Federal Reserve head is questioned on controversial “debanking of disfavored individuals”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
This is an interesting topic.

I was not really that aware of this when Obama was president. Those who are very vigilant of our gun rights, would be much more aware of this, than I. Apparently, during the Obama administration, the left weaponized the FED, and the FDIC, to debank businesses who did not agree with their political agenda.

This would include pawn shops, and other places that traded in guns, payday lenders, etc. The constitutionality of it was in doubt.

When I do searches of topics, usually, this site is pretty good about covering them all, this one came up with not so many hits. The global technocratic state, had used this tactic to debank the Canadian Truck protest. Only one thread on that came up.

Several threads that listed Trump's accomplishments of fighting back against Operation Choke Point Came up, but I don't believe the folks that listed them, really understood the liberty restoring nature of this move. . .

Anyway, this totalitarian garbage? It is back. There is a MUST SEE VIDEO of these hearings, at this link. I have found no where to embed it, so go here;

March 23, 2023

Watch: Federal Reserve head is questioned on controversial “debanking of disfavored individuals”​

Quizzed on claims that the federal government is weaponizing the banking system.

". . . Davidson then pressed Powell on whether financial regulators use their powers to control third parties.

“If you don't comply with the regulatory regime, you don't get to operate a financial services business, right?” Davidson asked Powell.

“That's right,” Powell confirmed.

Davidson followed up by quizzing Powell on his recent remarks about digital assets posing a systemic risk to the financial system.

Powell defended the comments by insisting that “we don't want regulation to oppose innovation and thus entrench incumbents” but arguing that “permissionless blockchains…have been vehicles for fraud.”

Davidson pushed back by noting that the Federal Reserve's own report on fraud claimed that blockchain-based fraud was 0.24% — a stat that Davidson said represents “a fraction of what it is with the US dollar.”


(This video clip is embedded at reclaimthenet.org, click on the above link to watch)
Davidson's questioning of Powell follows several examples of the financial system being weaponized against people under the Biden regime. Some card companies have started surveilling their customers and the Biden administration is working on a digital dollar that has been described as “authoritarian” by critics. Powell himself has confirmed that, unlike cash, the digital dollar will not be anonymous.. . . "

This? Is Operation Chokepoint 2.0. :rolleyes:

Episode 440 - Operation Choke Point 2.0

Corbett • 04/03/2023 • 6 Comments
"The specter of Operation Choke Point 2.0 has just been raised in a recent House Financial Services Committee meeting. But what was Operation Choke Point 1.0? And why should we be concerned about this latest attempt to debank "disfavoured individuals," anyway? Find out all the details in this week's edition of The Corbett Report podcast."
IDK. Funny thing is I bought a domain awhile back. Everything went through okay but the next day it was like I had never done it. They said that they have so much fraud that they just assume everybody is a fraudster and only then did I go through the "enhanced" verification process before the would finally let me buy the name. It was rather peculiar.
When the Federal Reserve was chartered in 1913...promises were made, gifts were exchanged and the screwing that all nations have had when they do the fiat currency game with others controlling it and the government irresponsible in using it, become lord and masters.
If memory serves it was BoA and Citbank that were the main offenders. It was also about the time Wells Fargo was going through their fake account "troubles".

Of course regional and local banks were more than happy to take the big boy's business away from them so it did not really amount to much more than a inconvenience other than some that were locked out of their accounts. A quick court ruling took care of that in a week or so.

That was then, now you have a push to make the mega banks the banks of the land by regulating the regional/local banks out of business.

I guess we will be down to credit unions before long.
When the Federal Reserve was chartered in 1913...promises were made, gifts were exchanged and the screwing that all nations have had when they do the fiat currency game with others controlling it and the government irresponsible in using it, become lord and masters.

The US was on the gold standard when the Fed was created.
This is an interesting topic.

I was not really that aware of this when Obama was president. Those who are very vigilant of our gun rights, would be much more aware of this, than I. Apparently, during the Obama administration, the left weaponized the FED, and the FDIC, to debank businesses who did not agree with their political agenda.

This would include pawn shops, and other places that traded in guns, payday lenders, etc. The constitutionality of it was in doubt.

When I do searches of topics, usually, this site is pretty good about covering them all, this one came up with not so many hits. The global technocratic state, had used this tactic to debank the Canadian Truck protest. Only one thread on that came up.

Several threads that listed Trump's accomplishments of fighting back against Operation Choke Point Came up, but I don't believe the folks that listed them, really understood the liberty restoring nature of this move. . .

Anyway, this totalitarian garbage? It is back. There is a MUST SEE VIDEO of these hearings, at this link. I have found no where to embed it, so go here;

March 23, 2023

Watch: Federal Reserve head is questioned on controversial “debanking of disfavored individuals”​

Quizzed on claims that the federal government is weaponizing the banking system.

". . . Davidson then pressed Powell on whether financial regulators use their powers to control third parties.

“If you don't comply with the regulatory regime, you don't get to operate a financial services business, right?” Davidson asked Powell.

“That's right,” Powell confirmed.

Davidson followed up by quizzing Powell on his recent remarks about digital assets posing a systemic risk to the financial system.

Powell defended the comments by insisting that “we don't want regulation to oppose innovation and thus entrench incumbents” but arguing that “permissionless blockchains…have been vehicles for fraud.”

Davidson pushed back by noting that the Federal Reserve's own report on fraud claimed that blockchain-based fraud was 0.24% — a stat that Davidson said represents “a fraction of what it is with the US dollar.”

View attachment 772793

(This video clip is embedded at reclaimthenet.org, click on the above link to watch)
Davidson's questioning of Powell follows several examples of the financial system being weaponized against people under the Biden regime. Some card companies have started surveilling their customers and the Biden administration is working on a digital dollar that has been described as “authoritarian” by critics. Powell himself has confirmed that, unlike cash, the digital dollar will not be anonymous.. . . "

This? Is Operation Chokepoint 2.0. :rolleyes:

Episode 440 - Operation Choke Point 2.0

Corbett • 04/03/2023 • 6 Comments
"The specter of Operation Choke Point 2.0 has just been raised in a recent House Financial Services Committee meeting. But what was Operation Choke Point 1.0? And why should we be concerned about this latest attempt to debank "disfavoured individuals," anyway? Find out all the details in this week's edition of The Corbett Report podcast."

This post is rated retarded.jpg

The Federal Reserve does not care about gun rights.

This is indicative of your lot in life.

WWIII is so much fun without the bombs and stuff.
Indeed. :113:

Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare​

Mar 28, 2022


". . . Given the events of recent weeks, even the sleepiest of the sleepy now realize that we are in a period of economic warfare.

This war, too, has its conventional aspects. On the 2D board, we've seen the NATO empire launch its Weapons of Financial Destruction at Russia in recent weeks, and, exactly as predicted, it has resulted in the consolidation of a convenient geopolitical bogeyman bloc and a gigantic loss of faith in the international monetary system itself. And, also as predicted, it has supplied the "Problem" and "Reaction" needed for the technocrats to present their pre-determined "Solution" of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Just ask Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock:

“The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies. Even before the war, several governments were looking to play a more active role in digital currencies and define the regulatory frameworks under which they operate."
This is not merely a battle between nation-states or even competing power blocs. This is a battle being waged by every authoritarian power structure and every government (but I repeat myself) against their own citizens for control of the most important resource of all: their wallets. . . "
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it has supplied the "Problem" and "Reaction" needed for the technocrats to present their pre-determined "Solution" of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
This type of Hegelian Dialectic has been showing itself more & more often.

School shootings are examples- Kids dead--- people whipped into a frenzy--- gun control.
It's almost like the side that ignores looming financial warnings & school security are wanting them to scare the sheeple into a desired result....
This type of Hegelian Dialectic has been showing itself more & more often.

School shootings are examples- Kids dead--- people whipped into a frenzy--- gun control.
It's almost like the side that ignores looming financial warnings & school security are wanting them to scare the sheeple into a desired result....
Agreed. That is probably, the impetus for the most liberty killing law to be proposed since the Patriot Act and revisions to the NDAA. Though, there are better way to address tik tok. We have a lot of folks on this very site that use VPNs, though that thread has hardly gotten any activity. :eusa_think:

I would think a lot of folks would be outraged at the idea of VPNs being made against the law??? :dunno:

Agreed. That is probably, the impetus for the most liberty killing law to be proposed since the Patriot Act and revisions to the NDAA. Though, there are better way to address tik tok. We have a lot of folks on this very site that use VPNs, though that thread has hardly gotten any activity. :eusa_think:

I would think a lot of folks would be outraged at the idea of VPNs being made against the law??? :dunno:

Yep, that is a Trojan Horse. Most of the things that pass nowadays are the same type of things- more control wrapped in something they can get the sheep to swallow.

Rona was a giant Hegelian psyop that worked pretty good for them- Scary new bug--- DEMPANIC!!!!--- mass "vaccination" program to get everyone to take an experimental gene therapy.
Maybe it was just about the usual reasons involving lots of money & corruption, actual results/health be damned.
But it screams something much more nefarious to me.
As do all of these things.
Crashing dollars/economy, gun control, clot shots, total control over the internet/information....

:safetocomeoutff: well that's the thing Mr B..............~S~
Of course. However, we are a large, and diverse republic, and we can't be absolute realists about the morality of the situation. There has to be some pragmatic compromise, does there not?

. . . it seems, though, we are losing even that, with those who have lorded over us for so long. . .


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