Federal Reserve Is Cutting Rates To Counteract The Damage From Trumps Disastrous Trade Policy

Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you?

what bad trade deal has he gotten us out of?

so far the biggest change he has made was the pretty new name for NAFTA

He is “getting us out” I did not say he has “gotten us out” learn to read.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you?

what bad trade deal has he gotten us out of?

so far the biggest change he has made was the pretty new name for NAFTA

He is “getting us out” I did not say he has “gotten us out” learn to read.

So far he is doing a damn shitty job of it.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?

Not only do I know economics, but I can follow a logical line of thinking. Apparently you cannot. None of that is actually happening. Educate yourself.

Obviously you do not.

So, you won’t educate yourself? Good luck with that moron.


Oh look! You can’t read but you can cut and paste memes. You should go far.
Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?

Not only do I know economics, but I can follow a logical line of thinking. Apparently you cannot. None of that is actually happening. Educate yourself.

Obviously you do not.

So, you won’t educate yourself? Good luck with that moron.


Oh look! You can’t read but you can cut and paste memes. You should go far.

Already have my fine little Trumpian, already have.
If you wish to discuss this with me as an adult, great. give it another try. I'm not interested in juvenile name calling.

It's not name-calling. It is simply stating facts after decades of observation.

dimocraps are scum

If that includes you, we have nothing to discuss.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you?

what bad trade deal has he gotten us out of?

so far the biggest change he has made was the pretty new name for NAFTA

He is “getting us out” I did not say he has “gotten us out” learn to read.

So far he is doing a damn shitty job of it.

Go take a remedial reading class then you can join the adult discussion. Dismissed.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you?

what bad trade deal has he gotten us out of?

so far the biggest change he has made was the pretty new name for NAFTA

He is “getting us out” I did not say he has “gotten us out” learn to read.

So far he is doing a damn shitty job of it.

Go take a remedial reading class then you can join the adult discussion. Dismissed.

Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
So now you admit that Congress who steals money from the working class and business owners, then gives it to people sit on their lazy liberal asses as wrong, what are you going to do about it?


No, I believe as a "Christian nation" we help the poor. What we are doing here, is taking from those who expect to pay their bills from their savings to give to those who already have.

Explain to me why that is OK?
Christian nation doesnt mean taking from those who work, and giving it to those that doesnt. Christian nation means those that work, through "charity" gives so those who cant work, (not wont work), can have enough to get by on, until they can get back on their feet. Do you have an IQ of 50? Sure seems that way.

I try to discuss things in a logical manner and in return? Personal insults. I can understand why you don't understand my argument.
You do not try to have a logical discussion, because I give you FACTS and you give liberal bullshit. That is why I wonder about your IQ
Sigh. . . . Congress still has not passed Trump's new trade deal with Canada and Mexico, so it's a little early to be talking about his supposed "disastrous trade policies," hey? Or, do you mean his imposition of tariffs on certain goods from certain countries? Go talk to the industries that have been protected by those tariffs and tell them that his trade policies have been "disastrous."

Will you liberals ever explain why nations like China, Korea, and Japan have thrived under high-tariff trade policies but why it's bad for us to protect us industries and workers the way they protect theirs?
Sigh. . . . Congress still has not passed Trump's new trade deal with Canada and Mexico, so it's a little early to be talking about his supposed "disastrous trade policies," hey? Or, do you mean his imposition of tariffs on certain goods from certain countries? Go talk to the industries that have been protected by those tariffs and tell them that his trade policies have been "disastrous."

how about we ask the industries that have been damaged by his trade war and see what they think?
They were all yelling about 44 economy being so great but the fed never raised rates.
The Fed raised rates under Obama in 2015 and 2016, but the FED never CUT rates under Obama
Excuse me they did raise it twice and seven times under Trump. Now you happy?

The Lying Cocksucker STARTED with a 0 percent Fed Rate.

FOMC statement

How do you cut that??
It was .25% when Obama started, and never went below that.
Notice how the lying scum Right always say how bad the Obama economy was, but it couldn't be that bad since they ALWAYS lie about it!!!!!
At the Senate Finance Committee hearing today on Trump's trade deal with Canada and Mexico, every single witness--from labor leaders to consumer advocates to business leaders--said that it would be a big improvement over NAFTA.
At the Senate Finance Committee hearing today on Trump's trade deal with Canada and Mexico, every single witness--from labor leaders to consumer advocates to business leaders--said that it would be a big improvement over NAFTA.
Of course, the GOP controlled Senate choses the most biased witnesses. DUH!
They were all yelling about 44 economy being so great but the fed never raised rates.
The Fed raised rates under Obama in 2015 and 2016, but the FED never CUT rates under Obama.
Excuse me they did raise it twice and seven times under Trump. Now you happy?
Lie first correct only when caught lying, the philosophy of the Right.
Funny how you were so fast to correct only 44 while leaving out anything about Trump.
Made a mistake can you say the same when you made no mention of the mistake I made on Trump?

One thing about the left you can never count on them to admit being wrong or telling the truth even when caught in a mistake or a lie. 99.9% of the time it's a lie
They were all yelling about 44 economy being so great but the fed never raised rates.
The Fed raised rates under Obama in 2015 and 2016, but the FED never CUT rates under Obama.
Excuse me they did raise it twice and seven times under Trump. Now you happy?
Lie first correct only when caught lying, the philosophy of the Right.
Funny how you were so fast to correct only 44 while leaving out anything about Trump.
Made a mistake can you say the same when you made no mention of the mistake I made on Trump?

One thing about the left you can never count on them to admit being wrong or telling the truth even when caught in a mistake or a lie. 99.9% of the time it's a lie
There was nothing wrong or untruthful in my post. The FED only raised rates under Obama and NEVER cut them. So where is the mistake or lie?
They were all yelling about 44 economy being so great but the fed never raised rates.
The Fed raised rates under Obama in 2015 and 2016, but the FED never CUT rates under Obama.
Excuse me they did raise it twice and seven times under Trump. Now you happy?
Lie first correct only when caught lying, the philosophy of the Right.
Funny how you were so fast to correct only 44 while leaving out anything about Trump.
Made a mistake can you say the same when you made no mention of the mistake I made on Trump?

One thing about the left you can never count on them to admit being wrong or telling the truth even when caught in a mistake or a lie. 99.9% of the time it's a lie
There was nothing wrong or untruthful in my post. The FED only raised rates under Obama and NEVER cut them. So where is the mistake or lie?
I'm sure being from the crazy left you have never heard of lie by omission.
The Fed raised rates under Obama in 2015 and 2016, but the FED never CUT rates under Obama.
Excuse me they did raise it twice and seven times under Trump. Now you happy?
Lie first correct only when caught lying, the philosophy of the Right.
Funny how you were so fast to correct only 44 while leaving out anything about Trump.
Made a mistake can you say the same when you made no mention of the mistake I made on Trump?

One thing about the left you can never count on them to admit being wrong or telling the truth even when caught in a mistake or a lie. 99.9% of the time it's a lie
There was nothing wrong or untruthful in my post. The FED only raised rates under Obama and NEVER cut them. So where is the mistake or lie?
I'm sure being from the crazy left you have never heard of lie by omission.
I replied to exactly the LIE you posted.
They were all yelling about 44 economy being so great but the fed never raised rates.

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