FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The crane platform again, and "butt plates" on top of the elevator guide rail supports you and the perpetrators MISREPRESENT as "core columns".

Since your contention is that butt plates are not used for core columns, can you provide me with the proof that back up this claim of yours? Can you prove to me and everyone else that those butt/splice plates where NOT welded? Can you provide proof that those columns were not also welded together IN ADDITION to the butt/splice plates being welded?

If you can't provide the evidence to back your claim then you're just assuming. We ALL know how much you have gotten incorrect in the past concerning your "theory" when you either assume or base your claim on supposed "construction knowledge".

Prove to us how those columns are not strong enough to be core columns.

My bet is you can't.

The crane platform again, and "butt plates" on top of the elevator guide rail supports you and the perpetrators MISREPRESENT as "core columns".

Since your contention is that butt plates are not used for core columns, can you provide me with the proof


I've proven quite nicely that you are an agent photoshopping evidence. You cannot prove the steel core columns existed by showing them in the core area on 9-11. You are an agent photoshopping images because you have no evidence of steel core columns.

I've posted this before. I went to LERA's website and contacted SawTeen See via the email link on the 9/11 drop selection on their home page.

And you are an agent that conducts fakery. There is NO WAY, your text is worth anything.

The psyops includes fakery. agent gam has been exposed photoshopping images because it has no evidence.

The deception attempted was to make WTC 2 lobby which had elevators opening on the lobby through the core wall with a very special base wall that allowed only lobby elevators to enter directly. People then went out another door at the opposite end of the elevator and all access over the lobby was via elevator doors in the core.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbridge outside have irregular widths. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency but notice the width of the footbridge windows varies.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core. Agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence which is indepedndently verified.

divot and fizz are lying spammers. They are all agents working to support secret methods of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution.

$southcorestands-2.jpgif his picture is photoshopped then so is yours. notice the dust cloud is cut off before it reaches the building on the lower right.
You cannot prove the steel core columns existed by showing them in the core area on 9-11.

like this?


Did you think you were showing the core area? That structure surrounds the concrete core and has not yet fallen away in the shot from the west across the hudsen.

The spire is of the same structure, and it is outside the core area like this on WTC 1,


as is seen looking south along the WTC 1 at the end view of the concrete shear wall of the core left of the spire.

Did you think you were showing the core area? That structure surrounds the concrete core and has not yet fallen away in the shot from the west across the hudsen.
bullshit. prove it.


The spire is of the same structure, and it is outside the core area like this on WTC 1,
bullshit again. there is nothing between the steel core and the outer wall but open office space.

you failed to address your photoshopped picture.
Did you think you were showing the core area? That structure surrounds the concrete core and has not yet fallen away in the shot from the west across the hudsen.
bullshit. prove it.

This image a few seconds ;later proves it, and it proves you are wrong.


The spire is of the same structure, and it is outside the core area like this on WTC 1,
bullshit again. there is nothing between the steel core and the outer wall but open office space.

you failed to address your photoshopped picture.[/QUOTE]

You are an incompetent liar. You've completely failed to produce any independent verification of the steel core columns. Your assertion of photoshopping was not even coherent, let alone making sense.

You still haven't acknowledged the legal fact that the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding enabling the exact deception I alledge.

FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.
You are an incompetent liar. You've completely failed to produce any independent verification of the steel core columns. Your assertion of photoshopping was not even coherent, let alone making sense.

1. i dont care what happened with guiliani. you havent even proven there was a concrete core. robertson provided the NIST with blueprints and helped in many other investigations. your guliani comments are a red herring and even if true are insignificant.

2. the photo you keep showing was photoshopped. zoom in on the tall building on the lower right and you can see where the smoke stops before it touches the building.

3. no independent verification of a steel core? are you fucking insane? the only verification of the core at all says it was steel core!!! YOU HAVE ONE REPORTER THAT SAYS IT WAS A CONCRETE CORE TWO DAYS AFTER 9/11 AS EVERYONE WAS RUSHING TO GET STORIES OUT. later the same magazine corrects this and says STEEL CORE. :cuckoo:


  • $alertered1.jpg
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you got nothing.

steel core.

steel core.

steel core during cleanup efforts. notice the steel core is relatively intact at this point of the building and there is no concrete core.

no concrete core.

and then these pictures of the core under construction. no concrete. notice in the first one the floor above is already in place.







TV show that Robertson participates in on the collapse of the towers which states it was a STEEL CORE!!


another video documentary with robertson that says it was a STEEL CORE.

New York Times says steel core. Comparing 2 Sets Of Twin Towers; Malaysian Buildings Offered as Model - NYTimes.com
Newsweek. steel core. High Time - Newsweek.com
Time Magazine. steel core. Twin Terrors - The Discovery Channel - TIME.com
engineering.com steel core. ENGINEERING.com > World Trade Center Disaster
skyscraper.org steel core. The World Trade Center: Statistics and History
University of Sydney steel core. World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
Berkeley steel core. 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered
and one of my favorites....
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME

Another spam deposit by a pre owned agent. This reasonably shows all you have is misrepresentations of facts/ You do not have evidence for steel core columns.

I have presented real and independently verified evidence showing a concrete core. This is not 400 foot og gypsum fastened to steel core columns that you cannot show on 9-11, cannot show plans for, cannot show debris at ground zero proving steel core columned structure.

Again, with agents, the reverse is generally true.


You misrepresent and really have NOTHING that you say you have. If this was not true, you could show steel core columns on 9-11. You have not and cannot.

steel core.

That image does not show inside the core. It shows the framework surrounding it. Concrete is being exploded inside of it.

steel core.

That image above SHOWS nothing relevant

steel core during cleanup efforts. notice the steel core is relatively intact at this point of the building and there is no concrete core.

The long row on the left are the columns OUTSIDE the concrete core the green arrows are elevator guide rails supports inside the concrete core. The red arrow is one still connected through the area where the concrete core wall was.

no concrete core.

Above the empty core is shown with the framework surrounding it falling away after the concrete was detonated. Concrete can be easily fractured to fall instantly by a small amount of plastic explosives.

and then these pictures of the core under construction. no concrete. notice in the first one the floor above is already in place.

Again, above you do not show inside the core structure. Those are the box columns that surrounded the concrete core.

Again, a misrepresentation, those box columns are outside the core. Below IS the core of WTC 2 that was cast inside those columns.


You misrepresent and really have NOTHING that you say you have. If this was not true, you could show steel core columns on 9-11. You have not and cannot.

Above the misleading of the truth movement has called elevator guide rail support steel "core columns" . Note there are no gusset plates on the joints and no diagonals. Nothing seen is strong enough to be a steel core.

Above is not even one of the Twins The botom photo above the video shows the proper proportion between the column width and the spacing. The Twins are just over 2 columns wide. Above about 1.5 wide spacing between columns.

Again, no diagonal bracing or gusset plates on the joints. This is why the core is empty IN ALL 9-11 images. The elevator guide rails were too weak to stand.

Above are interior box columns that surrounded the core. The image DOES NOT look into the core area.

Again, above, the image shows perimeter columns and DOES NOT LOOK into the core area.

TV show that Robertson participates in on the collapse of the towers which states it was a STEEL CORE!!


Robertson does not state that. The video misrepresents the core with computer generated graphics,

another video documentary with robertson that says it was a STEEL CORE.

Again, computer generated graphics and editing are used to misrepresent Leslie Robertsons description. HERE is the September 13, 2001 article 2 days after 9-11 where he provide information of a concrete core to Newsweek magazine.

Below is found tremendous inconsistency. Examine the core descriptions, and realize that with the core the BBC thinks was there, now many different cores the agent presents. I present one and it is totally consistent with Robertson AND 9-11 images.


The inconsistencies in the description of the towers core below expose these sites as sites depending on information from official sources.

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this video is almost the same angle as your photoshopped "concrete core" picture.

where's the concrete core?:cuckoo:

steel core.

That image does not show inside the core. It shows the framework surrounding it. Concrete is being exploded inside of it.
and your proof of there being concrete inside of it is what??

and your proof that it was exploded is what?

and considering the rest of the building surrounding it is gone how exactly would demolitions be set off inside the core if all the wiring is gone??

the truth is that it is a steel core. you can clearly see it in the pictures. you then claim the the huge steel core columns are surrounding a concrete core. if there actually were a concrete core there would be no need for these massive colulmns. of course there are NEVER any pictures of the concrete core. you have no building plans for a concrete core. no construction workers built a concrete core. there are no construction pictures of a concrete core. you got nothing!!

The long row on the left are the columns OUTSIDE the concrete core the green arrows are elevator guide rails supports inside the concrete core. The red arrow is one still connected through the area where the concrete core wall was.
your elevator guide rail supports statements are silly. elevator guide rails get installed after the core is in place, not before. they are not these huge columns. what you are looking at isnt elevator guide rails. it is the STEEL CORE.

Above the empty core is shown with the framework surrounding it falling away after the concrete was detonated. Concrete can be easily fractured to fall instantly by a small amount of plastic explosives.
silly statement.

the entire tower was gone in seconds. you are claiming that the concrete fell out of the core area.....leaving only the steel...... the truth is that there is no concrete and the steel core is shown..... the same as in your picture... only this time the picture is taken from the east with the sun shining into the area.

all you have is a photoshopped picture showing a dark object that is smoking.... you claim it is concrete yet another picture of the same object shows it is the steel core. your excuse (you are full of excuses) is that the concrete was detonated and fell away yet the entire tower was gone at nearly freefall speeds. your excuse doesnt hold up to scrutiny.

Again, above you do not show inside the core structure. Those are the box columns that surrounded the concrete core.
the box columns ARE the core. there is no concrete. ever. you have shown no proof of concrete at all.

and really have NOTHING that you say you have. If this was not true, you could show steel core columns on 9-11. You have not and cannot.
its been shown repeatedly. you havent shown any pictures of a concrete core on 9/11 or any other day. where is your concrete pictures during construction?

Above the misleading of the truth movement has called elevator guide rail support steel "core columns" . Note there are no gusset plates on the joints and no diagonals. Nothing seen is strong enough to be a steel core.

are you an architectural engineer now? the pictures show a steel core.

Again, no diagonal bracing or gusset plates on the joints. This is why the core is empty IN ALL 9-11 images. The elevator guide rails were too weak to stand.
there are plenty of pictures of diagonal bracing.

again, you make a claim that these HUGE COLUMNS are elevator guide rails...... elevator guide rails get installed AFTER the core is in place. not before, deadbeat.

Robertson does not state that. The video misrepresents the core with computer generated graphics,

another video documentary with robertson that says it was a STEEL CORE.

Again, computer generated graphics and editing are used to misrepresent Leslie Robertsons description. HERE is the September 13, 2001 article 2 days after 9-11 where he provide information of a concrete core to Newsweek magazine.

Below is found tremendous inconsistency. Examine the core descriptions, and realize that with the core the BBC thinks was there, now many different cores the agent presents. I present one and it is totally consistent with Robertson AND 9-11 images.


The inconsistencies in the description of the towers core below expose these sites as sites depending on information from official sources.

EVERY reliable source say it was a steel core because THAT IS WHAT IT WAS. robertson himself replied to my email and said it was a steel core. his wife has replied to me and said it was a steel core.

EVERYBODY SAYS IT WAS A STEEL CORE except you and one stupid reporter that didnt check her facts.:cuckoo:

now get a job and pay the $30,000 in child support you never paid. you abandoned your kids.
steel core.

That image does not show inside the core. It shows the framework surrounding it. Concrete is being exploded inside of it.
and your proof of there being concrete inside of it is what??

and your proof that it was exploded is what?

This thread is not about how the concrete went away but that it was there to begin with. You canot show steel core columns inthe core area on 9-11 because they did not exist.

The core of WTC 2 looking exactly as a concrete core should on 9-11.


and you refuse to recognize the violation of law that enabled the deception meaning you are unreasonable in this discussion. Your POV has not basis because you do not care about lawful government and Constitutional due process.

The ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding enabling the enabling deception
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your picture is photoshopped.

it also is NOT a picture of a concrete core. it is a picture of the steel core smoking and falling.

where are your construction photos?

where are your building plans?
it also is NOT a picture of a concrete core. it is a picture of the steel core smoking and falling.

You are not a scuba diver and are afraid of water. Dude, you have no evidence, of course you can lie, but you have no credibility and no evidence.

No steel is seen.


The "smoke" clears too fast from your image. And what is ejecting horizontally has more mass than smoke.


Where does all the smoke come from when seconds before we see this. See any fire there.


You position does not add up and you cannot produce an image from 9-11 sowing steel core columns when they should be visible. We see concrete or elements of it.. Rebar, right where the steel core columns should be, nothing.


where are your construction photos?

where are your building plans?

The photos of concrete at construction were taken by your masters just like the plans were taken by the
NYC mayor who took the WTC documents and hid them while the courts protect their hiding AND the 2 hour documentary titled, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" as was located in the records of libraries as a 1990 PBS production by Dr. Ron Larsen Ph.D and he updates the search here in 2007 in this .mp3


your picture is photoshopped.

You are a potato and your hair is on fire.

Prove it moron agent.

I prove gamolon photoshops images and EXACTLY HOW it is done.

Christophera said:
agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbridge outside the widths vary. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a site plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core.
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it also is NOT a picture of a concrete core. it is a picture of the steel core smoking and falling.

You are not a scuba diver and are afraid of water. Dude, you have no evidence, of course you can lie, but you have no credibility and no evidence.
actually, i was just certified as a master scuba diver back in october. you bringing that up is somewhat crazy. :cuckoo:

No steel is seen.

and no concrete is seen either. nothing but smoke.....:cuckoo:

The "smoke" clears too fast from your image. And what is ejecting horizontally has more mass than smoke.
are you on drugs? what are you smoking?

Where does all the smoke come from when seconds before we see this. See any fire there.

are you saying that the world trade center towers were not on fire?!! :cuckoo:

You position does not add up and you cannot produce an image from 9-11 sowing steel core columns when they should be visible. We see concrete or elements of it.. Rebar, right where the steel core columns should be, nothing.
so you can see something 4 inches wide from across the hudson, huh? it proves you are delusional and have no fucking clue as to what is really in your picture and you have no interest in telling the truth. :cuckoo:

where are your construction photos?

where are your building plans?

The photos of concrete at construction were taken by your masters just like the plans were taken by the
NYC mayor who took the WTC documents and hid them while the courts protect their hiding AND the 2 hour documentary titled, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" as was located in the records of libraries as a 1990 PBS production by Dr. Ron Larsen Ph.D and he updates the search here in 2007 in this .mp3
taken by my WHAT?!!! :cuckoo:

your stupid little scenario of guliani hiding the plans and courts protecting them are simply the delusions of a mental patient.

there was no concrete core. get mental help. you are delusional. you are paranoid. you are completely psychotic. :cuckoo:

your picture is photoshopped.

You are a potato and you hair is on fire.

Prove it moron agent.

I prove gamolon photoshops images and EXACTLY HOW it is done.

Christophera said:
agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbridge outside the widths vary. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a site plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core.

you have the same lines in your photo when it is blown up. the smoke doesnt touch the building. it is clearly visible in the attachment of my previous post. if his photo is photoshopped then so is yours. its as simple as that.

you realize that you fabricate excuses for everything and some of them are completely ridiculous. you really think that secret government agents scoured the web and removed all pictures of the concrete core? then they went to every library and removed books with pictures of the concrete core? then they went to everyone's home that bought those books and stole them too? you realize how fucking completely insane that all is? :cuckoo:
steel core.

That is what the perpetrators of mass murder would want you to say.

The only images of the actual core on this page look exactly as the concrete core should look on 9-1 or its remants.

reality said:
Image does NOT look into core area. It only shows the columns that surrounded the concrete walls.

Like here the concrete core wall at its base. And the west core wall in the end view left of the spire, an interior box columns OUTSIDE the core wall.


No core. Interior box columns surrounding core. The concrete in the core wall base was poured around and on the other side of those columns, 12 feet thick on the other side. Column width 5 =17 feet from the outside of the interior box columns to the inside of the core base wall. WTC 1 only.
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steel core.

That is what the perpetrators of mass murder would want you to say.
al-qeda wants me to say its a steel core? you have proof of this?!! :cuckoo:

The only images of the actual core on this page look exactly as the concrete core should look on 9-1 or its remants.
there are no pictures of a concrete core on this page or any other page. there is no concrete core. you have a picture of smoke and you claim it is concrete without any proof whatsoever.

reality said:
Image does NOT look into core area. It only shows the columns that surrounded the concrete walls.

Like here the concrete core wall at its base. And the west core wall in the end view left of the spire, an interior box columns OUTSIDE the core wall.


No core. Interior box columns surrounding core. The concrete in the core wall base was poured around and on the other side of those columns, 12 feet thick on the other side. Column width 5 =17 feet from the outside of the interior box columns to the inside of the core base wall. WTC 1 only.
the reason you cant see concrete walls inside the core is BECAUSE THERE ARENT ANY!!! :cuckoo:

the interior box columns ARE THE CORE. they dont surround it. THEY ARE IT you fucking deadbeat, child abandoning moron.:cuckoo:

what is your excuse for the picture showing the steel core in the lobby without any concrete anywhere? :cuckoo:.
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