Feinstein Tied To Kavanaugh Confirmation Doxxing...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It appears D-Diane Feinstein not only timed the leak about unproven sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh to harm his USSC Justice nomination but also provided SENATE DATA to a former Senate Aide - the son of a rich family she is linked to - who illegally DOXXED Republican Senators....AND THE DOJ IS ATTEMPTING TO HIDE THIS FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO PROTECT D-FEINSTEIN.

Suspect In Kavanaugh Confirmation Doxxing Has Feinstein Ties, Allegedly Possessed Senate Data. DOJ May Hide The Details

  • The former Senate aide accused of doxxing Republicans during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing allegedly possessed troves of information, including Senate data, court proceedings indicate.

  • The suspect is the son of a wealthy family with ties to Dianne Feinstein, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s top Democrat. Republicans suggested she timed a leak about sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh to harm his confirmation chances.

  • The court barred the media from hearing details about the alleged breach, and now a plea deal that could prevent the truth from ever emerging appears to be in the works.

"A former Senate aide charged with doxxing Republican senators and extorting a witness comes from an elite family with ties to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee.

Prosecutors signaled Tuesday that they might give the aide, Jackson Cosko, a plea deal that would prevent the facts of the case from ever being learned publicly."

Suspect In Kavanaugh Confirmation Doxxing Has Feinstein Ties, Allegedly Possessed Senate Data. DOJ May Hide The Details

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