Federal Reserve Is Cutting Rates To Counteract The Damage From Trumps Disastrous Trade Policy

President Donald Trump has long been infuriated with his Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell, who he originally tapped to replace Janet Yellen in 2017, allegedly because he was taller than her. The president has violated all decorum by trying to lean on the Fed to reverse their recent interest rate hikes, accusing the central bank of trying to slow down the economy.

Now, Powell is finally cutting interest rates. But according to Politico, it isnā€™t because Trump demanded it. Rather, itā€™s because Trumpā€™s trade policy is such a disaster for the economy that Powell has to resort to expansionary measures to keep things running.

ā€œThere is just no question that Powell has been ā€˜Trumpedā€™ here,ā€ said investment strategist Ed Yardeni. ā€œJust read Powellā€™s comments during his recent congressional testimony and trade comes up eight times in the context of weighing on the global economy. All Trump had to do was keep up geopolitical trade uncertainty for a while and heā€™d get the Fed to cut rates.ā€

Trump has aggressively pursued an isolationist trade agenda, trying to bully Americaā€™s international partners into renegotiating trade agreements by slapping them with harsh tariffs. As a result, global growth is slowing, consumer prices are rising, and American farmers are losing billions.

The Federal Reserve is cutting interest rates to counteract the damage from Trumpā€™s trade war: report

It's a good thing we have a government to check this loser and grifter. It may be to late though.
They have nothing but social policies, not any capital policies.
President Donald Trump has long been infuriated with his Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell, who he originally tapped to replace Janet Yellen in 2017, allegedly because he was taller than her. The president has violated all decorum by trying to lean on the Fed to reverse their recent interest rate hikes, accusing the central bank of trying to slow down the economy.

Now, Powell is finally cutting interest rates. But according to Politico, it isnā€™t because Trump demanded it. Rather, itā€™s because Trumpā€™s trade policy is such a disaster for the economy that Powell has to resort to expansionary measures to keep things running.

ā€œThere is just no question that Powell has been ā€˜Trumpedā€™ here,ā€ said investment strategist Ed Yardeni. ā€œJust read Powellā€™s comments during his recent congressional testimony and trade comes up eight times in the context of weighing on the global economy. All Trump had to do was keep up geopolitical trade uncertainty for a while and heā€™d get the Fed to cut rates.ā€

Trump has aggressively pursued an isolationist trade agenda, trying to bully Americaā€™s international partners into renegotiating trade agreements by slapping them with harsh tariffs. As a result, global growth is slowing, consumer prices are rising, and American farmers are losing billions.

The Federal Reserve is cutting interest rates to counteract the damage from Trumpā€™s trade war: report

It's a good thing we have a government to check this loser and grifter. It may be to late though.

Terrible move, but they gave in to Trump's pressure. I have to give him credit for that. He sees the signs and wants to keep the ball rolling till after Nov 2020, then he will not give a fuck the damage he did.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? Youā€™re a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
So now you admit that Congress who steals money from the working class and business owners, then gives it to people sit on their lazy liberal asses as wrong, what are you going to do about it?


No, I believe as a "Christian nation" we help the poor. What we are doing here, is taking from those who expect to pay their bills from their savings to give to those who already have.

Explain to me why that is OK?
Christian nation doesnt mean taking from those who work, and giving it to those that doesnt. Christian nation means those that work, through "charity" gives so those who cant work, (not wont work), can have enough to get by on, until they can get back on their feet. Do you have an IQ of 50? Sure seems that way.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? Youā€™re a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
So now you admit that Congress who steals money from the working class and business owners, then gives it to people sit on their lazy liberal asses as wrong, what are you going to do about it?


No, I believe as a "Christian nation" we help the poor. What we are doing here, is taking from those who expect to pay their bills from their savings to give to those who already have.

Explain to me why that is OK?
Anyone who pays their bills from their savings are morons. Either you work to pay your bills or you invest in stocks to pay your bills, savings are just that savings. Yes I guess you really do have an IQ of 50.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? Youā€™re a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

what bad trade deal has he gotten us out of?

so far the biggest change he has made was the pretty new name for NAFTA
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? Youā€™re a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
So now you admit that Congress who steals money from the working class and business owners, then gives it to people sit on their lazy liberal asses as wrong, what are you going to do about it?


No, I believe as a "Christian nation" we help the poor. What we are doing here, is taking from those who expect to pay their bills from their savings to give to those who already have.

Explain to me why that is OK?
Christian nation doesnt mean taking from those who work, and giving it to those that doesnt. Christian nation means those that work, through "charity" gives so those who cant work, (not wont work), can have enough to get by on, until they can get back on their feet. Do you have an IQ of 50? Sure seems that way.

I try to discuss things in a logical manner and in return? Personal insults. I can understand why you don't understand my argument.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? Youā€™re a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?
So now you admit that Congress who steals money from the working class and business owners, then gives it to people sit on their lazy liberal asses as wrong, what are you going to do about it?


No, I believe as a "Christian nation" we help the poor. What we are doing here, is taking from those who expect to pay their bills from their savings to give to those who already have.

Explain to me why that is OK?
Anyone who pays their bills from their savings are morons. Either you work to pay your bills or you invest in stocks to pay your bills, savings are just that savings. Yes I guess you really do have an IQ of 50.

When you "Invest" in the markets you don't go whining to the government to bail you out when things go wrong. I've never had it explained to me where in Free Market Capitalism we find this idea.

Lowering rates is still doing just that. People were told for years to save. The complaints are still that people do not save.
What's really funny is when dimocrap scum pretend to be interested in the Markets.

They're a fucking joke.

The Fed is cutting rates because they raised them too fast in the first fucking place.

dimocraps are scum

The Fed is more trouble than they're worth. I'd be okay with dissolving The Fed altogether. They cause more shit than they do good.

Greenspawn, (Mr Andrea Mitchell) THE WORST FED CHAIRMAN in Human History was directly responsible for the Great Recession.

Berskanke kept rates too low for too long under The Lying Cocksucker, and Powell, a Trump appointee, is from the same cut of cloth --

All of them are Academics. All of them are useless and stupid.

Good on Trump for calling Powell out. And good on Powell for listening. Otherwise, he (and the entire Fed) might be gone in 2021
What's really funny is when dimocrap scum pretend to be interested in the Markets.

They're a fucking joke.

The Fed is cutting rates because they raised them too fast in the first fucking place.

They have been artificially low for over a decade.

Berskanke kept rates too low for too long under The Lying Cocksucker, and Powell, a Trump appointee, is from the same cut of cloth --

But some how keeping them low in a "booming economy" is a good thing?

Good on Trump for calling Powell out. And good on Powell for listening. Otherwise, he (and the entire Fed) might be gone in 2021

That would be perfectly fine with me but you know it's never going to happen so why even pretend it's an option?
President Donald Trump has long been infuriated with his Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell, who he originally tapped to replace Janet Yellen in 2017, allegedly because he was taller than her. The president has violated all decorum by trying to lean on the Fed to reverse their recent interest rate hikes, accusing the central bank of trying to slow down the economy.

Now, Powell is finally cutting interest rates. But according to Politico, it isnā€™t because Trump demanded it. Rather, itā€™s because Trumpā€™s trade policy is such a disaster for the economy that Powell has to resort to expansionary measures to keep things running.

ā€œThere is just no question that Powell has been ā€˜Trumpedā€™ here,ā€ said investment strategist Ed Yardeni. ā€œJust read Powellā€™s comments during his recent congressional testimony and trade comes up eight times in the context of weighing on the global economy. All Trump had to do was keep up geopolitical trade uncertainty for a while and heā€™d get the Fed to cut rates.ā€

Trump has aggressively pursued an isolationist trade agenda, trying to bully Americaā€™s international partners into renegotiating trade agreements by slapping them with harsh tariffs. As a result, global growth is slowing, consumer prices are rising, and American farmers are losing billions.

The Federal Reserve is cutting interest rates to counteract the damage from Trumpā€™s trade war: report

It's a good thing we have a government to check this loser and grifter. It may be to late though.
It's funny, in a bad way, how Comrade Trump whined about the Fed keeping interest rates low for Obama. Now Comrade demands CUTS to the interest rate!

Gee, it always works out well when the Fed lowers interest rates when we aren't even in a recession.

Oh wait...
Lowering interest rates at this point will only help the one percent and their stocks.

It will fuck savers, especially seniors.
Lowering interest rates at this point will encourage Comrade Trump and the Republicans to put us even deeper in debt.

Our chilren are going to feel extreme pain when interest rates on that debt rise in the future.

I'd almost be okay with someone shooting any President who adds to our debt going forward. The debt is by far the greatest threat to our national security.
Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term. That's a 30 percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Mr Eliminate The Debt Donnie is on the fast track to $30 Trillion.

not a fuckin peep from his ass licking drones - NADA !
President Donald Trump has long been infuriated with his Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell, who he originally tapped to replace Janet Yellen in 2017, allegedly because he was taller than her. The president has violated all decorum by trying to lean on the Fed to reverse their recent interest rate hikes, accusing the central bank of trying to slow down the economy.

Now, Powell is finally cutting interest rates. But according to Politico, it isnā€™t because Trump demanded it. Rather, itā€™s because Trumpā€™s trade policy is such a disaster for the economy that Powell has to resort to expansionary measures to keep things running.

ā€œThere is just no question that Powell has been ā€˜Trumpedā€™ here,ā€ said investment strategist Ed Yardeni. ā€œJust read Powellā€™s comments during his recent congressional testimony and trade comes up eight times in the context of weighing on the global economy. All Trump had to do was keep up geopolitical trade uncertainty for a while and heā€™d get the Fed to cut rates.ā€

Trump has aggressively pursued an isolationist trade agenda, trying to bully Americaā€™s international partners into renegotiating trade agreements by slapping them with harsh tariffs. As a result, global growth is slowing, consumer prices are rising, and American farmers are losing billions.

The Federal Reserve is cutting interest rates to counteract the damage from Trumpā€™s trade war: report

It's a good thing we have a government to check this loser and grifter. It may be to late though.
It's funny, in a bad way, how Comrade Trump whined about the Fed keeping interest rates low for Obama. Now Comrade demands CUTS to the interest rate!

Gee, it always works out well when the Fed lowers interest rates when we aren't even in a recession.

Oh wait...

For much of the past decade, Donald Trump and other Republicans ripped the Federal Reserve for keeping interest rates too low, a policy they said risked blowing up giant asset bubbles and artificially boosted the economy under then-president Barack Obama.

While running for president in September 2016, he said of the Fed: ā€œ[W]hat they are doing is, I believe, itā€™s a false market. Money is essentially free.ā€ He said then Fed Chair Janet Yellen ā€œshould be ashamed of herself.ā€ In November 2015, Trump said low rates were creating a bubble and that ā€œJanet Yellen should have raised the rates.ā€

Now hiring for a Trump-branded Fed: GOP flip-floppers on rates
Trump plans to add $5.088 trillion to the debt in his first term. That's a 30 percent increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $9.1 trillion. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Mr Eliminate The Debt Donnie is on the fast track to $30 Trillion.

not a fuckin peep from his ass licking drones - NADA !
Every single benchmark the pseudocons set during Obama's Administration have proven to be just so much hypocritical bullshit.

Whether it is a matter as trivial as golfing, or as morally depraved as serial adultery and the destruction of the institution of marriage, or as threatening to our country's future survival as the debt, they have proven anything they say is complete and utter bullshit and to be ignored. For all time.

They haven't a leg to stand on no matter what the issue. They are on stumps.
What's really funny is when dimocrap scum pretend to be interested in the Markets.

They're a fucking joke.

The Fed is cutting rates because they raised them too fast in the first fucking place.

They have been artificially low for over a decade.

Berskanke kept rates too low for too long under The Lying Cocksucker, and Powell, a Trump appointee, is from the same cut of cloth --

But some how keeping them low in a "booming economy" is a good thing?

Good on Trump for calling Powell out. And good on Powell for listening. Otherwise, he (and the entire Fed) might be gone in 2021

That would be perfectly fine with me but you know it's never going to happen so why even pretend it's an option?

No, they haven't been artificially low for a decade. They were artificially low under Bush (Greenspawn) and they were 'artificially' low under The Lying Cocksucker due to somewhere around Zero Growth.

But under Berskanke, there was some justification for the low rates....

People didn't want to borrown money under The Lying Cocksucker because they didn't trust him.

Remember, the Fed was GIVING money away. Banks really didn't even want it because nobody was borrowing it. So what the Banks did was get the money from The Fed for 0 percent, then turn around and buy Treasury Notes with the Fed's Money and earn .25% (that's 1/4 of 1 percent) on it. Risk free.

People think that the years of The Lying Cocksucker were so wonderful -- They were not. There was somewhere around ZERO growth. A little inflation, but ZERO growth.

And, BTW, the 2008 Market Crash wasn't even as bad as the DotCom Crash. Fact. And while Bush got us out of the dotcom crash pretty good (by doing nothing) he wimped out when confronted with the stupidity of the dimocrap scum party. He tried doing nothing again, and it was the wrong thing to do. Or not to do. Or.... Whatever

It's why we had QEI, QEII and QEIII. Which was almost as bad.

And after Trump took over from The Lying Cocksucker, we were still in the economic doldrums of his Keynesian lunacy. Companies and people just weren't borrowing a lot of money.

I don't do it anymore, but I used to follow the economy for a living. Let me tell you, the damage done by dimocrap scum to our economy was devastating.

Bush 43 could have prevented it but the truth is, he really was a pussy.

Trump knows far better about the economy than some Academic who hasn't done much of anything his entire life other than theory.

But good on Powell for doing what he was told for a change.

He raised the rates too fast last year and it goddamned near collapsed the economy. The Chinese Tariff War isn't helping any but the Fed Rate Increases were the big drag on the economy.

It's past time to cut rates. They raised them too fast. A seriously stupid mistake
What's really funny is when dimocrap scum pretend to be interested in the Markets.

They're a fucking joke.

The Fed is cutting rates because they raised them too fast in the first fucking place.

They have been artificially low for over a decade.

Berskanke kept rates too low for too long under The Lying Cocksucker, and Powell, a Trump appointee, is from the same cut of cloth --

But some how keeping them low in a "booming economy" is a good thing?

Good on Trump for calling Powell out. And good on Powell for listening. Otherwise, he (and the entire Fed) might be gone in 2021

That would be perfectly fine with me but you know it's never going to happen so why even pretend it's an option?

No, they haven't been artificially low for a decade.

If you wish to discuss this with me as an adult, great. give it another try. I'm not interested in juvenile name calling.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? Youā€™re a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?

Not only do I know economics, but I can follow a logical line of thinking. Apparently you cannot. None of that is actually happening. Educate yourself.

Obviously you do not.

So, you wonā€™t educate yourself? Good luck with that moron.
Lol, the Fed is cutting rates, the President is getting us out of bad trade deals and you call that a disaster? Youā€™re a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

Yes, if you understand anything about economics you understand why you do not cut taxes now. Outside of that, why should we steal from seniors that have saved their entire lives to boost the stock market?

Is stealing from those who have to give to those who want, wrong or not?

Not only do I know economics, but I can follow a logical line of thinking. Apparently you cannot. None of that is actually happening. Educate yourself.

Obviously you do not.

So, you wonā€™t educate yourself? Good luck with that moron.


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