. Good riddance.

You mean the countries the US have destabilised through various means Drug War, Over Privatisation, Bribery, Dictatorship support, Coup Support, Gun running.... Now you are just washing your hands...
feck those foreigners and i say that not bothering to argues with you over what you say in Post 178 'english bob / cowboy ted' !! Even if what you said is correct , well , thats the way it goes 'english ted' .
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
does it?

these people walk thousands of miles through harsh country paying people they know would kill them if it served their purpose to get here. do you really think a wall is going to fix the problem?

man, i walked 2000 miles through the desert but this wall is now going to stop me...so close...

we need to fix the problem at the core - not try to simply contain it.

Oh yes a wall would stop them. Walls work. Ask the Israeli's. Ask the members of Congress who have walls around their homes.

We aren't responsible for the core problem. That's the responsibility of the Govt. in the country they came from.

I'm tired of spending billions on people who shouldn't be here at all. Build the wall and then boot those 20 million the hell out.
first of all - since i'm not for a wall, you and others seem to think i'm happy to let them come over here in droves and care for them.

200% WRONG.

i view illegal immigration as likely our biggest threat today. but i see both sides dug in and not doing ANYTHING simply because the other side doesn't want the first side to actually be credited with ANYTHING positive. if immigration isn't our biggest threat, this is.

ourselves. just stop for a second and look around at what we're doing to ourselves these days and the war-trenches we've dug so we don't give another inch to that "other side". the funding for a wall will never come through and it will continue to be built in ad-hoc "gofundme" ways. that isn't practical, is left to who will maintain it, and will still leave 1200 or so miles UNWALLED at this point.

how long will it take to gofundme 1200 miles of wall? on who's land are we going to put it when it becomes private property and the gov is not pushing this but people? no one is thinking this through and it's because of the environment we've collectively created that is our biggest holdup.

there are places where a wall certainly makes sense. to bring in israel is fine but their wall far out is more like a huge fence and not the concrete WW-Z wall the entire distance. also - they are under attack 24x7 so sure a wall makes more sense.

now again - i am FOR a wall where it makes sense. 200 miles of desert wall i think would be better served with long range detection of people coming and a use of technology to stop them and/or meet them at the border cause we've seen them coming. but where is the compromise of ideas? so far nowhere. i wanted to talk options and ideas; common in many discussion groups but the rabid right went into attack mode and would not listen to hear other ideas for solutions. yet these are the same people who bitch that the left won't listen.

funny how that happens far too often, huh? bitch at someone else cause they won't listen while you spend your time NOT listening? people are so afraid that if you give one inch your life will domino and the world will fall. i'd argue this bullheaded bullshit will end us faster than trying to compromise.

i did some research into why they keep coming and while sure the left making stupid promises is part of the puzzle, it's only part. there is more of a perfect storm of events going on. pull a few lynch pins out from this and the rest can cave in. but only if you look to understand what you're dealing with and choose to attack it intelligently, not emotionally.

putting up a wall can certainly be part of an overall solution but anyone thinking it is the entire solution is seriously delusional, to me anyway. i'd love to talk about ideas and solutions but you've seen many people in here simply can't have that.

my way or fuck off while they bitch at others doing the same. ironic as fuck in a seriously socially painful way.
Yeah, no welfare benefits, free food, and housing for illegals. Fine employers of illegals.
what is going on in Guatemala that makes all these people risk lives to come here anyway? why is there such a flood THESE DAYS that wasn't hear 5 or 10 years ago?

how about we do some analytical thinking to this vs. slap up wall then bitch when they still come and now just view the wall as obstacle 381,383 of 450,000 to get here?
------------------------------------------------- MOTIVE for invading . My quick answer is WHO CARES . I don't understand this MOTIVE thing at all . I t happens all the time and to me its just silliness . As an example , on FOX a few minutes ago there was a shooting reported in 'australia' and the big Question is , what was the Motive for the shooting and the 4 that were shot dead in gun controlled 'australia' . Just an example on the silliness of worrying about MOTIVES .

They may very well be paid by enemies of America. It doesn't matter, a wall would keep a majority of them out.
again - you walked 2k miles through deadly country guided by people who will kill you w/o thought and drop you off to never be found in the desert.

and a wall is going to stop you?

do you give up on your dreams that easily? "God damn it - wall. going the fuck back home now..."
You're giving them far to much credit. Desire fails when you lack the resource or skill to overcome some obstacles.

It reminds Me of what Mike Rowe said about passion. Passion is not enough.

Watch the first 1:30 seconds to get the gist of what I am saying.

Simply because you won't give up, does not mean you will succeed. It is very likely they'll die on that hill, or wall if you prefer.

We need to do all the other stuff too, but first, we need the wall.

my point is simply they will still come and 1900 miles of wall is very hard to defend. find a weak spot, send in a car bomb and flood in while you can. rinse, repeat where and as needed.

i want to see our gov pull their head out of their asses and work together to solve a problem but i appear to be one of the few who wants that.

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