FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Uh, you have no evidence, so have no standing to make any statement whatsoever with any credibility.

The cause of death is invalid. Period, ....... and you have produced no evidence showing the cause of death on 3,000 death certificates is valid.

th Twin towers had a concrete core. NIST analysed a tower with steel core columns, that did not exist.

You keep quoting people who weren't involved with the design of the towers, and you keep ignoring photo documentation during construction that shows only steel columns and no concrete. Trying to say what debris is as it falls is also meaningless.

You have no credibility, no qualified sources, and are unable to describe any "conspiracy" related to the WTC. Quoting unqualified idiots means nothing.
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Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?

So, you're asking direct questions....They hate that.
Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?

So, you're asking direct questions....They hate that.

Apparently, you don't know what a question is. Number #5 is the only question even close to on topic. The rest is kaisers off topic agenda of evasion.

These people will be reminded, over and over of your denial and support of secret methods of mass murder.

you have yet to prove they misrepresented ANYTHING
it's YOU that has the burden of prove fucktard
I've proven that FEMA presents this as the core.

and on 9-11 this is seen.

and by presenting that, and evoking your explantion of 3" "gypsum" firewall, I've proven you are a disinformation agent, judging by your lack of appropriate cognition, a mind controlled agent, or, .......... a complete moron that is too afraid to believe anything but a comfortable lie.
first, you CLAIM thats what FEMA said the core was
but that is clearly a simplified diagram of the tube within a tube concept,

The "tube in a tube" concept is not even mentioned. Produce more detail from official sources supporting what you say.


Your post is subterfuge in evasion. Clearly you support secret methods of mass murder.
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Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?

So, you're asking direct questions....They hate that.

Apparently, you don't know what a question is. Number #5 is the only question even close to on topic. The rest is kaisers off topic agenda of evasion.

These people will be reminded, over and over of your denial and support of secret methods of mass murder.


Since obviously you have zero friends, zero influence, and zero common sense; I doubt anybody gives you the time of day outside of this forum so you won't be reminding anybody of anything except how necessary it is to exercise birth control lest another fucked in the head crack baby such as yourself is spawned. Have a nice day; loser.
So, you're asking direct questions....They hate that.

Apparently, you don't know what a question is. Number #5 is the only question even close to on topic. The rest is kaisers off topic agenda of evasion.

These people will be reminded, over and over of your denial and support of secret methods of mass murder.


Since obviously you have zero friends, zero influence, and zero common sense; I doubt anybody gives you the time of day outside of this forum so you won't be reminding anybody of anything except how necessary it is to exercise birth control lest another fucked in the head crack baby such as yourself is spawned. Have a nice day; loser.

Like I said, you support secret methods of mass murder and violations of law.

guiliani NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding


(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party’s counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding.
(c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to—
(1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or
(2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.


Now more recently those seeking to purify the infiltrated government are targeted by the infiltrators.

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I've posted this before. I went to LERA's website and contacted SawTeen See via the email link on the 9/11 drop selection on their home page. Some time later, I got a couple of email responses from Mr. Robertson himself. Following is one of the emails he sent me. His statements are in captial letters and bolded.

Mr. Robertson's email said:
From: Leslie E Robertson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 9:08 AM
To: xxxxx
Subject: Re: Trying to get some information on the general layout of the WTC


Date: 6/8/2009 1:27:47 PM
To: <[email protected]>
From: xxxxxx
Subject: Trying to get some information on the general layout of the WTC

I was wondering if you could answer a few questions.

I am in a debate with someone about the layout of the express elevator access
of the core at the lobby level. The person I am debating says that there was
rectangular concrete core in WTC1. THERE WAS NO CONCRETE CORE, RECTANGULAR
The base of this core at
the lobby level
consisted of 2 long axis walls (12' thick at the lobby level) and 2 short
walls (17' thick at the lobby level). He claims that the core walls decreased
in thickness to 2' thick for all 4 walls at the top of the tower. The outside
wall of this concrete core sloped inward to the 2' thickness at the top,
the inside wall of this core stayed straight. THIS IS ALL NONSENSE.

This person also claims that there was no access to the express elevators
outside the core at the lobby level. NONSENSE. He maintains that in WTC1,
his solid
concrete core described above surrounded all the elevators. Anyone wanting to
get onto an elevator, be it local or express, had to go into the center of
core. NONSENSE. He claims that WTC2 was redesigned differently from WTC2 to
allow access
to the express elevators from outside the core because renters of the office
space complained about the lack of access of WTC1. MORE NONSENSE.

I have talked with people who worked in both towers and they say the this
person is mistaken and that both towers had access to the express elevators
from the lobby level and that the core walls were not blanks facades as

Can Eyou please verify this information or point me in a direction to help?

Thank you very much for your time.

Any federal tax advice contained herein or in any attachment hereto is not
intended to be used, and cannot be used, to (1) avoid penalties imposed under
the Internal Revenue Code or (2) support the promotion or marketing of any
transaction or matter. This legend has been affixed to comply with U.S.
Treasury Regulations governing tax practice.

Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]

Leslie E. Robertson Associates, R.L.L.P.
30 Broad Street, 47th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2304
Telephone: (212) 750 9000 Fax: (212) 750 9002 LERA | Leslie E. Robertson Associates
E-mail confidentiality notice:
This e-mail is confidential and may be covered by legal professional
privilege. If you are not the intended recipient you are prohibited from
printing, copying or distributing it, nor may you rely upon it. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, fax
or by e-mail to [email protected] and delete this e-mail from your system. Leslie
E. Robertson Associates, RLLP, will not accept liability for commitments made
by individuals employed by the firm outside the scope of our business, being
the supply of structural engineering services.

Chris has rejected this email as he thinks it's not real. I suggested to him to contact Mr. Robertson, but Chris is nothing more than a coward who doesn't want to know the truth. Below is anothe rexchange I had with Mr. Robertson when I asked him about the Newsweek article. Again, his response is bolded and in caps.

Mr. Robertson's email said:
As part of his evidence of the concrete core, he uses an old Newsweek article
in which you spoke to a reporter named Katherine Stroup. Here is an excerpt
from that article:
"Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest
buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers,
supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core..." He
either claims that you said the part about the concrete core directly to her
(which I know is not true as there are no quotes around it) or his other
argument is that if the information was wrong in that article, why was it
I've posted this before. I went to LERA's website and contacted SawTeen See via the email link on the 9/11 drop selection on their home page.

And you are an agent that conducts fakery. There is NO WAY, your text is worth anything.

The psyops includes fakery. agent gam has been exposed photoshopping images because it has no evidence.

The deception attempted was to make WTC 2 lobby which had elevators opening on the lobby through the core wall with a very special base wall that allowed only lobby elevators to enter directly. People then went out another door at the opposite end of the elevator and all access over the lobby was via elevator doors in the core.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windeos of the footbride outside are wider than they are tall. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency but notice the width of the footbridge windows varies.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core. Agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.
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Sorry Chris, but everything you have posted AGREES with what I show in my photos. No photoshopping needed.

You can't even correctly explain your point.

Sorry Chris, but everything you have posted AGREES with what I show in my photos. No photoshopping needed.

You can't even correctly explain your point.


My point is made by your photoshopping and I've posted it. What you cannot reasonably explain is this.


Gypsum fastened to steel core columns is not reasonable because hundreds of thousands of tons of steel wreakage fell over that. Gypsum would be torn off revealing steel columns. None are seen. The symetry defies any explanation except a concrete tubular core, matching the information of Newsweek, a globally respected publication on September 13, 2001.

Again, none are seen.


You support secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.
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Sorry, even Mr. Robertson says your full of it. If you don't believe me, write him yourself. The information to reach him is on LERA's website AND in the email I posted above.

You won't because you know what the truth is.
Sorry, even Mr. Robertson says your full of it. If you don't believe me, write him yourself. The information to reach him is on LERA's website AND in the email I posted above.

You won't because you know what the truth is.

I won't because he's already made his statement on September 13, 2001 2 days after 3,000 died. He's been pressured to be quiet about the core so fakers in his office lie for him.

See the interview between him and s. jones. Jones has to describe the wrong core because Robertson will not.
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The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


Thanks for proving my photos correct with this site plan. You're too stupid to figure out what you need to lie about and post pictures and plans that SUPPORT my photos. No photoshopping needed because that's what you would truly see if you had looked out those windows.

What a dumbass.

Gee Chris, if I looked out the windows of the WTC1 lobby, what would I see according to this top down view. Notice the footbridge on the left.


Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?
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Gee Chris, if I looked out the windows of the WTC1 lobby, what would I see according to this top down view. Notice the footbridge on the left.





Not this, as you photoshopped the WTC 2 lobby to appear as WTC 1. (Note the non uniform horizontal window widths on the footbridge. Photoshop distortions)


Stop supporting secret methods of mass murder. When such is used to compromise the US Constitution it is treason.

Explain what this is if not concrete.


You try to change the subject because you have no evidence of steel core columns in the core are nor do you have any other independently verified evidence.
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Hey Christo answer these questions/comments. I'll keep posting them until you do.

0. Personally ask the engineer who designed the WTC towers yourself. OMG, do you have any idea how cool it would be to get an answer from the Man himself? Or are you too sick in the head to admit you're simply a dupe?
Leslie E Robertson e-mail: [email protected]
just ask him if there were any concrete walls in the core above ground level. Then respect his answer, and thank him for the reply.

1. Here is the design page LERA | World Trade Center
LERA | World Trade Center
there is no mention of any concrete walls. only viscoelastic dampers. Why would they need to add dampers if the core was concrete? (nice job editing the Robertson mis-quote out of the Newsweek article)

2. Do you or don't you agree that the hijacked planes hitting the towers caused the WTC towers' collapse?

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was involved?

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down?

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