FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

how the fuck do you see concrete there?

If the square image were a clock, near the center, pointing at about 11:00 O'clock, is a piece of steel with a bulbous shape on the lower end of it. That is a piece of the concrete core wall stuck to it causing it to fall in an awkward way.


The Aman Zafar image you cropped to show steel in the core area is exactly at the same moment. The frame above shows the end of one of the pieces of steel in Zafars image.
how the fuck do you see concrete there?

If the square image were a clock, near the center, pointing at about 11:00 O'clock, is a piece of steel with a bulbous shape on the lower end of it. That is a piece of the concrete core wall stuck to it causing it to fall in an awkward way.


The Aman Zafar image you cropped to show steel in the core area is exactly at the same moment. The frame above shows the end of one of the pieces of steel in Zafars image.
odds are(since it is impossible to actually tell) that is either another piece of steel, or some other material, and if by some chance it is concrete, it is from a FLOOR not the core

and btw, asswipe, "I" cropped NOTHING
since i didnt even post the image
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how the fuck do you see concrete there?

If the square image were a clock, near the center, pointing at about 11:00 O'clock, is a piece of steel with a bulbous shape on the lower end of it. That is a piece of the concrete core wall stuck to it causing it to fall in an awkward way.


The Aman Zafar image you cropped to show steel in the core area is exactly at the same moment. The frame above shows the end of one of the pieces of steel in Zafars image.
odds are(since it is impossible to actually tell) that is either another piece of steel, or some other material, and if by some chance it is concrete, it is from a FLOOR not the core

and btw, asswipe, "I" cropped NOTHING
since i didnt even post the image

Well then why are you complaining?

Catching the blame for agent clone fiz and his deceptions? You should be, you could be one and the same.
If the square image were a clock, near the center, pointing at about 11:00 O'clock, is a piece of steel with a bulbous shape on the lower end of it. That is a piece of the concrete core wall stuck to it causing it to fall in an awkward way.


The Aman Zafar image you cropped to show steel in the core area is exactly at the same moment. The frame above shows the end of one of the pieces of steel in Zafars image.
odds are(since it is impossible to actually tell) that is either another piece of steel, or some other material, and if by some chance it is concrete, it is from a FLOOR not the core

and btw, asswipe, "I" cropped NOTHING
since i didnt even post the image

Well then why are you complaining?

Catching the blame for agent clone fiz and his deceptions? You should be, you could be one and the same.
i'm complaining because the asswipe you are accused me of so,mething i didnt do, and you havent proven anyone did
i cropped it. you have a problem with that? i didnt feel it necessary to post the entire large picture that is several megs. if you want to see the original then go to the photographers website and download it.

i thought you said that the elevator guide rails were not strong? well they just survived a fucking 110 story building collapsing all around it.

you keep throwing out this "elevator guide rail" story every time you get into trouble. its a delusion.

elevator guide rail supprts go in AFTER the core and are attached to it. you are simply making this up just like all the other stories you make up.

"i cant get medical treatment because i cant get a paper from 1876"

"i cant pay my child support because i have no job even though i work under the table"

"i cant show pictures of a concrete core under construction because secret government agents secretly removed every single picture from the internet. every single picture from every book in every library and every single picture from every persons home that ever bought that book and every person that may have borrowed that book"

look you deadbeat jackass, your concrete core hoax has been thoroughly shown to be the delusions of a mental patient. you got nothing. no pictures. not plans. no witnesses. no anything.:cuckoo:

the floor trusses get attached to the core. that is what the core is for. here you can clearly see the floor trusses already attached to the steel core. WAKE UP, MORON!!!
you do know you could have clicked on the image, right? or are you too fucking stupid to figure that out?:cuckoo:

you do know you could have clicked on the image, right? or are you too fucking stupid to figure that out?:cuckoo:

I don't need to click on your crap misrepresentations to know what it is and it is not. Just like on the trail I don't bend down and sniff the dog poop, one glance and I know what it is.

You've been owned by evidence again agent. Stop trying to change the subject. Stop supporting secret methods of mass murder.

If the square image were a clock, near the center, pointing at about 11:00 O'clock, is a piece of steel with a bulbous shape on the lower end of it. That is a piece of the concrete core wall stuck to it causing it to fall in an awkward way.


The Aman Zafar image you cropped to show steel in the core area is exactly at the same moment. The frame above shows the end of one of the pieces of steel in Zafars image.
odds are(since it is impossible to actually tell) that is either another piece of steel, or some other material, and if by some chance it is concrete, it is from a FLOOR not the core

and btw, asswipe, "I" cropped NOTHING
since i didnt even post the image

Well then why are you complaining?

Catching the blame for agent clone fiz and his deceptions? You should be, you could be one and the same.
you do know you could have clicked on the image, right? or are you too fucking stupid to figure that out?:cuckoo:

I don't need to click on your crap misrepresentations to know what it is and it is not. Just like on the trail I don't bend down and sniff the dog poop, one glance and I know what it is.

You've been owned by evidence again agent. Stop trying to change the subject. Stop supporting secret methods of mass murder.

you wouldnt know shit if two girls and a cup rubbed your face in it.

here are facts for you:
i have pictures of the steel core under construction. you have nothing.
i have pictures of the steel core on 9/11. you have nothing.
i have pictures of the steel core at ground zero. you have nothing.

here are more facts for you....

the mass murder was caused by muslim terrorist, not the building architects.
you attemtped to make money off your stupid concrete core hoax. i didnt.
you claim that everyone that disagrees with you is a secret government agent. i am not.

you do know you could have clicked on the image, right? or are you too fucking stupid to figure that out?:cuckoo:

I don't need to click on your crap misrepresentations to know what it is and it is not. Just like on the trail I don't bend down and sniff the dog poop, one glance and I know what it is.

You've been owned by evidence again agent. Stop trying to change the subject. Stop supporting secret methods of mass murder.

you wouldnt know shit if two girls and a cup rubbed your face in it.

here are facts for you:
i have pictures of the elevator guide rail supports under construction. you have the concrete core.
i have pictures of the elevator guide rail supports on 9/11. you have the concrete core.
i have pictures of the concrete at ground zero. you have the others of the concrete.

here are more lies for you....stuff the perps want people to believe.

the mass murder was caused by muslim terrorist, not the building architects.
you attemtped to make money off your stupid concrete core hoax. i didnt.
you claim that everyone that disagrees with you is a secret government agent. i am not.

Altered portion of the quotes removed.


Agents owned more that 3 times are worn out. Null agent.
I don't need to click on your crap misrepresentations to know what it is and it is not. Just like on the trail I don't bend down and sniff the dog poop, one glance and I know what it is.

You've been owned by evidence again agent. Stop trying to change the subject. Stop supporting secret methods of mass murder.

you wouldnt know shit if two girls and a cup rubbed your face in it.

here are facts for you:
i have pictures of the elevator guide rail supports under construction. you have the concrete core.
i have pictures of the elevator guide rail supports on 9/11. you have the concrete core.
i have pictures of the concrete at ground zero. you have the others of the concrete.

here are more lies for you....stuff the perps want people to believe.

the mass murder was caused by muslim terrorist, not the building architects.
you attemtped to make money off your stupid concrete core hoax. i didnt.
you claim that everyone that disagrees with you is a secret government agent. i am not.

Altered portion of the quotes removed.


Agents owned more that 3 times are worn out. Null agent.

you are pathetic

you cant show any concrete core. you have nothing. your story has been proven to be complete bullshit.

so please explain to us all where the concrete core is.

please explain why the floor trusses are attached to your "elevator guide rail supports" in this picture.

please explain how your "elevator guide rail supports" with butt plates are too weak to be core columns yet they are the last thing standing after the entire north tower collapses on top of them.

now be a good little boy and get a job, pay your child support and start taking your medication again. you've obviously not been taking it as your doctor has prescribed.
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Your "butt plate" argument is bogus. I have asked you to provide proof of these "butt plates" shown in any clear photo and you cannot.

Please explain why there are no "butt plates" on the TOP of the inner columns as you claim in the following photos? The areas in question are circled in red. Please also provide proof that the inner columns, the ones you claim are "elevator guide rail support columns" were NOT welded end to end.



More fantasy from the supposed "construction expert".

Here we see what can only be rebar.


Just another bullshit claim. Are you claiming that at a distance of about 1.22 miles, you should be able to see a 6" diameter (or 3" diameter depending on what mood Chris is in) piece of rebar in a photo?

Have a look at this page Chris. Do some calculations and come back and tell me what you say is true. Let's see if you can figure out WHY your claim is totally bogus.

Angular Size Calculator

Let's take, for example, the "pipe hand rail" in the photo just below the lamppost. How big a diameter do you supposed those "pipe rails" are? How do those scale with the supposed 3" or 6" diameter rebar you claim we can see in that photo at a distance of 1.22 miles?

What a complete ass.


Here is a photo showing the opposite side of the first photo above. No rebar in this photo between the columns as I noted.


Those columns to the left of the two columns where the core was "supposed" to be, are interior columns.

You lose again Chris.
Chris, can you find us an example of a "butt plate" in any blueprint drawing as an example of what you THINK is on top of those interior columns?

How were the columns connected? Bolted? Welded?

Guide rails must be plumb and perfectly aligned, The butt plates allow the suppport steel to be shifted by elongation of the holes and tilted by shimming to keep them perfectly aligned so the 65 MPH elevators were stable in use.


65 MPH?!

Are you fucking insane? This is more evidence that you have NO CLUE about anything. The amount of errors and incorrect information you spew is astounding. Do you have "proof" of this claim or is this just more information from your "documentary" that you can't locate ANYWHERE.

65 MPH :lol::lol::lol:

The Taipei 101 tower BROKE the previous elevator speed record held by the Yokohama Landmark Tower. The elevators in The Yokohama tower traveled at 28 MPH. The Taipei 101 elevators traveled at 37.7 MPH. The Burj Khalifa tower currently holds the fastest elevators which travel at 40 MPH. This information can be found anywhere on the internet, yet you choose to lie and embellish your explanations just to make yourself appear correct. Truly pathetic on your part.

Get a clue idiot.
Because the butt plates were welded to their indivdual sections does nothing to reduce the meaning of the fact that the butt plates facilitated bolting the sections together forming a weak joint.


its all in what he has left of a mind
as in a delusion

Since it is established niether you or gumjob can produce an image of steel core columns in the core area on 9-11, your assertions of steel core columns are beyond delusional. They are obsessive, ............. or the alternative you could be agents working to protect the secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

Take your pick. The first 2 only keeps you locked up until your evaluaton, and meds are prescribed, the 3rd has a looooooonnnnnnnnng sentence.
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its all in what he has left of a mind
as in a delusion

Since it is established niether you or gumjob can produce an image of steel core columns in the core area on 9-11, your assertions of steel core columns are beyond delusional. They are obsessive, ............. or the alternative you could be agents working to protect the secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

Take your pick. The first 2 only keeps you locked up until your evaluaton, and meds are prescribed, the 3rd has a looooooonnnnnnnnng sentence.

google wtc construction photos and show me the rebar cages for the concrete core.....

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