FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Oh yea, there's scaffolding, but there is rebar behind it and the line of the back face of the interior box columns, large vertical black lines. Then up above, the rebar is aligned by the boards up there. All inside the inner face of the columns, Being WTC 2 the concrete was cast after the steel was up 5 floors.
You will not find an image of WTC 1 at that point. Your masters took them all.

And what about the numbers on this image? Do you have enough experience or knowledge to identify what numbers 1, 2 & 3 indicate of the steel surrounding the core?
your numbers are meaningless
since there is NO REBAR, NO CONCRETE

The structural steel members I ask you to identify according to the yellow numerals in this image have nothing to do with concrete.

This is about determining if you have any competency whatsoever in identifying the structural elements of buildings.
and since you are not qualified to make that determination i wont bother to jump through your hoops
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
and since you are not qualified to make that determination i wont bother to jump through your hoops

Here is a nice photo from his "psych" ward photo album. Ask him to identify the concrete walls or the steel columns. Hint: only one of them are shown....

your numbers are meaningless
since there is NO REBAR, NO CONCRETE

The structural steel members I ask you to identify according to the yellow numerals in this image have nothing to do with concrete.

This is about determining if you have any competency whatsoever in identifying the structural elements of buildings.
and since you are not qualified to make that determination i wont bother to jump through your hoops

I can tell you what they are and that will be found to be consistent with all other construction photos and GZ wreakage. That in itself is a common sense qualification.

Since there are no official plans, no truly qualified person will be found.

Just another way to show that you are not interested in truth or lawful performance by government and here only to support secret means of mass murder.
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Any who fail to perform accountably; and don't pretend that my not answering your "non question" questions, or off topic questions, shows a lacking of accountability; are participating in the psyops of deception and misinformation whether they know it or not.

When kaiser fails to define if he believes L.E. Robertson would not seek a correction to an article erronously describing the Twin towers structure as published by Newsweek on September 13, 2001 describing a concrete core, or that Newsweek would refuse to correct upon Robertsons request, kaiser is un accountable and working to disinform.
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
In the environment created by the NYC mayor who took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding, NIST could be decieved into believing the anecdotal descriptions of the structure that are covred by their disclaimer which basically described some thing like this.


However, on 9-11 what was seen was this for the core of WTC 2.


Which bears no resemblence to the diagram from FEMA. No structural steel seen whatsoever.

divot and others try to say it is 3" gypsum, but common sense dictates that when hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel wreakage crashes over the supposed steel core columns which are described as haveing "firewalls" of gypsum, the gypsum will be nearly completely destroyed, particuarly near the top, leaving steel columns protruding.

No such thing is seen.
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Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Here is the only box column section that exists in any competent form.


On 9-11, they are never seen.


What is seen can only be rebar, .......... which fits perfectly with the lead engineers information to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 AND another structural engineer certified in 12 states, August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE..

The cause of death is invalidated by the information in this thread showing that the Twin towers had a concrete core.
Occams Razor, Christophera
you ASSUME that there was only ONE set of plans ever created for the WTC
that is pure ignorance on your part
Occams Razor, Christophera
you ASSUME that there was only ONE set of plans ever created for the WTC
that is pure ignorance on your part

I don't assume that. I prove the mayor took the set that NYC had.


And that another engineer saw a set which showed a concrete core BEFORE the mayor took the citys set.


The port authority has plans but refused to give them up. They also had to sign more that a waiver.

Did the Twin Towers Collapse on Demand?
[Testifying before a congressional inquiry] Gene Corley of the American Society of Civil Engineers, said the Port Authority [of New York and New Jersey] refused to hand over blueprints for the twin towers — crucial for evaluating the wreckage — until he signed a waiver saying his team would not use the plans in a lawsuit against the agency [that is, against FEMA]. — New York Daily News, 2002-03-07
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Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
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Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
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Occams Razor, Christophera
you ASSUME that there was only ONE set of plans ever created for the WTC
that is pure ignorance on your part

I don't assume that. I prove the mayor took the set that NYC had.


And that another engineer saw a set which showed a concrete core BEFORE the mayor took the citys set.

they are simply WRONG
The port authority has plans but refused to give them up. They also had to sign more that a waiver.

Did the Twin Towers Collapse on Demand?
[Testifying before a congressional inquiry] Gene Corley of the American Society of Civil Engineers, said the Port Authority [of New York and New Jersey] refused to hand over blueprints for the twin towers — crucial for evaluating the wreckage — until he signed a waiver saying his team would not use the plans in a lawsuit against the agency [that is, against FEMA]. — New York Daily News, 2002-03-07
so, they saw the plans, and they didnt consist of what YOU claim
Mr Brown fails once again
Occams Razor, Christophera
you ASSUME that there was only ONE set of plans ever created for the WTC
that is pure ignorance on your part

I don't assume that. I prove the mayor took the set that NYC had.


Check again, use reading.

The records are said to include appointment books, cabinet meeting audiotapes, e-mails, telephone logs, advance and briefing memos, correspondence, transition materials, and private schedules, as well as Mr. Giuliani’s departmental, travel, event, subject, and Gracie Mansion files. Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

And that another engineer saw a set which showed a concrete core BEFORE the mayor took the citys set.

they are simply WRONG

If Newsweek is correct on September 13, 2001 and images show concrete,


Then the core was concrete.

The port authority has plans but refused to give them up. They also had to sign more that a waiver.

Did the Twin Towers Collapse on Demand?
[Testifying before a congressional inquiry] Gene Corley of the American Society of Civil Engineers, said the Port Authority [of New York and New Jersey] refused to hand over blueprints for the twin towers — crucial for evaluating the wreckage — until he signed a waiver saying his team would not use the plans in a lawsuit against the agency [that is, against FEMA]. — New York Daily News, 2002-03-07
so, they saw the plans, and they didnt consist of what YOU claim
Mr Brown fails once again

They signed more than a waiver. Corely is the one making the fake graphic overlay on WTC 2 trying to show the steel core. It is CGI fakery, but he admits it. They had to sign more than a waiver, a very dense non disclosure agreement.
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