Federal Judge throws out Democrat Attempt to Block Wall Funding

Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.

They'll stop when physically stopped, dumbass.
yea, i'm sure.

you also are illustrating the problem we actually face as a country today - we simply can't talk over issues w/o it getting personal.

that's 100% on us.
so you think they get an escalator or elevator to get around the wall? hahahahahaaha
Show me how a caravan gets over the wall. I'll wait.

seems to me a lot of places they can get by today. you think they're going to aim for a walled off area vs. non walled?

while you can keep screaming BUILD THE WALL how many years til complete? what do we do until then?

i want illegal immigration stopped. you and others seem to think that cause i don't believe a wall will do it, i'm for them coming over here.

therein lies the problem when you scream at others vs work to get their viewpoint.
None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.

They'll stop when physically stopped, dumbass.
yea, i'm sure.

you also are illustrating the problem we actually face as a country today - we simply can't talk over issues w/o it getting personal.

that's 100% on us.
so you think they get an escalator or elevator to get around the wall? hahahahahaaha
Show me how a caravan gets over the wall. I'll wait.
Hes just playing a game. Thumbing his nose at everyone because they wont talk.
Pretending to be nonpartisan solves nothing.
i'm trying to talk about what we can do to fix it. your lack of understanding what i'm trying to say isn't my issue. if others want to scream FUCK YOU that's on them and no - i'm not going to scream back because i *am* after conversation on the topic.

not pissing contests we have more than enough of.
Far better to prosecute employers of Illegals, arrest Sanctuary City leadership, cut-off money wire transfers to Mexico, etc.

None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.
I understand PERFECTLY. We have no wall and Democrats welcome them with open arms. At this point the left is willfully helping illegals game our system.

That's it in a nutshell

now what?
Build the fucking wall. Kick the left out of the house and fix the laws.

You're ability to play the middle of the road in your game of I'm above it all solves nothing.
Your contention that are inability to "talk" about the issue is laughable. There is nothing to talk about. The left are DEAD WRONG on the issue. Period.

1. They are in our nation unlawfully.
2. A wall would focus our resources on the points of entry making it easier to stem the flow and manage a situation like the one we have now that is TOTALLY out of control.
3. There is NOTHING the left can say that refutes the first two points.
4. The first job of our government is to protect our nation.

1. yes they are and they need to go.
2. and would take how long to build esp given our own infighting in the task? can that $ be spent on better solutions? all i'm asking but no one seems to want to talk and that's fine. you know what i'm after and if you don't want to have a convo about it simply shut the fuck up.
3. they don't have to say anything now do they? it still won't fund the wall. Pyhrric victory but enjoy.
4. yes it is.
i'm trying to talk about what we can do to fix it.

No, you're blowing hot air out of your big fucking mouth.

The left don't give two shits about your "ideas"
Pretending to be non partisan in order to win favor with those who oppose securing our border is beyond stupid.
i'm trying to talk about what we can do to fix it.

No, you're blowing hot air out of your big fucking mouth.

The left don't give two shits about your "ideas"
Pretending to be non partisan in order to win favor with those who oppose securing our border is beyond stupid.
i'm stating my opinion and you're simply trying to stereotype me so you don't have to think about what i'm saying.

got it. you can't talk, just make demands. then accuse the left of doing the same.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

LefTard Logic:
“I hate security, our Declaration Of Independence, the right to sovereignty and prosperity for Americans....We need wetbacks because they need us, we love pet humans, they make our bleeding foolish hearts feel good...we always love to be noble when armed with the checkbooks of other's.”
when they start walking their own walks, I may want to listen then, but until they bring homeless people into their homes to prove using their own money that they would be successful in bringing in foreigners, My butt hole is full Ohio!!!
BTW, why didn't we just shake Hitler's hand and thank him?
None of that will stop desperate people. I would rather be homeless in America than live in the shitholes they come from.

A wall would stop most of the crossings. People claiming otherwise are just insanely stupid. Are you insanely stupid?
to you - i guess so.

but take a look at what they have to go through to get to our border. TO ME it's insane to think they'll stop there vs. keep looking for a way past it.

they've already gotten past so much you don't even seem to understand.

They'll stop when physically stopped, dumbass.
yea, i'm sure.

you also are illustrating the problem we actually face as a country today - we simply can't talk over issues w/o it getting personal.

that's 100% on us.
so you think they get an escalator or elevator to get around the wall? hahahahahaaha
Show me how a caravan gets over the wall. I'll wait.

seems to me a lot of places they can get by today. you think they're going to aim for a walled off area vs. non walled?

while you can keep screaming BUILD THE WALL how many years til complete? what do we do until then?

i want illegal immigration stopped. you and others seem to think that cause i don't believe a wall will do it, i'm for them coming over here.

therein lies the problem when you scream at others vs work to get their viewpoint.
so answer your own question what do we do? I'll listen!!! offer up something sherlock
i'm trying to talk about what we can do to fix it.

No, you're blowing hot air out of your big fucking mouth.

The left don't give two shits about your "ideas"
Pretending to be non partisan in order to win favor with those who oppose securing our border is beyond stupid.
i'm stating my opinion and you're simply trying to stereotype me so you don't have to think about what i'm saying.

got it. you can't talk, just make demands. then accuse the left of doing the same.
See folks there it is....

He pretends to be in the middle to look good.

What a schmuck.

PS. Your ideas are neither unique or the solution. The "Solution" must be accompanied by a physical barrier. Short of that NOTHING will change.
the big Trump immigration national emergency wound up as a tariff on mexico that american taxpayers got stuck paying for -

smuck? hardly

dumbas MFR's, no doubt ...
the big Trump immigration national emergency wound up as a tariff on mexico that american taxpayers got stuck paying for -

smuck? hardly

dumbas MFR's, no doubt ...
maybe some new asylum laws would be better, eh?
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
Two walls are being built, private and publicly funded

The private wall is half a mile. That was a waste by conservatives who were duped out of some $22 million which is not going to stop anyone from crossing. The public one has been stopped thanks to an injunction placed by the honorable Haywood Gilliam.
No it helps funnel illegals .. the border agents are very thankful! God bless

Your head is funnel shaped. A wall covering 0.00025 of the border doesn't funnel anyone. :cuckoo:
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
Of course I do. We don't need to rebuild the wall... most people don't want him to... he declared it an emergency only after Democrats took control of the House... and he wants to take money away from the military that Congress appropriated for them.

As far as illegals committing crimes, people from all segments commit crimes. Many Republicans love to rape little kids, do we get rid of Republicans?

You are a complete and utter fool.

The wall would stop illegals from coming into our country. Once its up we can boot those 20 million back to Mexico.

It would save we tax payers billions.
Dumbfuck, much of the border already has walls and fences.
The wall that isn't needed??

You seem to have missed the 20 million illegals who are in the country right now that cost we tax payers billions each year.

I couldn't care less about your "root" cause and neither do most Americans.

I voted for Trump and will vote for him again in 2020. You voted for Hitlery which proves what an utter fool you are.

As for smart?? That sure isn't your ignorant ass.

Faun, Oldlady and most of the "Open Border" advocates are probably Socialists, Communists or just plain hate America for what ever reason.
Whatever cause results in the demise of freedom in America, they'll be there in support.
^^^ just another kool‐aid drinking idiot who thinks those of us who are against rebuilding the border walls are for open borders. :cuckoo:
A win for presidential powers in declaring national emergencies to solve legislative impasses with the opposition party.

That Karma's gonna run over your Dogma.

Um...hate to be the one to open your eyes old boy but.....
With as many as 500,000 illegals crossing the border MONTHLY...
It is an Invasion....therefor "National Emergency" is accurate.

Unfortunately, the "opposition" relishes the destruction of America.
Prove there are as many as half a million illegally crossing the border a month....
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.
A lot of honorable people do stupid things, but if they still have bad breath, they need to brush their teeth, sir. The honorable Haywood Gilliam erred. honest. :)
Your opinion is noted, but other than gnashing your teeth, I see nothing in your post demonstrating the honorable judge was wrong.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
Well, Rule #! in Demmie world is "Let other people pay the price for me." and "Just put my check in the mail."
Dumbass, I get no such checks and no one is paying anything for me. You rightards are brain-dead, knowing nothing other than what your handlers spoon feed you.
Federal Judge Rejects Democrats’ Attempt to Block Border Wall Funding

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. rejected Monday House Democrats’ request to block President Donald Trump from transferring appropriated funds for use to build additional sections of the wall on the U.S. – Mexico border.

Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said that Congress should use the tools it has instead of drawing the court into a food fight between the executive and legislative branches.

“The Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President,” McFadden wrote. “Congress has several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

The courts should be a weapon of last resort in disputes instead of the first place to file a political disagreement.​

So? Thanks to the honorable Haywood Gilliam the wall is still not being built.

Oh and you see that as a good thing??

You apparently don't mind we tax payers spending billions every year on the 20 million illegals in this country.

You also don't seem to mind the American who are robbed, raped and murdered by illegals every year.

Just shows what a fool you are.
Of course I do. We don't need to rebuild the wall... most people don't want him to... he declared it an emergency only after Democrats took control of the House... and he wants to take money away from the military that Congress appropriated for them.

As far as illegals committing crimes, people from all segments commit crimes. Many Republicans love to rape little kids, do we get rid of Republicans?

You are a complete and utter fool.

The wall would stop illegals from coming into our country. Once its up we can boot those 20 million back to Mexico.

It would save we tax payers billions.
Dumbfuck, much of the border already has walls and fences.
-------------------------- and needs MORE and better as the TRUMP plans Faun .

you go ahead and tell them that. since they feel they are already dead where they are, that threat to them is old news.
then it won't matter right? why do they feel they get a free pass? explain
where did i say it's a free pass?

please show me.

this would go easier if you'd stop making assumptions (incorrectly) on what i'm saying.

we need to help fix their problems at home so they will stop coming here as an answer. killing them when they get here to me just is not an option nor an answer.
well that's what it is right now and has been for decades. american People are tired of it. TIRED of giving freebies to foreigners and starving our own.
and i'm tired of it also.

but if we're still doing the same bullshit 10/20/30 years later, then what we're doing isn't working now is it?

why will a wall stop someone already making a trip such as they are? they're willing to travel across the depth of mexico in the most dangerous of fashions but a wall is going to make them turn around and go home?

you please explain to me how that will work vs. just be another hurdle to overcome along the way.

You fucking reverse shill, STFU. A wall was promised 30 years ago and has not been built yet. It's going to get built now, and yes, it will stem the flow of illegals across the border.

You act like you're a vampire and a border wall is a cross or Holy water, what's going on with you?
The wall's already there, ya dumbfuck cuck. :eusa_doh:


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