CDZ Fellow Conservatives, let's discuss Ted Cruz together.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
Populism is the domain of the left, but if Cruz could muster the personality, he could be another Reagan.
Ted Cruz is also the person that had the government shutdown and is trying to do so again.

If a person is willing to stop government from operating, can they REALLY be a good President?

Being Presidential also means that you work with the other side and try to get a decent compromise that works for all. Ted Cruz is unwilling to compromise on anything.

I also feel that his extreme religious views would do more harm than good in his judgement of how to run this country. We aren't a theocracy, we're a democracy.
Ted Cruz is also the person that had the government shutdown and is trying to do so again.

If a person is willing to stop government from operating, can they REALLY be a good President?

Being Presidential also means that you work with the other side and try to get a decent compromise that works for all. Ted Cruz is unwilling to compromise on anything.

I also feel that his extreme religious views would do more harm than good in his judgement of how to run this country. We aren't a theocracy, we're a democracy.

I know you aren't a conservative, and I distinctly stated that I wanted to talk to conservatives. I'll answer your post this one time because p[arts of it might come up up in discussions with other conservatives.

First of all, the government shutdown is a joke. It doesn't really shut down and those people who miss work, get paid anyway. Most if not all conservatives know this and consider shutting down the government to be a positive thing.

Secondly, the POTUS doesn't have the power to shut down the government.

Being unwilling to compromise is also a positive. The GOP has done nothing but compromise with Obama. He takes all and gives none. For the pendulum to swing the other way for a while would be very good indeed.

The POTUS isn't Caesar, he will not be able to impose his religion on us. that is a left wing boogeyman that doesn't really exist.

That is all I'm willing to say to you in this thread.
The government shutdown last time cost the taxpayer 24 MILLION dollars. Wasting that much money isn't a "positive thing".

And.............compromise is very much what politicians are supposed to do, because this is a large nation with many different viewpoints, so they need to find the happy medium for all of us. Yes, compromise is very much a positive in a politician.
I was just telling the wife this morning that Cruz is the best candidate. I agree with him on many issues, but when it comes to social issues I'm fairly libertarian. I don't think he'll get the nomination because if he ever got close, the media would bash him as a social conservative, just like they did with Santorum.
Ted Cruz is not my first choice..............................His standing on the principles to use the POWER OF THE PURSE to stop the Pen and a Phone Imbecile in the WH was spot on.................

The liberals cry about it and push the propaganda of the world will end BS, which is utter BS.................In the 90's, the Gov't got shut down several times and we are STILL HERE..........THE WORLD DIDN'T END...........................It is a useful way to stop an out of control POTUS, and was put into the Constitution for this very purpose...................................They did it to Clinton to get fiscal cuts and Welfare Reform................then later the Dems cheered LOOK WHAT WE DID............when they were forced to do so....................Typical Liberals................

We should have never agreed to allow the Sequester cuts for future agreements that we knew that Obama and the Liberal Brigade would never honor.

My problem with Cruz is that his wife is in with the status quo, aka Goldman Sachs.......who are so far up the Gov'ts asses that their Logo needs to be on the suit.....................

They are part of the asshats that when helped bring this country down in 2008. I think Cruz is tied to this group.
The government shutdown last time cost the taxpayer 24 MILLION dollars. Wasting that much money isn't a "positive thing".

$24 million is less than .00001 of the federal budget. Are you sure you're not shedding crocodile tears about this?
The government shutdown last time cost the taxpayer 24 MILLION dollars. Wasting that much money isn't a "positive thing".

$24 million is less than .00001 of the federal budget. Are you sure you're not shedding crocodile tears about this?

It would still be enough to fund some of the programs. Sorry, but wasting 24 million isn't a "good thing" in my book.
Populism is the domain of the left, but if Cruz could muster the personality, he could be another Reagan.

Think he has the personality, not like Reagan's perhaps but he's the best the GOP has to offer.

I was just telling the wife this morning that Cruz is the best candidate. I agree with him on many issues, but when it comes to social issues I'm fairly libertarian. I don't think he'll get the nomination because if he ever got close, the media would bash him as a social conservative, just like they did with Santorum.

I'm with you on the social issues, but Cruz has said repeatedly that he is of the thinking that the states themselves should direct social issues.

States like Assachusets can make abortions and butt fucking mandatory if they like for all I care.

I think Cruz has tapped into that philosophy and when the media tries to hit him with it he will shove it down their throat.

Ted Cruz is not my first choice..............................His standing on the principles to use the POWER OF THE PURSE to stop the Pen and a Phone Imbecile in the WH was spot on.................

The liberals cry about it and push the propaganda of the world will end BS, which is utter BS.................In the 90's, the Gov't got shut down several times and we are STILL HERE..........THE WORLD DIDN'T END...........................It is a useful way to stop an out of control POTUS, and was put into the Constitution for this very purpose...................................They did it to Clinton to get fiscal cuts and Welfare Reform................then later the Dems cheered LOOK WHAT WE DID............when they were forced to do so....................Typical Liberals................

We should have never agreed to allow the Sequester cuts for future agreements that we knew that Obama and the Liberal Brigade would never honor.

My problem with Cruz is that his wife is in with the status quo, aka Goldman Sachs.......who are so far up the Gov'ts asses that their Logo needs to be on the suit.....................

They are part of the asshats that when helped bring this country down in 2008. I think Cruz is tied to this group.

You raise a point with GS, but I trust his intentions. I don't think he will do something unethical to favor a corporation over the best interests of the people.

Perhaps I'm naive, but he has proven to be a man of principle so far.

Ted Cruz is not my first choice..............................His standing on the principles to use the POWER OF THE PURSE to stop the Pen and a Phone Imbecile in the WH was spot on.................

The liberals cry about it and push the propaganda of the world will end BS, which is utter BS.................In the 90's, the Gov't got shut down several times and we are STILL HERE..........THE WORLD DIDN'T END...........................It is a useful way to stop an out of control POTUS, and was put into the Constitution for this very purpose...................................They did it to Clinton to get fiscal cuts and Welfare Reform................then later the Dems cheered LOOK WHAT WE DID............when they were forced to do so....................Typical Liberals................

We should have never agreed to allow the Sequester cuts for future agreements that we knew that Obama and the Liberal Brigade would never honor.

My problem with Cruz is that his wife is in with the status quo, aka Goldman Sachs.......who are so far up the Gov'ts asses that their Logo needs to be on the suit.....................

They are part of the asshats that when helped bring this country down in 2008. I think Cruz is tied to this group.

You raise a point with GS, but I trust his intentions. I don't think he will do something unethical to favor a corporation over the best interests of the people.

Perhaps I'm naive, but he has proven to be a man of principle so far.

I've agreed to some of his stands, but don't fully trust him over that tie...........
$24 million is less than .00001 of the federal budget. Are you sure you're not shedding crocodile tears about this?

A faggot sailor doesn't seem to give a fruit fly's fuck that his moonbat messiah spent $600,000,000 to make a website less impressive than zit face Zuckershmuck created in a dorm room on a shoe string budget.

Nothing a bed wetting liberal has to say about any republicrat is even remotely relevant or even worth reading.

I've agreed to some of his stands, but don't fully trust him over that tie...........

I just hope he can win you over at some point, I don't think he's perfect either. I really don't think his position on defending Israel at all costs is the best policy, but abandoning them would be far worse.

I don't thing any candidate has no connections that could be questionable.

And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?

I like and respect Cruz. He has a lot to offer, but can he get elected?

I can see a Cruz/Trump ticket scaring the status quo in DC to back peddle rather quickly...
I love Ted Cruz. He's my absolute favorite GOP candidate. He never says anything that sounds crazy. He has a commanding voice, I think his ability to stare directly at the camera in debates is awesome. And....that cute little smile he has whenever he makes a witty comment. That is a winner.

The issues? Who cares! He obviously loves America and understands the constitution. That's so different from the current POTUS that I can hardly stand it.
Ted Cruz perfectly represents the GOP and conservative values – he'd be an ideal republican candidate for president in 2016.

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