FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core


Where are the diagonal braces?

You have always failed to show them.

Why don't you have the plans?

I know why I don't, but you don't recognize government violating laws that enable the FEMA deception. Which is why I do not have images showing the concrete core during construction.

the twin towers had a concrete tubular core structure and the buildings engineer says so on September 13, 2001
who gives a shit about your "diagonal braces"
where is the rebar, where are the concrete forms, where is anything you claim to be there there

delusional bullshit is all you got, fucktard

The concrete is being cast well below the top floor. The long low diagonals 2 floors down from the top behind the first row of columns are the crane platform, a tool for building the towers.

But you known nothing of that and fail to indentify all elements of the images showing steel.


You fail to logically explain what is left of the spire, obviously too large for structural steel. Tell everyone now what 1, 2, and 3 are.

Oh, that's right, the perpetrators wouldn't want you to care.


Let me tell you something treasonous twoofer.(TT) Posting these pictures shows nothing more than the fact that you found Terral's personal YOUTUBE section and almost have just enough skill to repost them here.

The indisputable facts about 911 are in the official 911 commission report. Get someone to read and explain it to you.
Your nothing more than Osama's troll.........
who gives a shit about your "diagonal braces"
where is the rebar, where are the concrete forms, where is anything you claim to be there there

delusional bullshit is all you got, fucktard

The concrete is being cast well below the top floor. The long low diagonals 2 floors down from the top behind the first row of columns are the crane platform, a tool for building the towers.

But you known nothing of that and fail to indentify all elements of the images showing steel.


You fail to logically explain what is left of the spire, obviously too large for structural steel. Tell everyone now what 1, 2, and 3 are.

Oh, that's right, the perpetrators wouldn't want you to care.


Let me tell you something treasonous twoofer.(TT) Posting these pictures shows nothing more than the fact that you found Terral's personal YOUTUBE section and almost have just enough skill to repost them here.

The indisputable facts about 911 are in the official 911 commission report. Get someone to read and explain it to you.
Your nothing more than Osama's troll.........

You have also failed to recognize violations of law enabling the FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers. which invalldates the cause of death.
Clearly you have no concern for the Constitutional rights of Americans. Each citizen has been deprived of equal protection of law.

Only those ignoring Constitutional rights can be seen as treasonous.
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You have also failed to recognize violations of law enabling the FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.
FEMA deception which invaildates the cause of death.
Clearly you have no concern for the Constitutional rights of Americans. Each citizen has been deprived of equal protection of law.

you deadbeat nutbag :cuckoo:

why dont you prove to us what the death certificates you claim are invalidated actually say.

fucking moron.:cuckoo:

Ive already done that 50 times or so, but the perpetrators that control you keep you pretending you have not seen it.

A concrete core,


that looks nothing like what FEMA states.

You have also failed to recognize violations of law enabling the FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.
FEMA deception which invaildates the cause of death.
Clearly you have no concern for the Constitutional rights of Americans. Each citizen has been deprived of equal protection of law.

you deadbeat nutbag :cuckoo:

why dont you prove to us what the death certificates you claim are invalidated actually say.

fucking moron.:cuckoo:

Ive already done that 50 times or so, but the perpetrators that control you keep you pretending you have not seen it.

A concrete core,

that looks nothing like what FEMA states.


you haven't shows a SINGLE bit of proof of a concrete core from construction
You have also failed to recognize violations of law enabling the FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.
FEMA deception which invaildates the cause of death.
Clearly you have no concern for the Constitutional rights of Americans. Each citizen has been deprived of equal protection of law.

you deadbeat nutbag :cuckoo:

why dont you prove to us what the death certificates you claim are invalidated actually say.

fucking moron.:cuckoo:

Ive already done that 50 times or so, but the perpetrators that control you keep you pretending you have not seen it.

A concrete core,


that looks nothing like what FEMA states.


sorry jackass, the death certificates say "homicide"... it doesnt matter who killed them. they are still valid. your entire argument has no basis in reality.

so where are all these posts that you claim to have shown what the death certificates say? because before when we talked about this and i proved they said "homicide" you replied "i will look into it". you didnt, obviously.
This is outstanding. Next is a quote from Chris posted in 2006 at this forum The Big FEMA Lie, The Towers Had A Concrete Core: PROOF, page 10 :
Christophera said:
You need to identify which tower, which face in the photos before attempting what you are doing. The tower cores were slightly different. Wtc 2 had core walls about 5 feet thinner at the base.

The tower cores were SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT whereas WTC2 had core walls that were 5 feet thinner than WTC1's core walls!!!! That's it. 5 foot thinner walls. Straight from the horse's mouth years ago.


Now, after all his bullshit, story changing, lies, contradictions, and misinterpreted photos, he has come to this next explanation. Here is what Chris' description of the differences between the two towers has morphed into. All based on him revising his story as people shoot holes through it. What changed between then and now? Quote located here Government to infiltrate conspiracy groups - WeAreChangeLA 9-11 Truth - Los Angeles Meetup - wacla.org (Los Angeles, CA) - Meetup.com :
Christophera said:
WTC 1 had elevators that could only be accessed from hallways inside the core. WTC had a totally redesigned core with an innovative base pedastal inthe center surrounded with elevators and wall extending outwards perpendicular to the core shear walls that supported the core walls AND allowed the bottom floor express elevators to open through the plane of the core walls into the lobby,

Nobody else in the ENTIRE world ever mentions or describes these supposed "MAJOR DIFFERENCES" between the cores or why they made the core changes IN THE MIDDLE OF CONSTRUCTION no less. According to Chris, they started to build WTC1, saw that people were complaining about the elevator access, and BEFORE they started construction on WTC2, made a MAJOR design change in the core.

I challenge Chris to come up with one link, eyewitness account from someone who worked in the towers, or photo showing either:

A. No access to the elevators on the lobby level outside the core of WTC1. Meaning just blank marble walls.
B. Proof that the cores were different between WTC1 and WTC2 as Chris describes. He obviously didn't have this information when he posted his first 5 foot thinner concrete walls crap.

I have spoken to people who worked in the towers and they ALL say they accessed the express elevators from OUTSIDE the core, at the lobby level, in BOTH towers.

Ask anyone you want who used to work there. Why do you think Chris is afraid to ask anyone that question. I have even spoke to William Rodriguez via email and he said to look at the leaked plans to show the layout of the towers.

Chris is full of shit.

This is outstanding. Next is a quote from Chris posted in 2006 at this forum The Big FEMA Lie, The Towers Had A Concrete Core: PROOF, page 10 :
Christophera said:
You need to identify which tower, which face in the photos before attempting what you are doing. The tower cores were slightly different. Wtc 2 had core walls about 5 feet thinner at the base.

The tower cores were SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT whereas WTC2 had core walls that were 5 feet thinner than WTC1's core walls!!!! That's it. 5 foot thinner walls. Straight from the horse's mouth years ago.


The core walls of WTC 2 were totally diffferent at the base because of the elevators opening onto the lobby. WTC 1 had a massive base wall and elevators could only be entered from inside the core via a hallway.

You are so without evidence the perps have you pretending that you've emailed Leslie Robertson and doing so with fraudulent text.

I've posted this before. I went to LERA's website and contacted SawTeen See via the email link on the 9/11 drop selection on their home page.

And you are an agent that conducts fakery. There is NO WAY, your text is worth anything.

The psyops includes fakery. agent gam has been exposed photoshopping images because it has no evidence.

The deception attempted was to make WTC 2 lobby which had elevators opening on the lobby through the core wall with a very special base wall that allowed only lobby elevators to enter directly. People then went out another door at the opposite end of the elevator and all access over the lobby was via elevator doors in the core.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbridge outside have irregular widths. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency but notice the width of the footbridge windows varies.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core. Agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.
This is outstanding. Next is a quote from Chris posted in 2006 at this forum The Big FEMA Lie, The Towers Had A Concrete Core: PROOF, page 10 :
Christophera said:
You need to identify which tower, which face in the photos before attempting what you are doing. The tower cores were slightly different. Wtc 2 had core walls about 5 feet thinner at the base.

The tower cores were SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT whereas WTC2 had core walls that were 5 feet thinner than WTC1's core walls!!!! That's it. 5 foot thinner walls. Straight from the horse's mouth years ago.


The core walls of WTC 2 were totally diffferent at the base because of the elevators opening onto the lobby. WTC 1 had a massive base wall and elevators could only be entered from inside the core via a hallway.

You are so without evidence the perps have you pretending that you've emailed Leslie Robertson and doing so with fraudulent text.

Where's your proof for this claim? You want all this proof from people yet you provide NONE.

So tell us Chris. What evidence did you find that changed your description of the WTC2 core being only SLIGHTLY different than WTC1's core and having only 5 foot thinner walls to WTC2's core being a pedestal with the elevators being on the outside of the core.

There is not one shred of evidence for this claim ANYWHERE. You used to think the neither core had access to the express elevators outside the core at the lobby level until I proved you wrong and you admitted that you were wrong.

Now, all of a sudden, you have gotten some evidence from somewhere that WTC2 core was:

1. Redesigned AFTER construction of WTC1 started
2. It had elevators on the OUTSIDE of the core
3. It was a pedestal design

Blah, blah, blah.

Please provide us with you evidence as to why you changed your theory in such a drastic measure. Where's the proof Chris?

Below is another quote from Chris located at another forum linked here The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo :
Christophera said:
Firstly WTC 1 and 2 had somewhat different cores. Both were rectangular tubes ringing the core, but WTC had proven so difficult to rent because of access across the core that that the WTC 2 was redesigned with 2 hallways in each direction and access to some elevators at the lobby level.

Access to those elevators was by making a very special piece at the core base that looked somewhat like this,


and was tested as a launch pad at cape canaveral. The elevator openings were rocket exhaust outlets.

I would like to see your proof of this claim Chris. Why the change from only 5 foot thick walls to something as elaborate as what you claim above? What information did you find or get that made you change your story so dramatically?
of course that is what the perpetrators want you to think. you something something the constitution while something something guliani something something hides something else somewhere because i'm a complete nutjob and have proof of anything except my delusions....

did i get that speech right deadbeat?

now skip the fucking illogical tirade and just provide evidence. :cuckoo:
So let's get this straight.

The towers were completed on the dates as follows from Wikipedia:
The topping out ceremony of 1 WTC (North Tower) took place on December 23, 1970, while 2 WTC's ceremony (South Tower) occurred later on July 19, 1971

So there was 6 1/2 months between the two towers being constructed. You want us to believe, based solely on your claims that after construction started on WTC1, they found out that people would not rent the towers as they were designed. So they went back to the drawing board and COMPLETELY REDESIGNED the core of WTC2, but left WTC1 as is.

All within less than 6 months. A complete set of NEW drawings that had to be checked and redrawn, new structural calculations, a change in material orders, etc.

In less than 6 months.

Where is your proof Chris? This is pretty detailed stuff. What is your source? I can find NOTHING of the redesign nor anything about differences in the core.
Internet archive of one of Chris' earlier website located here Demolition, the truth of 9-11 :

Christophera said:
The twin towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed by 4 rectangular elements. I saw a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the towers that detailed this aspect in every way.

Hmmmm. Very interesting. THE TWIN TOWERS. Meaning both of them. He then goes on to say that he SAW THIS DETAILED in the documentary he saw.

Why do you continue this charade Chris? You have been exposed as being a liar. What evidence have to come upon to change what you ORIGINALLY saw in the documentary? Was the documentary you saw lying about the core construction?

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Uh oh Chris. Another quote from you website from a while ago.

christophera said:
The twin towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed into 4 rectangular cells that had elevators and stairways in them. By watching a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the towers I learned the details needed to analyze what has happened and what photos show us.

Demolition, the truth of 9-11

The Wayback site is awesome to look up archived sites. This particular part of your site was archived 3 years AFTER the post above.

So in the above quote you say the concrete core of BOTH towers had 4 rectangular cells that had elevators and stairwells INSIDE THEM. You go on to say that the documentary PROVIDED these details to you. Was the documentary lying?

Uh oh.

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holy fuck... this deadbeat is just plain CRAZY!!!! :cuckoo:

on that site you posted above is his view that the titanic was an inside job to get rid of the rich people that opposed the federal reserve!! :lol:

also, it enabled the jews to start world war one (or something like that) :cuckoo:

Titanic-j.p. Morgan

"The unsinkable ship, the floating palace was created to be a tomb for the wealthy, who opposed the Federal Reserve System. On April 14th (the same date in history as the assassination of Abraham Lincoln) of 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and all opposition to the Federal Reserve was eliminated. In December of 1913, the Federal Reserve System came into being in the United States. Eight months later, the Jesuits had sufficient funding through the Federal Reserve Bank to begin World War I.' Notice the F.R.S. was established soon after the disaster of the Titanic."
The core walls of WTC 2 were totally diffferent at the base because of the elevators opening onto the lobby. WTC 1 had a massive base wall and elevators could only be entered from inside the core via a hallway.
proof please.
he has NONE

Since none of the agents recognize violations of law enabling deception invalidating analysis of the cause of death in a mass murder used to compromise the Constitution AND cannot show the steel core columns on 9-11, they are simply conducting misprision of treason NOW!
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holy fuck... this deadbeat is just plain CRAZY!!!! :cuckoo:

on that site you posted above is his view that the titanic was an inside job to get rid of the rich people that opposed the federal reserve!! :lol:

also, it enabled the jews to start world war one (or something like that) :cuckoo:

Titanic-j.p. Morgan

"The unsinkable ship, the floating palace was created to be a tomb for the wealthy, who opposed the Federal Reserve System. On April 14th (the same date in history as the assassination of Abraham Lincoln) of 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and all opposition to the Federal Reserve was eliminated. In December of 1913, the Federal Reserve System came into being in the United States. Eight months later, the Jesuits had sufficient funding through the Federal Reserve Bank to begin World War I.' Notice the F.R.S. was established soon after the disaster of the Titanic."

You think THAT'S crazy?!

He's at one of the Avatar movie forums pushing his bullshit because everyone else has kicked him to the curb.

Avatar, Film Parallels & Analogy to 9-11 - Avatar-Forums.com


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