FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Morons don't prove anything. They just keep saying the wrong answer over and over. This is the dumbest non-conspiracy in history. No one with a brain believes that there was a concrete core. Even if there was, why would anyone try to prove there wasn't? It makes no sense. We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years. Then these clowns try to make money off some dumb conspiracy books.
1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">
a. Newsweek was clearly wrong, unless they misinterpreted the fireproof "shaftwalls" as concrete.
b. We can resolve this with a quick email to Mr. Robertson. That would either confirm or end the "disappearing concrete wall" conspiracy. Just ask him if the core had structural concrete walls or not.
c. The conspiracy would need better proof of concrete walls than a misprint in Newsweek.
d. You need to show the remnants of wall on the ground, there would be 12 miles of wall that you don't see lying on the ground.
e. I provided several independent sources that show the towers did not have concrete core
walls. (FEMA, NIST, Robertson, Guardian, and photos that don't show R/C walls on the ground) You need to show several sources of the reinforced concrete walls at least 3' thick on drawings and on the ground. You never show any concrete wall pieces on the ground.

2. Fire would never be a cause of collapse in a tower with a concrete structural core. Dumbed down and divided America is expected to accept steel core columns because of cognitive distortions used in presentation. There was fire, steel does bend when it is heated. We know how dumb the perps want Americans to be and assist them to assume that small fires on a few floors could heat the entire steel structure as if Allahs great torch from hell came from the ground and raised it all uniformly to that temperature at one moment to cause a free fall collapse. No way, even in hell.
I provided a link, from "The Guardian" which is very neutral source of information, as well as from other credible sources. No mention of concrete walls.
Then you need to define what possible gain the "conspiracy" could have from lying about the concrete walls: One guardian article should equal one Newsweek misprint. As for the "small fire" did you see the fireball at impact? There were hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel in the jets that created massive fire, plus the jet impact knocked the fireproofing off the steel. so you have a massive fire and no fireproofing, the towers collapsed exactly as predicted by the NIST engineers.
Plus, part-B of the question:
what possible gain would a conspiracy have to say that there were or were not concrete walls? The conspiracy makes no sense, just ask Mr. Robertson.

3. So you agree that there was no "secret method of mass murder" , correct ? If not, you need to say what it was.

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was supposedly involved? You get no credit for saying Rudy did it....(thats an LOL actually)
The towers were built way before Rudy came to NY. He had nothing to gain from the tower design. Even Silverstein had nothing to gain/lose. The buildings were insured. The insurance companies would be all over any "wall conspiracy". The Port Authority also has all the tower design info, so you need to see that there were way too many people involved to cover anything up. who would gain anything from disappearing concrete walls? No one Its a stupid conspiracy, really dumb.

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. the "question is: what difference did it make if it had concrete walls or not? The towers didn't just "fall down" from bad design. The designs were reviewed by NIST and ASCE and many others who all said that the buildings, w/o concrete walls, fell exactly as engineers would expect.
If the jets didn't hit them the design was fine. I don't see where the "wall conspiracy" came from, its just stupidity.

6. Are you competing with divot for how much BS you can assert? Not a question herr kaiser.
6. I can provide the equations (mathematical proof) for the deflection of the WTC tower if you have any way of verifying them.
Do you want me to post equations for the wind load and deflection with and w/o concrete walls? <thats an on-topic question>
If I prove mathematically that the concrete couldn't possibly deflect 12' will you admit that there were no concrete walls, as everyone but you acknowledges?
Its engineering proof that the documented sway the towers experienced could not happen if concrete walls were present. Steel columns sway, concrete core walls don't. Thats engineering, not bullshit. Your conspiracy is bullshit.
Morons don't prove anything. They just keep saying the wrong answer over and over. This is the dumbest non-conspiracy in history. No one with a brain believes that there was a concrete core. Even if there was, why would anyone try to prove there wasn't? It makes no sense. We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years. Then these clowns try to make money off some dumb conspiracy books.

the next step in the conversation is that the concrete had explosives encased in them when they were built 30 years earlier. i'm not joking. that is what the next claim is. :cuckoo:
We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years.

How come the only plans the public has have a freehanded, penciled, 104th floor title block. scanned from blue prints leaked from silverstein?

If it only took Robertson and Yamasaki 3 years to design the twins and get them permitted, how come it took you 30 years to study them?

I tell you why, because you are not accountable or reasonable.

You are lying to support secret methods of mass murder.
We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years.

I tell you why, because you are not accountable or reasonable.

You are lying to support secret methods of mass murder.

my grandmother has more common sense than you and she's been dead for 15 years.

Are you trying to say you can get her to answer these common sense questions?

How come the only plans the public has have a freehanded, penciled, 104th floor title block. scanned from blue prints leaked from silverstein?

If it only took Robertson and Yamasaki 3 years to design the twins and get them permitted, how come it took you 30 years to study them mr. engineer?

Maybe she knows your study habits:eusa_angel:
We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years.

I tell you why, because you are not accountable or reasonable.

You are lying to support secret methods of mass murder.

my grandmother has more common sense than you and she's been dead for 15 years.

Are you trying to say you can get her to answer these common sense questions?

How come the only plans the public has have a freehanded, penciled, 104th floor title block. scanned from blue prints leaked from silverstein?

If it only took Robertson and Yamasaki 3 years to design the twins and get them permitted, how come it took you 30 years to study them mr. engineer?

Maybe she knows your study habits:eusa_angel:

i'm not trying to say she can answer the questions. shes dead, dumbass.

what i said was pretty clear.....

she has more common sense than you.
We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years.

I tell you why, because you are not accountable or reasonable.

You are lying to support secret methods of mass murder.

my grandmother has more common sense than you and she's been dead for 15 years.

Are you trying to say you can get her to answer these common sense questions?

How come the only plans the public has have a freehanded, penciled, 104th floor title block. scanned from blue prints leaked from silverstein?

If it only took Robertson and Yamasaki 3 years to design the twins and get them permitted, how come it took you 30 years to study them mr. engineer?

Maybe she knows your study habits:eusa_angel:
hey dumbkfuck, he didnt say it "took 30 years" he said they have been studdied for 30 years
learn to read fucktard
Of course that is with the newly developed climbing form rather than 30 years ago where the interior box columns were used to support the exterior form wood. Meaning that the concrete is inside the steel structure shown below.

you see any concrete in there? :cuckoo:

Just as people cannot see through steel, people cannot see steel core columns when they do not exist, .............. unless hypnotized.

Rebar indicates concrete WAS there.


If that is NOT rebar, explain what it is.
We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years.

my grandmother has more common sense than you and she's been dead for 15 years.

Are you trying to say you can get her to answer these common sense questions?

How come the only plans the public has have a freehanded, penciled, 104th floor title block. scanned from blue prints leaked from silverstein?

If it only took Robertson and Yamasaki 3 years to design the twins and get them permitted, how come it took you 30 years to study them mr. engineer?

Maybe she knows your study habits:eusa_angel:
hey dumbkfuck, he didnt say it "took 30 years" he said they have been studdied for 30 years
learn to read fucktard

And he learned that that gypsum can survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel traveling at over 100 mph.

Right, ........... his granny will know more about his problem than we can ever know.

We engineers studied the design of the WTC towers for 30-years.

my grandmother has more common sense than you and she's been dead for 15 years.

Are you trying to say you can get her to answer these common sense questions?

How come the only plans the public has have a freehanded, penciled, 104th floor title block. scanned from blue prints leaked from silverstein?

If it only took Robertson and Yamasaki 3 years to design the twins and get them permitted, how come it took you 30 years to study them mr. engineer?

Maybe she knows your study habits:eusa_angel:

i'm not trying to say she can answer the questions. shes dead, dumbass.

what i said was pretty clear.....

she has more common sense than you.

How convienent for you. See my last post. Get a oujie board, because we know you and divot thing that gypsum can survive hindreds of thousands of tons of steel crashing onto it at over 100 mph.:cuckoo:
Morons don't prove anything. They just keep saying the wrong answer over and over.

I never thought you would create a reasonable answer, thank you. You have finally provided an a good reason for divots behavior.
no, thats YOUR behavior
you havent proven a damn thing
while i HAVE provided TONS of evidence(that you have ignored and will once again try to claim hasnt been shown) that shows a steel core
Of course that is with the newly developed climbing form rather than 30 years ago where the interior box columns were used to support the exterior form wood. Meaning that the concrete is inside the steel structure shown below.

you see any concrete in there? :cuckoo:

Just as people cannot see through steel, people cannot see steel core columns when they do not exist, .............. unless hypnotized.

Rebar indicates concrete WAS there.

If that is NOT rebar, explain what it is.
as has been told to you HUNDREDS of times by now, it is the outter shell(perimiter, whatever you want to call it today) and not rebar
it only looks thin because of the distance and the angle
if you have even a basic understanding of photography and depth of field you would comprehend something so simple
but its clear you lack that
How convienent for you. See my last post. Get a oujie board, because we know you and divot thing that gypsum can survive hindreds of thousands of tons of steel crashing onto it at over 100 mph.:cuckoo:

who said it did?

more delusions.
How convienent for you. See my last post. Get a oujie board, because we know you and divot thing that gypsum can survive hindreds of thousands of tons of steel crashing onto it at over 100 mph.:cuckoo:

who said it did?

more delusions.
while i'm not saying it ALWAYS will, but in some cases it MIGHT
and in the case of the WTC, it did in some areas
we have already seen photos of the gypsum wall planks still in place
dumbfuck will deny it, but that doesnt change the fact that it did
How convienent for you. See my last post. Get a oujie board, because we know you and divot thing that gypsum can survive hindreds of thousands of tons of steel crashing onto it at over 100 mph.:cuckoo:

who said it did?

more delusions.
while i'm not saying it ALWAYS will, but in some cases it MIGHT
and in the case of the WTC, it did in some areas
we have already seen photos of the gypsum wall planks still in place
dumbfuck will deny it, but that doesnt change the fact that it did

well, the surviving gypsum was clearly planted there by the same conspirators that planted the explosives.
who said it did?

more delusions.
while i'm not saying it ALWAYS will, but in some cases it MIGHT
and in the case of the WTC, it did in some areas
we have already seen photos of the gypsum wall planks still in place
dumbfuck will deny it, but that doesnt change the fact that it did

well, the surviving gypsum was clearly planted there by the same conspirators that planted the explosives.

The concrete stains on the interior box columns and elevator guide rail show that what gamjammer called "gypsum" is plate steel. That will survive with nice square corners.


Drywall and gypsum fairly often do not survive cutting to size and fastening,:lol:!
The concrete stains on the interior box columns and elevator guide rail show that what gamjammer called "gypsum" is plate steel. That will survive with nice square corners.

Drywall and gypsum fairly often do not survive cutting to size and fastening,:lol:!


concrete stains!!! :lol:
while i'm not saying it ALWAYS will, but in some cases it MIGHT
and in the case of the WTC, it did in some areas
we have already seen photos of the gypsum wall planks still in place
dumbfuck will deny it, but that doesnt change the fact that it did

well, the surviving gypsum was clearly planted there by the same conspirators that planted the explosives.

The concrete stains on the interior box columns and elevator guide rail show that what gamjammer called "gypsum" is plate steel. That will survive with nice square corners.


Drywall and gypsum fairly often do not survive cutting to size and fastening,:lol:!
you dumbfuck
what you call an elevator guide rail is a fucking box column
and between those ovals you used is a piece of gypsum wallboard plank

and not a TRACE of concrete to be seen

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