CDZ Fellow Conservatives, let's discuss Ted Cruz together.

I love Ted Cruz. He's my absolute favorite GOP candidate. He never says anything that sounds crazy. He has a commanding voice, I think his ability to stare directly at the camera in debates is awesome. And....that cute little smile he has whenever he makes a witty comment. That is a winner.

The issues? Who cares! He obviously loves America and understands the constitution. That's so different from the current POTUS that I can hardly stand it.

So, you're going to vote for how he looks, rather than the issues?

I'd rather know the candidates stand on the issues rather that just voting for someone based on how telegenic they are.
I love Ted Cruz. He's my absolute favorite GOP candidate. He never says anything that sounds crazy. He has a commanding voice, I think his ability to stare directly at the camera in debates is awesome. And....that cute little smile he has whenever he makes a witty comment. That is a winner.

The issues? Who cares! He obviously loves America and understands the constitution. That's so different from the current POTUS that I can hardly stand it.

So, you're going to vote for how he looks, rather than the issues?

I'd rather know the candidates stand on the issues rather that just voting for someone based on how telegenic they are.


You act as though you just showed up here today and have no idea where I stand on the issues.....and think that I'd vote based on looks. That's awesome.

Get your broken sarcasm meter fixed, chief. You appear stupid when it fails you.
Ted Cruz is also the person that had the government shutdown and is trying to do so again.

If a person is willing to stop government from operating, can they REALLY be a good President?

Being Presidential also means that you work with the other side and try to get a decent compromise that works for all. Ted Cruz is unwilling to compromise on anything.

I also feel that his extreme religious views would do more harm than good in his judgement of how to run this country. We aren't a theocracy, we're a democracy.

I know you aren't a conservative, and I distinctly stated that I wanted to talk to conservatives. I'll answer your post this one time because p[arts of it might come up up in discussions with other conservatives.

First of all, the government shutdown is a joke. It doesn't really shut down and those people who miss work, get paid anyway. Most if not all conservatives know this and consider shutting down the government to be a positive thing.

Secondly, the POTUS doesn't have the power to shut down the government.

Being unwilling to compromise is also a positive. The GOP has done nothing but compromise with Obama. He takes all and gives none. For the pendulum to swing the other way for a while would be very good indeed.

The POTUS isn't Caesar, he will not be able to impose his religion on us. that is a left wing boogeyman that doesn't really exist.

That is all I'm willing to say to you in this thread.

This is the CDZ. As long as people are polite, you have no right dictating who can visit this thread or comment on it. Get a grip on yourself and learn to communicate like an adult.


Cruz is an interesting candidate. He is shrewd, he is brash, and he lies a lot.
I love Ted Cruz. He's my absolute favorite GOP candidate. He never says anything that sounds crazy. He has a commanding voice, I think his ability to stare directly at the camera in debates is awesome. And....that cute little smile he has whenever he makes a witty comment. That is a winner.

The issues? Who cares! He obviously loves America and understands the constitution. That's so different from the current POTUS that I can hardly stand it.

So, you're going to vote for how he looks, rather than the issues?

I'd rather know the candidates stand on the issues rather that just voting for someone based on how telegenic they are.


You act as though you just showed up here today and have no idea where I stand on the issues.....and think that I'd vote based on looks. That's awesome.

Get your broken sarcasm meter fixed, chief. You appear stupid when it fails you.

Your post said that you like the way he looks and talks (telegenic) and you don't care about the issues.

I was simply commenting on your post.
I love Ted Cruz. He's my absolute favorite GOP candidate. He never says anything that sounds crazy. He has a commanding voice, I think his ability to stare directly at the camera in debates is awesome. And....that cute little smile he has whenever he makes a witty comment. That is a winner.

The issues? Who cares! He obviously loves America and understands the constitution. That's so different from the current POTUS that I can hardly stand it.

So, you're going to vote for how he looks, rather than the issues?

I'd rather know the candidates stand on the issues rather that just voting for someone based on how telegenic they are.


You act as though you just showed up here today and have no idea where I stand on the issues.....and think that I'd vote based on looks. That's awesome.

Get your broken sarcasm meter fixed, chief. You appear stupid when it fails you.

Your post said that you like the way he looks and talks (telegenic) and you don't care about the issues.

I was simply commenting on your post. have no ability to determine when someone is being sarcastic. That's great. Must be blissful to be that unaware.

Let me ask you ......based on what you know of me.....would I be someone who would ever support Ted Cruz for any elected office?
Don't seem to be a rabid rw type, but you deny it when it suits you.

Are you being sarcastic?
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
I'm still trying to figure out whether he's a Canadian or U.S. Conservative. Can't figure out why he waited so long to opt out of Canadian Citizenship. Was it because of not wanting to give up Socialized Medicine Coverage in Canada? Did he lose his Canadian Health Care coverage when he gave up his citizenship there 2 months ago?
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
I'm still trying to figure out whether he's a Canadian or U.S. Conservative. Can't figure out why he waited so long to opt out of Canadian Citizenship. Was it because of not wanting to give up Socialized Medicine Coverage in Canada? Did he lose his Canadian Health Care coverage when he gave up his citizenship there 2 months ago?
No slam on Cruz intended!
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
I'm still trying to figure out whether he's a Canadian or U.S. Conservative. Can't figure out why he waited so long to opt out of Canadian Citizenship. Was it because of not wanting to give up Socialized Medicine Coverage in Canada? Did he lose his Canadian Health Care coverage when he gave up his citizenship there 2 months ago?

For me, that isn't important. As far as obamacare, he has, as a Senator, tried to repeal it.
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
I'm still trying to figure out whether he's a Canadian or U.S. Conservative. Can't figure out why he waited so long to opt out of Canadian Citizenship. Was it because of not wanting to give up Socialized Medicine Coverage in Canada? Did he lose his Canadian Health Care coverage when he gave up his citizenship there 2 months ago?
No slam on Cruz intended!
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
I'm still trying to figure out whether he's a Canadian or U.S. Conservative. Can't figure out why he waited so long to opt out of Canadian Citizenship. Was it because of not wanting to give up Socialized Medicine Coverage in Canada? Did he lose his Canadian Health Care coverage when he gave up his citizenship there 2 months ago?

For me, that isn't important. As far as obamacare, he has, as a Senator, tried to repeal it.
Cruz sucks ass.

If that idiot ever showed up on my property? He'd have 30 seconds to leave before I escorted him off of my yard, and I wouldn't be gentle.

That idiot can do well to stay far away from me.
And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
I do not want an overly religious person in the WH

I don't want to hear how god told him to do this or that, it's a shitty way to make people support his stances

and isn't he a Canadian?
I do not want an overly religious person in the WH

I don't want to hear how god told him to do this or that, it's a shitty way to make people support his stances

and isn't he a Canadian?

Have you heard him say anything of the sort? That God told him anything? He expresses faith, so what?

I'd much rather have a president bound by Christian morals in the WH than an atheist who believes there are no consequences for doing evil.

And no, he isn't canadian.

And let us ignore the left completely. They have nothing at all to add.

If I could push a button that would make a person POTUS, skipping the primaries and the general altogether, I would push it for Ted Cruz. he is clearly the smartest person in Washington right now. Here are the qualities he has that would make him a great POTUS:

1. He loves America.
2. He knows and respects the Constitution
3. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.
4. He's a moral man.
5. He's a true conservative.

I like his views on economics, and foreign affairs. I think he's smart enough to understand multiple situations in multiple areas. If he surrounds himself with smart people, there would be no one else who could solve the major problems facing our country as well as he could.

My only knock on him is that the average American Voter is an idiot, and if you don't look good or sound good, you can't get anywhere. We've made our elections into a pageant. We're just stupid that way.

As of now, Ted Cruz in #1 on my list. What do my fellow conservatives think?
I do not want an overly religious person in the WH

I don't want to hear how god told him to do this or that, it's a shitty way to make people support his stances

and isn't he a Canadian?

He would not run a theocracy, as you seem to be concerned about. He's a strong believer in the Constitution. He has his faith but that isn't what drives him.

And he's no more Canadian than Obama is a Kenyan.

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