Federal Judge throws out Democrat Attempt to Block Wall Funding

No judge has overturned the honorable judge Gilliam.


You just Luuuuuuv your bench legislators don't cha?
Be careful what you celebrate. Cuts both ways.
You're gonna be the first one boo hooing when Trump's judges start righting the ship. And he's filling benches with American judges really fast.
course some do walk . i read just the other day , the Cartels and 'mexicans' are providing some big or small transportation to the USA Southern border Iceberg . [and the 'mex' gov is encouraging the invaders for many , many years Iceberg]
where are they getting their water and food? LOL. anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks this is just people leaving are about as clueless to things as my asshole. The dems wish to destroy our country. it is as evident as anytime in history. It's time to take a stand at the border, I say all militia go after these invaders stick the barrel of a gun in their snout, cock their triggers and tell them to go back home or die. I have no problem with that at all. I think the open border invite will look different after that encounter. Anyone?

you go ahead and tell them that. since they feel they are already dead where they are, that threat to them is old news.
then it won't matter right? why do they feel they get a free pass? explain

BTW, then why doesn't every country with a family like that just not get to come here without vetting? shit why exist? let's all look like that then, cause that will be the end game.
why does the right wing get a free pass on our useless drug war; only to whine about refugees from the regions destablized by that very Government solution to all problems the right wing prefers.
No judge has overturned the honorable judge Gilliam.


You just Luuuuuuv your bench legislators don't cha?
Be careful what you celebrate.
You're gonna be the first one boo hooing when Trump's judges start righting the ship. And he's filling benches with American judges really fast.
He already has. That's how it works, ya dumbass. A new president comes in and they fill vacancies. Obama did it before him and the next president will do it too.


you go ahead and tell them that. since they feel they are already dead where they are, that threat to them is old news.
then it won't matter right? why do they feel they get a free pass? explain
where did i say it's a free pass?

please show me.

this would go easier if you'd stop making assumptions (incorrectly) on what i'm saying.

we need to help fix their problems at home so they will stop coming here as an answer. killing them when they get here to me just is not an option nor an answer.
well that's what it is right now and has been for decades. american People are tired of it. TIRED of giving freebies to foreigners and starving our own.
and i'm tired of it also.

but if we're still doing the same bullshit 10/20/30 years later, then what we're doing isn't working now is it?

why will a wall stop someone already making a trip such as they are? they're willing to travel across the depth of mexico in the most dangerous of fashions but a wall is going to make them turn around and go home?

you please explain to me how that will work vs. just be another hurdle to overcome along the way.
hurdles make it harder and takes away free access. I'm good with it. learn to accept the things you can't change.
You haven't changed our Constitution. There is no express immigration clause. Accept it.
Two walls are being built, private and publicly funded

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless

Your head is funnel shaped. A wall covering 0.00025 of the border doesn't funnel anyone. :cuckoo:
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Why do you support illegal immigration?
Leftist locksteppers are groomed to believe that they are above the Constitutional laws, and that their function is to sling mud on anyone who disagrees with DNC party planks, which amount to only one thing: "orange man bad." It's seedy. :coffee:
Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.

They'll stop when physically stopped, dumbass.
yea, i'm sure.

you also are illustrating the problem we actually face as a country today - we simply can't talk over issues w/o it getting personal.

that's 100% on us.
so you think they get an escalator or elevator to get around the wall? hahahahahaaha
Show me how a caravan gets over the wall. I'll wait.
Before or after they are electrocuted for bringing energy-related cheating equipment.? :muahaha:

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless

Your head is funnel shaped. A wall covering 0.00025 of the border doesn't funnel anyone. :cuckoo:
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh:
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless

Your head is funnel shaped. A wall covering 0.00025 of the border doesn't funnel anyone. :cuckoo:
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh vcd
Border agents said differently
Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.
I understand PERFECTLY. We have no wall and Democrats welcome them with open arms. At this point the left is willfully helping illegals game our system.

That's it in a nutshell

now what?
Build the fucking wall. Kick the left out of the house and fix the laws.

You're ability to play the middle of the road in your game of I'm above it all solves nothing.
Your contention that are inability to "talk" about the issue is laughable. There is nothing to talk about. The left are DEAD WRONG on the issue. Period.

1. They are in our nation unlawfully.
2. A wall would focus our resources on the points of entry making it easier to stem the flow and manage a situation like the one we have now that is TOTALLY out of control.
3. There is NOTHING the left can say that refutes the first two points.
4. The first job of our government is to protect our nation.
The people have to do that. That will not change until American citizens only are allowed to vote, and that will not change until the government invests in a combination of eye scans and purple thumb prints at the voting office, plus ballots written in English. The only people who won't be able to vote are likely not able to due to the language differences, and all voting places will have to be monitored by surveillance equipment from different angles to insure that Party Chairmen aren't pulling a fast one. When party chairmen pull a fast one, that polling booth needs to be shut down on the spot, no matter who does it.
Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.

They'll stop when physically stopped, dumbass.
yea, i'm sure.

you also are illustrating the problem we actually face as a country today - we simply can't talk over issues w/o it getting personal.

that's 100% on us.
------------------------- i reject what i perceive to be your reasoning that 'otm' and maybe 'mex' and others have it tough in their zhithole countries so that gives the invaders a valid reason to invade the USA for a better life . And then it sounds to me that you think that its on the USA to FIX their countries so that they will stop invading the USA . I reject BOTH your REASONINGS and simply say , feck those invaders . My goal is simply to stop the invaders at the 'border' no matter the cost and i think that the WALL ' MAY ' help stop the invasion Iceberg .
It's too bad it's come to that, but you're correct. It has come to that.

Your head is funnel shaped. A wall covering 0.00025 of the border doesn't funnel anyone. :cuckoo:
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh vcd
Border agents said differently
Great, let's see you quote one saying that private fence kept out an illegal alien....
None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.
I understand PERFECTLY. We have no wall and Democrats welcome them with open arms. At this point the left is willfully helping illegals game our system.

That's it in a nutshell

now what?
Build the fucking wall. Kick the left out of the house and fix the laws.

You're ability to play the middle of the road in your game of I'm above it all solves nothing.
Your contention that are inability to "talk" about the issue is laughable. There is nothing to talk about. The left are DEAD WRONG on the issue. Period.

1. They are in our nation unlawfully.
2. A wall would focus our resources on the points of entry making it easier to stem the flow and manage a situation like the one we have now that is TOTALLY out of control.
3. There is NOTHING the left can say that refutes the first two points.
4. The first job of our government is to protect our nation.
The people have to do that. That will not change until American citizens only are allowed to vote, and that will not change until the government invests in a combination of eye scans and purple thumb prints at the voting office, plus ballots written in English. The only people who won't be able to vote are likely not able to due to the language differences, and all voting places will have to be monitored by surveillance equipment from different angles to insure that Party Chairmen aren't pulling a fast one. When party chairmen pull a fast one, that polling booth needs to be shut down on the spot, no matter who does it.
When it comes to federal elections, only U.S. citizens are allowed to vote.
So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
Of course I do. We don't need to rebuild the wall... most people don't want him to... he declared it an emergency only after Democrats took control of the House... and he wants to take money away from the military that Congress appropriated for them.

As far as illegals committing crimes, people from all segments commit crimes. Many Republicans love to rape little kids, do we get rid of Republicans?

You are a complete and utter fool.

The wall would stop illegals from coming into our country. Once its up we can boot those 20 million back to Mexico.

It would save we tax payers billions.
Dumbfuck, much of the border already has walls and fences.
-------------------------- and needs MORE and better as the TRUMP plans Faun .
Shhh! He has his delusions. Wait until he finds his anathema has a 160+ iq in human understanding and maturity. :muahaha:
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh vcd
Border agents said differently
Great, let's see you quote one saying that private fence kept out an illegal alien....
When all is complete we will funnel the animals to a port gotta wait relax snowflake
So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Two walls are being built, private and publicly funded

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless
Seeking asylum is not illegal. And, there is no express immigration clause.

Nothing but the abomination of hypocrisy with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

That is why we don't take the right wing seriously.

Job 34:30 applies.

Hypocrisy cuts many angles. My favorite is the Asylum defense from Liberals. Based on the Asylum guidelines, Mexico should be the final stop. Further, why do liberals lose their shit over Trump calling these countries “shit holes” and immediately pivot to the oppression, persecution, torture, and rape these people face?
It is in the favor of America if we let them have their little dreamy delusions of making America into a shithole so they can seize power. They hate President Trump merely because he tells it like it is. And the American people, who they do not think will catch on to Hillary Rodham Clinton's vast left-wing conspiracy, are catching on, and it will be stand in the corner, Democrats at the next election. Of course, they will get sillier and sillier, but that's just how the mop flops. :)
Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
That post, in its entirety, was making your case FOR you, and you want to cherry-pick one friggin' line? Really?

Not the brightest crayon in the box, are ya... dolt ?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.
I understand PERFECTLY. We have no wall and Democrats welcome them with open arms. At this point the left is willfully helping illegals game our system.

That's it in a nutshell

now what?
Build the fucking wall. Kick the left out of the house and fix the laws.

You're ability to play the middle of the road in your game of I'm above it all solves nothing.
Your contention that are inability to "talk" about the issue is laughable. There is nothing to talk about. The left are DEAD WRONG on the issue. Period.

1. They are in our nation unlawfully.
2. A wall would focus our resources on the points of entry making it easier to stem the flow and manage a situation like the one we have now that is TOTALLY out of control.
3. There is NOTHING the left can say that refutes the first two points.
4. The first job of our government is to protect our nation.
The people have to do that. That will not change until American citizens only are allowed to vote, and that will not change until the government invests in a combination of eye scans and purple thumb prints at the voting office, plus ballots written in English. The only people who won't be able to vote are likely not able to due to the language differences, and all voting places will have to be monitored by surveillance equipment from different angles to insure that Party Chairmen aren't pulling a fast one. When party chairmen pull a fast one, that polling booth needs to be shut down on the spot, no matter who does it.
When it comes to federal elections, only U.S. citizens are allowed to vote.
They've been caught fudging a time or two, sweetie. And I'd sure like the recipes. :)


It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh vcd
Border agents said differently
Great, let's see you quote one saying that private fence kept out an illegal alien....
Let's see you prove you have a brain.
It’s actually higher in the location it’s in
The border is nearly 2000 miles long. Half a mile covers only about 0.00025 of that. That was worth $22 million, huh?
Yes. The cost to American taxpayers for illegal immigrants is far greater.
A half mile of fence won't keep a single person from illegally crossing over. :eusa_doh vcd
Border agents said differently
Great, let's see you quote one saying that private fence kept out an illegal alien....
We just know it does. Within the last few days, a couple of people have died from falls trying to get over the unscalable 40' wall.

And furthermore.......
President Trump's use of tariffs as a negotiating tool is in stark contrast to how Republicans have traditionally operated, according to Brit Hume.

The move would be a "dramatic departure" from conservative orthodoxy if Trump follows through on his threat to impose tariffs on countries like China and Mexico, Hume said Tuesday on "The Story."


"He really has made a kind of dramatic departure from what had been contemporary American conservative thought about trade," Hume claimed. "Tariffs were considered anathema and people look back to the tariffs that were imposed during the Great Depression and the damage they did and said, 'this is folly'."

Last week, Trump threatened to institute a 5 percent tariff on Mexico until the illegal immigration surge at the southern border is "remedied."

Too bad, Demmies. President Trump loves American citizens, but he will accept some if they have something to give back. IOW, drug dealers, go home. Drug swindlers who kill 300 Americans per week, go home. People who want to replace American law with Sharia law, go home. People using coming over here to destroy any American job, any American citizen, to home; any rapist of women or children, go home, any killer out of prison dumped at the border, go home, any American hater bent on damaging America in the future, go home.

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