Feds: All kids entitled to public school, regardless of origin, immigration status


Apr 20, 2011
MIAMI - The U.S. Department of Education sent a letter to districts around the country Friday, reminding them that all students - legal or not - are entitled to a public education.

The letter comes amid reports that schools may be checking the immigration status of students trying to enroll, and it reminds districts they are federally prohibited from barring elementary or secondary students on the basis of citizenship status.

"Moreover, districts may not request information with the purpose or result of denying access to public schools on the basis of race, color or national origin," said the letter, which was signed by officials from the department's Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice.

"We put this letter out now because we know school districts are in the process of planning for the next school year, and wanted to make sure they had this in hand," said Department of Education spokesman Justin Hamilton. "We were concerned about the number of reports that we've received and heard about, and felt it was necessary to make it clear that this has been the law of the land since Ronald Reagan was president."

A 1982 Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe, held that states cannot deny students access to public education, whether they are in the U.S. legally or not. The court ruled that denying public education could impose a lifetime of hardship "on a discrete class of children not accountable for their disabling status."

The letter comes as the Office of Civil Rights investigates three complaints, and less than a week before the president is expected to deliver a speech on immigration during a visit to Texas.

Feds: All kids entitled to public school, regardless of origin, immigration status


Can anyone find the part in the law where it says the poor American taxpayer must pay the tab? Send the bill for illegals to their country of origin.
Enroll them but report their illegal status to the Immigration and Naturalization Department.

And everyone needs to start lobbying their Representative and Senators to remind that Department it is their JOB to deport illegals.

We tried amnesty and what did it get us? 10 to 20 times MORE illegals in 30 years. Seal the damn borders and start deporting illegals. Start arresting employers that hire them and fining Companies that use them. Enforce the damn laws.
Enroll them but report their illegal status to the Immigration and Naturalization Department.

And everyone needs to start lobbying their Representative and Senators to remind that Department it is their JOB to deport illegals.

We tried amnesty and what did it get us? 10 to 20 times MORE illegals in 30 years. Seal the damn borders and start deporting illegals. Start arresting employers that hire them and fining Companies that use them. Enforce the damn laws.

Foreign countries must be made to pay up for their own people's expenses or begin to seal their own border as they have continually promised the American people since the 1960's.
In other words "all students - legal or not - are entitled to your money"
In other words "all students - legal or not - are entitled to your money"

Correction: All Latinos are entitled to the Yanqui money. LA RAZA tries to keep people from the eastern hemisphere from immigrating to the US.
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In other words "all students - legal or not - are entitled to your money"
"Butts in Seats" equal more money regardless of where they came from. That's all the Teachers Unions care about.

Butts in Seats? Yes.
Quality Education? No.

Illegal Immigration will become a principle issue in the 2012 election for the potential president, because it deals with the loss of American jobs. Costs are spiraling to support the new arrivals, purposely the pregnant Mothers with "Foothold" babies. This too will become a prominent issue as for decade’s illegal aliens have been receiving preferential visas, because of automatic citizenship for their infants. The TEA PARTY Republicans are unwavering to amend this huge financial problem, to revise this misinterpreted law. President Obama is obsessed for pushing through a multibillion dollar plan, to give 20 million plus illegal aliens a path to citizenship. The mainstream of American has no notion that by federal law we must support those people once legitimized. In a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total net cost of the 1986 Simpson/Mazzoli amnesty (direct and indirect expenditures of services and benefits to the former illegal immigrants, less their taxable contributions) amounted to over $78 billion in the ten years following the amnesty pardon.


An amnesty is a reward to those breaking the law. Issuing an amnesty to illegal aliens only encourages more illegal aliens enter the United States. The amnesty of 1986 was supposed to be a "one time only" amnesty promised by deceased Democrat Ted Kennedy yet since 1986, Congress passed a total of 7 amnesties for illegal’s: Yet this type of leniency benefits neither our social order nor those being amnestied. An earlier (INS) Immigration and Naturalization Service study established that after living in the United States for 10 years, the average amnestied illegal alien had only a seventh grade education and earned less than $9,000 a year. This detrimental to all Americans, as already subsist on a lowest of incomes with illegal aliens stealing jobs from our own class of people, who have been displaced by businesses for profit. Amnestied illegal aliens have no guarantor to support them financially.

Instead, by enacting a mass amnesty, Congress places a shocking financial weight on American taxpayers to maintain those amnestied. The 1986 immigration bill has been a failure, not because it’s—BROKEN--but for the reason that the laws were never obligatory? By granting amnesties, Washington has set a dangerous precedent that threatens homeland security. Our normal immigration procedures involves screening to block potential criminals with foreign crime records, people with communicably diseases, anarchists and terrorists from entering the United States. Yet millions of illegal aliens have avoided this screening process by authorities and a volume amnesty would allow them to permanently bypass such screening, that was a serious oversight of the 1986 ICRA.

It’s like Christmas daily as I receive around 300 E-Mail responses, with the majority of the public entirely positive to my commentary and blogs. The community who write to me feel disenfranchised by both political parties, because they see pandering to illegal aliens as future votes or importing cheap labor. They comprehend Republicans, inflexible Liberals and Democrats are responsible for this immigration agenda, displaying complete indifference to the American people’s interests. My correspondents are a reaction of disillusioned people from every segment of our culture, including legal Hispanics who are furious at being allied to the illegal alien chaos. Like me, I have informed them to join the millions of people of the rising civil insurrection of the TEA PARTY. The TEA PARTY is not true Republicans, but a splinter group of Centralist Independents, which are the moderate Conservatives in our society, who believe in the "Rule of Law.

The TEA PARTY will not serve activists in the open border organizations, the Special Interests or money lobbyists and nor are they subservient to the Republicans, Democrats or Liberal zealots. The Tea Party has its own measure of patriotic Americans, who are sick of unremitting pandering by most States, federal government that are catering to an invasion of foreign nationals. It is the TEA PARTY'S intention to bring together and focus the power of the millions of angry citizens and permanent residents, with many small groups who will no longer remain silent. America is being invaded and slowly colonized. It is our duty, just as the 1776 revolutionist did; the People will resist.

Taxpayers are paying a astronomical price in welfare and public services without severing access. The Tea Party leaders will attempt to thrash any path to citizenship, giving no tolerance to illegal aliens being accepted for any Amnesty; now or in the future. Sanctuary States should not be allowed to exist, as this like putting fuel to already raging fire..As American (TEA PARTY) patriots we must unite to take back an America, which has allowed the Rule of Law” to be lost on which it was founded. Our country that is nearly unrecognizable from only 3 decades back. We lift our voices in one common language to claim that our borders are protected, our laws be enforced, and that our US Constitution be honored.

Illegal aliens have discovered a fraudulent avenue to aid President Obama predominantly become a strong contender in the 2012 election. Using forged absentee ballots illegal aliens in four States as Colorado, Texas, New York, so far have discovered, but how deep in previous election has this deception gone? In States as California and Nevada that are soft on election oversight, was the absentee ballot forgeries go undetected in huge populace States of nationwide? It's apparent that President Obama considers Americans, who want to restrict illegal immigration laws in America, to be the enemy.

It’s utterly dubious that government would not make trespassing on our lands a felony, which goes against our fundamental rights to defend America from enemies domestic and foreign. It’s equally questioning why E-Verify, Secure Communities, is not the law of the land? It's interesting point of view that Napolitano a Leftist, wants a overhaul of current immigration laws, when the Ronald Reagan 1986 Amnesty was new enforced and still today an utter failure. To me shows further the governments disturbing inaction to control our border, no matter the consequences of criminal invasion. The TEA PARTY is resolute in upholding the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act, not trying to pass another law, to favor illegal aliens already here. If you are of legal standing the TEA PARTY has a place for you, to invite highly skilled technical workers, who will not take advantage of the US entitlement safety net. Businesses who hire illegal immigrants must be prosecuted to the full exemplary harshness the law will exercise. Find out more at NumbersUSA. Every prudent Taxpayer must take their Politicians to task whether federal or State, by calling their offices as soon as possible at Senate—202-224–3121/ House—202-225–3121 or locate these lawmakers in your phone directory blue pages.
Illegal Immigration will become a principle issue in the 2012 election for the potential president, because it deals with the loss of American jobs. Costs are spiraling to support the new arrivals, purposely the pregnant Mothers with "Foothold" babies. This too will become a prominent issue as for decade’s illegal aliens have been receiving preferential visas, because of automatic citizenship for their infants. The TEA PARTY Republicans are unwavering to amend this huge financial problem, to revise this misinterpreted law. President Obama is obsessed for pushing through a multibillion dollar plan, to give 20 million plus illegal aliens a path to citizenship. The mainstream of American has no notion that by federal law we must support those people once legitimized. In a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total net cost of the 1986 Simpson/Mazzoli amnesty (direct and indirect expenditures of services and benefits to the former illegal immigrants, less their taxable contributions) amounted to over $78 billion in the ten years following the amnesty pardon.


An amnesty is a reward to those breaking the law. Issuing an amnesty to illegal aliens only encourages more illegal aliens enter the United States. The amnesty of 1986 was supposed to be a "one time only" amnesty promised by deceased Democrat Ted Kennedy yet since 1986, Congress passed a total of 7 amnesties for illegal’s: Yet this type of leniency benefits neither our social order nor those being amnestied. An earlier (INS) Immigration and Naturalization Service study established that after living in the United States for 10 years, the average amnestied illegal alien had only a seventh grade education and earned less than $9,000 a year. This detrimental to all Americans, as already subsist on a lowest of incomes with illegal aliens stealing jobs from our own class of people, who have been displaced by businesses for profit. Amnestied illegal aliens have no guarantor to support them financially.

Instead, by enacting a mass amnesty, Congress places a shocking financial weight on American taxpayers to maintain those amnestied. The 1986 immigration bill has been a failure, not because it’s—BROKEN--but for the reason that the laws were never obligatory? By granting amnesties, Washington has set a dangerous precedent that threatens homeland security. Our normal immigration procedures involves screening to block potential criminals with foreign crime records, people with communicably diseases, anarchists and terrorists from entering the United States. Yet millions of illegal aliens have avoided this screening process by authorities and a volume amnesty would allow them to permanently bypass such screening, that was a serious oversight of the 1986 ICRA.

It’s like Christmas daily as I receive around 300 E-Mail responses, with the majority of the public entirely positive to my commentary and blogs. The community who write to me feel disenfranchised by both political parties, because they see pandering to illegal aliens as future votes or importing cheap labor. They comprehend Republicans, inflexible Liberals and Democrats are responsible for this immigration agenda, displaying complete indifference to the American people’s interests. My correspondents are a reaction of disillusioned people from every segment of our culture, including legal Hispanics who are furious at being allied to the illegal alien chaos. Like me, I have informed them to join the millions of people of the rising civil insurrection of the TEA PARTY. The TEA PARTY is not true Republicans, but a splinter group of Centralist Independents, which are the moderate Conservatives in our society, who believe in the "Rule of Law.

The TEA PARTY will not serve activists in the open border organizations, the Special Interests or money lobbyists and nor are they subservient to the Republicans, Democrats or Liberal zealots. The Tea Party has its own measure of patriotic Americans, who are sick of unremitting pandering by most States, federal government that are catering to an invasion of foreign nationals. It is the TEA PARTY'S intention to bring together and focus the power of the millions of angry citizens and permanent residents, with many small groups who will no longer remain silent. America is being invaded and slowly colonized. It is our duty, just as the 1776 revolutionist did; the People will resist.

Taxpayers are paying a astronomical price in welfare and public services without severing access. The Tea Party leaders will attempt to thrash any path to citizenship, giving no tolerance to illegal aliens being accepted for any Amnesty; now or in the future. Sanctuary States should not be allowed to exist, as this like putting fuel to already raging fire..As American (TEA PARTY) patriots we must unite to take back an America, which has allowed the Rule of Law” to be lost on which it was founded. Our country that is nearly unrecognizable from only 3 decades back. We lift our voices in one common language to claim that our borders are protected, our laws be enforced, and that our US Constitution be honored.

Illegal aliens have discovered a fraudulent avenue to aid President Obama predominantly become a strong contender in the 2012 election. Using forged absentee ballots illegal aliens in four States as Colorado, Texas, New York, so far have discovered, but how deep in previous election has this deception gone? In States as California and Nevada that are soft on election oversight, was the absentee ballot forgeries go undetected in huge populace States of nationwide? It's apparent that President Obama considers Americans, who want to restrict illegal immigration laws in America, to be the enemy.

It’s utterly dubious that government would not make trespassing on our lands a felony, which goes against our fundamental rights to defend America from enemies domestic and foreign. It’s equally questioning why E-Verify, Secure Communities, is not the law of the land? It's interesting point of view that Napolitano a Leftist, wants a overhaul of current immigration laws, when the Ronald Reagan 1986 Amnesty was new enforced and still today an utter failure. To me shows further the governments disturbing inaction to control our border, no matter the consequences of criminal invasion. The TEA PARTY is resolute in upholding the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act, not trying to pass another law, to favor illegal aliens already here. If you are of legal standing the TEA PARTY has a place for you, to invite highly skilled technical workers, who will not take advantage of the US entitlement safety net. Businesses who hire illegal immigrants must be prosecuted to the full exemplary harshness the law will exercise. Find out more at NumbersUSA. Every prudent Taxpayer must take their Politicians to task whether federal or State, by calling their offices as soon as possible at Senate—202-224–3121/ House—202-225–3121 or locate these lawmakers in your phone directory blue pages.
Fact of the matter is, it’s better to have kids in school than not. If the government ever did its job it wouldn’t be an issue.
MIAMI - The U.S. Department of Education sent a letter to districts around the country Friday, reminding them that all students - legal or not - are entitled to a public education.

The letter comes amid reports that schools may be checking the immigration status of students trying to enroll, and it reminds districts they are federally prohibited from barring elementary or secondary students on the basis of citizenship status.

"Moreover, districts may not request information with the purpose or result of denying access to public schools on the basis of race, color or national origin," said the letter, which was signed by officials from the department's Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice.

"We put this letter out now because we know school districts are in the process of planning for the next school year, and wanted to make sure they had this in hand," said Department of Education spokesman Justin Hamilton. "We were concerned about the number of reports that we've received and heard about, and felt it was necessary to make it clear that this has been the law of the land since Ronald Reagan was president."

A 1982 Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe, held that states cannot deny students access to public education, whether they are in the U.S. legally or not. The court ruled that denying public education could impose a lifetime of hardship "on a discrete class of children not accountable for their disabling status."

The letter comes as the Office of Civil Rights investigates three complaints, and less than a week before the president is expected to deliver a speech on immigration during a visit to Texas.

Feds: All kids entitled to public school, regardless of origin, immigration status


Can anyone find the part in the law where it says the poor American taxpayer must pay the tab? Send the bill for illegals to their country of origin.
This is just NOT RIGHT! Change the law! Or better yet, deport them all.
And they will be entitled to infect all you pathetic stupid fks who never listened and have only an IQ to chant " LET THEM IN" LET THEM IN now your kids will fall ill with many diseases we haven't seen for centuries , it is a shame you pathetic leftist c**ts have jeopardized the lives of every child in America. For your pathetic fk up stupidity. You losers will be the first to go LMFAO disease sees nno color, race, nnor hate for Trump morons!!! you will deserve all you dumb fks got coming you haven't seen anything yet retards wait until schools back in session when shit spreads like fire in a dry desert.

Oh the best part you idiots get to pay all the taxes for this bs too as the jobs drop off heheheh IDIOTS!!
MIAMI - The U.S. Department of Education sent a letter to districts around the country Friday, reminding them that all students - legal or not - are entitled to a public education.

The letter comes amid reports that schools may be checking the immigration status of students trying to enroll, and it reminds districts they are federally prohibited from barring elementary or secondary students on the basis of citizenship status.

"Moreover, districts may not request information with the purpose or result of denying access to public schools on the basis of race, color or national origin," said the letter, which was signed by officials from the department's Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice.

"We put this letter out now because we know school districts are in the process of planning for the next school year, and wanted to make sure they had this in hand," said Department of Education spokesman Justin Hamilton. "We were concerned about the number of reports that we've received and heard about, and felt it was necessary to make it clear that this has been the law of the land since Ronald Reagan was president."

A 1982 Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe, held that states cannot deny students access to public education, whether they are in the U.S. legally or not. The court ruled that denying public education could impose a lifetime of hardship "on a discrete class of children not accountable for their disabling status."

The letter comes as the Office of Civil Rights investigates three complaints, and less than a week before the president is expected to deliver a speech on immigration during a visit to Texas.

Feds: All kids entitled to public school, regardless of origin, immigration status


Can anyone find the part in the law where it says the poor American taxpayer must pay the tab? Send the bill for illegals to their country of origin.
This is just NOT RIGHT! ...

It's nice of the Department of Education to remind everyone that we should just take in every kid who walks through a school's doors and shut the fuck up about it.

At the very least we should be billing the nation of origin when an illegal immigrant sends his kids to school, piling yet more debt on the backs of sucker taxpayers.

Nothing is free, right...except to illegal immigrants sucking off poor old Uncle Scam's generous teats.

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