FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Psssst. Hey Chris. Look what I found. The red arrows pointing to COLUMNS, STILL STANDING, INSIDE THE CORE, ON 9/11. Just like you requested.

and still no concrete

Those columns are not inside the core. They surroound the core. Floor beams prove that. This does too.

Shows the spire outside the concrete core wall.


Locates the spire at the north west corner by superimposition.


The spire IS the left column of gumjobs photo. Meaing IT and the wall extending south from it, or east from it, ARE also outside the concrete core wall.

This one shows the north wall seconds before and the concrete wall is silhouetted behind the interior box columns.

Psssst. Hey Chris. Look what I found. The red arrows pointing to COLUMNS, STILL STANDING, INSIDE THE CORE, ON 9/11. Just like you requested.

and still no concrete

Those columns are not inside the core. They surroound the core. Floor beams prove that. This does too.

Shows the spire outside the concrete core wall.

Locates the spire at the north west corner by superimposition.

The spire IS the left column of gumjobs photo. Meaing IT and the wall extending south from it, or east from it, ARE also outside the concrete core wall.

This one shows the north wall seconds before and the concrete wall is silhouetted behind the interior box columns.
so, now the core is inside BOTH those columns?????

you are proving yourself a fucking idiot
so, now the core is inside BOTH those columns?????

you are proving yourself a fucking idiot

he changes the story behind his concrete core hoax all the time. he must change it. because every time he says something he is proven wrong.:cuckoo:
and still no concrete

Those columns are not inside the core. They surroound the core. Floor beams prove that. This does too.

Shows the spire outside the concrete core wall.

Locates the spire at the north west corner by superimposition.

The spire IS the left column of gumjobs photo. Meaing IT and the wall extending south from it, or east from it, ARE also outside the concrete core wall.

This one shows the north wall seconds before and the concrete wall is silhouetted behind the interior box columns.
so, now the core is inside BOTH those columns?????

you are proving yourself a fucking idiot

I'm afraid that is your idea. The core was inside the steel structure like this after ALL of the steel is gone. WTC 2.

I'm afraid that is your idea. The core was inside the steel structure like this after ALL of the steel is gone. WTC 2.


nope. this is the other side of your "concrete" taken at the same time from the opposite direction. you can see the steel core and the gypsum walls.

no concrete. your picture isnt even the correct color to be concrete. :cuckoo:
explain to us all in detail how it is even possible for secret agents to remove every single picture of a concrete core that ever existed.
Psssst. Hey Chris. Look what I found. The red arrows pointing to COLUMNS, STILL STANDING, INSIDE THE CORE, ON 9/11. Just like you requested.

and still no concrete

Those columns are not inside the core. They surroound the core.

Wait a minute. You just admitted to the opposite in the following quote!

The column on the right of the gray block (represents your core) is OUTSIDE the core. The column to the left of the gray block is INSIDE your core. Isn't that correct? I have just proven that there WERE columns within the core.
dont forget that 12 feet thick walls are supposed to fit in between those columns.

Correct, and here it is for the second time.
The elevator guide rail in the left of gumjogs image is seen on the other side of the stairway on the right side in this image.

First you say it's in between the two columns and then change your story that the two column were outside?!


What a freakin' moron!
This photo:

Is the other side of these photos:



Notice in the last picture Chris even annotates the photo with a green arrow and green text to show that his supposed concrete core was BETWEEN the two columns.

Gee Chris. Here is another drawing you did. How many column rows do you show OUTSIDE your core? One? That's what I thought.

Anyone who reads his crap can easily see that Chris has always maintained that there was only ONE row of columns that surrounded his core, not two. Now he has changed his thinking yet again because his ass has been handed to him.

Those columns are not inside the core. They surroound the core. Floor beams prove that. This does too.

Really Chris?

Surrounding the core were 24 massive box columns called "interior box columns".

You need to adjust the number of columns you think surrounded your core then.


This new claim of two column rows surrounding the core also fucks up your dimension of your supposed concrete core. It NOW needs to be smaller in order to fit inside TWO column rows.

You have given us all the proof we need that your core is nothing more than a fairytale thought up by a delusional whackjob. You can't keep your own facts straight from one day to the next.

You have given us all the proof we need that your core is nothing more than a fairytale thought up by a delusional whackjob. You can't keep your own facts straight from one day to the next.


hes a moron. :cuckoo:


Those columns are not inside the core. They surroound the core. Floor beams prove that. This does too.

Really Chris?

Surrounding the core were 24 massive box columns called "interior box columns".

You need to adjust the number of columns you think surrounded your core then.


This new claim of two column rows surrounding the core also fucks up your dimension of your supposed concrete core. It NOW needs to be smaller in order to fit inside TWO column rows.

You have given us all the proof we need that your core is nothing more than a fairytale thought up by a delusional whackjob. You can't keep your own facts straight from one day to the next.


In addition to being a fraud photoshopper colluding with breakfornews.com,

Breakfornews.com, Fintan Dunne

You completely ignore that I have remembered exactly where the 17 foot wall was.

It was on the side of the core with the long axis. I didn't remember until I saw this image further clockwise around the concrete core wall at its base and couls see that the interior box column, 5 foot wide, perpendicular to the long axis, was in addition to the 12 foot thick concrete wall obvious there making a 17 foot wall which brings the dimension very close to what is scaled.


You've been told this perhaps 8 months back and continue to misrepresent facts while completely failing, as all agents do, to produce ANY image from 9-11 clearly showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.
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You've been told this perhaps 8 months back and continue to misrepresent facts while completely failing, as all agents do, to produce ANY image from 9-11 clearly showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

holy fuck you are a moron!!!


where is your concrete?!!!!!
Here is more on the 47 vertical core columns that somehow cut themselves and moved out of the way fast enough all the way down to not provide resistance so the top floor of each building could hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would hit the ground if dropped right beside them.

Propaganda debunkers intentionally try and mislead by focusing on the perimeter floor trusses and NOT the central core columns that should have easily stood........unless of course explosives were used to blow them completely out of the way all the way down and in doing so pulverizing everything but the steel before it even hits the ground.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gohc5lMO5Q8"]YouTube- WTCCS Scenario - WTC 1 Collapse Arrest[/ame]


Here is more on the 47 vertical core columns that somehow cut themselves and moved out of the way fast enough all the way down to not provide resistance so the top floor of each building could hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would hit the ground if dropped right beside them.

Propaganda debunkers intentionally try and mislead by focusing on the perimeter floor trusses and NOT the central core columns that should have easily stood........unless of course explosives were used to blow them completely out of the way all the way down and in doing so pulverizing everything but the steel before it even hits the ground.

That is a very good point.

My position relating to HOW the FEMA deception is used by the infiltrators of the US government who are also the perpetrators, is that the basic psychological tactic is, support the impossible to obscure the possible.

For knowledgable people who could act to preserve the US constitution, and know enough of structural engineering and the basics of high explosives, it can be said, It is impossibile to set all of those charges on all of those steel core columns.. They would be correct.

Basically they would have to get their information from the infiltrtrators who piint at the truth movement and say, See, they think that the US government would blow up its own building with people in it! They cannot explain HOW all of those explosives were set. And it is true, those explosives cannot be paced in posiion to enable near free fall.

The infiltrators say, And those noises are not the sharp crack of high explosives. It sounds more like air explosions and the crushing of floors. That is not quite correct, but the explosions do not sound like high explosives being used to cut steel. Normally, in a clandestine operation. The explosives are simply place in a convienent location agains the steel as best as can be done, then tamping must be placed to reflect the high pressure gasses off of the very dense steel. That does not restrain the 6 mile per second gasses and extremely shard, loud noise it makes producing the maximum of high frequencies.

By presenting the towers as having steel core columns an abolutely impossible situation is presented.

Now, think of the very well educated and experienced engineer who probably was a fan of the entire Twin tower event. They know it had a concrete core and they pay no attention to the truth movement whatsoever. They perhaps heard that truth seekers say, "The steel core columns were cut by explosives, THERMITE, nano THERMITE!!". They say to themselves, "A steel skyscraper of those proportions, square footprint, flexes too much and it is not possible it would stand through the hurricanes they did"
Accordingly they shake their head and mutter, "nut cases", and continue with whatever.

The result is the fact that concrete can be instantly fractured by a small amount of properly placed high explosive to fall instantly is the most important thing the perpetrators can coverup.

The FEMA deception explained.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.
this is what a controlled demolition looks and sounds like.

here you can see the columns twist and give way. NO EXPLOSIVES.

so where is your proof of explosives?!!:cuckoo:
Here is more on the 47 vertical core columns that somehow cut themselves and moved out of the way fast enough all the way down to not provide resistance so the top floor of each building could hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would hit the ground if dropped right beside them.

Propaganda debunkers intentionally try and mislead by focusing on the perimeter floor trusses and NOT the central core columns that should have easily stood........unless of course explosives were used to blow them completely out of the way all the way down and in doing so pulverizing everything but the steel before it even hits the ground.

That is a very good point.

Now, think of the very well educated and experienced engineer who probably was a fan of the entire Twin tower event. They know it had a concrete core and they pay no attention to the truth movement whatsoever. They perhaps heard that truth seekers say, "The steel core columns were cut by explosives, THERMITE, nano THERMITE!!". They say to themselves, "A steel skyscraper of those proportions, square footprint, flexes too much and it is not possible it would stand through the hurricanes they did"
Accordingly they shake their head and mutter, "nut cases", and continue with whatever.

The result is the fact that concrete can be instantly fractured by a small amount of properly placed high explosive to fall instantly is the most important thing the perpetrators can coverup.

The FEMA deception explained.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

Steel can easily be cut like a stick of butter with a cutter charge and with todays wireless technology any sequence of floors can be detonated after determining point of impact.

Thermite comes in many forms and with just a few changes of its properties and composition makeup can be used from anything from high explosives to a simple chemical cutting reaction.

Aluminum nano-powders(nano-thermite) technology is used in rocket fuel and by simply altering the composition can be set to react at different rates or speeds.

Later I can provide information from Harvard studies on Nano-Thermite.....and even Nano-Chip Technology to detonate it.
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Here is more on the 47 vertical core columns that somehow cut themselves and moved out of the way fast enough all the way down to not provide resistance so the top floor of each building could hit the ground almost as fast as a ball would hit the ground if dropped right beside them.

Propaganda debunkers intentionally try and mislead by focusing on the perimeter floor trusses and NOT the central core columns that should have easily stood........unless of course explosives were used to blow them completely out of the way all the way down and in doing so pulverizing everything but the steel before it even hits the ground.

That is a very good point.

Now, think of the very well educated and experienced engineer who probably was a fan of the entire Twin tower event. They know it had a concrete core and they pay no attention to the truth movement whatsoever. They perhaps heard that truth seekers say, "The steel core columns were cut by explosives, THERMITE, nano THERMITE!!". They say to themselves, "A steel skyscraper of those proportions, square footprint, flexes too much and it is not possible it would stand through the hurricanes they did"
Accordingly they shake their head and mutter, "nut cases", and continue with whatever.

The result is the fact that concrete can be instantly fractured by a small amount of properly placed high explosive to fall instantly is the most important thing the perpetrators can coverup.

The FEMA deception explained.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

Steel can easily be cut like a stick of butter with a cutter charge and with todays wireless technology any sequence of floors can be detonated after determining point of impact.

Thermite comes in many forms and with just a few changes of its properties and composition makeup can be used from anything from high explosives to a simple chemical cutting reaction.

Aluminum nano-powders(nano-thermite) technology is used in rocket fuel and by simply altering the composition can be set to react at different rates or speeds.

Later I can provide information from Harvard studies on Nano-Thermite.....and even Nano-Chip Technology to detonate it.

sorry but "could" isnt good enough. your proof is what? where is the evidence of thermite? where is the proof explosive charges were used? where is your evidence that explosives were planted in the buildings? were is your proof that any of the steel was "cut like a stick of butter"?

aliens "could" have flown down and used invisible cloaking devices to eat the steel columns for breakfast. we dont need "could". we nood PROOF!!!:cuckoo:

fuck... if we are going to use "could" as any type of proof then the 19 hijackers "could" have disguised themselves as workers and wired the buildings before flying the planes into them.
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sorry but "could" isnt good enough. your proof is what?

I can show you a website with all the independently verified evidence proving the concrete core.

In order to reasonably continue you must link to a website having images of the steel core columns in the core area. Surely if the steel core columns existed in the core area as you say they did, many pictures will be available to post here.

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