Federal Judge writes law ordering military to pay for gender switch treatment

These people are serving our nation and defending your freedoms and liberties. The least you can do is allow them to get the medical care they need.

What a treasonous piece of shit you conservatives are. Cowards all. Probably never fucking served. Dishonorable freaks.
You ever have a net teacher named Guno? Seems like it!
Its unconstitutional to discriminated against an entire group of people, just like it is unconstitutional to discriminate against muslims in the travel ban.

Trans people have a right to serve in the military.
Its not a necessity, so why should anyone else have to pay for it?

God bless you always!!!

It is necessary. The medication is necessary. I doubt you ever served and probably should stop being disrespectful towards our troops.
Refusing to pay for an elective procedure is not disrespectful. A person will not die if they don't have a gender change procedure done on themselves and if they can go overseas and live to tell about everything that they endured over there, then they can take care of an elective occurrence themselves.

God bless you and our troops always!!!

Its unconstitutional to discriminated against an entire group of people, just like it is unconstitutional to discriminate against muslims in the travel ban.

Trans people have a right to serve in the military.

Its unconstitutional to discriminated against an entire group of people

Stopping people who are mentally ill from serving is not discrimination.

Trans people have a right to serve in the military.

No one has that right.
Its unconstitutional to discriminated against an entire group of people, just like it is unconstitutional to discriminate against muslims in the travel ban.

Trans people have a right to serve in the military.
no they dont just like diabetics can not serve trans must take medication the rest of their life making them undeployable and useless to the military.
again for the slow and stupid people with conditions that require daily medication are barred from service why would the military allow trans to serve when they require daily medication for their condition? or are you going to fight to allow diabetics to serve now?

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