Federally mandated phase out of incandescent bulbs

Tuna has more mercury? Where is the MSDS? What is the recomended clean up of that?

We need to protect ourselves from these folks scaring us of every little thing. I mean geesh guys. The generation who went to the moon grew up with lead paint all over their homes.
That's rich, CON$ on this thread have been doing everything they can to "scare" us about the mercury in a CFL which is only 5 mg, but you are angry at those who point out that the scare about CFLs is vastly exaggerated and there is considerably more mercury in a 6 oz can of tuna. :cuckoo:
Only a CON$ervative can rationalize like that!!! :rofl:
Tuna has more mercury? Where is the MSDS? What is the recomended clean up of that?

We need to protect ourselves from these folks scaring us of every little thing. I mean geesh guys. The generation who went to the moon grew up with lead paint all over their homes.
That's rich, CON$ on this thread have been doing everything they can to "scare" us about the mercury in a CFL which is only 5 mg, but you are angry at those who point out that the scare about CFLs is vastly exaggerated and there is considerably more mercury in a 6 oz can of tuna. :cuckoo:
Only a CON$ervative can rationalize like that!!! :rofl:

Do you have a link for the amount of mercury in tuna? I know it contains it (my brother got mercury poisoning from eating that, among other fish).

Eating tuna isn't being mandated. Just sayin'.
Tuna has more mercury? Where is the MSDS? What is the recomended clean up of that?

We need to protect ourselves from these folks scaring us of every little thing. I mean geesh guys. The generation who went to the moon grew up with lead paint all over their homes.
That's rich, CON$ on this thread have been doing everything they can to "scare" us about the mercury in a CFL which is only 5 mg, but you are angry at those who point out that the scare about CFLs is vastly exaggerated and there is considerably more mercury in a 6 oz can of tuna. :cuckoo:
Only a CON$ervative can rationalize like that!!! :rofl:

The true scare is the demonizing of incandescent Light bulbs. You are like a mugger calling for a cop. ;)
How many cans of tuna are in circulation compared to the number of CFL light bulbs?
A hell of a lot more, but what does that have to do with the fact that the average person eats more cans of tuna in a year than they will ever break CFLs in a lifetime? :cuckoo:

Just remember, you would have to break 10 CFLs and breath in every mg of mercury to be exposed to the same amount of mercury as one 6 oz can of tuna!

From what I've read, the concern about the level of mercury in canned tuna is that the mercury could cause birth defects in fetuses and developmental difficulties in children. So the caution is that pregnant women should limit their intake of canned turn.

"Mercury poisoning can damage the central nervous system, cause hearing loss and diminish vision. Its effects are especially pronounced in infants, children and developing fetuses."
Study: Mercury in canned tuna high

So an old geezer like me (I'm 62) can eat all the tuna that I want to. Older people are more at risk from the complications associated with high blood pressure and diabetes than from the level of mercury in canned tuna fish.
Tuna has more mercury? Where is the MSDS? What is the recomended clean up of that?

We need to protect ourselves from these folks scaring us of every little thing. I mean geesh guys. The generation who went to the moon grew up with lead paint all over their homes.
That's rich, CON$ on this thread have been doing everything they can to "scare" us about the mercury in a CFL which is only 5 mg, but you are angry at those who point out that the scare about CFLs is vastly exaggerated and there is considerably more mercury in a 6 oz can of tuna. :cuckoo:
Only a CON$ervative can rationalize like that!!! :rofl:

The true scare is the demonizing of incandescent Light bulbs. You are like a mugger calling for a cop. ;)

The true scare is government determining what kind of light bulbs we can use. That is not a scare at all buy a tyrannical fact.
Tuna has more mercury? Where is the MSDS? What is the recomended clean up of that?

We need to protect ourselves from these folks scaring us of every little thing. I mean geesh guys. The generation who went to the moon grew up with lead paint all over their homes.
That's rich, CON$ on this thread have been doing everything they can to "scare" us about the mercury in a CFL which is only 5 mg, but you are angry at those who point out that the scare about CFLs is vastly exaggerated and there is considerably more mercury in a 6 oz can of tuna. :cuckoo:
Only a CON$ervative can rationalize like that!!! :rofl:

Do you have a link for the amount of mercury in tuna? I know it contains it (my brother got mercury poisoning from eating that, among other fish).

Eating tuna isn't being mandated. Just sayin'.
I always have links.


Multiply amount of fish by average mercury level for chunk white albacore.
Convert 6 ounces to grams = 170 grams
170 grams X .31 ppm (or micrograms per gram)

MERCURY INGESTED = 52.7 micrograms
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Tuna has more mercury? Where is the MSDS? What is the recomended clean up of that?

We need to protect ourselves from these folks scaring us of every little thing. I mean geesh guys. The generation who went to the moon grew up with lead paint all over their homes.
That's rich, CON$ on this thread have been doing everything they can to "scare" us about the mercury in a CFL which is only 5 mg, but you are angry at those who point out that the scare about CFLs is vastly exaggerated and there is considerably more mercury in a 6 oz can of tuna. :cuckoo:
Only a CON$ervative can rationalize like that!!! :rofl:

The true scare is the demonizing of incandescent Light bulbs. You are like a mugger calling for a cop. ;)
The gov did not "demonize" the incandescent light bulb. The gov set efficiency standards for light bulbs. CON$ on the other hand have demonized CFLs. See the first quote in my sig.
That's rich, CON$ on this thread have been doing everything they can to "scare" us about the mercury in a CFL which is only 5 mg, but you are angry at those who point out that the scare about CFLs is vastly exaggerated and there is considerably more mercury in a 6 oz can of tuna. :cuckoo:
Only a CON$ervative can rationalize like that!!! :rofl:

Do you have a link for the amount of mercury in tuna? I know it contains it (my brother got mercury poisoning from eating that, among other fish).

Eating tuna isn't being mandated. Just sayin'.
I always have links.

[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/mercury-tuna/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=481192]How much mercury is there in a can of tuna?[/ame]

Multiply amount of fish by average mercury level for chunk white albacore.
Convert 6 ounces to grams = 170 grams
170 grams X .31 ppm (or micrograms per gram)

MERCURY INGESTED = 52.7 micrograms

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Nearly all fish contain trace amounts of methylmercury. How does this element get into our fish supply? Mercury occurs both naturally and from man-made sources. Some of it can be traced to coal-burning power plants. Smokestacks release toxic mercury emissions which rain down into rivers, lakes, and oceans. Bacteria convert the mercury to a form that's easily absorbed by insects and other small organisms. Mercury moves up the food chain as small fish eat the small organisms and big fish eat the smaller fish. The highest concentrations accumulate in large predators such as shark, swordfish and tuna...some of America's favorite fish.
Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and very young children are cautioned against excessive consumption of these fish. Read the FDA consumer advisory for pregnant women about the risks of mercury in fish. The FDA also offers a chart on mercury levels in seafood species.

Until the 1950's, the problems that can occur with excessive mercury intake were not well-known. However, at that time, an epidemic hit fishermen and their families in villages on Japan's Minamata Bay. People whose diet was primarily seafood showed signs of brain damage; some were even fatally stricken with disease and seizures. The investigation linked the health problems to methylmercury poisoning from a local chemical plant that was discharging organic mercury into the bay. The villagers were getting sick from eating the fish that had absorbed the mercury. (Learn more about The Poisoning of Minamata.)

In 1969, the FDA first set an action level for total mercury in fish; 0.5ppm (part-per-million) was considered the maximum safe limit. (Action levels represent the limit at or above which FDA will take legal action to remove a product from the market.) In 1979, the action level was raised to 1ppm. In 1984, there was another major change. The FDA stopped measuring on a basis of total mercury and instead started checking levels in terms of methylmercury only. In 1998, the FDA stopped widely testing for mercury in fish.

Around the world, there is concern about mercury contamination through fish, but specific recommendations vary. For example, Health Canada advises consumers to limit their consumption of swordfish, shark or fresh and frozen tuna to one meal per week; for young children and women of child-bearing age, the recommended limit is one meal per month. Health Canada's guideline is 0.5ppm total mercury content — more stringent than in the U.S. Britain's Food Standards Agency is advising pregnant and breastfeeding women and women who intend to become pregnant to limit their consumption of tuna to no more than two medium-size cans or one fresh tuna steak per week.

Even within the United States, women are hearing different advice from different sources, especially where tuna is concerned. The EPA's methylmercury guideline is a recommended limit on mercury consumption based on bodyweight, also known as a "reference dose." EPA's methylmercury reference dose is .1 micrograms/kg body weight per day. In July 2000, the National Academy of Sciences found the EPA's reference dose as "scientifically justifiable" for protecting most Americans.

So exactly how much mercury a 45 lb. child would ingest by eating one 6 ounce can of tuna per week, and how does that compare to the EPA's reference dose? Take a look at the following calculations:


Multiply child's body weight by EPA's reference dose.
Convert 45 pounds to kilograms = 20.45 kilograms
20.45 kilograms x .1 micrograms per kilogram per day
EPA RECOMMENDED LEVEL = 2.05 micrograms per day = 14.35 micrograms per week.

Multiply amount of fish by average mercury level for chunk white albacore.
Convert 6 ounces to grams = 170 grams 170 grams X .31 ppm (or micrograms per gram)**
MERCURY INGESTED = 52.7 micrograms per gram

Divide 52.7 micrograms by 14.35 micrograms = 3.7

NOW. Science & Health. Mercury in Fish | PBS
What a bunch of whiners. I started buying these bulbs before there was any government comment on them. They just made sense. I rarely have to replace any bulbs which is great for ceiling lights and outside lights over the porches. I don't even have to think about buying light bulbs except for the halogen ones over the stove. This is a lot of fuss about nothing.
What a bunch of whiners. I started buying these bulbs before there was any government comment on them. They just made sense. I rarely have to replace any bulbs which is great for ceiling lights and outside lights over the porches. I don't even have to think about buying light bulbs except for the halogen ones over the stove. This is a lot of fuss about nothing.

Mine go pretty regularly.I'm not seeing the longevity. So we are whiners now? Sore losers?
Some People would not recognize Totalitarianism if it padlocked your toilet, Pussy.

Having to mandate the use is total bullshit.
What a bunch of whiners. I started buying these bulbs before there was any government comment on them. They just made sense. I rarely have to replace any bulbs which is great for ceiling lights and outside lights over the porches. I don't even have to think about buying light bulbs except for the halogen ones over the stove. This is a lot of fuss about nothing.

Come to think of it, I'm a heterosexual, and I like it better. All those homos are a bunch of whiners for wanting different, I don't see what their big deal is, anyways. The Feds need to step in and outlaw them, I just don't see what the big F-ing deal is. They make a lot of fuss about nothing... :cuckoo:
The goofy fluorescent bulbs bug out my eyes.

I'll be stockpiling 40 & 60 watt traditional bulbs well in advance.

say it brother..I have 2 rubber maid 20 gallon tubs I have been stockpiling 60 and 90 watts.....*uc them.

Its was a joke, a total joke. Typical gov.
Do you have a link for the amount of mercury in tuna? I know it contains it (my brother got mercury poisoning from eating that, among other fish).

Eating tuna isn't being mandated. Just sayin'.
I always have links.

[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/mercury-tuna/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=481192]How much mercury is there in a can of tuna?[/ame]

Multiply amount of fish by average mercury level for chunk white albacore.
Convert 6 ounces to grams = 170 grams
170 grams X .31 ppm (or micrograms per gram)

MERCURY INGESTED = 52.7 micrograms

Your link doesn't work . . . takes me to this:

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Copy and paste this:

What a bunch of whiners. I started buying these bulbs before there was any government comment on them. They just made sense. I rarely have to replace any bulbs which is great for ceiling lights and outside lights over the porches. I don't even have to think about buying light bulbs except for the halogen ones over the stove. This is a lot of fuss about nothing.

Mine go pretty regularly.I'm not seeing the longevity. So we are whiners now? Sore losers?
Some People would not recognize Totalitarianism if it padlocked your toilet, Pussy.

Having to mandate the use is total bullshit.

I've had them for 5 years and not a single one has burned out yet. One is in a hallway with no windows so it is left on all the time and it is still burning bright.
I'm tempted to imitate this guy:

German entrepreneur is bypassing a European Union ban on light bulbs of more than 60 watts by marketing his own brand as mini heaters.
Siegfried Rotthaeuser and his brother-in-law have come up with a legal way of importing and distributing 75 and 100 watt light bulbs -- by producing them in China, importing them as "small heating devices" and selling them as "heatballs."
To improve energy efficiency, the EU has banned the sale of bulbs of over 60 watts -- to the annoyance of the mechanical engineer from the western city of Essen.
Rotthaeuser studied EU legislation and realized that because the inefficient old bulbs produce more warmth than light -- he calculated heat makes up 95 percent of their output, and light just 5 percent -- they could be sold legally as heaters.
On their website (Heatball :: Home), the two engineers describe the heatballs as "action art" and as "resistance against legislation which is implemented without recourse to democratic and parliamentary processes."
Costing 1.69 euros each ($2.38), the heatballs are going down well -- the first batch of 4,000 sold out in three days.
Rotthaeuser has pledged to donate 30 cents of every heatball sold to saving the rainforest, which the 49-year-old sees as a better way of protecting the environment than investing in energy-saving lamps, which contain toxic mercury....

German "heatball" wheeze outwits EU light bulb ban...... - The Activity Pit
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What a bunch of whiners. I started buying these bulbs before there was any government comment on them. They just made sense. I rarely have to replace any bulbs which is great for ceiling lights and outside lights over the porches. I don't even have to think about buying light bulbs except for the halogen ones over the stove. This is a lot of fuss about nothing.

Mine go pretty regularly.I'm not seeing the longevity. So we are whiners now? Sore losers?
Some People would not recognize Totalitarianism if it padlocked your toilet, Pussy.

Having to mandate the use is total bullshit.

I've had them for 5 years and not a single one has burned out yet. One is in a hallway with no windows so it is left on all the time and it is still burning bright.

We've had the opposite experience. The CFLs are burning out faster than traditional bulbs.

I'm going to start hoarding incandescents. I loathe CFLs.

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