FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

It's simple Chris.

Where did you get the information that:

1. The core of WTC2 was different from the core of WTC1 and was a pedestal design with access to the elevators from outside the lobby?

You've been shown some of that information but you are not interested in facts and evidence. You are into deception and manipulation.

WTC 2 obviously has twice as many hallways. WTC 1 has a tape as shown by the sliver of light show through between the interior box columns at the top and the concrete core.


Where did you get the information that WTC2 was a pedestal design? Where did you get the information that the elevators in WTC2 were OUTSIDE the core pedestal?

You keep dodging the questions.

Obviously you got the new information from somewhere as you didn;t speak of it AT ALL in the beginning of your ever-changing core theory.

It's simple Chris.

Where did you get the information that:

1. The core of WTC2 was different from the core of WTC1 and was a pedestal design with access to the elevators from outside the lobby?

You've been shown some of that information but you are not interested in facts and evidence.

So you admit that you got NEW information about the pedestal design being used in WTC2, different from WTC1, because WTC1 was hard to rent.

Can you provide that please?

Any reason why your current website makes no mention of the RADICALLY DIFFERENT cores? I see no mention of WTC2's supposed "pedestal" design. I see no mention of the redesign of WTC2's core being caused by the "lack of renters". I see no mention of the express elevators being OUTSIDE the core of WTC2, but being surrounded by WTC1's supposed core?

Why not?

Any reason why your current website makes no mention of the RADICALLY DIFFERENT cores? I see no mention of WTC2's supposed "pedestal" design. I see no mention of the redesign of WTC2's core being caused by the "lack of renters". I see no mention of the express elevators being OUTSIDE the core of WTC2, but being surrounded by WTC1's supposed core?

Why not?


I'm busy preparing a jail cell for you.
Any reason why your current website makes no mention of the RADICALLY DIFFERENT cores? I see no mention of WTC2's supposed "pedestal" design. I see no mention of the redesign of WTC2's core being caused by the "lack of renters". I see no mention of the express elevators being OUTSIDE the core of WTC2, but being surrounded by WTC1's supposed core?

Why not?


I'm busy preparing a jail cell for you.

what a delusional fucktard you are
Any reason why your current website makes no mention of the RADICALLY DIFFERENT cores? I see no mention of WTC2's supposed "pedestal" design. I see no mention of the redesign of WTC2's core being caused by the "lack of renters". I see no mention of the express elevators being OUTSIDE the core of WTC2, but being surrounded by WTC1's supposed core?

Why not?


I'm busy preparing a jail cell for you.

what a delusional fucktard you are

OMFG..he's preparing a jail cell for you. I think you guys finally pused that trainwreck of a human off of the ledge he was teetering on for a year.
And here folks is the deal breaker. Proof that Christophera is nothing more that a liar and disinfo agent trying to spread his bullshit to confuse people. Here is a quote from this very board:
WTC 2 had 2 hallways in each direction AND elevators that opened onto the lobby through the core wall. The documentary "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" focused on WTC 1 but did have a little on WTC 2 which actually was finished before WTC 1 because access accross the core and elevators where so much better.
Above he admits that his information came from the documentary.

The WTC 2 core base was a totally new design for any building ever. It had a central pedestal with dimensions perhaps 30 feet smaller that the inside core dimension of 80 x 120'. The escalator ran up it. From the pedastal, perpendicuarly outwards from the long axis were walls that went out between the elevator door openings to connect with the interio box columns that are visible from inside the lobby.
People would enter from the lobby then exit from another set of doors on the inside of the same elevator into the core area where a hallway would take them back out to the floors.
The doc showed a cape canaveral launch pad that was used to test the design and the elevator doors were rocket exhaust ports. The gantry weight simulated the core which sat on the perpendicualr walls while the rocket sat on the cenral pedastal.

The "doc" showed? So Chris has known about this pedestal design information and elevators being outside the core of WTC2 since when Chris?


WTC 1 had black granite panels between the interior box columns. The image selection on the web seems to have been filtered and videos edited so gam has a remote possibility of having something to discount the concrete core, ......... because it has no evidence for steel core columns and much of the concret core evidence discounts steel core columns because the images of 9-11 show an empty core area.

Don't know how I missed that bolded part of the quote above. I have a remote possibility? Now he starting to admit he MAY be wrong?!?!?!?


Anyways, back on track here. So Chris admits that he got the core pedestal design information, Cape Canaveral testing of the core, and the fact that the express elevators were accessed OUTSIDE the core from the documentary? How long have you known this information Chris? 15 years?

If that's the case, that you knew this information for many years, then why did you lie in this thread quote and admit that I finally showed you proof that the express elevators were accessed from outside the core? Up until that moment, you had been arguing that there was NO ACCESS AT ALL to the elevators in EITHER core. Here is your quote:
Cjristophera said:
It appears you have found an image of elevators accessed from the outside of the core.

Here is the link to the thread: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

So if you knew there was elevator access outside the core since you saw the documentary many years ago, why were you arguing that there WASN'T any until I showed you proof via a photo and then you admit that I finally found proof per the quote above? I mean that quote from you was posted on November 16th, 2007!!!!


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Any reason why your current website makes no mention of the RADICALLY DIFFERENT cores? I see no mention of WTC2's supposed "pedestal" design. I see no mention of the redesign of WTC2's core being caused by the "lack of renters". I see no mention of the express elevators being OUTSIDE the core of WTC2, but being surrounded by WTC1's supposed core?

Why not?


I'm busy preparing a jail cell for you.

Why, because you've finally been nailed peddling your lies and bullshit? I have you cornered jackass.
From the thread located here: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

Christophera said:
It was curious for me because when I watched the documentary in 1990 I didn't really understand the issue until the end of the explanation of how the compression of the steel was dealt with.

So since 1990 you knew this information about WTC2's core? 20 years?? And you played the "no access to the express elevators from outside the core" bullshit until a couple of years ago?
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Yer a spam queen agent conducting misprision of treason with no evidence of steel core columns, which is why you have to come here and lie, misrepresent and manipulate.

The lead engineer on September 13, 2001 identified a concrete core. Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 identifies a concrete core.

A concrete core is all that can be seen surrounding the empy core area on 9-11.


Or remnants of it.


From the thread located here: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

Christophera said:
It was curious for me because when I watched the documentary in 1990 I didn't really understand the issue until the end of the explanation of how the compression of the steel was dealt with.

So since 1990 you knew this information about WTC2's core? 20 years?? And you played the "no access to the express elevators from outside the core" bullshit until a couple of years ago?

Why the charade Chris? Why did you claim, for all that time, that the towers did NOT have access from outside the core to the express elevators at the lobby level when you supposedly knew WTC2 did have that access based on your "documentary"?

Yer a spam queen agent conducting misprision of treason with no evidence of steel core columns, which is why you have to come here and lie, misrepresent and manipulate.

The lead engineer on September 13, 2001 identified a concrete core. Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 identifies a concrete core.

A concrete core is all that can be seen surrounding the empy core area on 9-11.


Or remnants of it.


Thanks for finally admitting this.

gam has a remote possibility of having something to discount the concrete core

Yer a spam queen agent conducting misprision of treason with no evidence of steel core columns, which is why you have to come here and lie, misrepresent and manipulate.

The lead engineer on September 13, 2001 identified a concrete core. Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 identifies a concrete core.

A concrete core is all that can be seen surrounding the empy core area on 9-11.


Or remnants of it.


Thanks for finally admitting this.

gam has a remote possibility of having something to discount the concrete core


"Remote possibility" does not mean possible. it just means that in the psyops someone might think such possible. But then you photoshopped your way into infamy.


You are an agent that conducts fakery. There is NO WAY, your text is worth anything and you are exposed photoshopping images because you have no evidence.

The deception attempted was to make WTC 2 lobby which had elevators opening on the lobby through the core wall with a very special base wall that allowed only lobby elevators to enter directly. People then went out another door at the opposite end of the elevator and all access over the lobby was via elevator doors in the core.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbridge outside have irregular widths. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency but notice the width of the footbridge windows varies.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core. Agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.
thats not photoshopped, you fucking moron. its pixelated. thats what happens when you enlarge digital pictures too far. the same thing happens to your pictures when you blow them up too far. the fact that the pixels fade through to other pixels actually prove it ISNT photoshopped. if the picture was altered there would be a perfectly clean line where somebody fucked with it because it would NOT bleed through to the next pixel.

another stupid fucking claim by you proved wrong!! :cuckoo:
Yer a spam queen agent conducting misprision of treason with no evidence of steel core columns, which is why you have to come here and lie, misrepresent and manipulate.

The lead engineer on September 13, 2001 identified a concrete core. Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 identifies a concrete core.

A concrete core is all that can be seen surrounding the empy core area on 9-11.


Or remnants of it.


Thanks for finally admitting this.

gam has a remote possibility of having something to discount the concrete core


"Remote possibility" does not mean possible. it just means that in the psyops someone might think such possible. But then you photoshopped your way into infamy.


You are an agent that conducts fakery. There is NO WAY, your text is worth anything and you are exposed photoshopping images because you have no evidence.

The deception attempted was to make WTC 2 lobby which had elevators opening on the lobby through the core wall with a very special base wall that allowed only lobby elevators to enter directly. People then went out another door at the opposite end of the elevator and all access over the lobby was via elevator doors in the core.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbridge outside have irregular widths. In reality the windows are square.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency but notice the width of the footbridge windows varies.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and photoshops another with windows wider than they are tall. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicualr from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence fof the concrete core. Agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

I told you AND showed you the original photo. It was not mine, but came from another site. So you saying I Photoshopped the picture is pure idiocy as usual. Not to mention the fact that your claim of "bleed" being the result of Photoshopping is bullshit. You obviously have no clue about bleed that can occur in digital images and/or screenshots taken from video. Go blow your smoke up someone else's ass for a change. I suppose your a digital image expert now right?


The fact remains that I have caught you in a major lie and you have been cornered. You are nothing but a bullshit artist.

Why did you lie about the access to express elevators outside the core Chris? Why did you pretend that there was no access to the express elevators outside EITHER core at the lobby level and then feign being surprised when I showed you photos that you were wrong? To which you admitted that I had finally found proof of access in WTC2 only? You did this in 2007.

You played this ruse while all the while supposedly KNOWING that WTC2 did in fact have access, had a pedestal concrete core, and had the structure tested at Cape Canaveral. All supposedly gleaned from the documentary you saw in 1990, 20 years ago?!?!?!?

You are nothing but a lying sack of shit who changes his story whenever someone provides evidence that you are WRONG. Anyone can go back through your old posts and see how your theory has morphed into what it is now. That's what I've done. You've told so many lies that now they can be seen clearly from one post to the next.

I caught you in a lie that proves it and you're fucked now.

And here folks is the deal breaker. Proof that Christophera is nothing more that a liar and disinfo agent trying to spread his bullshit to confuse people. Here is a quote from this very board:
WTC 2 had 2 hallways in each direction AND elevators that opened onto the lobby through the core wall. The documentary "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" focused on WTC 1 but did have a little on WTC 2 which actually was finished before WTC 1 because access accross the core and elevators where so much better.
Above he admits that his information came from the documentary.

The WTC 2 core base was a totally new design for any building ever. It had a central pedestal with dimensions perhaps 30 feet smaller that the inside core dimension of 80 x 120'. The escalator ran up it. From the pedastal, perpendicuarly outwards from the long axis were walls that went out between the elevator door openings to connect with the interio box columns that are visible from inside the lobby.
People would enter from the lobby then exit from another set of doors on the inside of the same elevator into the core area where a hallway would take them back out to the floors.
The doc showed a cape canaveral launch pad that was used to test the design and the elevator doors were rocket exhaust ports. The gantry weight simulated the core which sat on the perpendicualr walls while the rocket sat on the cenral pedastal.

The "doc" showed? So Chris has known about this pedestal design information and elevators being outside the core of WTC2 since when Chris?


So Chris admits that he got the core pedestal design information, Cape Canaveral testing of the core, and the fact that the express elevators were accessed OUTSIDE the core from the documentary? How long have you known this information Chris? 15 years?

If that's the case, that you knew this information for many years, then why did you lie in this thread quote and admit that I finally showed you proof that the express elevators were accessed from outside the core? Up until that moment, you had been arguing that there was NO ACCESS AT ALL to the elevators in EITHER core. Here is your quote:
Cjristophera said:
It appears you have found an image of elevators accessed from the outside of the core.

Here is the link to the thread: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

So if you knew there was elevator access outside the core since you saw the documentary many years ago, why were you arguing that there WASN'T any until I showed you proof via a photo and then you admit that I finally found proof per the quote above? I mean that quote from you was posted on November 16th, 2007!!!!


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


By the way fuckstick, that picture is EXACTLY what you would have seen out the window. No need to Photoshop anything.

that photo shows ZERO signs of photoshoping
never did understand what the fuck that fucktard was talking about by claiming that was photoshopped

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