Fellow Republicans, please help me with this

Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

AND YOU ARE NOT A conservative... maybe a RINO but NOT conservative!
YOU ARE ignorant though because YOU don't know your history!

Obviously you never heard of the dot.com bust, or Gorelick Memo, Chinese/Clinton donations, which allowed 9/11 and of course you totally ignore all the lives lost, money lost jobs lost in both those events.
Obviously you don't know shit about nature and the concurrency of the WORST HUrricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS of hurricanes
that occurred... but you do remember Bush planted bombs under the levees cause he hates Blacks!
And of course YOU NEVER EVER heard about 9/18/08 economic terrorist attack when the WORLD's economy AlMOST collapsed!

YEA it must be nice to have your head in the sand and butt in the air waiting for other people to take care of you!!!
The other edge of this sword is holding Obama responsible for everything that happens on his watch...this week, it's Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the AP phone records.

I don't suppose it would be possible for us to actually use our brains and figure out WHY things happen and who is ACTUALLY responsible for them, and THEN place blame, rather than just going on blind coincidences? No, of course not, because that would leave leftists forced to hold Obama accountable without any recourse to diversion by saying, "Well, BUSH did THIS!"
bush was smart enough to recognize there was a huge problem in the housing market but dems blew it off.


* House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized
the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis .The more people exaggerate these problems,
the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie
Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

* Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd also ignored the President's warnings and called on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," New York Times, 8/11/07)

Now A recent study released 12/12/12.. shows THE CRA was a major contributor!!!
" We find that adherence to the act led to riskier lending by banks: in the six quarters surrounding the CRA exams lending is elevated on average by about 5 percent every quarter and loans in these quarters default by about 15 percent more often.
These patterns are accentuated in CRA-eligible census tracts and are concentrated among large banks."
New study concludes that the Community Reinvestment Act ?clearly? did lead to risky lending | AEIdeas

His administration was LAUGHED AT BY Democrats Frank and Dodd after 17 times trying to get Fannie/Freddie fixed!
"Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. President Bush publicly called for GSE reform at least 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted. Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems. Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
bush was smart enough to recognize there was a huge problem in the housing market but dems blew it off.

Because his SEC was allowing wall street to artificially inflate prices in states such as California, Nevada, Arizona, and Florida.

some talk about the sub prime mortgage rate, which I don't understand how it works.

Google the Great American Bubble Machine. It's long but it explains what really happened. It's one of the best explanations I've read on the subject. It's from the Rolling Stones, a liberal leaning Mag, but he hits the nail on the head.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

AND YOU ARE NOT A conservative... maybe a RINO but NOT conservative!
YOU ARE ignorant though because YOU don't know your history!

Obviously you never heard of the dot.com bust, or Gorelick Memo, Chinese/Clinton donations, which allowed 9/11 and of course you totally ignore all the lives lost, money lost jobs lost in both those events.
Obviously you don't know shit about nature and the concurrency of the WORST HUrricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS of hurricanes
that occurred... but you do remember Bush planted bombs under the levees cause he hates Blacks!
And of course YOU NEVER EVER heard about 9/18/08 economic terrorist attack when the WORLD's economy AlMOST collapsed!

YEA it must be nice to have your head in the sand and butt in the air waiting for other people to take care of you!!!

Excellent posts. He's a TROLL, and fishing.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Only the most retarded of piss drinking, bullshit gobbling rubes believes the CRA had anything to do with the global derivatives bubble and subsequent global financial meltdown.
Do you think it was the negroes of Iceland who were responsible for the Icelandic banking crisis? It must have been those darkies at the top of the chain of command at the Royal Bank of Scotland who were behind that bank's destruction, no?

Damned negroes!

Actually, you would have to understand how the CRA was the birth of the housing bubble, obviously you're not aware of this or you wouldn't spout such ignorance...

CRA and GSE Act promoted "innovative or flexible" lending practices such as down payments of 5% or less, acceptance of impaired credit, higher debt ratios and creative definitions of income. This loosened underwriting resulted in total CRA originations and non-overlapping GSE AH acquisitions by the GSEs of $7 trillion over the period 1993-2007. This tsunami of high risk lending spawned and sustained a housing bubble unlike any this country has ever seen.

RealClearMarkets - How Did Paul Krugman Get It So Wrong?

Zero down meant zero risk, CRA started this mentality, Clinton enhanced CRA in 1996 which spawned FHA DPA...

As of today, we still have zero down, zero MI loans, want to guess who insures this type of loan??? You and I, they are USDA loans...

So before you go off the deep end again about the root cause of the Housing Bubble/Mortgage Meltdown, be sure you listen to another source, CRA had everything to do with it...
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

AND YOU ARE NOT A conservative... maybe a RINO but NOT conservative!
YOU ARE ignorant though because YOU don't know your history!

Obviously you never heard of the dot.com bust, or Gorelick Memo, Chinese/Clinton donations, which allowed 9/11 and of course you totally ignore all the lives lost, money lost jobs lost in both those events.
Obviously you don't know shit about nature and the concurrency of the WORST HUrricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS of hurricanes
that occurred... but you do remember Bush planted bombs under the levees cause he hates Blacks!
And of course YOU NEVER EVER heard about 9/18/08 economic terrorist attack when the WORLD's economy AlMOST collapsed!

YEA it must be nice to have your head in the sand and butt in the air waiting for other people to take care of you!!!

Excellent posts. He's a TROLL, and fishing.

Well he'd better be careful posing as a "GOP" and getting paid by liberals cause the IRS may audit him... being "A fellow Republican"!!!
But the effects of his Presidency remain to plague the middle-class and poor.

Different day same talking points how about we all be honest enough to admit what the sudden increase of Bush and even Palin threads on this board is really about trying to deflect from the fact Obama is up to his ass in scandals.

Brought on by Republicans because that's all they have left.

Its another liberal vaccum position......ird no big deal...riiiiight...benghazii no big deal...riiiight.....spying on the press...no big deal....just made up by republicans

You are a colossal moron
AND YOU ARE NOT A conservative... maybe a RINO but NOT conservative!
YOU ARE ignorant though because YOU don't know your history!

Obviously you never heard of the dot.com bust, or Gorelick Memo, Chinese/Clinton donations, which allowed 9/11 and of course you totally ignore all the lives lost, money lost jobs lost in both those events.
Obviously you don't know shit about nature and the concurrency of the WORST HUrricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS of hurricanes
that occurred... but you do remember Bush planted bombs under the levees cause he hates Blacks!
And of course YOU NEVER EVER heard about 9/18/08 economic terrorist attack when the WORLD's economy AlMOST collapsed!

YEA it must be nice to have your head in the sand and butt in the air waiting for other people to take care of you!!!

Excellent posts. He's a TROLL, and fishing.

Well he'd better be careful posing as a "GOP" and getting paid by liberals cause the IRS may audit him... being "A fellow Republican"!!!


Well Said.
Oh yeah, keep imitating southern Black dialog to make a political point you freaking left wing hypocrites. That'll work.

S'prised ye cain't reconize App'laycheen wyattrashspeak.
Nevah did heah no black talk like'at. Ye must be a flatlander wyattrash.

Further, Mr Halfwit Projectionist, I'd bet my life you have more of what passes for today's "left wing" instincts than me. But don't let facts get in the way of your idiocy. It's too entertaining to want you to stop now.

Dipshit, my family came from Appalachia, thank you so very much, and not only is your half-assed attempt at humor - which I suspect has more to do with trying to mask the fact that you don't actually write very much better than this - is nothing like the way they speak. But I would like to thank you for labeling yourself as a hate-filled, elitist, left-wing ignoramus so quickly, since it saves so much time by allowing me to spit on you and ignore you right off the bat.

Halfwit white trash can save themselves emotional distress ignoring me. On that we can agree.

Moving on...

There are a range of dialects in white trash Appalachia between Gadsden AL and Caribou ME, almost all of which are different from black Appalachian dialects. My rendition above is close enough to north central WV to rub your face in it. Years ago my family spoke it without ever feeling connected to white trash that talked like my family but lacked the guts and drive common in our clan.

Still, thanks for supporting my belief the real white trash world remains self-referential, emotional and very little else. My politics are neither nutball nor fake-liberal; they are based on real world phenomenon beyond the ken of hard core white trash. The only way I'd vote for a Democrat or a Republican is at gunpoint.

Based on your words the most obvious difference between white trash like you and our clan is we had (and continue to have) enough grit to make it in Appalachia, while your kind never amounted to anything here, and as bus money was hustled or found on streets outside bars, emigrated to factory towns and cities all across America where your kindred continue to degrade themselves and the nation by voting their worst instincts.
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Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

You are a Republican as much as Hillary is a Republican. You start your thread with a lie why even read the rest?
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Bush who? He who shall not be named? Conservatives have selectively forgotten he exists or that they ever voted for him.

The only part of your post I question is the part bolded...that would have been some trick ;)
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Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

Hey man :eusa_hand: take it easy

You'll blow my sarcasm-meter posting stuff like that.
Hello fellow Republicans,

I have called you here to address a nagging little problem that won't seem to go away. People are still blaming George Bush for problems that happened during his presidency.

Specifically, people are blaming him for the destruction of the housing market. They're also blaming him for a failure to employ basic and long-standing defense protocols for defending the Eastern Seaboard, like having planes "scramble ready" in case of an attack. Finally, they're blaming him for the destruction of the banking, financial and credit markets - all of which happened while he was president.

I'd like to remind you of the talking points that we used when people started to blame him for these things that happened when he was president.

Take the housing meltdown. We must keep reminding people that this was caused by Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (which sought to help poor working class Americans buy a home).

Take the Wall Street meltdown. We must keep reminding Americans that this was Bill Clinton's fault.

Take 9/11, the largest terrorist attack on the American homeland ever. This happened even though he was told in August 2011 to have planes "scramble ready "so our military could intercept hijacked planes before they were used as bombs to attack high density cities.

Remember what we told you: 9/11 was also Clinton's fault because he ignored important warning signs and failed to take terrorism seriously.

To repeat: everything bad that happened during the Bush presidency was either Carter's or Clinton's fault. Bush must never be blamed for anything, especially the things that happened on his watch.

I don't ever recall hearing Bush state the buck didn't stop at his desk. I do recall his warning repeatedly there was going to be a mortgage meltdown which he was laughed at.

I do recall Obama has repeatedly stated he knew nothing, saw nothing, etc.
And of course NONE of you BUSH BASHERS recognize what suckers.. what information shrift, ignorant people you are for believing EVERYTHING you read or saw on TV when it came to BUSH bashing!
NEVER occurred to you the MSM voted with their pocketbook 85% of the time with Democrats!
SO you people are so stupid to believe the media, that same stupidity I guess apples then when you think they are UNBIASED???
Have I got bridges and swampland to sell YOU dumb f...kS!!!

Here is what the filthy god damned white trash scum of the earth don't get: loathing a degenerate cocksucker like Bush is not the same thing as buying into Democrat horseshit.

When ignorant white trash scum figure that out and admit there is a better path than either party offers, maybe the nation can get itself turned around.
And of course NONE of you BUSH BASHERS recognize what suckers.. what information shrift, ignorant people you are for believing EVERYTHING you read or saw on TV when it came to BUSH bashing!
NEVER occurred to you the MSM voted with their pocketbook 85% of the time with Democrats!
SO you people are so stupid to believe the media, that same stupidity I guess apples then when you think they are UNBIASED???
Have I got bridges and swampland to sell YOU dumb f...kS!!!

Here is what the filthy god damned white trash scum of the earth don't get: loathing a degenerate cocksucker like Bush is not the same thing as buying into Democrat horseshit.

When ignorant white trash scum figure that out and admit there is a better path than either party offers, maybe the nation can get itself turned around.

wow, racist much?
Democrats started demonizing Bush early on. Republicans let them get away with it until the lies became unassailable facts.

Yeah, that's because Republicans feel like they are not supposed to resort to getting down and dirty in the trenches like the George Soros lefties always do.
And of course NONE of you BUSH BASHERS recognize what suckers.. what information shrift, ignorant people you are for believing EVERYTHING you read or saw on TV when it came to BUSH bashing!
NEVER occurred to you the MSM voted with their pocketbook 85% of the time with Democrats!
SO you people are so stupid to believe the media, that same stupidity I guess apples then when you think they are UNBIASED???
Have I got bridges and swampland to sell YOU dumb f...kS!!!

Here is what the filthy god damned white trash scum of the earth don't get: loathing a degenerate cocksucker like Bush is not the same thing as buying into Democrat horseshit.

When ignorant white trash scum figure that out and admit there is a better path than either party offers, maybe the nation can get itself turned around.

Sounds like the Civil War never ended for you.
You have no clue as to the rabidity of Redneck Liberals?

There is nothing you can say, or fact you can post that will ever convince them that every government problem relates back to President Bush!


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