FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

this is a concrete core.

In the new WTC 7 rebuild with a concrete core the steel was erected ahead of the concrete casting.
The steel-first approach further challenged the structural engineers, Bart Sullivan contended, with the integration of the two structural lateral systems in steel and concrete. Additionally, without the core in place to stabilize the steel framing, the issue of stabilizing the building during construction was a concern since the main lateral resisting system and the large floor openings required for the ACS created a situation where the floor diaphragms would be discontinuous. To solve these problems, Bart explained in detail the structural solutions to maintain the continuity of the floor diaphragm by using embedded link beams to behave compositely with the concrete core walls, and temporary perimeter bracing to stabilize the building during construction.

That is a concrete core being built ahead of the steel structure. Here is the concrete core of WTC 2 on 9-11.


If that is a steel core being built then show your knowledge of the steel structure and building techniques by naming the nmbered tructures shown during construction. You've already failed at this several times. We await your continued failure.

this is the STEEL core being built at the world trade center.

Agent, you are failing and have failed.
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this is a concrete core.

In the new WTC 7 rebuild with a concrete core the steel was erected ahead of the concrete casting.
STRUCTUREmag: Concrete Construction at 7 World Trade Center
The steel-first approach further challenged the structural engineers, Bart Sullivan contended, with the integration of the two structural lateral systems in steel and concrete. Additionally, without the core in place to stabilize the steel framing, the issue of stabilizing the building during construction was a concern since the main lateral resisting system and the large floor openings required for the ACS created a situation where the floor diaphragms would be discontinuous. To solve these problems, Bart explained in detail the structural solutions to maintain the continuity of the floor diaphragm by using embedded link beams to behave compositely with the concrete core walls, and temporary perimeter bracing to stabilize the building during construction.

That is a concrete core being built ahead of the steel structure. Here is the concrete core of WTC 2 on 9-11.


If that is a steel core being built then show your knowledge of the steel structure and building techniques by naming the nmbered tructures shown during construction. You've already failed at this several times. We await your continued failure.

this is the STEEL core being built at the world trade center.

Agent, you are failing and have failed.

nobody is talking about the new WTC7 you fucking moron!! :cuckoo: that pic isnt even in new york.

the twin towers had a steel core. you cant show any pictures of a concrete core during construction. NOT ONE!!!!

all you have is smoke and shadows on 9/11 and you idiotically claim its concrete without any proof at all.

where are your concrete core pictures under constructions? :lol:
slow down there, jackass. you are getting ahead of yourself. before you start talking about how strong butt plates are you need to prove that those columns are elevator guide rail supports. where is your documentation to back that up?

you have excuses for everything.

the court found you guilty. end of story.

The court cannot lawfully do that because of estoppel. A commissioner cannot lawfully make a final decision.

An agent working for the perpetrators of mass murder cannot recognize violations of law and Constitutional right and serve its master in treason.

An empty core area right of what can only be rebar.
since you are the furthest thing from truth, it has NOTHING to do with you
you convict

Estoppel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what did he do? beat Rhianna again?
The court cannot lawfully do that because of estoppel. A commissioner cannot lawfully make a final decision.

An agent working for the perpetrators of mass murder cannot recognize violations of law and Constitutional right and serve its master in treason.

An empty core area right of what can only be rebar.
since you are the furthest thing from truth, it has NOTHING to do with you
you convict

Estoppel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what did he do? beat Rhianna again?

didnt pay child support since the early 90s.

his excuse is that somebody blinked at him. (no, i am not kidding)
Agents elvi and fiz ignore violation of state law enabling the secret means of mass murder.

They refuse to notice that guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding in a case of mass murder.

Familes need closure and an end to the uses of their loves ones death to conduct war while impoverishing a nation and threatening them with tyranny. We all do, 'cept for agents.


Agents consistently refuse to notice the deprivation of anyones Constitutional rights.


Meaning the "Failure to appear on Subpoena by a governmental entity in a civil case regarding governmental neglect of vital records, means nothing to agents.


All citizens deprived of vital knowledge regarding 86% of our mental capacity, 'cept for agents, they have none.

Agents elvi and fiz ignore violation of state law enabling the secret means of mass murder.

They refuse to notice that guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding in a case of mass murder.

not only do we refuse to notice it. we really dont give a fuck. guilianni and the documents have nothing to do with the mass murder caused by 19 muslim hijackers. :cuckoo:

The plans in the WTC documents of the towers were needed by NIST to perform an analysis of collapse. But, as agents, you don't care that the fact NIST did not know the correct design or dimensions of the structure invaildates the analysis.

FEMA told them it looked like this.


When on 9-11 this was all that was seen in the core area.

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not only do we refuse to notice it. we really dont give a fuck. guilianni and the documents have nothing to do with the mass murder caused by 19 muslim hijackers. :cuckoo:

The plans in the WTC documents of the towers were needed by NIST to perform an analysis of collapse. But, as agents, you don't care that the fact NIST did not know the correct design or dimensions of the structure invaildates the analysis.

FEMA told them it looked like this.


the NIST got the plans from the architect, Robertson. go look at his website. you've only been told this a hundred times you fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Considering your last lie,


We can expect nothing backing that up.

what the fuck are you talking about? you are delusional. i never said i had a link to the plans for the towers. i said Robertson has the actual plans. he shared them with FEMA. your entire guiliani rant is irrelevant. what the fuck is wrong with you?!! :cuckoo:
the links are out there
i have given him links before, he then claims i never did
he is a pathological LIAR
Considering your last lie,


We can expect nothing backing that up.

what the fuck are you talking about? you are delusional. i never said i had a link to the plans for the towers. i said Robertson has the actual plans. he shared them with FEMA. your entire guiliani rant is irrelevant. what the fuck is wrong with you?!! :cuckoo:
the links are out there
i have given him links before, he then claims i never did
he is a pathological LIAR

he's just seriously fucked up in the head.

he claims the $30,000 in child support he never paid was because somebody blinked at him and his proof is some paper from 1876.

this is all perfectly logical to him.

thats really fucked up. :cuckoo:
Agents with no evidence must try to change the subject.

Mass murder moron. People disapprove of this and you failure to observe law gives you away.

guiliani took the WTC documents while the courts protect their hiding invalidating the analysis of collapse and 3,000 death certificates, "cause of death".

The perpetrators would not want you recognizing that. The fact that you work to make family law issues more important clearly shows you have no evidence and are totally invested in pure ad hominum in your psyops.

No suit is valid against me because their unlawful action,


Creates estoppel,


Meaning my local government disabled my income while trying evading compliance with state laws of recordkeeping with unlawful abuse then abused me more, against law, in order to retaliate and impede me further.

The perps won't let you recognize violations of law sabotaging the analysis of mass murder, but demand you attempt to distort the legal structures with emotional reasoning.

There are violations of the law of the land all over the land in all areas of our lives and manipulating and deceptive entities such as yourself flail in efforts to turn day into night.



Leslie Robertson on 9-13-01 "massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core,".
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19 muslim hijackers are the ones that committed the mass murder.

Are you suggesting we send soldiers to the middle east where omipotent muslims will simply slaughter them? Have you no mercy?

Realistically you are suggesting that 19 muslims with superpowers invaded our borders without resistence and murdered 3,000 people in broad daylight in 20 seconds with only 2 airplanes. We do not stand a chance in warfare with these super beings if you are correct.

I tend to think that the buildings helped and you cannot show the official plans while refusing to acknowledge laws violated that kept those plans from the agency officially responsible for analysis so it is very likely you are protecting the true pepetrators.

You cannot even show an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area while many mages show concrete surrounding an empty core.

The Twin towers had a concrete tubular core.


19 muslim hijackers are the ones that committed the mass murder.

Are you suggesting we send soldiers to the middle east where omipotent muslims will simply slaughter them? Have you no mercy?

Realistically you are suggesting that 19 muslims with superpowers invaded our borders without resistence and murdered 3,000 people in broad daylight in 20 seconds with only 2 airplanes. We do not stand a chance in warfare with these super beings if you are correct.

I tend to think that the buildings helped and you cannot show the official plans while refusing to acknowledge laws violated that kept those plans from the agency officially responsible for analysis so it is very likely you are protecting the true pepetrators.

You cannot even show an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area while many mages show concrete surrounding an empty core.

The Twin towers had a concrete tubular core.


you are now claiming that muslims are omnipotent? :cuckoo:

the 19 mulsims didnt invade. they entered on visas. :cuckoo:

3000 people werent murdered in 20 seconds. it took a few hours. :cuckoo:

it wasnt 2 airplanes. it was 4. :cuckoo:

i'm not claiming they were super beings. are you?

i dont need to sow the official plans to see it was a steel core EXACTLY as described by FEMA, LERA, the NIST, Time Magazine, Newsweek, University of Sydney, and just about everybody else that has a normally functioning brain (this would exclude you).

this is the steel core of the WTC

19 muslim hijackers are the ones that committed the mass murder.

Are you suggesting we send soldiers to the middle east where omipotent muslims will simply slaughter them? Have you no mercy?

Realistically you are suggesting that 19 muslims with superpowers invaded our borders without resistence and murdered 3,000 people in broad daylight in 20 seconds with only 2 airplanes. We do not stand a chance in warfare with these super beings if you are correct.

I tend to think that the buildings helped and you cannot show the official plans while refusing to acknowledge laws violated that kept those plans from the agency officially responsible for analysis so it is very likely you are protecting the true pepetrators.

You cannot even show an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area while many mages show concrete surrounding an empty core.

The Twin towers had a concrete tubular core.


you are now claiming that muslims are omnipotent? :cuckoo:

That is your claim. Stop pretending you do not know that agent. You are assisting in the evasion of mass murder and treason.

Amercans grieve still and the Nations economy has been destroyed because of the FEMA deception. Soon Americans may be not just be dying in the middle east, and your resistence to truth and reason is to blame.

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you are now claiming that muslims are omnipotent? :cuckoo:

That is your claim. Stop pretending you do not know that agent. You are assisting in the evasion of mass murder and treason.

no retard. that is not my claim. my claim is that 19 muslim hijackers committed the mass murder and you are just a deadbeat moron.

no treason involved. the muslims werent US citizens. nobody is helping them hide. they're dead.:cuckoo:
Are you suggesting we send soldiers to the middle east where omipotent muslims will simply slaughter them? Have you no mercy?

Realistically you are suggesting that 19 muslims with superpowers invaded our borders without resistence and murdered 3,000 people in broad daylight in 20 seconds with only 2 airplanes. We do not stand a chance in warfare with these super beings if you are correct.

I tend to think that the buildings helped and you cannot show the official plans while refusing to acknowledge laws violated that kept those plans from the agency officially responsible for analysis so it is very likely you are protecting the true pepetrators.

You cannot even show an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area while many mages show concrete surrounding an empty core.

The Twin towers had a concrete tubular core.

you are now claiming that muslims are omnipotent? :cuckoo:

That is your claim. Stop pretending you do not know that agent. You are assisting in the evasion of mass murder and treason.

Amercans grieve still and the Nations economy has been destroyed because of the FEMA deception. Soon Americans may be not just be dying in the middle east, and your resistence to truth and reason is to blame.
agent brown fails again
you are now claiming that muslims are omnipotent? :cuckoo:

That is your claim. Stop pretending you do not know that agent. You are assisting in the evasion of mass murder and treason.

Amercans grieve still and the Nations economy has been destroyed because of the FEMA deception. Soon Americans may be not just be dying in the middle east, and your resistence to truth and reason is to blame.
agent brown fails again

he misses rihanna.

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