Feds: No link between climate change and floods!!!!

Water, water everywhere...

'Half a million flee homes' as Sri Lanka grapples with deadly floods, landslides
May 21, 2016 - Severe flooding in Sri Lanka has forced half a million people to flee their homes across the island nation, officials say, as the death toll from days of torrential rain and landslides rose to more than 60.
The toll is likely to rise sharply as authorities battling muddy conditions begin to give up hope of reaching 132 people believed to be trapped under the landslides. "I don't think there will be any survivors," Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, the officer in charge of the rescue operation, told Reuters. "There are places where the mud level is up to 9 metres. We will keep going until we can recover the maximum." The heaviest rains in a quarter of a century have pounded Sri Lanka since last weekend, ahead of the arrival of the south-west monsoon.


The worst-hit areas were in Colombo's north-eastern suburbs along the Kelani river, which began bursting its banks on Thursday evening. Three people have been killed in flood-related incidents in Colombo but the national toll now stands at 64 dead and 29 injured. The district of Kegalle, about 100 kilometres north-east of the capital, has been worst-hit, with the toll from two separate landslides rising to 34.

Sri Lanka seeks 'help for victims'

President Maithripala Sirisena urged people to provide shelter and donate cash or food as offers of assistance came in from overseas. "We have already got some assistance from our friends in the international community," he said in a televised address. "Now I want to ask private individuals, companies and non-governmental organisations to help in anyway you can to help the victims." The national Disaster Management Centre (DMC) said 21 of Sri Lanka's 25 districts had been affected by flooding. Around 300,000 people had been moved to shelters while a further 200,000 were staying with friends or family. "Our information is that about half a million people have been driven out of their homes," Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake told reporters.


The DMC said tens of thousands of people in the capital, Colombo, were evacuated in an operation led by the military, involving boats and helicopters. Disaster Management Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa said the Government had sought foreign aid in the form of motors, boats and water purifying tablets. India said it was sending two naval ships and an aircraft loaded with emergency supplies, including medicine, tents and mobile toilets.

500,000 flee as Sri Lanka flood misery worsens: officials
Talking out of both sides of their ass.

It is a fact that global warming has increased floods and extreme weather!
Talking out of both sides of their ass.

It is a fact that global warming has increased floods and extreme weather!
Except, we have not had any extreme floods or extreme weather, it has been rather mild. Mild flooding, no historic disasters?

Of course, non-AGW religion folks, better known as skeptics, have been saying this for two decades while the religion goes, on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on........about drought a flood being caused by climate change.

Be again, we see them getting kicked squarely in the nut sack by the federal government!!!!!

Feds declare no climate link to floods - SC's '1000 year flood' only a 10 year flood! U.S. Geological Survey: 'No linkage between flooding & increase in GHGs'
That is not what was said at all. To say that is simply a lie. Here is what was said;

Is this flooding in South Carolina truly a 1000-year flood?
While this certainly was a catastrophic flood with lots of damage and tragic loss of life, USGS provisional data and preliminary analysis show NO indication that a 1000-year flood discharge occurred at any USGS streamgages. However, based on that analysis, it does appear that the USGS streamgage on the Black River at Kingstree, SC and the one on the Smith Branch at Columbia, SC both measured peak floods in the neighborhood of a 500-year flood. Currently, there appear to be a few more streamgages experiencing a 25-year to 50-year flood, but the majority of USGS streamgages had flood peaks that were less than 10-year floods. USGS will have more accurate estimates of the flood probabilities out in the coming months, as the engineers and scientists in South Carolina take time to do more careful analysis of the statistics.

USGS 2015 Appalachian Floods and Hurricane Joaquin
I asked, "Why is it then all those ancient cities are under water that have just been found in the last twenty years or so?

Sea level rise, and earthquakes. All of those sunken cities are close to the surface.

No wonder people didn't respond. They were probably stunned by the sheer stupidity of the question.
Talking out of both sides of their ass.

It is a fact that global warming has increased floods and extreme weather!
Not this bull shit again... How many times you got to be bitch slapped boy before you stop posting this lie?

Of course, non-AGW religion folks, better known as skeptics, have been saying this for two decades while the religion goes, on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on........about drought a flood being caused by climate change.

Be again, we see them getting kicked squarely in the nut sack by the federal government!!!!!

Feds declare no climate link to floods - SC's '1000 year flood' only a 10 year flood! U.S. Geological Survey: 'No linkage between flooding & increase in GHGs'
That is not what was said at all. To say that is simply a lie. Here is what was said;

Is this flooding in South Carolina truly a 1000-year flood?
While this certainly was a catastrophic flood with lots of damage and tragic loss of life, USGS provisional data and preliminary analysis show NO indication that a 1000-year flood discharge occurred at any USGS streamgages. However, based on that analysis, it does appear that the USGS streamgage on the Black River at Kingstree, SC and the one on the Smith Branch at Columbia, SC both measured peak floods in the neighborhood of a 500-year flood. Currently, there appear to be a few more streamgages experiencing a 25-year to 50-year flood, but the majority of USGS streamgages had flood peaks that were less than 10-year floods. USGS will have more accurate estimates of the flood probabilities out in the coming months, as the engineers and scientists in South Carolina take time to do more careful analysis of the statistics.

USGS 2015 Appalachian Floods and Hurricane Joaquin

lol.. one or two stream flows were 500 year events.. the majority were not.. I see you got your rectal vision securely in place.

Of course, non-AGW religion folks, better known as skeptics, have been saying this for two decades while the religion goes, on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on........about drought a flood being caused by climate change.

Be again, we see them getting kicked squarely in the nut sack by the federal government!!!!!

Feds declare no climate link to floods - SC's '1000 year flood' only a 10 year flood! U.S. Geological Survey: 'No linkage between flooding & increase in GHGs'
That is not what was said at all. To say that is simply a lie. Here is what was said;

Is this flooding in South Carolina truly a 1000-year flood?
While this certainly was a catastrophic flood with lots of damage and tragic loss of life, USGS provisional data and preliminary analysis show NO indication that a 1000-year flood discharge occurred at any USGS streamgages. However, based on that analysis, it does appear that the USGS streamgage on the Black River at Kingstree, SC and the one on the Smith Branch at Columbia, SC both measured peak floods in the neighborhood of a 500-year flood. Currently, there appear to be a few more streamgages experiencing a 25-year to 50-year flood, but the majority of USGS streamgages had flood peaks that were less than 10-year floods. USGS will have more accurate estimates of the flood probabilities out in the coming months, as the engineers and scientists in South Carolina take time to do more careful analysis of the statistics.

USGS 2015 Appalachian Floods and Hurricane Joaquin


A "lie"? How about this..........my interpretation as it applies to possible ( operative word in this sentence being "possible" btw ) future floods is different from yours. Thats called...........a "crap shoot". No connection to climate change can be made ( the point of the thread :popcorn:)

Based upon reasoned judgment standards, I win............as per usual.:rock::rock:

These alarmists.......watch a horse race with them and they will call the winner down the backstretch with 100% certainty and then leave the track declaring themselves the winner of the bet!!! That's how these people operate.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Weather anomolies happen in the world all the time. Always have.............always will. The alarmist contingent always wants to make it like some kind of new phenomenon is going on!!:oops-28:
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Cyclone Roanu crashes into Bangladesh...

500,000 in Bangladesh Flee Cyclone Roanu; at Least 24 Killed
May 21, 2016 - Powerful Cyclone Roanu weakened Saturday afternoon after crashing into coastal Bangladesh, flooding towns and villages, triggering landslides and leaving at least 24 people dead across the region.
An estimated half-million people fled their homes for cyclone shelters following warnings from the authorities. After the storm made landfall around noon local time, gusts reaching 90 kph uprooted trees, destroyed houses, and disrupted electricity and communications. According to a statement issued Saturday evening by the disaster management authority in Dhaka, at least 24 people died across seven districts in southern Bangladesh.


Bangladeshi people walk through a waterlogged street after heavy rainfall in Dhaka, Bangladesh​

Seven people died in Banskhali in Chittagong district after a surge in the sea breached dikes and flooded coastal villages. Three people, including a child, drowned on Hatiya Island after seawater flooded their village. Mohammad Shahabuddin, an official with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society’s Cyclone Preparedness Programme, said that a mother and her 13-year-old son died on Bangladesh’s largest island of Bhola. "Although Roanu had its landfall around the noon, strong wind began blowing across Bhola Island since the early hours of the day. The mother and son died in Bhola after an uprooted tree fell on the house where they were sleeping around the dawn," Shahabuddin told VOA.

Wind damage, water surge

“A few hundreds of shops in Bhola have been damaged by the strong wind and water surge, which reached up to 2 meters," he added. "It’s a big blow to the local businesses.” Airlines canceled all flights to and from Chittagong, a city of over 2.5 million people in the southeast, and authorities shut down sea and river ports Saturday, halting the ferries that millions of people in southern Bangladesh rely on for basic transportation.


On Friday, while Roanu was barreling through the Bay of Bengal, authorities in coastal villages used emergency warning systems to inform people of the threat. “Using mobile microphones in all coastal districts, our officials sent across the warning about the cyclone. We mobilized forces and evacuated the people from the vulnerable coastal areas. We also restricted the movements of boats, barges and fishing trawlers since Friday,” Mesbah Uddin, Chittagong district’s chief administrator, told the local media. Although Roanu had weakened and crossed over to India’s Mizoram state by late evening and water had receded in many coastal areas, most of those who took shelter in cyclone centers late Friday had not moved out by Saturday night. “Heavy rains are likely to lash the region following Roanu," Uddin said. "It can trigger landslides apart from flooding certain areas. So, many people are likely to stay on in the cyclone centers for a few days."

Warning time

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