Fellow Republicans, please help me with this


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.
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Democrats started demonizing Bush early on. Republicans let them get away with it until the lies became unassailable facts.
Pretty legitimate point to consider the policies of the former president when 9-11 happened 7 months into Bush's administration. The connection is logical when Clinton disregarded the first attack on the WTC and bombed a defenseless European country while the 9-11 hijackers were attending flight school on his watch. Carter was a bumbling fool that nobody ever took seriously anyway.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Only the most retarded of piss drinking, bullshit gobbling rubes believes the CRA had anything to do with the global derivatives bubble and subsequent global financial meltdown. Do you think it was the negroes of Iceland who were responsible for the Icelandic banking crisis? It must have been those darkies at the top of the chain of command at the Royal Bank of Scotland who were behind that bank's destruction, no?

Damned negroes!
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Okay. First of all, Bush himself was not responsible for the meltdown, Democrats held majorities in both houses for the last two years of his term. Repeated warnings were ignored, and Bush's proposals (such as a special committee to rein in Fannie and Freddie) were blatantly ignored. I see the actions in Afghanistan to be justified, Iraq was Bush cleaning up his dad's mess.

It is disingenuous to say that Bush should be absolved of all blame though.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Them fucking libruls done it. Evabody heahbouts knowsat for a fack.

God bless Junebug. He duh ma-an.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Them fucking libruls done it. Evabody heahbouts knowsat for a fack.

God bless Junebug. He duh ma-an.

Oh yeah, keep imitating southern Black dialog to make a political point you freaking left wing hypocrites. That'll work.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Them fucking libruls done it. Evabody heahbouts knowsat for a fack.

God bless Junebug. He duh ma-an.

Oh yeah, keep imitating southern Black dialog to make a political point you freaking left wing hypocrites. That'll work.

S'prised ye cain't reconize App'laycheen wyattrashspeak.
Nevah did heah no black talk like'at. Ye must be a flatlander wyattrash.

Further, Mr Halfwit Projectionist, I'd bet my life you have more of what passes for today's "left wing" instincts than me. But don't let facts get in the way of your idiocy. It's too entertaining to want you to stop now.
The other edge of this sword is holding Obama responsible for everything that happens on his watch...this week, it's Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the AP phone records.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Tell me how you're supposed to have the USAF engage and destroy fully loaded US Commercial airliners over major metropolitan areas, I've always been fuzzy on this great Progressive "idea"
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Liberal Arrogant Sarcastic post....................

1st off, who was in charge of Fannie and Sallie all those years making all that money telling everyone NOTHINGS WRONG? Which party in committee said nothings wrong as Republicans on the committe wanted to take action to stop what was coming?
Selective memory again Lib?

2nd Eastern Seaboard defense grid.................Get real and stop being a drone. That was never really a big deal. Biggest problem was we were set up for outward defense and not inward.

3rd. Clinton is not the only one Responsible but HE DID SIGN THE GRAHAM LEAHY ACT. Proposed by Republicans and signed into law by Clinton. It took out one of the last defenses of the Glass Steigal Act, which allowed Rampant Speculation and Shadow Trading on the Markets outside of SEC Control. This caused and EXPLOSION OF DERIVATIVES from roughly 70 Trillion to over 1000 TRILLION IN 8 YEARS.
Which is the REAL CULPRIT OF THE CRASH. The housing market and Federal LENDING LAWS WHERE THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMELS BACK AND INITIATED THE CRASH. This was caused by the Govt' strong arming Banks into bad loans, insured by other banks such as Goldman Sachs, and the INSURERS GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT.

Kinda like going to a Casino using others money to Gamble. If you lose it's on them. In this case the GOV'T and the Taxpayers. Again, Republicans pushed for legislation to STOP THIS which was COMPLETELY IGNORED BY THE DEMS.

Finally, I blame the TERRORISTS for the attacks. Clinton did have ops to take out OBL but chose not to, and then blew up Aspirin Factories in response to attacks on our soil. He was too busy doing Interns to do his job.

That's just a short walk down memory lane.
They have to go back to Bush because of all the BS going on with their boy now.

Too many Scandals that are TRUE.


Poor poor Libs. Sniff Sniff.
Them fucking libruls done it. Evabody heahbouts knowsat for a fack.

God bless Junebug. He duh ma-an.

Oh yeah, keep imitating southern Black dialog to make a political point you freaking left wing hypocrites. That'll work.

S'prised ye cain't reconize App'laycheen wyattrashspeak.
Nevah did heah no black talk like'at. Ye must be a flatlander wyattrash.

Further, Mr Halfwit Projectionist, I'd bet my life you have more of what passes for today's "left wing" instincts than me. But don't let facts get in the way of your idiocy. It's too entertaining to want you to stop now.

Nothing of substance except bigoted latent racist dialog from the hate filled left . No surprises here.
Libtards bringing back bush, what a suprise. The op is yet another hack, pretending to be a republican, i guess they wish they were man enough to join. I guess the feminazis, cut their balls off
Londoner, tell me how you engage and destroy a fully loaded US Commercial airliner over say, Newark, NJ

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