Federal Title IV 'Welfare' Part D 'Child Support' (Law) Education & Awareness

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Hihil tam proprium imperio quam legibus vivere.
Nothing is so becoming to authority as to live according to the law.

Consensus facit legem.
Consent makes law. • A contract constitutes law between the parties agreeing to be bound by it.

Ejus est nolle, qui potest velle.
A person who can will (exercise volition) has a right to refuse to will (withhold consent).

Consensus facit legem.
Consent makes law. • A contract constitutes law between the parties agreeing to be bound by it.

Cujusque rei potissima pars est principium.
The principal part of everything is the beginning.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
False in one thing, false in everything.

Quae ab initio non valent, ex post facto convalescere non possunt.
Thing invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by a subsequent act.

Sublata causa tollitur effectus.
Remove the cause and the effect ceases.

Nemo debet locupletari ex alterius incommode.
No one out to be enriched out of another’s disadvantage.


The State receives 3 to 5 dollars for every dollar they extort from a non custodial parent from the federal government!!!

There are five funding streams for the Child Support Enforcement Program;
Each budget expands off the previous budget’s expenditures;
The child support program generates income for both the federal government and the states;
Cash Flow Generated by the Child Support Program exceed Child Support Enforcement program costs!!!

Six Accounts for Incentive-related Funds are:
1) Prosecutor IV-D Incentive Fund
2) Clerk IV-D Incentive Fund
3) Title IV-D Incentive Fund (previously the “county general” fund)
4) Prosecutor IV-D ARRA Fund
5) Clerk IV-D ARRA Fund
6) Title IV-D ARRA Fund (previously the “county general” ARRA fund).

“Money that is paid to the children are collected for the children (child support money) are matched by the federal government [66% reimbursement] AND THEN [Plus] THERE ARE INCENTIVES for DIFFERENT types of enforcement activities (matching funds at state and local levels as well), and so the judges each time that they grant or approve The Friend of the Court up someone’s child support collection their actually what they’re doing is padding their own pockets because that comes back to them, it indirectly comes back to them.” ~ Carol Rhodes 6:24
Title IV-D Family Court kleptocracy (judicial malfeasance of office).wmv

"The Child Support Industry is the darling of the circuit court and that we actually made money for the judge and the court unlike the Sheriff's Department and so many agencies; our county our state was not an exception to the rule..." ~ Carol Rhodes 1:21
Title IV-D Family Court kleptocracy (judicial malfeasance of office).wmv

Title IV-D Contractors
Federal Title IV-D Program 'Duty of Care' administered at the state level;
Office of Child Support (OCS) who then contracts the legal services of local prosecutors, sheriffs, and foc offices;
How has this term impacted your life?

Civil Servant Child Support Specialist from Developing Capacity to Senior Capacity Operations....

Title IV-D Sheriff Agreements
Sheriff and or Sheriff's Deputies handle warrants (along with other non-traditional enforcement duties) and is a IV-D employee of the Friend of the Court.

"Federal policy,
[federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE)-AT-79-3, Availability of Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for Making Arrests Pursuant to Appropriate State Process, and OCSE-AT-87-9, Child Support Enforcement Program; Prohibition of Federal Funding of Costs of Incarceration and Counsel for Indigent Absent Parents.
Availability of FFP for Making Arrests Pursuant to Appropriate State ProcessFinal Rule: Prohibition of FFP for Incarceration/Counsel for Indigent Absent Parents

Federal policy restricts the expenditures of IV-D funds spent for “arrest activity.” Further guidelines regarding federal approval of purchase of service agreements and fees for service agreements for arrest activities may be found in OCSE-AT-79-3, and by referring to OCSE Policy Interpretation Question (PIQ)-81-02, Fee for Service in Sheriff’s Agreements (Ref: Exhibit 2010-003E3) and PIQ-81-13, Eligibility for FFP – Inclusion of Deputy Sheriff in the Unit Cost Rate Computation in South Carolina (Ref: Exhibit 2010-003E4).
Regardless of whether OCSE approval is needed, all Cooperative Reimbursement Program (CRP) subcontracts require prior written approval from OCS staff and must meet other requirements as outlined in the CRP. FOC staff can subcontract with the sheriff for full-time or part-time services. In both instances, FOC staff must submit a copy of the agreement with the CRP application. In a part-time agreement, the officer must provide the court with a time sheet (per pay period) that shows the hours spent on IV-D activity and the hours spent on sheriff department activity. If the bench warrant officer reports to the FOC (is directly supervised by FOC staff), then no subagreement is necessary."

CPS Corruption? Attorneys, Professors, and Judges Speak Out!

Child Support is a Crime Against Humanity | Georgia Senator (former) Nancy Schaefer

Five steams of fun... funding each child, and or family on welfare (Title IV-D) and or by voluntary (willful) informed consent!!!!

"We" need a state court 'Looser' dead-beat.... for federal funding!!!!
5 (streams) x matching dollars = 10
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:oops-28: yesterday'sTypos - it happens. [downfalls of editing time-limits]

[Collection of Legal Maxims in Law and Equity]



Hihil tam proprium imperio quam legibus vivere.
Nothing is so becoming to authority as to live according to the law.

Consensus facit legem.
Consent makes law. • A contract constitutes law between the parties agreeing to be bound by it.

Ejus est nolle, qui potest velle.
A person who can will (exercise volition) has a right to refuse to will (withhold consent).

Cujusque rei potissima pars est principium.
The principal part of everything is the beginning.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
False in one thing, false in everything.

Quae ab initio non valent, ex post facto convalescere non possunt.
Thing invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by a subsequent act.

Sublata causa tollitur effectus.
Remove the cause and the effect ceases.

Nemo debet locupletari ex alterius incommode.
No one out to be enriched out of another’s disadvantage.


The State receives 3 to 5 dollars for every dollar they extort from a non custodial parent from the federal government!!!
There are five funding streams for the Child Support Enforcement Program;
Each budget expands off the previous budget’s expenditures;
The child support program generates income for both the federal government and the states;
Cash Flow Generated by the Child Support Program exceed Child Support Enforcement program costs!!!


Six Accounts for Incentive-related Funds are:
1) Prosecutor IV-D Incentive Fund
2) Clerk IV-D Incentive Fund
3) Title IV-D Incentive Fund (previously the “county general” fund)
4) Prosecutor IV-D ARRA Fund
5) Clerk IV-D ARRA Fund
6) Title IV-D ARRA Fund (previously the “county general” ARRA fund).

“Money that is paid to the children are collected for the children (child support money) are matched by the federal government [66% reimbursement] AND THEN [Plus] THERE ARE INCENTIVES for DIFFERENT types of enforcement activities (matching funds at state and local levels as well), and so the judges each time that they grant or approve The Friend of the Court up someone’s child support collection their actually what they’re doing is padding their own pockets because that comes back to them, it indirectly comes back to them.” ~ Carol Rhodes 6:24
Title IV-D Family Court kleptocracy (judicial malfeasance of office).wmv

"The Child Support Industry is the darling of the circuit court and that we actually made money for the judge and the court unlike the Sheriff's Department and so many agencies; our county our state was not an exception to the rule..." ~ Carol Rhodes 1:21
Title IV-D Family Court kleptocracy (judicial malfeasance of office).wmv

Title IV-D Contractors
Federal Title IV-D Program 'Duty of Care' administered at the state level;
Office of Child Support (OCS) who then contracts the legal services of local prosecutors, sheriffs, and foc offices;
How has this term impacted your life?

Civil Servant Child Support Specialist from Developing Capacity to Senior Capacity Operations....

Title IV-D Sheriff Agreements
Sheriff and or Sheriff's Deputies handle warrants (along with other non-traditional enforcement duties) and is a IV-D employee of the Friend of the Court.

"Federal policy,
[federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE)-AT-79-3, Availability of Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for Making Arrests Pursuant to Appropriate State Process, and OCSE-AT-87-9, Child Support Enforcement Program; Prohibition of Federal Funding of Costs of Incarceration and Counsel for Indigent Absent Parents.
Availability of FFP for Making Arrests Pursuant to Appropriate State ProcessFinal Rule: Prohibition of FFP for Incarceration/Counsel for Indigent Absent Parents

Federal policy restricts the expenditures of IV-D funds spent for “arrest activity.” Further guidelines regarding federal approval of purchase of service agreements and fees for service agreements for arrest activities may be found in OCSE-AT-79-3, and by referring to OCSE Policy Interpretation Question (PIQ)-81-02, Fee for Service in Sheriff’s Agreements (Ref: Exhibit 2010-003E3) and PIQ-81-13, Eligibility for FFP – Inclusion of Deputy Sheriff in the Unit Cost Rate Computation in South Carolina (Ref: Exhibit 2010-003E4).
Regardless of whether OCSE approval is needed, all Cooperative Reimbursement Program (CRP) subcontracts require prior written approval from OCS staff and must meet other requirements as outlined in the CRP. FOC staff can subcontract with the sheriff for full-time or part-time services. In both instances, FOC staff must submit a copy of the agreement with the CRP application. In a part-time agreement, the officer must provide the court with a time sheet (per pay period) that shows the hours spent on IV-D activity and the hours spent on sheriff department activity. If the bench warrant officer reports to the FOC (is directly supervised by FOC staff), then no subagreement is necessary."

CPS Corruption? Attorneys, Professors, and Judges Speak Out!

Child Support is a Crime Against Humanity | Georgia Senator (former) Nancy Schaefer

Five streams of fun... funding based off from each child and or family on welfare (Title IV-D) and or by voluntary (willful) informed consent!!!!

"We" need a state court 'Looser' dead-beat.... for federal funding!!!!

$1.00 + matching dollar(s) 66% = 2 bucks 'rounded to the nearest dollar'

5 (streams) x 2 bucks = $10.00 busyness (business )

:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush: :th_believecrap:
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No Special Requirements, Licenses, or Certifications needed to be a child support specialist working in the child support industry.

Civil Servant Child Support Specialist from Developing Capacity to Senior Capacity Operations....

Title IV-D Contractors
Federal Title IV-D Program 'Duty of Care' administered at the state level;
Office of Child Support (OCS) who then contracts the legal services of local prosecutors, sheriffs, and foc offices;
How has this term impacted your life?

Plausible Deniability


A new set of crimes, it creates civil orders without rights, without your rights because you weren’t there. We often have what you call an ex parte hearing, that means one were only one side goes in and the other side doesn’t get any notice, has no idea that there is a hearing going on, and doesn’t even show up because they don’t know it’s happening.

Non-TANF, without (absent) Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, that is zero paid out by taxpayers for recoupment regarding Title IV-D Case (SIX PACK JOE).

Absent an agreement by (without) Six Pack Joe - the required wet ink 'stipulation' [reviewed and entered into the record by the state 'family' court] needed to abscond the welfare requirement for Title IV Services, this including Part D of Title IV; for the Defendants to claim otherwise equates to fraud.

Not only does this injure Six Pack Joe but it is also fraud on the taxpayer and taxpayer monies - the Defendants known misrepresentation of the Federal Title IV-D Program ‘their use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, and legal purpose’.

Mindset have you?
Just think of all those alleged arrears once due and owing not subject to retro modification and the per dollar in relation to the five streams of funding [fractional banking] fracturing the family unite plus interest; untold damages!
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There are five funding streams for the Child Support Enforcement Program;
Each budget expands off the previous budget’s expenditures;
The child support program generates income for both the federal government and the states;
Cash Flow Generated by the Child Support Program exceed Child Support Enforcement program costs!!!


Six Accounts for Incentive-related Funds are:
1) Prosecutor IV-D Incentive Fund
2) Clerk IV-D Incentive Fund
3) Title IV-D Incentive Fund (previously the “county general” fund)
4) Prosecutor IV-D ARRA Fund
5) Clerk IV-D ARRA Fund
6) Title IV-D ARRA Fund (previously the “county general” ARRA fund).

“Money that is paid to the children are collected for the children (child support money) are matched by the federal government [66% reimbursement] AND THEN [Plus] THERE ARE INCENTIVES for DIFFERENT types of enforcement activities (matching funds at state and local levels as well), and so the judges each time that they grant or approve The Friend of the Court up someone’s child support collection their actually what they’re doing is padding their own pockets because that comes back to them, it indirectly comes back to them.” ~ Carol Rhodes 6:24
Title IV-D Family Court kleptocracy (judicial malfeasance of office).wmv

"The Child Support Industry is the darling of the circuit court and that we actually made money for the judge and the court unlike the Sheriff's Department and so many agencies; our county our state was not an exception to the rule..." ~ Carol Rhodes 1:21
Title IV-D Family Court kleptocracy (judicial malfeasance of office).wmv

Five streams of fun... funding based off from each child and or family on welfare (Title IV-D) and or by voluntary (willful) informed consent!!!!

"We" need a state court 'Looser' dead-beat.... for federal funding!!!!

$1.00 + matching dollar(s) 66% = 2 bucks 'rounded to the nearest dollar'

5 (streams) x 2 bucks = $10.00 busyness (business )

No Special Requirements, Licenses, or Certifications needed to be a child support specialist working in the child support industry.

Civil Servant Child Support Specialist from Developing Capacity to Senior Capacity Operations....

Title IV-D Contractors
Federal Title IV-D Program 'Duty of Care' administered at the state level;
Office of Child Support (OCS) who then contracts the legal services of local prosecutors, sheriffs, and foc offices;
How has this term impacted your life?

Plausible Deniability


A new set of crimes, it creates civil orders without rights, without your rights because you weren’t there. We often have what you call an ex parte hearing, that means one were only one side goes in and the other side doesn’t get any notice, has no idea that there is a hearing going on, and doesn’t even show up because they don’t know it’s happening.

Non-TANF, without (absent) Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, that is zero paid out by taxpayers for recoupment regarding Title IV-D Case (SIX PACK JOE).

Absent an agreement by (without) Six Pack Joe - the required wet ink 'stipulation' [reviewed and entered into the record by the state 'family' court] needed to abscond the welfare requirement for Title IV Services, this including Part D of Title IV; for the Defendants to claim otherwise equates to fraud.

Not only does this injure Six Pack Joe but it is also fraud on the taxpayer and taxpayer monies - the Defendants known misrepresentation of the Federal Title IV-D Program ‘their use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, and legal purpose’.

Mindset have you?
Just think of all those alleged arrears once due and owing not subject to retro modification and the per dollar in relation to the five streams of funding [fractional banking] fracturing the family unite plus interest; untold damages!

That was 5 (streams) x 2 bucks = 10

...a 10 to 1 business ratio.

With 1 being each account (account of Title IV) grows a 10 to 1 cash flow (Title IV-D reimbursement dollars).

[Every Dollar, 'expenditures' used to calculate the next Title IV-D budget 'social securities' expands & compounds - com..... 'pounds on families'];

Welfare dollars going to every county municipal corporation rather than [and or on top of] welfare dollars going to the family and or child; hence necessary typo correction above for clarity. '

Social Security Act' a social policy.
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Administrative Review of that 'Stipulation' allegedly on file with The Friend of the Court, and [without welfare] how it got there [on file with the FOC] without Six Pack Joe's signature or consent :eusa_naughty: ...remember we live in a republic, a free society.
[Enforcement of that agreement and or contract; the family court an 'equity court' alleging a private agreement between the parents regarding support; an arrest would be a contempt of court for the breach of agreement 'failure to pay as agreed' a crime against the child.]

Example of average Support Enforcement Order required for a Michigan Bench Warrant to insue; in Michigan the case number will be the federal Title IV-D number 'Michigan's single case identifier number for reporting to the feds'.

A written stipulation of the parents 'parties litigant' is required in the record before orders can be valid; in Michigan for a Friend of The Court case, the parties must enter into a written agreement that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court. In a free society, if there is no welfare in your specific case then Title IV-D Child Support Services are voluntary and requires a stipulation.

A stipulation is a statement of agreement or admission of factual information, an agreement made by parties or by their attorneys in a judicial proceeding before the court. Stipulations are entered into the record to assist the court in establishing facts “not in dispute.” Stipulations are only binding between the parties that made the agreement, not on third parties.

Consensus facit legem.
Consent makes law. • A contract constitutes law between the parties agreeing to be bound by it.

In California, commissioners need the WRITTEN stipulation of the parties litigant in the record before their orders can be valid. Family Code sec. 4251; in re Marriage of Monge; CRC 2.831.

In Michigan, for a friend of the court case, an AGREEMENT by the payer that he or she shall....
552.604 Sect. 4.(3)(b)
The parties enter into a WRITTEN AGREEMENT that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court...
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.604

A signed divorce decree is just one form of stipulation.
Michigan case cite, Roller v Roller, unpublished opinion per curiam, issued January 26, 2012 (Docket No. 300543).
A consent judgment of divorce is a contract and interpreted using contract principles.
If a consent judgment is ambiguous, a clarification is only permitted when no change in the rights of the parties will result from the clarification.

Search the following two PDFs for the word 'stipulation':
http://www.montcalm.us/document_center/Courts/Stipulated Motion to Change Support Order.pdf



If you believe this a state court matter (maybe) simply send judicial notice to the state court case issuing the bench warrant....

Writ in the Nature of an affidavit:


THIS MATTER coming forth as a writ filed by Six Pack of the Joe family, and the court being otherwise fully advised in the premises:

[In California, commissioners need the WRITTEN stipulation of the parties litigant in the record before their orders can be valid. Family Code sec. 4251; in re Marriage of Monge; CRC 2.831.]

In Michigan, for a friend of the court case, an AGREEMENT by the payer that he or she shall....
552.604 Sect. 4.(3)(b)
The parties enter into a WRITTEN AGREEMENT that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court...
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.604

A stipulation is a statement of agreement or admission of factual information, an agreement made by parties ‘parents’ or by their attorneys in a judicial proceeding before the court. Stipulations are entered into the record to assist the court in establishing facts “not in dispute.” Stipulations are only binding between the parties that made the agreement, not on third parties.

Although not really cognized as such, family court orders are a court of equity’s creation of private law. Review of the docket ‘the record’ clearly shows there has never been a private agreement between the parents ‘parties’, there is no written stipulation on record, and or the docket is absent a written agreement between the parents (private parties) Civil Court Case No. : 'state family court number'; in conformity to Federal Title IV Procedures (under the state plan ‘controlling state statutes in conformity to the federal welfare program) needed ‘required’ to abscond the welfare requirements for Title IV Services not limited to but including Part D of Title IV.

Having firsthand knowledge of all the facts stated herein, and being competent in mind and body to testify, declaring and affirming with clean hands that the facts stated herein are true, correct, and complete in all material fact, not misrepresented, this writ in the nature of an Affidavit stands Prima Facie as Conclusive Truth: Verified Under Seal and admissible as evidence [federal evidence rule 902] if not properly rebutted and proved inaccurate. Signed “within the United States of America” without the United States [28 U.S.C. 1746]; verifying under penalty of perjury under laws of the United States of America, and the state of Michigan, that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Affiant further sayeth naught.

Respectfully submitted this ________ Day of ________ 2018 A.D.,

by _______________________________________________
.....:biggrin: Six Pack Joe
Title IV-D due process Timeline... o_O
A case qualifies for Title IV-D services when children are receiving public assistance or [absent equal parenting time 'joint physical' and 'joint legal' custody] a custodial party or non-custodial parent has [upon informed consent each [parent] has first yielded to an agreement/stipulation together producing the 'custodial non-custodial' arrangement, in effect a form of 'voluntary partial abandonment by their agreement in writing to fractionalize the amount of time the children spend with each', that written agreement [required to make 'custody' and 'support' orders valid'] between parents (both parties), and then secondly one of them]] requested Title IV-D services.

Hint: the key is in the contractual arrangement, an 'ex parte' [support order] does not meet the definition of 'stipulation' :) lacking the wet ink signature of both parents 'written agreement' giving birth to [that] contract; 'contract law' and then the possibility of a breach of agreement, court action to enforce that agreement [enforcement order], and eventually contempt of court for failure to comply with court's oversight of the stipulation of that :deal: 'written agreement', so ordered enforced!

Taking your child without consent 'in law' is kidnapping
Parentage [posterity - standing tall and looking good]
Natural Rights are Lawful Rights
Rights untimely claimed are deemed to be waived; 'rebuttable presumptions'; silence is consent; wherefore simply object.

42 USC § 1301 - Definitions
(d) Nothing in this chapter [Public Health and Welfare] shall be construed as authorizing any Federal official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions of this chapter, to take charge of any child over the objection of either of the parents of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child.
42 U.S. Code § 1301 - Definitions
Objecting to Title IV-D services in your case, “42 USC 1301 d Parental Objection Notice”
03 4 1301 D 8x11 FORM

552.505 Duties of friend of the court
Sec. 5.
(1) Each office of the friend of the court has the following duties:

(a) To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, unless 1 of the parties is [on welfare and is] required to participate in the title IV-D child support program, they may choose not to have the office of the friend of the court administer and enforce obligations that may be imposed in the domestic relations matter.

(b) To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, unless 1 of the parties is [on welfare and is] required to participate in the title IV-D child support program, [neither party on welfare] they may direct the office of the friend of the court to close the friend of the court case that was opened in their domestic relations matter.

(c) To provide an informational pamphlet, in accordance with the model pamphlet developed by the bureau, to each party to a domestic relations matter. The informational pamphlet shall explain the procedures of the court and the office; the duties of the office... The informational pamphlet shall be provided as soon as possible after the filing of a complaint or other initiating pleading. Upon request, a party shall receive an oral explanation of the informational pamphlet from the office.
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.505

FRIEND of the COURT DUTIES ......................................................... 2



Hint: the key is in the contractual arrangement, an 'ex parte' does not meet the definition of 'stipulation'!!! :)

42 U.S. Code § 1301 - Definitions (d) Nothing in this chapter [Public Health and Welfare] shall be construed as authorizing any Federal official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions of this chapter, to take charge of any child over the objection of either of the parents of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child.

Duties of friend of the court
To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, they may choose not to have the office of the friend of the court administer and enforce obligations that may be imposed in the domestic relations matter.

To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that they may direct the office of the friend of the court to close the friend of the court case that was opened in their domestic relations matter.

To provide an informational pamphlet,The informational pamphlet shall be provided as soon as possible after the filing of a complaint or other initiating pleading.
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.505

Vide: pages 5 & 6 FOC HANDBOOK 'Opting Out' and 'Starting a Case, plaintiff's complaint'
Information provided by the state may be misleading:

[Absent welfare] Regarding the need of both parents to be in some form of agreement in order to 'opt out' of Title IV-D services; and or that...
The state only requires one parent requesting Title IV-D services, for them 'all' [Title IV-D Contactors], to obligate the other parent to such services [absent welfare] even if it is against (his or her) will, [to abandon the child(ren) in any form].


[Without Welfare] 42 U.S. Code § 1301 - Definitions (d) objection of either of the parents of such child, is all that is needed!!!!!! If the family is not on welfare or state health insurance, one parent's objection to Title IV-D Child Support Services is all that is needed to 'opt out'.

Federal regulations that supercede state law specifically state that a guideline award shall be rebutted when shown to not be economically appropriate.
[Code of Federal Regulations under 45 CFR 302.56.]
The U.S. Court of Appeals – among other Federal courts – has published opinion that, when states engage in program agreements with the federal government, federal regulations supercede not just state rules and regulations but also related state statutes. A key opinion is Jackson v. Rapps, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eight Circuit, October 17, 1991. 947 F.2d 332. This case specifically addressed child support program regulations. http://media.ca8.uscourts.gov/opndir/99/07/983307P.pdf



Social Security Act Title IV

§ 303.101 Expedited processes.

(a) Definition. Expedited processes
means administrative and judicial procedures (including IV-D agency procedures) required under section 466(a)(2) and (c) of the Act;

(c) Safeguards. Under expedited processes:

(1) Paternities and orders established by means other than full judicial process must have the same force and effect under State law as paternities and orders established by full judicial process within the State;

(2) The due process rights of the parties involved must be protected;

(3) The parties must be provided a copy of the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, paternity determination, and/or support order;

(4) Action taken may be reviewed [in the federal arena] under the State's generally applicable administrative or judicial procedures [acting statutes].

[Gamesmanship on the court - Court, a place where games are played... tennis court, basketball court, racquetball court, etc. Psalm 104:26; Luke 22:25.]

'Opt out' at the Federal Level only takes one parents objection if there is no Title IV Services.... and possibly takes both parents at the State Level because of the Title IV-D time-line - to start a Title IV-D Friend of the Court Case it is presumed that an agreement (stipulation) of both parents 'parties' has already been reviewed and entered into the record by the court, wherefore it takes an agreement of both parents 'parties' to dissolve the bilateral agreement 'private contract' changing their minds together to opt out.
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Parent Facing Imprisonment for Non-support Entitled to Counsel or Equivalent
Family law related question decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, a decision on whether a person facing incarceration for non-support during a civil contempt hearing is entitled to appointed counsel was decided by Turner v. Rogers, 546 U.S. ____ (2011); provides justification for court-appointed counsel in such a case.


Darren Edward

Practicing in equity I don't know if any esquire can 'represent' a client without a 'stipulation' the private 'agreement' on the docket and or in the 'record' of the family court?
This may be the only true objective.... the bargain.

'Present' is first hand knowledge... (Article III standing; Genesis 5:2)
'Represent' is second hand knowledge... (Article I standing through contract)


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A written stipulation of the parents 'parties litigant' is required in the record before orders can be valid; in Michigan for a Friend of The Court case, the parties must enter into a written agreement that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court. In a free society, if there is no welfare in your specific case then Title IV-D Child Support Services are voluntary and requires a stipulation.

A stipulation is a statement of agreement or admission of factual information, an agreement made by parties or by their attorneys in a judicial proceeding before the court. Stipulations are entered into the record to assist the court in establishing facts “not in dispute.” Stipulations are only binding between the parties that made the agreement, not on third parties.

Consensus facit legem.
Consent makes law. • A contract constitutes law between the parties agreeing to be bound by it.

In California, commissioners need the WRITTEN stipulation of the parties litigant in the record before their orders can be valid. Family Code sec. 4251; in re Marriage of Monge; CRC 2.831.

In Michigan, for a friend of the court case, an AGREEMENT by the payer that he or she shall....
552.604 Sect. 4.(3)(b)
The parties enter into a WRITTEN AGREEMENT that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court...
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.604

A signed divorce decree is just one form of stipulation.
Michigan case cite, Roller v Roller, unpublished opinion per curiam, issued January 26, 2012 (Docket No. 300543).
A consent judgment of divorce is a contract and interpreted using contract principles.
If a consent judgment is ambiguous, a clarification is only permitted when no change in the rights of the parties will result from the clarification.

Search the following two PDFs for the word 'stipulation':
http://www.montcalm.us/document_center/Courts/Stipulated Motion to Change Support Order.pdf

These non-public assistance families could voluntarily apply for IV-D services; they could, also, close their IV-D cases at any time.

The CSE program has different rules for welfare and non-welfare families.

A case qualifies for Title IV-D services when children are receiving public assistance or a custodial party or non-custodial parent has requested Title IV-D services.

A written stipulation of the parents 'parties litigant' is required in the record before orders can be valid; in Michigan for a Friend of The Court case, the parties must enter into a written agreement that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court. In a free society, if there is no welfare in your specific case then Title IV-D Child Support Services are voluntary and requires a stipulation.

The 'PUBLIC INTEREST' does not solely lie with assuring children receive support in so much as the Title IV-D Child Support Program is a two part facet:

(2) [child] SUPPORT, along the way of WELFARE and or INFORMED CONSENT.

A case qualifies for Title IV-D services when children are receiving public assistance or a custodial party or non-custodial parent has requested Title IV-D services.

Title IV-D due process Timeline... o_O
A case qualifies for Title IV-D services when children are receiving public assistance or [absent equal parenting time 'joint physical' and 'joint legal' custody] a custodial party or non-custodial parent has [upon informed consent each [parent] has first yielded to an agreement/stipulation together producing the 'custodial non-custodial' arrangement, in effect a form of 'voluntary partial abandonment by their agreement in writing to fractionalize the amount of time the children spend with each', that written agreement [required to make 'custody' and 'support' orders valid'] between parents (both parties), and then secondly one of them]] requested Title IV-D services.

Hint: the key is in the contractual arrangement, an 'ex parte' [support order] does not meet the definition of 'stipulation' :) lacking the wet ink signature of both parents 'written agreement' giving birth to [that] contract; 'contract law' and then the possibility of a breach of agreement, court action to enforce that agreement [enforcement order], and eventually contempt of court for failure to comply with court's oversight of the stipulation of that :deal: 'written agreement', so ordered enforced!

Taking your child without consent 'in law' is kidnapping
Parentage [posterity - standing tall and looking good]
Natural Rights are Lawful Rights
Rights untimely claimed are deemed to be waived; 'rebuttable presumptions'; silence is consent; wherefore simply object.

42 USC § 1301 - Definitions
(d) Nothing in this chapter [Public Health and Welfare] shall be construed as authorizing any Federal official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions of this chapter, to take charge of any child over the objection of either of the parents of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child.
42 U.S. Code § 1301 - Definitions
Objecting to Title IV-D services in your case, “42 USC 1301 d Parental Objection Notice”
03 4 1301 D 8x11 FORM

552.505 Duties of friend of the court
Sec. 5.
(1) Each office of the friend of the court has the following duties:

(a) To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, unless 1 of the parties is [on welfare and is] required to participate in the title IV-D child support program, they may choose not to have the office of the friend of the court administer and enforce obligations that may be imposed in the domestic relations matter.

(b) To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, unless 1 of the parties is [on welfare and is] required to participate in the title IV-D child support program, [neither party on welfare] they may direct the office of the friend of the court to close the friend of the court case that was opened in their domestic relations matter.

(c) To provide an informational pamphlet, in accordance with the model pamphlet developed by the bureau, to each party to a domestic relations matter. The informational pamphlet shall explain the procedures of the court and the office; the duties of the office... The informational pamphlet shall be provided as soon as possible after the filing of a complaint or other initiating pleading. Upon request, a party shall receive an oral explanation of the informational pamphlet from the office.
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.505

FRIEND of the COURT DUTIES ......................................................... 2

[Object to standing in Equity given to that which has NO STANDING IN LAW!" The court uses equity / civil jurisdiction to circumvent constitutional protections... (did the judge take an oath?); taking your child without consent 'in equity' is protection? Laugh-out-loud (it's treason!). In law, to impinge a lawful right, guilt must be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" (90%). In equity, to impinge a lawful right, "guilt?" must be proven by a "preponderance of the evidence" (51%). What "defendant" would knowingly allow that? Administrative law is the false King.]
Brick Layer gives a special thank you to 'For HIS Glory, Joel Akira' ~ Sui Juris Club Forum

The children (no welfare) equally with both parents - no need for child support.
Joint Physical & Joint Legal Custody, Equal Parenting Time, and without welfare for tax payer recoupment - no need for child support.


Title IV-D due process Timeline... o_O
A case qualifies for Title IV-D services when children are receiving public assistance or [absent equal parenting time 'joint physical' and 'joint legal' custody] a custodial party or non-custodial parent has [upon informed consent each [parent] has first yielded to an agreement/stipulation together producing the 'custodial non-custodial' arrangement, in effect a form of 'voluntary partial abandonment by their agreement in writing to fractionalize the amount of time the children spend with each', that written agreement [required to make 'custody' and 'support' orders valid'] between parents (both parties), and then secondly one of them]] requested Title IV-D services.

Hint: the key is in the contractual arrangement, an 'ex parte' [support order] does not meet the definition of 'stipulation' :) lacking the wet ink signature of both parents 'written agreement' giving birth to [that] contract; 'contract law' and then the possibility of a breach of agreement, court action to enforce that agreement [enforcement order], and eventually contempt of court for failure to comply with court's oversight of the stipulation of that :deal: 'written agreement', so ordered enforced!

Taking your child without consent 'in law' is kidnapping
Parentage [posterity - standing tall and looking good]
Natural Rights are Lawful Rights
Rights untimely claimed are deemed to be waived; 'rebuttable presumptions'; silence is consent; wherefore simply object.

42 USC § 1301 - Definitions
(d) Nothing in this chapter [Public Health and Welfare] shall be construed as authorizing any Federal official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions of this chapter, to take charge of any child over the objection of either of the parents of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child.
42 U.S. Code § 1301 - Definitions
Objecting to Title IV-D services in your case, “42 USC 1301 d Parental Objection Notice”
03 4 1301 D 8x11 FORM

552.505 Duties of friend of the court
Sec. 5.
(1) Each office of the friend of the court has the following duties:

(a) To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, unless 1 of the parties is [on welfare and is] required to participate in the title IV-D child support program, they may choose not to have the office of the friend of the court administer and enforce obligations that may be imposed in the domestic relations matter.

(b) To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, unless 1 of the parties is [on welfare and is] required to participate in the title IV-D child support program, [neither party on welfare] they may direct the office of the friend of the court to close the friend of the court case that was opened in their domestic relations matter.

(c) To provide an informational pamphlet, in accordance with the model pamphlet developed by the bureau, to each party to a domestic relations matter. The informational pamphlet shall explain the procedures of the court and the office; the duties of the office... The informational pamphlet shall be provided as soon as possible after the filing of a complaint or other initiating pleading. Upon request, a party shall receive an oral explanation of the informational pamphlet from the office.
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.505

FRIEND of the COURT DUTIES ......................................................... 2



Hint: the key is in the contractual arrangement, an 'ex parte' does not meet the definition of 'stipulation'!!! :)

42 U.S. Code § 1301 - Definitions (d) Nothing in this chapter [Public Health and Welfare] shall be construed as authorizing any Federal official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions of this chapter, to take charge of any child over the objection of either of the parents of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child.

Duties of friend of the court
To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that, they may choose not to have the office of the friend of the court administer and enforce obligations that may be imposed in the domestic relations matter.

To inform each party to a domestic relations matter that they may direct the office of the friend of the court to close the friend of the court case that was opened in their domestic relations matter.

To provide an informational pamphlet,The informational pamphlet shall be provided as soon as possible after the filing of a complaint or other initiating pleading.
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.505

Vide: pages 5 & 6 FOC HANDBOOK 'Opting Out' and 'Starting a Case, plaintiff's complaint'
Information provided by the state may be misleading:

[Absent welfare] Regarding the need of both parents to be in some form of agreement in order to 'opt out' of Title IV-D services; and or that...
The state only requires one parent requesting Title IV-D services, for them 'all' [Title IV-D Contactors], to obligate the other parent to such services [absent welfare] even if it is against (his or her) will, [to abandon the child(ren) in any form].


[Without Welfare] 42 U.S. Code § 1301 - Definitions (d) objection of either of the parents of such child, is all that is needed!!!!!! If the family is not on welfare or state health insurance, one parent's objection to Title IV-D Child Support Services is all that is needed to 'opt out'.

Federal regulations that supercede state law specifically state that a guideline award shall be rebutted when shown to not be economically appropriate.
[Code of Federal Regulations under 45 CFR 302.56.]
The U.S. Court of Appeals – among other Federal courts – has published opinion that, when states engage in program agreements with the federal government, federal regulations supercede not just state rules and regulations but also related state statutes. A key opinion is Jackson v. Rapps, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eight Circuit, October 17, 1991. 947 F.2d 332. This case specifically addressed child support program regulations. http://media.ca8.uscourts.gov/opndir/99/07/983307P.pdf



Social Security Act Title IV

§ 303.101 Expedited processes.

(a) Definition. Expedited processes
means administrative and judicial procedures (including IV-D agency procedures) required under section 466(a)(2) and (c) of the Act;

(c) Safeguards. Under expedited processes:

(1) Paternities and orders established by means other than full judicial process must have the same force and effect under State law as paternities and orders established by full judicial process within the State;

(2) The due process rights of the parties involved must be protected;

(3) The parties must be provided a copy of the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, paternity determination, and/or support order;

(4) Action taken may be reviewed [in the federal arena] under the State's generally applicable administrative or judicial procedures [acting statutes].

[Gamesmanship on the court - Court, a place where games are played... tennis court, basketball court, racquetball court, etc. Psalm 104:26; Luke 22:25.]

'Opt out' at the Federal Level only takes one parents objection if there is no Title IV Services.... and possibly takes both parents at the State Level because of the Title IV-D time-line - to start a Title IV-D Friend of the Court Case it is presumed that an agreement (stipulation) of both parents 'parties' has already been reviewed and entered into the record by the court, wherefore it takes an agreement of both parents 'parties' to dissolve the bilateral agreement 'private contract' changing their minds together to opt out.


AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)


WITHOUT WELFARE (absent taxpayer monies being paid out to the family), to abscond the welfare requirements of Title IV in Michigan 'ex parte' or not the [private] parties
must enter into a WRITTEN AGREEMENT that is reviewed and entered [on the docket] in the record by the [equitable] [family] court, and the parties [both] must be provided a copy of the voluntary support order. For the [circuit] court's order to be valid in conformity to law.

Uniform Child Support Order states,
"This order is entered on stipulation/consent of the [parents] parties."

[In Michigan, for a friend of the court case, an AGREEMENT by the payer that he or she shall....
552.604 Sect. 4.(3)(b)
The parties enter into a WRITTEN AGREEMENT that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court...
Michigan Legislature - Section 552.604

§ 303.101 Expedited processes.
(a) Definition. Expedited processes
means administrative and judicial procedures (including IV-D agency procedures) required under section 466(a)(2) and (c) of the Act;

(c) Safeguards. Under expedited processes:

(2) The due process rights of the parties involved must be protected;

(3) The parties must be provided a copy of the voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, paternity determination, and/or support order;]

(For Privately Filed Domestic Relations Cases Only)

Approved, SCAO (state court administrator's office)

Approved, SCAO (state court administrator's office)

Government Publishing Office [US]

[advise; advice]
CONSENT a doorway to governmental interference, into the child's life with (both parents); the assignment of rights; account of the childhood [at child's expense] [a cost allegedly 'presumed' to the American taxpayers]. But often in fact 'support' is more about [hidden] [welfare] money to the counties on account of each and every Title IV-D Account Created.


Hihil tam proprium imperio quam legibus vivere.
Nothing is so becoming to authority as to live according to the law.

Needy by definition:
the “Assignment” of debt under 408 (a)(3) of the Social Security Act should ONLY be valid if the child is receiving or has received public assistance; the key is section 301.1 of the definitions in title 45 CFR. Title 45 Section 302 says all child support recovery assignments in which the custodial parent receive TANF comes from a assignment from 301.1, which states the assignment came from 408 (a)(3) when the family receives assistance. Prohibitions; Requirements (A) General.— “…not exceeding the total amount of assistance so provided to the family, which accrue (or have accrued) before the date the family ceases to receive assistance under the program, which assignment, on and after such date, shall not apply with respect to any support (other than support collected pursuant to section) which accrued before the family received such assistance and which the State has not collected.”
Social Security Act §408
45 CFR 301.1 - General definitions.

Child support payments enable parents who do not live with their children to fulfill their financial responsibility to their children by contributing to the payment of childrearing costs; and paternity establishment is a prerequisite for obtaining a child support order, federal law requires an affidavit to be completed by men voluntarily [Section 466(a)(5)(D) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 666(a)(5)(D)) stipulates that an unmarried woman cannot put a man’s name on a child’s birth record/certificate unless the man has voluntarily acknowledged that he is the father of that child…] acknowledging paternity and entitles the affidavit to full faith and credit in any state. A written stipulation of the parents 'parties litigant' is required in the record before orders can be valid; in Michigan for a Friend of The Court case, the parties must enter into a written agreement that is reviewed and entered in the record by the court. In a free society, if there is no welfare in your specific case then Title IV-D Child Support Services are voluntary and requires a stipulation.
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There are a total of three states that have a distinct child support enforcement cooperation requirement and a CD clause in place. Florida, Mississippi and Michigan all enforce sanctions, or loss of benefits, when people do not comply with suing the nonresidential parent for child support.

MDHHS - Public Assistance and Child Support
State and federal law requires those receiving public assistance to cooperate with the Office of Child Support and the Prosecuting Attorney. The term "public assistance" includes a wide variety of assistance programs you may receive, including cash assistance, food assistance, child care and medical services.

If you are receiving public assistance, the Office of Child Support will send a letter to you. The letter will ask you to provide additional information by a certain due date.
Pay attention to the due date and follow the instructions in the letter. If you do not provide the information by the due date, you may be found uncooperative. This will put your case into noncooperation status, which could
result in your public assistance benefits being reduced or stopped.

CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy)
Child Support Cooperation Requirements and Public Benefits Programs: An Overview of Issues and Recommendations for Change

One of these requirements is that the person in the family with the legal right to do so must assign to the state any rights he/she has to spousal support as well as any rights any child in the family has to receive child support. 42 USC § 608(a)(3) In addition, federal law requires that states impose a child support cooperation requirement on the responsible individual unless that person can establish “good cause” for refusing to cooperate. 42 USC § 65(29) Cooperation must be in “good faith” and includes 1) appearing at interviews, hearings and legal proceedings; and 2) submitting to genetic testing (for purposes of establishing paternity) when ordered by a judge or administrative agency. 42 USC §§ 654(29)(B) &(C)

CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy)
Rethinking The Medicaid Child Support Cooperation Requirement

Michigan Family Independence Agency
Welfare Reform Changes: A Chronology

Illinois DHS, Child Support Enforcement - Cooperation Requirements

So 'to' speak, "The Court made me do it....." lol
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A support order has to be created before it can be enforced.
State and Tribal Child Support Agency Contacts


Statutes firstly

Statutes secondly
Statutes thirdly

How Deadbeat are Deadbeat Dads, Really?
“The child support system weakens the child/father bond by separating the act of love from the act of providing.”

Just think of all those alleged arrears once due and owing not subject to retro modification and the per dollar in relation to the five streams of funding [fractional banking] fracturing the family unite plus interest; untold damages!


"...and is not, on and after the date it is due, subject to retroactive modification. A surcharge may be added to support amounts that are past due..."

Interest On Child Support Arrears

Child support "arrears" are amounts that came due and, for whatever reason, weren't paid.
Retroactive child support, sometimes referred to as "back support," refers to child support awarded for time periods prior to the entry of the initial child support order, such as the time between the parents' separation and their final child support court date.


"...parent of retroactive support for a period prior to the entry of the order or reimbursement for common law “necessities” that the custodial parent paid before entry of the order."

A companion issue to arrears monitoring is interest. Some States charge interest on past-due child support obligations. Interest can be applied to unpaid support at the rate set by State statute. In the relevant States, judgment interest generally is determined in child support matters in the same way it is set in other civil judgments. States that charge interest typically begin its accrual on the day the relevant child support payment becomes due and unpaid. Darling v. Gosselin, 589 N.W.2d 192 (N.D. 1999)

Citizen's Guide To U.S. Federal Law On Child Support Enforcement | CRIMINAL-CEOS | Department of Justice

Child Support Enforcement | CRIMINAL-CEOS | Department of Justice

Child Support Enforcement | Fraud | Office of Inspector General | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Behind bars and owing thousands in child support


Parents Owing Child Support Avoid Jail (Not For Free)
"...few allow parents to avoid jail once they’ve been found in contempt of court. Programs in at least two states -- Kentucky and North Carolina -- put parents under house arrest while electronically monitoring their movement."

13 - FOC - Understanding Child Support Payment Distribution
Understanding Child Support Payment Distribution


A Handbook for Parents

Notification of Policy Changes
Sec. 222. (1) The department shall make the entire policy and procedures manual available and accessible to the public via the department website. (2) The department shall report no later than April 1 of the current fiscal year on each specific policy change made to implement a public act affecting the department that took effect during the prior calendar year to the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on the budget for the department, the joint committee on administrative rules, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and policy offices. The department shall attach each policy bulletin issued during the prior calendar year to this report.

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The Nevada Supreme Court in Morelli v. Morelli 102 Nev. 326, 720 P.2d 704 (1986)
....reasoned that the child is an intended third party beneficiary of an agreement for support between the parents.

The New Jersey Supreme Court has reiterated this as recently as 1997 Monmouth County Div. of Social Servs. for F.M. n/k/a D.W. v. G.D.M., 308 N.J. Super. 83, 705 A.2d 408
....when the court held that support belongs to the child and not the parent.

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Fatherless [Title IV-D] children (boys) grow into men....
None are ever good enough [in the family court] to raise their own children...
Yet at the same time most are always fit enough to raise others [men's and women's] children.


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Bias, Credibility and Appellate Review in Custody Litigation | New York Law Journal

The Montoya decision is instructive in terms of explicating some of the judicial and evaluator behaviors that may raise concerns that the process has been tainted by bias. It is further a useful reminder that one must tend to all relevant custody factors and not bank on just one of them alone carrying the case to victory. But the decision also reminds us how erratic the litigation process can be and that an appellate court’s precedents are binding only until they are not.


Clearfield Doctrine
"Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen...where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned. ... For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government."

What the Clearfield Doctrine is saying is that when private commercial paper is used by corporate government, then Government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no different than a mere private corporation. As such, government (or in your case a court) then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private corporations which means that if they intend to compel an individual to some specific performance based upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules, then the government, like any private corporation, must be the holder in due course of a contract or other commercial agreement between it and the one upon whom demands for specific performance are made and further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial agreement into evidence before trying to get to the court to enforce its demands, called statutes.

Part of the New Deal
The reason I can see is... taking God's portable property, gold, silver, copper, etc. out of the money (substance) and replacing it with (fiat currency) a debt based currency.

The NEW DEAL!!! Where the backs of every American and their children are pledged 'birth certificate' the creditors on account, the account of the United States deficit spending [Federal Title IV-D Fun[ding]], backed by We the People's faith and credit.

Can a law itself be a crime?

31 CFR 363.6
Minor means an individual under the age of 18 years. The term minor is also used to refer to an individual who has attained the age of 18 years but has not yet taken control of the securities contained in his or her minor account.
Bricklayer's qualities, identities, or activities
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Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law | CRT | Department of Justice


That’s why it’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law. “Color of law” simply means that the person is using authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency.
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Civil Rights - Color of Law

Civil Rights

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)
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There are a total of three states that have a distinct child support enforcement cooperation requirement and a CD clause in place. Florida, Mississippi and Michigan all enforce sanctions, or loss of benefits, when people do not comply with suing the nonresidential parent for child support.

MDHHS - Public Assistance and Child Support
State and federal law requires those receiving public assistance to cooperate with the Office of Child Support and the Prosecuting Attorney. The term "public assistance" includes a wide variety of assistance programs you may receive, including cash assistance, food assistance, child care and medical services.

If you are receiving public assistance, the Office of Child Support will send a letter to you. The letter will ask you to provide additional information by a certain due date.
Pay attention to the due date and follow the instructions in the letter. If you do not provide the information by the due date, you may be found uncooperative. This will put your case into noncooperation status, which could
result in your public assistance benefits being reduced or stopped.

CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy)
Child Support Cooperation Requirements and Public Benefits Programs: An Overview of Issues and Recommendations for Change

One of these requirements is that the person in the family with the legal right to do so must assign to the state any rights he/she has to spousal support as well as any rights any child in the family has to receive child support. 42 USC § 608(a)(3) In addition, federal law requires that states impose a child support cooperation requirement on the responsible individual unless that person can establish “good cause” for refusing to cooperate. 42 USC § 65(29) Cooperation must be in “good faith” and includes 1) appearing at interviews, hearings and legal proceedings; and 2) submitting to genetic testing (for purposes of establishing paternity) when ordered by a judge or administrative agency. 42 USC §§ 654(29)(B) &(C)

CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy)
Rethinking The Medicaid Child Support Cooperation Requirement

Michigan Family Independence Agency
Welfare Reform Changes: A Chronology

Illinois DHS, Child Support Enforcement - Cooperation Requirements

So 'to' speak, "The Court made me do it....." lol

I am not endorsing any sales; child support hustle;
I shared because the video talks about the Welfare Recovery....

This thread is free for all sundry by these presents.... I give it away; remedy [truth in knowledge]!!!

Jeremiah 33:3 ....as it is freely given to me.
John 8:32
1 Corinthians 8:1

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"The one great principle of English law is to make business for itself." ~ Charles Dickens, Bleak House

"Thieves for robbery have their authority when judges steal themselves." ~ Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

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