Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

I would like to see this end welfare ranching once and for all and you can bet others who are on public lands illegally are watching this unfold.

Not surprising that the unAmerican rw's are buying ammo and hiding under their beds. Idiots.

This is what you get when government attains unlimited power. It is happening with regularity these days.

You might want to recognize that a huge percentage of the western states are OWNED by the federal government. And...who owns the federal government?


Utah and Nevada used to be one state but the feds thought the Mormon church would get to rich on Nevada gold so they broke off nevada from the utah territory.
If a man is judge by his neighbors, I hope I'm as well liked as Brother Bundy
I would like to see this end welfare ranching once and for all and you can bet others who are on public lands illegally are watching this unfold.

Not surprising that the unAmerican rw's are buying ammo and hiding under their beds. Idiots.
Nobody's HIDING from JACK SHIT you pathetic little pile of SNAIL SHIT... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/11/militias-head-nevada-ranchers-standoff-feds-were-n/

Why you don't drive your little commie dripping pussy down there and SUPPORT THE FEDS?

No, you won't, because you're nothing more than a mouthy little libtard JACK OFF sitting in the safety of your mommy's basement running your STUPID fucking pathetic progressive mouth.

Fuck off and die, dumbass mother fucker.
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How big is Bundy's ranch? A few hundred square miles of land, or something like that? Do you really want to call him a "serf" or a "peasant"?

It's in the middle of nowhere, you want to live there?
What will the final straw be to spark an armed revolution against the US Federal government? It wasn't torture or lies to start endless war, it wasn't domestic warrantless spying, it wasn't "massive" voter fraud, it wasn't Wall Street fucking the world, but the big bad gub'mint dun take rich man Bundy's rat to graze his cows for free on public land. "Git yer guuuuns! Stan' yer greeownd!"

That's the final straw for these talking monkeys? A rich man doesn't want to pay his appropriate taxes?
How big is Bundy's ranch? A few hundred square miles of land, or something like that? Do you really want to call him a "serf" or a "peasant"?

It's in the middle of nowhere, you want to live there?
My grandparents worked a 25k-acre cattle ranch. I grew up in the middle of nowhere for part of my childhood. From what I've heard, Bundy's ranch has even more acreage than that. I know for a fact that the people who own that much land are not "serfs" or "peasants" by any stretch of imagination.
How big is Bundy's ranch? A few hundred square miles of land, or something like that? Do you really want to call him a "serf" or a "peasant"?

Just another example of the RW loons on the board picking and choosing what law breakers they will defend. The message they are sending is if you lose in the courts, well you can always strap on your guns and bully your position into the limelight.

They call enforcing a court order, infringing on someone's constitutional rights. He has been breaking the law for years, and should have been prosecuted long before this. But since Obama is the Devil, he is wrong when a federal agency enforces the law.

I'm sure you hope "this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history", as you hide behind your keyboard. I hope you don't fly our flag and consider yourself a patriot, you're not. Of course not having the balls to act out your anti American convictions, you remain safe to spread vile rhetoric polluting the Internet from your keyboard.

Ok you Loyalist-Redcoat.


Apparently it's you guys that hope there is an exchange of gunfire, since you're the pushing us to these extremes. You're the violators, the usurpers and the tyrants. We're the sufferings serfs and peasants.

No one has or is pushing you to extremes; well, possibly Glen Beck, Sarah Palin or some other half or full crazy demagogue/charlatan has infected you with paranoia. We are a nation of laws, and those who refuse to obey them usually end up in a cage or an early coffin. Sadly charlatans like David Koresh cause others an early death too.

see: David Koresh | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS
How big is Bundy's ranch? A few hundred square miles of land, or something like that? Do you really want to call him a "serf" or a "peasant"?

It's in the middle of nowhere, you want to live there?
My grandparents worked a 25k-acre cattle ranch. I grew up in the middle of nowhere for part of my childhood. From what I've heard, Bundy's ranch has even more acreage than that. I know for a fact that the people who own that much land are not "serfs" or "peasants" by any stretch of imagination.

He is laughing at all the other ranchers that have been paying the fees to graze their cattle. Then the gun totting loons come to his rescue and spit in the face of law and order.
It's in the middle of nowhere, you want to live there?
My grandparents worked a 25k-acre cattle ranch. I grew up in the middle of nowhere for part of my childhood. From what I've heard, Bundy's ranch has even more acreage than that. I know for a fact that the people who own that much land are not "serfs" or "peasants" by any stretch of imagination.

He is laughing at all the other ranchers that have been paying the fees to graze their cattle. Then the gun totting loons come to his rescue and spit in the face of law and order.

There aren't any other ranchers paying the fees to graze their cattle on this land. They have been run out of business even when they paid the grazing fees. The Bundy ranch is the last one. The thing about complying with the law is, if the feds want your land, they just invent a new law, or a new law after that. However many laws it takes before they intimidate the ranchers out of their land.
How much of Bundy's land has the Federal government seized? Wasn't this about keeping Bundy's cattle on his own property?
How is he being bullied? By being told he has to remove his cattle from public lands?? He owes between $300k and $1 million in grazing fees.

And the feds are not at the Bundy ranch. They are at the public lands to remove the cattle that a federal judge ordered Bundy to remove from public lands in 1998!

BULL SHIT... his family has grazed that land since the early 1800's! He's being BULLIED off it for some BULL SHIT reason, the DESSERT TORTOISE, which in fact is THRIVING in spite of the cattle grazing, and the FED's have even KILLED SOME THEM. So he's being PUSHED off that land by government BULLYING and BULL SHIT, and it's coming from that slimy little PUSS BALL dingy Harry who purportedly wants the land for some SOLAR FARM.


He stopped paying the grazing fees in 1993. So he has been running a commercial cattle operation on public lands for free for 21 years. He has been flaunting the law on land he does not own.

This is not bullying, this is simply enforcing the standing laws. Don't like it? Change the laws. He has been fighting this in the courts for 21 years, and two different federal judges have ruled against him. Now he wants others to present armed resistance to removing his cattle from public lands.

Who is the bully here?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOh6tetosiY#t=17]Cliven Bundy on The Dana Show - YouTube[/ame]
This is the same government that wanted to seize farms in the Midwest by claiming that naturally occurring dust was a pollutant and fine those farmers out of existence. They would have been breaking the law too. This is the same government that wants to declare cow farts illegal and fine ranchers for every cow fart. Then the farmers would be breaking the law by not paying their cow fart fee.

This is a government OUT OF CONTROL.
I'm still listening to his words.

But I'm seeing some of his points.

1. Why is suddenly now a problem after he and his family have been doing this for over a 100 years?

2. His claim is that he is legal within the State's Right and that he is disputing a State's Right versus the Federal Government. He is paying the Fees to Clark county for Grazing his cattle.

3. What has changed is that the BLM has decided that the turtle has more rights than the cows as they eat the same food on the grazing land. So they have used the endangered species act to force cattle farmers off the land and have put all but one farmer out of business.

4. According to what I'm getting out of this, the feds are claiming that he owes them money for past use of the land to justify putting the farmers out of business even though the farmers are paying the fees to the local country.

5. This when postal when the Feds started killing the cattle on these lands and this escalated the problem.

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