Feeding on tragedy: Ex-Blackwater boss Erik Prince squeezes profit from mad scramble at Kabul airport, charging $6.5k for escape

If Xiden had evacuated civilians before removing the military,
You fucking dope.

Biden hasn't pulled ANY military out...in fact he doubled the paltry force Trump left in order to facilitate this rescue.
You fucking dope.

Biden hasn't pulled ANY military out...in fact he doubled the paltry force Trump left in order to facilitate this rescue.

Jeebus, you are gullible.

Xiden's handling of Afghanistan is the worst shitstorm in decades. He and the Dems own this mess.
Blaming the victims? Helluva post, bub.

The truth stings, don't it? Bub.

If the 'victims' are brave enough to hang onto a C-17, they can pick up a weapon and pull a trigger after twenty years of training and billions of dollars of my money.
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That has nothing to do with this guy escorting people. You made this thread, so why are you running away from every discussion about your thread premise?

Running away? Pft. Please. I really doubt you're even capable of comprehending the actual terms of controversy involved here.

I thrive on drawing you neocons out of the wood work for all to see. And people like you are the gift that keeps on giving. Really.
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If Xiden had evacuated civilians before removing the military, people wouldn't be desperately looking for any way out.

But sure, focus on Prince to deflect attention away from the thousands of people who will be killed, raped and held hostage by the Taliban. Someone charging a fee for transit is much worse than a Semi-Sentient Vegetable abandoning thousands of people to abject horror.

Perhaps you'd do well to focus on what those 'civilians' were actually doing there in the first place.

It certainly wasn't for your freedoms.
Running away? Pft. Please. I really doubt you're even capable of comprehending the actual terms of controversy involved here.

I thrive on drawing you neocons out of the wood work.
You STILL arent addressing your own thread.
It has everything to do with it.

What you don't seem to grasp here is that you are the topic. People like you. You need to be drawn out of the wood work.

OP is simply a report offered to invite discussion. Where that discussion goes is entirely up to readers. For which I am thankful. Again. Some folks are simply the gift that keeps on giving. The only way we're going to really see what they're actually about, rather than just seeing the show they put on every day on here is to provide them a place at the table to do just that very thing.

As I said elsewhere on the board, moving forward, we're going to see a flood of warmongering neo-cons and special interests in the weapons industry as well as the privatized military contracting industry and other war profiteers attempting to self-servingly spin and redefine what the term isolationism actually means. And they're going to try to do so in order justify these never-ending, unconstitutional occupations that cost of trillions of dollars we don't have. They're going to try to appeal to emotion. They will promote fear propaganda. It's what they do.
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What you don't seem to grasp here is that you are the topic. People like you. You need to be drawn out of the wood work.

OP is simply a report offered to invite discussion. Where that discussion goes is entirely up to readers. For which I am thankful. Again. Sme folks are siply the gift tha tkeeps on giving.

As I said elsewhere on the board, moving forward, we're going to see a flood of warmongering neo-cons and special interests in the weapons industry as well as the privatized military contracting industry and other war profiteers attempting to self-servingly spin and redefine what the term isolationism actually means. And they're going to try to do so in order justify these never-ending, unconstitutional occupations that cost of trillions of dollars we don't have. They're going to try to appeal to emotion. They will promote fear propaganda. It's what they do.
Why is profiting from war wrong? :cuckoo:
Why is profiting from war wrong? :cuckoo:

Our leaders propped up a corrupt Potemkin regime for two decades.

Twenty years we trained that army. We spent billions of dollars doing so. Money we don't have. Trillions of dollars were drained from the pockets of hard working Americans to enrich the military industrial industry over this period.

The mission shifted from a limited plan to apprehend those who planned the attack on 9/11 to an exercise in regime change and nation-building.

These Afghans earned a paycheck to voluntarily participate in that coercion. Again, money we don't have. A twenty year gravy train.

Yet when we pulled out, they could hold onto a C-17 for dear life but refused to pick up a weapon and pull a trigger. Why? Because the paychecks ended.

These are not victims. They are casualties of their own trade. A trade that Americans would do well to reconsider rather than continue to promote.
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Eleven servicemen died today. Eleven. That's more than have died in the last decade.

And for what?

Edit: Sorry. Make it 12...
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Why is profiting from war wrong? :cuckoo:

This is almost sig worthy, btw.

We're occupying nations all over the world just to justify keeping the Fed's printing press rolling so that the Cheneys of the world can laugh all the way to the central bank and you're going to ask a stupid question like that?

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The truth stings, don't it? Bub.

If the 'victims' are brave enough to hang onto a C-17, they can pick up a weapon and pull a trigger after twenty years of training and billions of dollars of my money.

You are a moron.

In other news, at least 12 marines were killed today in Afghanistan.

Heckuva Job, Plugs!
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Perhaps you'd do well to focus on what those 'civilians' were actually doing there in the first place.

It certainly wasn't for your freedoms.

Ask the Permanent Uniparty why thy keep funding forever wars, bub.

It's not the troops on the ground nor the people who support them who are to blame, but just keep up with the blame the victims schtick. It shows the true nature of the Prog Soul.
Our leaders propped up a corrupt Potemkin regime for two decades.

Twenty years we trained that army. We spent billions of dollars doing so. Money we don't have. Trillions of dollars were drained from the pockets of hard working Americans to enrich the military industrial industry over this period.

The mission shifted from a limited plan to apprehend those who planned the attack on 9/11 to an exercise in regime change and nation-building.

These Afghans earned a paycheck to voluntarily participate in that coercion. Again, money we don't have. A twenty year gravy train.

Yet when we pulled out, they could hold onto a C-17 for dear life but refused to pick up a weapon and pull a trigger. Why? Because the paychecks ended.

These are not victims. They are casualties of their own trade. A trade that Americans would do well to reconsider rather than continue to promote.
Im against nation building, but pro regime change. Im happy to spend billions to kill a tyrant.
This is almost sig worthy, btw.

We're occupying nations all over the world just to justify keeping the Fed's printing press rolling so that the Cheneys of the world can laugh all the way to the central bank and you're going to ask a stupid question like that?

Nope. People make money from it, but the reason for the wars have nothing to do with profit. You cant go to war without public support and we never accept "but Cheney will make money" as a good reason to go to war.
He risks nothing....he and his sister are scum.

So you think his guys work for free?
You'd be crying like a little bitch if they showed up to rescue the people next to you.
You'd be begging them to take you with. Especially knowing how they treat your kind.
It figures it'd be something like this.

He's charging desperate, terrified passengers $6, 500 just to get into the Afghan capital's airport and onto a flight to safety.

If they're trapped in their homes and need safe passage to the airport as well, that’s gonna cost more.
How much do his expenses mount to?

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