FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

where's the rebar?!! :lol:

Heres the concrete at the core wall at its base after being exposed and the rebar is sticking out the top all coiled up from being EXTREMELY stressed.

sorry deadbeat, but this is the same structure as your picture and its very clear that there is no concrete and no rebar there.
why are we giving this freakshow so much attention?

its interesting to see how when faced with so many facts that the delusions get deeper and deeper.

I suppose we can look at him the way a psychiatrist looks at a mental patient. Let's observe how the subject responds when his delusional view of reality is severely threatened.
Answer this question Chris. The following photo shows what you believe to have been the structure of the towers correct? Your concrete core sandwiched between the two outer column rows. The column on the right of the gray block (represents your core) is OUTSIDE the core. The column to the left of the gray block is INSIDE your core. Isn't that correct? I have just proven that there WERE columns within the core.
why are we giving this freakshow so much attention?

its interesting to see how when faced with so many facts that the delusions get deeper and deeper.

I suppose we can look at him the way a psychiatrist looks at a mental patient. Let's observe how the subject responds when his delusional view of reality is severely threatened.

a perfect example of this the justification for why there are never pictures of the concrete core under constructions. secret agents have apparently not only destroyed every single picture in existance on the internet, they have also gone and removed the pictures from every book that ever existed. how they were able to track down every book and its location simply boggles the mind.
Answer this question Chris. The following photo shows what you believe to have been the structure of the towers correct? Your concrete core sandwiched between the two outer column rows. The column on the right of the gray block (represents your core) is OUTSIDE the core. The column to the left of the gray block is INSIDE your core. Isn't that correct? I have just proven that there WERE columns within the core.
dont forget that 12 feet thick walls are supposed to fit in between those columns.
where's the rebar?!! :lol:

Heres the concrete at the core wall at its base after being exposed and the rebar is sticking out the top all coiled up from being EXTREMELY stressed.

The column on the right of the gray block (represents your core) is OUTSIDE the core. The column to the left of the gray block is INSIDE your core. Isn't that correct? I have just proven that there WERE columns within the core.
dont forget that 12 feet thick walls are supposed to fit in between those columns.

Correct, and here it is for the second time. The elevator guide rail in the left of gumjogs image is seen on the other side of the stairway on the right side in this image.

WTC 1 north wall concrete core wall at its base

You or gumjob never have explained why the supposed steel core columns are never seen in the core area on 9-11.

Or what this shows if not rebar.

you are such a nut that i keep waiting for squirrels to pick you up and carry you away.:cuckoo:
Answer this question Chris. The following photo shows what you believe to have been the structure of the towers correct? Your concrete core sandwiched between the two outer column rows. The column on the right of the gray block (represents your core) is OUTSIDE the core. The column to the left of the gray block is INSIDE your core. Isn't that correct? I have just proven that there WERE columns within the core.
dont forget that 12 feet thick walls are supposed to fit in between those columns.

That's another can of worms he can't explain. He boasts that the outer columns SURROUNDED the concrete core. There were 8 rows of columns along the long axis of the core at 20' centers (the two center columns are closer then 20', maybe 15'?). Even if we have 8 columns at 20' centers, that gives us 140' from first column to the eighth column.

What was the dimension of Chris core along the long axis from outside one wall to the other? Well per his drawing here, he says it was 154'. This was his drawing at the lobby elevation right below the mezzanine.

So now Chris has effectively put the outer core columns WITHIN his concrete core walls.

Here's something else. See that 25' dimension I circled in black in Chris' drawing above? That represents the dimension Chris put in there from the inside face of the perimeter column to the face of his core wall. This next photo was annotated by Chris also. The yellow dimension lines with yellow numbers are his. Mine are the yellow dimension lines with red numbers.

He has 25' in his drawing yet scales 31' in his "carefully scaled" (his words, not mine) photo? Why the 6' per side difference? That's 12' he is off?


You know what his answer to this was? The core walls tapered inward 6' from the lobby to the mezzanine. Do your see a 6' inward taper in the red circle in this next photo? I don't.
Correct, and here it is for the second time. The elevator guide rail in the left of gumjogs image is seen on the other side of the stairway on the right side in this image.

WTC 1 north wall concrete core wall at its base

So you admit to that eh. Well then...

You or gumjob never have explained why the supposed steel core columns are never seen in the core area on 9-11.

This photo shows the same columns to the RIGHT of the outer core column. The red arrows are pointing at them as you seem to be blinded by stupidity. The same columns you just admitted to being INSIDE the core. It's even on 9/11. What a jackass. So know you have admitted to core columns existing on 9/11 INSIDE the core. Good job.

By the way. Where are those "butt plates" in these photos?



You are so ignorant of construction techniques as to assume the weakest, most expensive joint besides a deep fillet weld is used at each joint.

Butt plates are only used when re alignment of the elevator guide rail support steel is needed, most likely near the center of core when reference to plumb has degraded from measurement from interior box columns.

Left and right of the center crane are butt plates. The holes can be elongated with a torch to shift the support section or shimmed to tilt it for alignment.

By the way. Where are those "butt plates" in these photos?



You are so ignorant of construction techniques as to assume the weakest, most expensive joint besides a deep fillet weld is used at each joint.

Butt plates are only used when re alignment of the elevator guide rail support steel is needed, most likely near the center of core when reference to plumb has degraded from measurement from interior box columns.

Left and right of the center crane are butt plates. The holes can be elongated with a torch to shift the support section or shimmed to tilt it for alignment.


Really asshole?

I've have more construction experience than you'll EVER have.

Explain why they used a "butt plate" on the EXTERIOR CORE COLUMN that I circled in red on the left in the photo below? The core column that you have said that need a 100% deep fillet weld all around in order to be used as CORE COLUMNS.

You are such a dipshit.


Go on. Explain that one away. Those aren't "butt plates" moron.
By the way. Where are those "butt plates" in these photos?



You are so ignorant of construction techniques as to assume the weakest, most expensive joint besides a deep fillet weld is used at each joint.

Butt plates are only used when re alignment of the elevator guide rail support steel is needed, most likely near the center of core when reference to plumb has degraded from measurement from interior box columns.

Left and right of the center crane are butt plates. The holes can be elongated with a torch to shift the support section or shimmed to tilt it for alignment.


Really asshole?

I've have more construction experience than you'll EVER have.

Explain why they used a "butt plate" on the EXTERIOR CORE COLUMN that I circled in red on the left in the photo below? The core column that you have said that need a 100% deep fillet weld all around in order to be used as CORE COLUMNS.

You are such a dipshit.


Go on. Explain that one away. Those aren't "butt plates" moron.

Again, your knowlege of construction technique exposes your fraudulent criticism.

At any moment, if a horizontal reference is neeted for any erection across the tower, ANY piece of steel that is straight is tacked down with the top portion at a useful elevation.

You don't know that that piece of steel IS NOT of the size used in that position so you ASSUME it is there permanently. It is not even aligned with the piece below it.

Stick with your inept photoshopping, you are the star on the breakfornews.com disinfo page.

Breakfornews.com, Fintan Dunne
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anyone found pictures of the rebar cages....how about pictures of the formwork during the pouring of the concrete core....
He has 25' in his drawing yet scales 31' in his "carefully scaled" (his words, not mine) photo? Why the 6' per side difference? That's 12' he is off?


You know what his answer to this was? The core walls tapered inward 6' from the lobby to the mezzanine. Do your see a 6' inward taper in the red circle in this next photo? I don't.

so what would the structural benefit of having something 6' thicker just one story below??? what possible need would there be to have that much extra concrete?

(obviously there is no reason because there is no taper)
anyone found pictures of the rebar cages....how about pictures of the formwork during the pouring of the concrete core....

super secret agents did super secret stuff by personally looking at every single picture ever posted on the internet since its inception in order to delete every image with any evidence of a concrete core.

(we wont even go into the fact it must have been done with books too):cuckoo:
anyone found pictures of the rebar cages....how about pictures of the formwork during the pouring of the concrete core....

The pereptrators filtered the available construction photos before 9-11 that showed concrete work before 9-11.

They removed the documentary, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers".

Listen to this excerpt of Dr. Ron Larsens web radio show where he updates his search for the documentary. They found it listed i major libraries and a copy but it was intercepted, 3 times!


The perps got guiliani to take the towers plans and hide them while the courts protect their hiding enabing the FEMA deception

Rebar on 9-11. More than you would ever see at construction and perfectly sihouetted like it would never be in construction because its all inside the steel exoskeleton then.


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