federal judges throw out North Carolinas congressional map, saying it was drawn to favor Republicans

My favorite part of this story:

The judges ordered the General Assembly to approve another set of districts by Jan. 24. Candidate filing for the November congressional elections begins Feb. 12, with primaries set for early May. A majority of the judges also agreed the panel would hire a redistricting expert to draw replacement boundaries if the legislature won't.

Fix it or we will - LoL!

And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.

You haven't learned a goddam thing here have you.

Once again --- most people are neither a Democrat nor a Republican. IT'S NOT REQUIRED. I don't care how much hype either one crows about itself as the be-all and end-all, they just AIN'T.

Break out of this Dichotomy Prison you've confined yourself to and see the world.

Most people lean one way or the other.

You are arguing balls and strikes when the country is actually playing football.

You have to change the game before you argue about the rules sucking in this case.
My favorite part of this story:

The judges ordered the General Assembly to approve another set of districts by Jan. 24. Candidate filing for the November congressional elections begins Feb. 12, with primaries set for early May. A majority of the judges also agreed the panel would hire a redistricting expert to draw replacement boundaries if the legislature won't.

Fix it or we will - LoL!

And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.
If the Republicans had not so publicly fucked the pooch, this wouldn't be happening, now would it dumbass.
And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.

What you nuts fail to realize is that most normal people, particularly in the professional realm - are not hyper-partisans

Bullshit. The type of person who would be an "expert" in governmental districting probably has a 90% chance of being a Democrat.
My favorite part of this story:

The judges ordered the General Assembly to approve another set of districts by Jan. 24. Candidate filing for the November congressional elections begins Feb. 12, with primaries set for early May. A majority of the judges also agreed the panel would hire a redistricting expert to draw replacement boundaries if the legislature won't.

Fix it or we will - LoL!

And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.
If the Republicans had not so publicly fucked the pooch, this wouldn't be happening, now would it dumbass.

No its because nevertrumpers like you are Quisling-ing yourself to the other side.
And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.

What you nuts fail to realize is that most normal people, particularly in the professional realm - are not hyper-partisans

Bullshit. The type of person who would be an "expert" in governmental districting probably has a 90% chance of being a Democrat.

Perhaps you were not aware that one of the judges involved in this decision is a George W Bush appointee.
Here's how to publicly fuck the pooch. Ladies and gentlemen, the eponymous salamander:


My favorite part of this story:

The judges ordered the General Assembly to approve another set of districts by Jan. 24. Candidate filing for the November congressional elections begins Feb. 12, with primaries set for early May. A majority of the judges also agreed the panel would hire a redistricting expert to draw replacement boundaries if the legislature won't.

Fix it or we will - LoL!

And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.
If the Republicans had not so publicly fucked the pooch, this wouldn't be happening, now would it dumbass.

Republicans Republicans Republicans! Marsha Marsha Marsha!
And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.

What you nuts fail to realize is that most normal people, particularly in the professional realm - are not hyper-partisans

Bullshit. The type of person who would be an "expert" in governmental districting probably has a 90% chance of being a Democrat.

Perhaps you were not aware that one of the judges involved in this decision is a George W Bush appointee.

Don't care. still opening up the process to progressive manipulation, because they are the ones with 1) love of government 2) no scruples whatsoever when it comes to getting power
North Carolina Congressional Map Ruled Unconstitutionally Gerrymandered

This North Carolina decision will help the Democratic wave that is coming in November.
Look at district 12 on the map in your link.

Jesus H. Christ. Can gerrymandering be more obvious?


Yeah that's just egregious. It's ghettoizing. It's putting walls up.

I live in 11 over to the west. Here's what it looked like before 2017


Note where Asheville is. The "big" (small) city of the region, the cultural and economic nexus. Where everybody goes for specialized services, exotic dining or a baseball game. Now that's a pretty simple outline --- a chunk of land that makes up the western tip --- done. Most of it is rural.

Here's the same district redrawn as of a year ago:


Not as drastic as 12 above but that missing piece is Asheville. Apparently it was sending too many "D" votes for the tastes of the PTB. Even though Asheville itself has no more in common with its new territory than its old one demographically, culturally or geographically.

Actually the district was already fairly balanced, having been in Republican control for 20 of the previous 32 years. Apparently that wasn't enough. Because there's no such thing as "enough" When you only control the joint 2/3 of the time you get involved in electoral "contests" and competing is hard :crybaby:

So the state honchos decided that "D" could stand for "diluted".
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Majority minority districts will be the first to go if gerrymandering is outlawed. And no Democrat will ever win again in 30 plus states. But that wont happen. The courts have upheald gerrymandering both for partisan reasons and for treating blacks as special, protected unassailable democrat voting blocks.
Louisiana sends Republicans or populists generally to the House. Except for New Orleans where the Federal govrnment chooses the candidate and they have decided he will always be black.

So Louisiana citizen have much less voting power in order to give New Orleans slums a say in DC. This is an example. New Orleans is the little pink district.


After Katrina the slums of New Orleans emptied out and the residents ended up spread across the South in large cities but mostly in Galveston, Shreveport and Houston. Louisiana dropped from 7 seats to 6 because of the population loss in New Orleans. But the Feds were desperate to protect their lone Democrat from Louisiana and determined to keep race based voting alive. So they combined the 7th and 3rd districts and expanded the designated black district to reach from south of New Orleans to north of Baton Rouge.
Thats right. The areas of Louisiana that gained population lost representation while the area that lost population was given more representation.

The new districts.

louisiana 2.png

They even took the West Bank from the 1st to add to New Orleans. New Orleans District 2 now encompasses South Kenner and west bank as well as Baker and in the north of Baton Rouge. They couldn't just expand outwards logically because the suburbs would have included whites. So they took a narrow corridor up I10, grabbed the black districts of Baton Rouge to counter any whites picked up.
The new district screams gerrymandering.

louisiana 3.png

So dont worry about gerrymandering. The Supreme Court has upheld it time and again and the Federal Government has ordered it time and again.

Federal judges DREW the district above.
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Perhaps you were not aware that one of the judges involved in this decision is a George W Bush appointee.

Don't care. still opening up the process to progressive manipulation, because they are the ones with 1) love of government 2) no scruples whatsoever when it comes to getting power

It's fun to watch you get triggered every time you don't get your way :smile:
Perhaps you were not aware that one of the judges involved in this decision is a George W Bush appointee.

Don't care. still opening up the process to progressive manipulation, because they are the ones with 1) love of government 2) no scruples whatsoever when it comes to getting power

It's fun to watch you get triggered every time you don't get your way :smile:

No triggering, just pointing out the inherent dishonesty of the Left.
My favorite part of this story:

The judges ordered the General Assembly to approve another set of districts by Jan. 24. Candidate filing for the November congressional elections begins Feb. 12, with primaries set for early May. A majority of the judges also agreed the panel would hire a redistricting expert to draw replacement boundaries if the legislature won't.

Fix it or we will - LoL!

And I'm sure the court will make sure the "expert" will have a (D) after their name.

Because, you know, fairness.
If the Republicans had not so publicly fucked the pooch, this wouldn't be happening, now would it dumbass.

No its because nevertrumpers like you are Quisling-ing yourself to the other side.

And there you go yet again on your obsession with "other sides". As if all this is nothing more than some football game.

This is completely sailing over your head isn't it. Aided in no small measure by your uncanny ability to duck out of its way.


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