FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

1. The photo of the tower collapsing shows nothing. You're not qualified to analyze photos anyway.

In order to say that credibly you have to be able to answer some yourself, or your assertion is simply subterfuge

The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.


According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.

2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.

3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing?

Answer the questions.
The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.


According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.

2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.

3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing?

Answer the questions.
1. The photo of the tower collapsing shows nothing. You're not qualified to analyze photos anyway. No one in their right mind believes that concrete walls existed. Your own floor plan posts show no walls.

What nonsense, accordingly you are not qualified to post in analysis. Mostly because you have failed to be reasonable and accountable, not to mention you have no evidence supporting your position. Failing to recognize costs you major credibility when mass murder of 3,000 innocent people is involved because the violation made it possible to sabotage the analysis of collapse you try to support.
The photo in question can only show a mass of concrete falling inside of perimeter columns just as this one can only show a concrete, tubular core.

1. showing a falling building shows nothing. Show us a pieces of 3' thick core wall all over the place. You can't the lightweight concrete floors and "shaftwall" fireproofing was pulverized to dust. NO CONCRETE WALLS ON THE GROUND. YOU LOSE.
2. I back up my posts with qualified expert opinions. You don't. All you have is a crackpot hallucination.
3. You never described your secret method of mass murder. In case you're wondering what happened SN terrorists flew jet liners into the towers. That is the obvious method of mass murder, as they even brag about it. You even admit that the jets hit the towers.
Hmmmm, no evidence, again. The twins had a concrete core,
Behind the perimeter columns is the brownish concrete of a portion of the top of the WTC 2 core. Which is consistent with the information from Newsweek on September 13, 2001 AND the .pdf of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is a structural engineer certified in 12 states.

clown divot, has no evidence but acts like a ghoulish clown promoting secret methods of mass murder and the demise of a noble social contract, the US Constitution.

1. The photo of the tower collapsing shows nothing. You're not qualified to analyze photos anyway. No one in their right mind believes that concrete walls existed. Your own floor plan posts show no walls.

2. The Newsweek article and that clip from nowhere show nothing, prove nothing. They would not stand-up in Court as proof. I can bring the following experts in to explain the towers. Who do you think wins? The Experts.

FEMA, NIST, and the engineering community know what they are doing. Here are a few links from qualified experts, not math majors or physics majors who know nothing about engineering skyscrapers or demolition.

Professor: Design flaws caused World Trade Center collapse | Oakland Tribune Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET

Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings - USATODAY.com


Department of Fire Protection Engineering - Professor Barnett Helps Investigate WTC Collapse

You think all the democrats in Congress are part of the Bush 9/11 conspiracy??
The Investigation of the World Trade Center Collapse: Findings, Recommendations, and Next Steps

3. Here is a link that debunks many stupid conspiracy theories.
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

4. Check this link out, it has "expert opinions" and lots of photos
Collapse of the World Trade Center -Debunk 9/11 Myths

So we have all these "expert engineers" including Robertson who designed the towers on one side. Then we have idiots putting no credible proof up for crackpot conspiracy theories. Who do you think has a better grasp of what happened? The jet impacts caused the towers to collapse. The towers had no full-height R/C shear walls.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

2. Here is one more link, from "The Guardian" which should be a very neutral source of information.
World Trade Center Demolition.
No mention of concrete walls. Then you need to define what possible gain the "conspiracy" could have from lying about the concrete walls:

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
<the jet impacts caused the collapses, Robertson agrees with NIST>

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was supposedly involved?
<do you still cling to the "concrete wall conspiracy" or do you accept that the jets caused the collapses, and no structural concrete walls were there>

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down if it wasn't the jet impacts? <the towers were fine until the jets hit them>

6. I can provide the equations (mathematical proof) for the deflection of the WTC tower if you have any way of verifying them.
Do you want me to post equations for the wind load and deflection with and w/o concrete walls? If I prove mathematically that the concrete couldn't possibly deflect 12' will you admit that there were no concrete walls, as everyone but you acknowledges?

7. Army demolition experts would be needed to carry about 158 tons of explosives into the WTC Towers and Building-7, then they would need to remove the architectural coverings to expose the steel columns and floor trusses, set large packs of explosives, and then string miles of wire to some type of detonator. ALL UNNOTICED BY THE OCCUPANTS AND BUILDING SECURITY. HOW STUPID IS THIS THEORY??

8. If Army guys wouldn't rig the WTC for super secret demolition then Bush or Cheney would need to sneak SNs into the country to rig the explosives into the WTC AND AGAIN BE UNNOTICED. Is this your "secret method"?
herr kaiser, you do not have questions based on the topic. If you cannot support your position relating to the core structure that FEMA presents, you have lost the argument.

The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.


According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.

2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.

3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing?

Answer the questions.
herr kaiser, you do not have questions based on the topic. If you cannot support your position relating to the core structure that FEMA presents, you have lost the argument.
The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.
According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.
2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.
3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing? Answer the questions.

1. You're not qualified to analyze the collapse photos from 9/11. The experts in the field, including the links in the following post. ALL agree with the FEMA & NIST analysis of the terror attack that the SNs jet impacts caused the collapse. There are NO PLANS from credible sources that show R/C walls. The engineer, Mr. Robertson agrees that there were only steel columns.
2. Your argument would not stand up in court. If you think you have a case file a lawsuit, see how fast its gets laughed out of court. You and your conspiracy are a joke.
3. The engineer designed the core only for vertical load. All lateral loads were carried by the perimeter columns.

You have no proof, if there was a concrete core wall, there would be chunks of concrete all over the place. There is none because there was no wall. You have no proof, and no conspiracy.
Hmmmm, no evidence, again. The twins had a concrete core,
Behind the perimeter columns is the brownish concrete of a portion of the top of the WTC 2 core. Which is consistent with the information from Newsweek on September 13, 2001 AND the .pdf of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is a structural engineer certified in 12 states.

clown divot, has no evidence but acts like a ghoulish clown promoting secret methods of mass murder and the demise of a noble social contract, the US Constitution.

1. The photo of the tower collapsing shows nothing. You're not qualified to analyze photos anyway. No one in their right mind believes that concrete walls existed. Your own floor plan posts show no walls.

2. The Newsweek article and that clip from nowhere show nothing, prove nothing. They would not stand-up in Court as proof. I can bring the following experts in to explain the towers. Who do you think wins? The Experts.

FEMA, NIST, and the engineering community know what they are doing. Here are a few links from qualified experts, not math majors or physics majors who know nothing about engineering skyscrapers or demolition.

Professor: Design flaws caused World Trade Center collapse | Oakland Tribune Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET

Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings - USATODAY.com


Department of Fire Protection Engineering - Professor Barnett Helps Investigate WTC Collapse

You think all the democrats in Congress are part of the Bush 9/11 conspiracy??
The Investigation of the World Trade Center Collapse: Findings, Recommendations, and Next Steps

3. Here is a link that debunks many stupid conspiracy theories.
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

4. Check this link out, it has "expert opinions" and lots of photos
Collapse of the World Trade Center -Debunk 9/11 Myths

So we have all these "expert engineers" including Robertson who designed the towers on one side. Then we have idiots putting no credible proof up for crackpot conspiracy theories. Who do you think has a better grasp of what happened? The jet impacts caused the towers to collapse. The towers had no full-height R/C shear walls.
Hmmmm, no evidence, again. The twins had a concrete core,
Behind the perimeter columns is the brownish concrete of a portion of the top of the WTC 2 core. Which is consistent with the information from Newsweek on September 13, 2001 AND the .pdf of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is a structural engineer certified in 12 states.

clown divot, has no evidence but acts like a ghoulish clown promoting secret methods of mass murder and the demise of a noble social contract, the US Constitution.

1. The photo of the tower collapsing shows nothing. You're not qualified to analyze photos anyway. No one in their right mind believes that concrete walls existed. Your own floor plan posts show no walls.

2. The Newsweek article and that clip from nowhere show nothing, prove nothing. They would not stand-up in Court as proof. I can bring the following experts in to explain the towers. Who do you think wins? The Experts.

FEMA, NIST, and the engineering community know what they are doing. Here are a few links from qualified experts, not math majors or physics majors who know nothing about engineering skyscrapers or demolition.

Professor: Design flaws caused World Trade Center collapse | Oakland Tribune Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET

Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings - USATODAY.com


Department of Fire Protection Engineering - Professor Barnett Helps Investigate WTC Collapse

You think all the democrats in Congress are part of the Bush 9/11 conspiracy??
The Investigation of the World Trade Center Collapse: Findings, Recommendations, and Next Steps

3. Here is a link that debunks many stupid conspiracy theories.
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

4. Check this link out, it has "expert opinions" and lots of photos
Collapse of the World Trade Center -Debunk 9/11 Myths

So we have all these "expert engineers" including Robertson who designed the towers on one side. Then we have idiots putting no credible proof up for crackpot conspiracy theories. Who do you think has a better grasp of what happened? The jet impacts caused the towers to collapse. The towers had no full-height R/C shear walls.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

2. Here is one more link, from "The Guardian" which should be a very neutral source of information.
World Trade Center Demolition.
No mention of concrete walls. Then you need to define what possible gain the "conspiracy" could have from lying about the concrete walls:

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
<the jet impacts caused the collapses, Robertson agrees with NIST>

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was supposedly involved?
<do you still cling to the "concrete wall conspiracy" or do you accept that the jets caused the collapses, and no structural concrete walls were there>

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down if it wasn't the jet impacts? <the towers were fine until the jets hit them>

6. I can provide the equations (mathematical proof) for the deflection of the WTC tower if you have any way of verifying them.
Do you want me to post equations for the wind load and deflection with and w/o concrete walls? If I prove mathematically that the concrete couldn't possibly deflect 12' will you admit that there were no concrete walls, as everyone but you acknowledges?

7. Army demolition experts would be needed to carry about 158 tons of explosives into the WTC Towers and Building-7, then they would need to remove the architectural coverings to expose the steel columns and floor trusses, set large packs of explosives, and then string miles of wire to some type of detonator. ALL UNNOTICED BY THE OCCUPANTS AND BUILDING SECURITY. HOW STUPID IS THIS THEORY??

8. If Army guys wouldn't rig the WTC for super secret demolition then Bush or Cheney would need to sneak SNs into the country to rig the explosives into the WTC AND AGAIN BE UNNOTICED. Is this your "secret method"?

Me too.

And these are questions. Your crap is mostly not questions and absolutely not on topic.

The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.


According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.

2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.

3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing?

Answer the questions.

Me too.

And these are questions. Your crap is mostly not questions and absolutely not on topic.

The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.

According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.

2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.

3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing?

Answer the questions.

The tower designs are shown in the FEMA and NIST reports, the designs were independently reviewed by experts as shown in my various links (next post). You are simply not qualified to analyze collapse photos. Question asked and answered.

Now its your turn to answer ALL of my questions.
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The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.
According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.
1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.ever hear of moment connections?
2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns. if you knew how to read drawings you'd see them in the reports
3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing? thats called structural engineering, something you don't understand
Answer the questions.

1. The photo of the tower collapsing shows nothing. You're not qualified to analyze photos anyway. No one in their right mind believes that concrete walls existed. Your own floor plan posts show no walls.

2. The Newsweek article and that clip from nowhere show nothing, prove nothing. They would not stand-up in Court as proof. I can bring the following experts in to explain the towers. Who do you think wins? The Experts.

FEMA, NIST, and the engineering community know what they are doing. Here are a few links from qualified experts, not math majors or physics majors who know nothing about engineering skyscrapers or demolition.

Professor: Design flaws caused World Trade Center collapse | Oakland Tribune Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET

Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings - USATODAY.com


Department of Fire Protection Engineering - Professor Barnett Helps Investigate WTC Collapse

You think all the democrats in Congress are part of the Bush 9/11 conspiracy??
The Investigation of the World Trade Center Collapse: Findings, Recommendations, and Next Steps

3. Here is a link that debunks many stupid conspiracy theories.
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

4. Check this link out, it has "expert opinions" and lots of photos
Collapse of the World Trade Center -Debunk 9/11 Myths

So we have all these "expert engineers" including Robertson who designed the towers on one side. Then we have idiots putting no credible proof up for crackpot conspiracy theories. Who do you think has a better grasp of what happened? The jet impacts caused the towers to collapse. The towers had no full-height R/C shear walls.
Last edited:

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

2. Here is one more link, from "The Guardian" which should be a very neutral source of information.
World Trade Center Demolition.
No mention of concrete walls. Then you need to define what possible gain the "conspiracy" could have from lying about the concrete walls:

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
<the jet impacts caused the collapses, Robertson agrees with NIST>

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was supposedly involved?
<do you still cling to the "concrete wall conspiracy" or do you accept that the jets caused the collapses, and no structural concrete walls were there>

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down if it wasn't the jet impacts? <the towers were fine until the jets hit them>

6. I can provide the equations (mathematical proof) for the deflection of the WTC tower if you have any way of verifying them.
Do you want me to post equations for the wind load and deflection with and w/o concrete walls? If I prove mathematically that the concrete couldn't possibly deflect 12' will you admit that there were no concrete walls, as everyone but you acknowledges?

7. Army demolition experts would be needed to carry about 158 tons of explosives into the WTC Towers and Building-7, then they would need to remove the architectural coverings to expose the steel columns and floor trusses, set large packs of explosives, and then string miles of wire to some type of detonator. ALL UNNOTICED BY THE OCCUPANTS AND BUILDING SECURITY. HOW STUPID IS THIS THEORY??

8. If Army guys wouldn't rig the WTC for super secret demolition then Bush or Cheney would need to sneak SNs into the country to rig the explosives into the WTC AND AGAIN BE UNNOTICED. Is this your "secret method"?
1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

You are misrepresenting facts, just as jones does. See,


And it is jones that says steel core columns, not Robertson.

You are showing your non accountability in a big way.

The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.


According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.

2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.

3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing?

4)Did Robertson not request a correction for the article of Newsweek of September 13, 2001
, or did Newsweek refuse to correct the article relating to the deaths of 3,000 in what was termed a structural collapse?

Answer the questions.
Last edited:
1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

You are misrepresenting facts, just as jones does. See,

Professor Steven Jones

00:20:30;19 EDIT 3 L.E. Robertson-how could the explosives be placed- "Of the columns around the,......" - S. Jones, "and the core columns". Just after the second time jones says, "About 15 seconds".

It is jones that says steel core columns, not Robertson.

You are showing your non accountability and intent to misrepresent in a big way.

The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.


According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.

1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.

2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns.

3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing?

4)Did Robertson not request a correction for the article of Newsweek of September 13, 2001
, or did Newsweek refuse to correct the article relating to the deaths of 3,000 in what was termed a structural collapse?

Answer the questions, stop supporting secret murder and the demise of the US Constitution.
The core FEMA described is never seen on 9-11. An empty core area is in every single image showing the core when dust does not obscure it. Heres the rebar. To the right is the empty core.
According to you and FEMA, there were over 12 miles of massive steel columns in the core area, Where did it go? Show some of it from GZ images if it existed.
1)If it existed there are diagonal and horizontal connections everywhere. That, ............ is a lot of steel.ever hear of moment connections?
2)Where are the supposed diagonal and horizontal interconnections? Why are you guessing about this? Or lying? You should be able to refer to official plans with structural details of the supposed steel core columns. if you knew how to read drawings you'd see them in the reports
3)How did the elevator doors and hallways cross on every floor with all that horizontal and diagonal bracing? thats called structural engineering, something you don't understand
Answer the questions.

1. The photo of the tower collapsing shows nothing. You're not qualified to analyze photos anyway. No one in their right mind believes that concrete walls existed. Your own floor plan posts show no walls.

2. The Newsweek article and that clip from nowhere show nothing, prove nothing. They would not stand-up in Court as proof. I can bring the following experts in to explain the towers. Who do you think wins? The Experts.

FEMA, NIST, and the engineering community know what they are doing. Here are a few links from qualified experts, not math majors or physics majors who know nothing about engineering skyscrapers or demolition.

Professor: Design flaws caused World Trade Center collapse | Oakland Tribune Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET

Purdue study supports WTC collapse findings - USATODAY.com


Department of Fire Protection Engineering - Professor Barnett Helps Investigate WTC Collapse

You think all the democrats in Congress are part of the Bush 9/11 conspiracy??
The Investigation of the World Trade Center Collapse: Findings, Recommendations, and Next Steps

3. Here is a link that debunks many stupid conspiracy theories.
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

4. Check this link out, it has "expert opinions" and lots of photos
Collapse of the World Trade Center -Debunk 9/11 Myths

So we have all these "expert engineers" including Robertson who designed the towers on one side. Then we have idiots putting no credible proof up for crackpot conspiracy theories. Who do you think has a better grasp of what happened? The jet impacts caused the towers to collapse. The towers had no full-height R/C shear walls.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

2. Here is one more link, from "The Guardian" which should be a very neutral source of information.
World Trade Center Demolition.
No mention of concrete walls. Then you need to define what possible gain the "conspiracy" could have from lying about the concrete walls:

3. if there was a "secret method of mass murder" what was it, and why wait around for jets to hit the towers, why not just knock them down in a wind storm and kill 250,000?
<the jet impacts caused the collapses, Robertson agrees with NIST>

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was supposedly involved?
<do you still cling to the "concrete wall conspiracy" or do you accept that the jets caused the collapses, and no structural concrete walls were there>

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. What knocked them down if it wasn't the jet impacts? <the towers were fine until the jets hit them>

6. I can provide the equations (mathematical proof) for the deflection of the WTC tower if you have any way of verifying them.
Do you want me to post equations for the wind load and deflection with and w/o concrete walls? If I prove mathematically that the concrete couldn't possibly deflect 12' will you admit that there were no concrete walls, as everyone but you acknowledges?

7. Army demolition experts would be needed to carry about 158 tons of explosives into the WTC Towers and Building-7, then they would need to remove the architectural coverings to expose the steel columns and floor trusses, set large packs of explosives, and then string miles of wire to some type of detonator. ALL UNNOTICED BY THE OCCUPANTS AND BUILDING SECURITY. HOW STUPID IS THIS THEORY??

8. If Army guys wouldn't rig the WTC for super secret demolition then Bush or Cheney would need to sneak SNs into the country to rig the explosives into the WTC AND AGAIN BE UNNOTICED. Is this your "secret method"?
Many foreign leaders are now saying disturbing things about the U.S. and 9/11.

Many around the World are saying the U.S. concocted it.
Many foreign leaders are now saying disturbing things about the U.S. and 9/11.

Many around the World are saying the U.S. concocted it.

Yes, I've been noticing that for a few years now. I remember German posters on forums screaming, "Stupid Americans! We know, we saw this, look what happened. Wake up!".

Basically, the world is going to first abandon us, then attak cus if we don't control our government. It is a simple matter of purification. Get the infiltrators out then our Constitution will function.

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