Federal judges rewrite constitution again. Say illegals have right to drivers licenses

Won't be long before a judge rewrites the constitution stating that illegals have a right to vote!
Of course, there is nothing in the constitution about rights for people that aren't even allowed to be here.!! The judges took their usual bribes from the Illegal Alien Lobby.

Supreme Court denies stay path cleared for dreamers to get licenses

dec 17 2014
For more than two years, Gov. Jan Brewer has waged a costly legal battle to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of young undocumented immigrants known as dreamers.

She has lost one court decision after another.

On Wednesday, less than three weeks before she leaves office, Brewer was dealt another defeat when the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for "dreamers" to get licenses.

The court denied Brewer's request for a delay that would have allowed her to keep denying licenses to dreamers while she prepares an appeal to the justices.

Within hours of the Supreme Court's decision, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals instructed U.S. District Judge David Campbell to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Brewer's driver's-license ban.
How can he rewrite the Constitution when Drivers' licenses aren't in the Constitution?
speedos is a dipshit....he ran from a thread HE started months ago saying that Obama is the one who sets the postage rates..........
Rubbish logic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate air travel, therefore we can't have an FAA directing traffic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate child porn, therefore I can traffic in it. And I can put it on the internet whether I make it or not, because no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate the internet.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate broadcasting, so I can put up my tower and run my own TV station.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate sending anthrax threat letters, therefore I can do it.

Plug in your own fantasy here. Loads of fun. After all, no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate it.

Your feeble brain missed the point completely. All those matters should be handled by the states. If you want the feds involved then amend the constitution. THINK
Won't be long before a judge rewrites the constitution stating that illegals have a right to vote!

That is NOT far-fetched at all. The states need to stand up and say we will not honor laws written by the courts or the president. The federal constitution says they have no such authority.
ShootSpeeders, post: 10386306, member: 37134"]
Rubbish logic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate air travel, therefore we can't have an FAA directing traffic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate child porn, therefore I can traffic in it. And I can put it on the internet whether I make it or not, because no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate the internet.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate broadcasting, so I can put up my tower and run my own TV station.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate sending anthrax threat letters, therefore I can do it.

Plug in your own fantasy here. Loads of fun. After all, no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate it.

Your feeble brain missed the point completely. All those matters should be handled by the states. If you want the feds involved then amend the constitution. THINK[/QUOTE]
speedos saying someone has a feeble brain.....

Of course, there is nothing in the constitution about rights for people that aren't even allowed to be here.!! The judges took their usual bribes from the Illegal Alien Lobby.

Supreme Court denies stay path cleared for dreamers to get licenses

dec 17 2014
For more than two years, Gov. Jan Brewer has waged a costly legal battle to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of young undocumented immigrants known as dreamers.

She has lost one court decision after another.

On Wednesday, less than three weeks before she leaves office, Brewer was dealt another defeat when the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for "dreamers" to get licenses.

The court denied Brewer's request for a delay that would have allowed her to keep denying licenses to dreamers while she prepares an appeal to the justices.

Within hours of the Supreme Court's decision, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals instructed U.S. District Judge David Campbell to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Brewer's driver's-license ban.

Uh - really.

Which article of the Constitution refers to driving?

Immigration is a state issue.

Driving is guaranteed by the Constitution and the Ninth amendment.

The reason is guaranteed by the Constitution is because no SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED POWER WAS GRANTED authorizing the federal government to regulate it.

Same with obutthurtcare.
shoots, your interpretation of the U.S. Constitution is stone cold wrong.
Doubt it, the lefts is. Illegals don't deserve drivers licenses, period. Stupid libtards.
i think they do.....if they have a car which a hell of a lot of them do....now they have to have ins unlike before and the car has to be registered....
No, they don't! They shouldn't have cars either.
no they dont what?....
shoots, your interpretation of the U.S. Constitution is stone cold wrong.
Doubt it, the lefts is. Illegals don't deserve drivers licenses, period. Stupid libtards.
i think they do.....if they have a car which a hell of a lot of them do....now they have to have ins unlike before and the car has to be registered....
No, they don't! They shouldn't have cars either.
no they dont what?....
Deserve drivers licenses, keep up.
Of course they do and insurance too

Hey einstein. Does mexico give drivers licenses to illegal invaders? Does any country in the world other than america do it.? The idea of granting privileges to millions of people who are aren't even allowed to be in the country is insane. THINK
Of course, there is nothing in the constitution about rights for people that aren't even allowed to be here.!! The judges took their usual bribes from the Illegal Alien Lobby.

Supreme Court denies stay path cleared for dreamers to get licenses

dec 17 2014
For more than two years, Gov. Jan Brewer has waged a costly legal battle to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of young undocumented immigrants known as dreamers.

She has lost one court decision after another.

On Wednesday, less than three weeks before she leaves office, Brewer was dealt another defeat when the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for "dreamers" to get licenses.

The court denied Brewer's request for a delay that would have allowed her to keep denying licenses to dreamers while she prepares an appeal to the justices.

Within hours of the Supreme Court's decision, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals instructed U.S. District Judge David Campbell to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Brewer's driver's-license ban.

Uh - really.

Which article of the Constitution refers to driving?
The 10th Amendment, silly.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Nothing about "driving" in there.
You're absolutely right. The Constitution doesn't cover driving a car so the right to regulate drivers' licenses falls to the states.
Rubbish logic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate air travel, therefore we can't have an FAA directing traffic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate child porn, therefore I can traffic in it. And I can put it on the internet whether I make it or not, because no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate the internet.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate broadcasting, so I can put up my tower and run my own TV station.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate sending anthrax threat letters, therefore I can do it.

Plug in your own fantasy here. Loads of fun. After all, no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate it.

Your feeble brain missed the point completely. All those matters should be handled by the states. If you want the feds involved then amend the constitution. THINK

"All those matters should be handled by the states"??

Take the first example: airline flight.
No plane should be able to cross state lines? I mean, we can't have an Indiana plane trying to land in Cleveland! States' rights!

Take the broadcasting example.
New Jersey's state broadcast commission says I can jam the stations across the river in NYC. Hey, it's a different state! States' Rights!

THINK, Dimbulb.
shoots, your interpretation of the U.S. Constitution is stone cold wrong.
Doubt it, the lefts is. Illegals don't deserve drivers licenses, period. Stupid libtards.
i think they do.....if they have a car which a hell of a lot of them do....now they have to have ins unlike before and the car has to be registered....
No, they don't! They shouldn't have cars either.
no they dont what?....
Deserve drivers licenses, keep up.
well when they run into you without Ins.....then you can go through the shit to get someone to cover your damages....here they have to have at least Liability like everyone else....maybe you should try keeping up....
A drivers license indicates you have the required skills to operate a motor vehicle on our roads

I would rather illegals have demonstrated those skills than not
AmericanFirst, when you post you show your mediocrity on these issues every way every day.
Last edited:
Rubbish logic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate air travel, therefore we can't have an FAA directing traffic.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate child porn, therefore I can traffic in it. And I can put it on the internet whether I make it or not, because no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate the internet.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate broadcasting, so I can put up my tower and run my own TV station.

No specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate sending anthrax threat letters, therefore I can do it.

Plug in your own fantasy here. Loads of fun. After all, no specifically enumerated power was granted authorizing the federal government to regulate it.

Your feeble brain missed the point completely. All those matters should be handled by the states. If you want the feds involved then amend the constitution. THINK

"All those matters should be handled by the states"??

Take the first example: airline flight.
No plane should be able to cross state lines? I mean, we can't have an Indiana plane trying to land in Cleveland! States' rights!

Take the broadcasting example.
New Jersey's state broadcast commission says I can jam the stations across the river in NYC. Hey, it's a different state! States' Rights!

That's the purpose of the commerce clause.

THINK, Dimbulb.
A drivers license should not be a proof of citizenship, it should be a proof of your driving ability

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