Feeding on tragedy: Ex-Blackwater boss Erik Prince squeezes profit from mad scramble at Kabul airport, charging $6.5k for escape

How much do his expenses mount to?

No idea.

But I have a rough idea how much we'll be paying if the fake me out bleeding heart warmongers are able to patriotize private mercenaries to keep that printing press rolling in their direction.

What he's doing here is comparable to when you go into the store and they give you free samples on the hope that you'll buy what they're selling.

Whatever it cost him, I'm confident that he likely considers it an investment.

They were never interested in leaving Afghanistan. At this point, the interest is to privatize the affair at the taxpayer's expense.

This was clearly a manufactured crisis. Clearly...

And a crisis that the likes of Prince and those like him will certainly not let go to waste.
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One would assume since Taliban types were allegedly capable of flying 767 jets with pin point accuracy into buildings, some Taliban types looking to pocket some spending money could use the hundreds of Humvees to drive "refugees" to the Afghan border to Iran or those Ruskie states. These "refugees" would do much better near they own ethnic groups wouldn't they?

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