Feds To FINE Schools Who Don't Follow Michelle's Lunch Rules...

You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

yeah, but its not like the Obama deranged troll has ever posted anything that wasn't whiny and butthurt

So you agree the Federal government has the right to decide what your kids eat?

the federal government has the obligation to act for the general welfare of the populous. and if food is being provided while you're child is in school, then the government has the right to set standards for that food.

I'm pretty sure if your kid wants to stuff their face with mcdonalds they can do that after school. if it were laura bush, and not michelle Obama, the rightwing brigade wouldn't give a rat's patoot.

just saying.

oh yeah, and if your kid wants to eat peanut butter and the federal government says no peanut butter because they want to protect kids with food allergies, they can do that to. I'm still not following the bizarre assertion that they can't.
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?

You're kidding, right? Sanctuary Cities, States allowing the selling of a illegal narcotic? Immigration laws? SERIOUSLY? Tell you what....when Barry starts enforcing ALL laws, we'll worry about school lunches. But until then - let's put this one on the back burner, OK?
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?

You're kidding, right? Sanctuary Cities, States allowing the selling of a illegal narcotic? Immigration laws? SERIOUSLY? Tell you what....when Barry starts enforcing ALL laws, we'll worry about school lunches. But until then - let's put this one on the back burner, OK?
so you're okay with the government giving money to schools that voluntarily accept a set of rules but not in making sure the schools follow the rules.

i didn't realize you were an advocate for increasing waste, fraud, and abuse.
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch rules.

Ok, enough is ENOUGH - time to put this bi@tch, her entire 'Royal Family', and EVERY 1st Lady or 1st Lady-to-be out their in their place:

Michelle, honey, YOU ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. No one voted for you, YOU are a 'PLUS 1' at this 'party'. Your role is mainly CEREMONIAL. You can plan parties and dignitary visits at the WH, but you don't have the authority to do SHITE, especially like mandating what lunches are served in schools across America...so do us a favor and


Michelle Obama needs to LEARN HER PLACE and butt the hell out of the public education system. If 'Mama' Michelle wants to join her daughter's PTA and get involved there, go for it. She does not work for the Federal Dept of Education, she is not an elected official, she Constitutionally has no REAL power, especially the power to have schools monetarily punished if they choose to ignore the 1st LADY'S OPINION-DRIVEN AGENDA.

This is sort of like Nancy Reagan coming up with the Anti-Drug policy of 'Just Say No' then having schools fined for not holding drug testing in school.

You have to love the communist-in-chief. They won't do a damned thing about sanctuary cities, or states allowing the sale of narcotics, but they are pissed about school lunches.

Sounds EXACTLY like Obama.

there is nothing communist here. before you open your yap, you should probably have at least a minimal knowledge of the subject matter.

Like I said - he only enforces laws the HE chooses. School lunches? Really?

For the love of God - I don't know how in God's name we survived in the 50s.....what, with PB&J and chicken noodle soup. And those horrible "chili lunch" days...and then there were the days of pimento cheese sandwiches with kook-aid to drink....oh, the humanity!!! How the hell was I able to live into my 70s???

Your dear leader might want to concentrate on things that are a "tad" more important to the American people, don't you think?
Obesity and high blood pressure are kind of important, but I think the problem is that most schools don't cook their own food anymore. It's all frozen convenience foods because they're saving money on lunch ladies' salaries. It's sad. Our lunch ladies served food they cooked. Real potatoes and apples and all the mystery meat in gravy you could wish for. No matter how poor it is, it's better than prepackaged frozen food. It's all about costs, I'm afraid.

Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Michelle Obama should tend to her own fat ass...
is that the best you have?

or are you just mad becauae you thought this was some sort of edict from the first lady instead of simple rule enforcement as required by law
You have to love the communist-in-chief. They won't do a damned thing about sanctuary cities, or states allowing the sale of narcotics, but they are pissed about school lunches.

Sounds EXACTLY like Obama.

there is nothing communist here. before you open your yap, you should probably have at least a minimal knowledge of the subject matter.

Like I said - he only enforces laws the HE chooses. School lunches? Really?

For the love of God - I don't know how in God's name we survived in the 50s.....what, with PB&J and chicken noodle soup. And those horrible "chili lunch" days...and then there were the days of pimento cheese sandwiches with kook-aid to drink....oh, the humanity!!! How the hell was I able to live into my 70s???

Your dear leader might want to concentrate on things that are a "tad" more important to the American people, don't you think?
Obesity and high blood pressure are kind of important, but I think the problem is that most schools don't cook their own food anymore. It's all frozen convenience foods because they're saving money on lunch ladies' salaries. It's sad. Our lunch ladies served food they cooked. Real potatoes and apples and all the mystery meat in gravy you could wish for. No matter how poor it is, it's better than prepackaged frozen food. It's all about costs, I'm afraid.

Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.

Look, no one is saying that there shouldn't be school lunches (and even breakfast). No one is saying that. However, take the DOE completely out of it. Back in the "dark ages" when I was in school, the lunch program was handled by the USDA (there was no BS department of education).

Most states had complete control over the lunch programs (and were reimbursed by the USDA). Now? The federal government (as in most cases) has insuinated themselves between the parent and the child.

Jesus - no one wants their child or children to go hungry. The problem arises when we allow the Feds to come into and impose their "will" upon the parent. Strict dietary control, strict compliance with a "First ladies BS" and it has been PROVEN that the vast majority of children throw away more than they eat. They DO NOT like the available selections. Waste in the school lunch program has gone UP - not down.
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Michelle Obama should tend to her own fat ass...

I have to agree with that.
You have to love the communist-in-chief. They won't do a damned thing about sanctuary cities, or states allowing the sale of narcotics, but they are pissed about school lunches.

Sounds EXACTLY like Obama.

there is nothing communist here. before you open your yap, you should probably have at least a minimal knowledge of the subject matter.

Like I said - he only enforces laws the HE chooses. School lunches? Really?

For the love of God - I don't know how in God's name we survived in the 50s.....what, with PB&J and chicken noodle soup. And those horrible "chili lunch" days...and then there were the days of pimento cheese sandwiches with kook-aid to drink....oh, the humanity!!! How the hell was I able to live into my 70s???

Your dear leader might want to concentrate on things that are a "tad" more important to the American people, don't you think?
Obesity and high blood pressure are kind of important, but I think the problem is that most schools don't cook their own food anymore. It's all frozen convenience foods because they're saving money on lunch ladies' salaries. It's sad. Our lunch ladies served food they cooked. Real potatoes and apples and all the mystery meat in gravy you could wish for. No matter how poor it is, it's better than prepackaged frozen food. It's all about costs, I'm afraid.

Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.

As a guy who retired from the military and went to work in the Grocery wholesale distribution business, I can tell you, for fact, that the vast majority of the staples that schools use come from Sysco - and are canned, frozen and dry. The vegetables in the chain are OK - but again, hardly "fresh". Indeed, most are canned or frozen.
there is nothing communist here. before you open your yap, you should probably have at least a minimal knowledge of the subject matter.

Like I said - he only enforces laws the HE chooses. School lunches? Really?

For the love of God - I don't know how in God's name we survived in the 50s.....what, with PB&J and chicken noodle soup. And those horrible "chili lunch" days...and then there were the days of pimento cheese sandwiches with kook-aid to drink....oh, the humanity!!! How the hell was I able to live into my 70s???

Your dear leader might want to concentrate on things that are a "tad" more important to the American people, don't you think?
Obesity and high blood pressure are kind of important, but I think the problem is that most schools don't cook their own food anymore. It's all frozen convenience foods because they're saving money on lunch ladies' salaries. It's sad. Our lunch ladies served food they cooked. Real potatoes and apples and all the mystery meat in gravy you could wish for. No matter how poor it is, it's better than prepackaged frozen food. It's all about costs, I'm afraid.

Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.

Look, no one is saying that there shouldn't be school lunches (and even breakfast). No one is saying that. However, take the DOE completely out of it. Back in the "dark ages" when I was in school, the lunch program was handled by the USDA (there was no BS department of education).

Most states had complete control over the lunch programs (and were reimbursed by the USDA). Now? The federal government (as in most cases) has insuinated themselves between the parent and the child.

Jesus - no one wants their child or children to go hungry. The problem arises when we allow the Feds to come into and impose their "will" upon the parent. Strict dietary control, strict compliance with a "First ladies BS" and it has been PROVEN that the vast majority of children throw away more than they eat. They DO NOT like the available selections. Waste in the school lunch program has gone UP - not down.

Guess what? I grew in a school that didn't have a cafeteria, period, much less a lunch program. Guess what? Nobody died!
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
yeah. promoting healthy eating. crazy. how dare she be so uppity
Like I said - he only enforces laws the HE chooses. School lunches? Really?

For the love of God - I don't know how in God's name we survived in the 50s.....what, with PB&J and chicken noodle soup. And those horrible "chili lunch" days...and then there were the days of pimento cheese sandwiches with kook-aid to drink....oh, the humanity!!! How the hell was I able to live into my 70s???

Your dear leader might want to concentrate on things that are a "tad" more important to the American people, don't you think?
Obesity and high blood pressure are kind of important, but I think the problem is that most schools don't cook their own food anymore. It's all frozen convenience foods because they're saving money on lunch ladies' salaries. It's sad. Our lunch ladies served food they cooked. Real potatoes and apples and all the mystery meat in gravy you could wish for. No matter how poor it is, it's better than prepackaged frozen food. It's all about costs, I'm afraid.

Curious, though. When did it become the federal government's job to (in essence) raise our kids? Again, with all the problems this country is facing, don't you think their time could be better spent?

Let's let Mom and Dad decide what is "best" for THEIR kids, shall we?
I'm fine with stopping the school lunch program or letting the PTA decide what's on their kids' menus. Some parents will feed their kid breakfast and pack them a good lunch every day, but it won't happen for all kids. A lot of kids will come to school hungry and stay hungry all day. You can say "Let parents decide" until you're blue in the face, but the reality is, a lot of kids won't eat. No matter how much you want that to be different.
My mother's first teaching job was in a one room school house during WWII. Even in that itty bitty community, she had to pack extra sandwiches and pretend she couldn't eat it all so the kids would feel okay with her sharing with them. Some of them had nothing. Or maybe half a raw potato.
We've got kids whose drug addict parents are still in bed when they leave for school. We've got kids who live in a house where the cupboard is bare half the time and there's nothing to send.
Breakfast and lunch provided by school is a really good idea, in my opinion. Now we just have to be willing to pay the $$$ for decent food for the kids to eat. Not stuff reheated from frozen and shipped across town from a central defrosting kitchen. Gross.

Look, no one is saying that there shouldn't be school lunches (and even breakfast). No one is saying that. However, take the DOE completely out of it. Back in the "dark ages" when I was in school, the lunch program was handled by the USDA (there was no BS department of education).

Most states had complete control over the lunch programs (and were reimbursed by the USDA). Now? The federal government (as in most cases) has insuinated themselves between the parent and the child.

Jesus - no one wants their child or children to go hungry. The problem arises when we allow the Feds to come into and impose their "will" upon the parent. Strict dietary control, strict compliance with a "First ladies BS" and it has been PROVEN that the vast majority of children throw away more than they eat. They DO NOT like the available selections. Waste in the school lunch program has gone UP - not down.

Guess what? I grew in a school that didn't have a cafeteria, period, much less a lunch program. Guess what? Nobody died!

Indeed. I carried my lunch nearly ever day in elementary school and my High School had no cafeteria, either. That's what I said earlier - how the hell I grew up to be in my 70s is beyond me.

However, if you listen to the current First Lady, either you eat "healthy" (whatever the hell that means) or you die. It's propaganda designed to fool the gullible into believing that you can't get by WITHOUT big brother.
Our girl's school has great lunches, looking at today's menu they are having skinless chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, baby carrots, yogurt and choice of milk or juice. Meanwhile the children in public schools will be eating Mooch's slop....or throwing it in the garbage

I read someplace that 70% of the vegetables bought in this country end up in the trash....good intentions, no follow-through. All veggies need to be fun to eat are a little butter and salt.

Our kids love them with the exception of one of the twins, she refuses to eat anything green...I gave up forcing the issue long ago. It's a mental thing with her

"Our kids love them with the exception of one of the twins, she refuses to eat anything green"

You need to remind her she's Irish and thus must eat everything that's green.

i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
yeah. promoting healthy eating. crazy. how dare she be so uppity

"promoting healthy eating."

How is "healthy eating" feeding children slop and lunches that aren't substantial and cannot contain the full nutrients that growing children need?
i can't get over the idiocy of some of you people.

what problem do you have with the enforcement of a duly passed law?
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
yeah. promoting healthy eating. crazy. how dare she be so uppity

"promoting healthy eating."

How is "healthy eating" feeding children slop and lunches that aren't substantial and cannot contain the full nutrients that growing children need?
That's not what the program does.
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
yeah. promoting healthy eating. crazy. how dare she be so uppity

"promoting healthy eating."

How is "healthy eating" feeding children slop and lunches that aren't substantial and cannot contain the full nutrients that growing children need?
That's not what the program does.
That is EXACTLY what the program does.
That Sorry sack of shit Michelle Obama should have no say on lunches you fuck nut... Lol
did you say the same thing when barbara bush pushed literacy? was she a sorry sack of shit for that?
Hmmm...promoting education, vs controlling and restricting food to children.

YEAH! It's EXACTLY the same thing!!!!
yeah. promoting healthy eating. crazy. how dare she be so uppity

"promoting healthy eating."

How is "healthy eating" feeding children slop and lunches that aren't substantial and cannot contain the full nutrients that growing children need?
That's not what the program does.

So what does the program do? Earlier you said it's "promoting healthy eating", now you're saying "that's not what the program does"

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