FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


By the way fuckstick, that picture is EXACTLY what you would have seen out the window. No need to Photoshop anything.

that photo shows ZERO signs of photoshoping
never did understand what the fuck that fucktard was talking about by claiming that was photoshopped

Here is Chris' thinking.

Way back when his theory was in it's infancy, he claimed that the tower cores were only SLIGHTLY different. This is evident from his early posts in which he says that the WTC2 was only SLIGHTLY different in that the walls were only 5' thinner than WTC1's concrete core walls. He presented me with this drawing he did showing the core with his 17' and 12' thick concrete core walls.

Here is what Chris thinks the core looked like. It is a plan view of the lobby core. The red rectangles are what I have drawn to illustrate the concrete core that Chris thinks was there. Notice that he has totally displaced the 24 elevators that were FLUSH against the outer core columns. Were did they go?

He went on to say that ALL elevators were located on the inside of concrete core and that there was NO ACCESS of any kind to the elevators from OUTSIDE the core in either tower. He said that ALL elevator access was from WITHIN his cores. I started thinking about this a while back. This claim that the elevators were contained WITHIN this core meant that there would have had to have been a 12' long corridor or tunnel THROUGH the 12' concrete wall at the lobby level to get to the express elevator doors. Well, I started finding photos that showed that the express elevator doors were FLUSH with the walls and not set back 12'. Here is one of the photos that proves this.

After arguing his claim for a while he finally admitted that I had indeed proven there was access to the express elevators from OUTSIDE the core at the lobby level. This would mean that the elevators were UP AGAINST the core columns and would take the space that he professed his core was in. Knowing this little admission would totally crush his theory, he started the "Cores were radically different" bullshit just to keep his theory alive. That's when his "WTC2 had a pedestal core" shit started. He never once talked about this in all his previous websites yet he says he got this pedestal design information from the documentary he saw 20 years ago. So he NOW claims that WTC2 had elevator access outside the core while WTC1 did not. He then concocted his "the core was redesigned from WTC1 to WTC2 because WTC1 was hard to rent because of the lack of elevator access" fantasy.

This photo shows the firemen in WTC1. You can clearly see elevator to the left. THis PROVES his claim wrong that there was no access to elevators in WTC1 from the lobby level outside the core:

This photo ties in with the one above as being WTC1 also as evidenced by the walkway outside the windows of the lobby.

Chris has to maintain that the image is fake as it would totally kill his theory. If there is definite proof that the express elevators were flush with the walls of the core at the lobby in both towers, that means his core could not have been there and he is FULL OF SHIT.

Elevator doors of WTC1:
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This IS the core of WTC 2 and it can only be concrete. No steel core columns protrude from the top.


gumjob photoshops because it has no evidence of the steel core columns on 9-11 when the elevator guide rail all fell immediately. This was an effort to make the WTC 2 lobby which did have elevators opening on the lobby appear as if it were WTC 1. The footbridge out side was photoshopped in but they botched it and allowed the footbridge windows to show through the perimeter columns.

As if falsified, desparate elevator issues could make up for the fact that the supposed super strong steel core columns are never seen on 9-11 in the core area.


Or the buildings engineer identified a concrete core with information to Newsweek on September 13, 2001, or that the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 identifies a concrete core.

Finniston, Monty; Williams, Trevor; Bissell, Christopher, eds (1992). "Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6
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This IS the core of WTC 2 and it can only be concrete. No steel core columns protrude from the top.


gumjob photoshops because it has no evidence of the steel core columns on 9-11 when the elevator guide rail all fell immediately. This was an effort to make the WTC 2 lobby which did have elevators opening on the lobby appear as if it were WTC 1. The footbridge out side was photoshopped in but they botched it and allowed the footbridge windows to show through the perimeter columns.

As if falsified, desparate elevator issues could make up for the fact that the supposed super strong steel core columns are never seen on 9-11 in the core area.


Or the buildings engineer identified a concrete core with information to Newsweek on September 13, 2001, or that the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 identifies a concrete core.

Finniston, Monty; Williams, Trevor; Bissell, Christopher, eds (1992). "Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6

you are delusional. there was no concrete core. you cant produce any plans for it. you cant produce any pictures of it. you cling to useless things, such as the reporter saying concrete core, and completely ignore the thousands of pictures, interviews and other facts that all state the towers had a steel core.

you are quite simpy....
thats not photoshopped, you fucking moron. its pixelated. thats what happens when you enlarge digital pictures too far. the same thing happens to your pictures when you blow them up too far. the fact that the pixels fade through to other pixels actually prove it ISNT photoshopped. if the picture was altered there would be a perfectly clean line where somebody fucked with it because it would NOT bleed through to the next pixel.

another stupid fucking claim by you proved wrong!! :cuckoo:

The perpetrators would want you to pretend that such bleed through is normal, but it is not. These are the things you do because you have no evidence.

The east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core toppling into the empty core.

thats not photoshopped, you fucking moron. its pixelated. thats what happens when you enlarge digital pictures too far. the same thing happens to your pictures when you blow them up too far. the fact that the pixels fade through to other pixels actually prove it ISNT photoshopped. if the picture was altered there would be a perfectly clean line where somebody fucked with it because it would NOT bleed through to the next pixel.

another stupid fucking claim by you proved wrong!! :cuckoo:

The perpetrators would want you to pretend that such bleed through is normal, but it is not. These are the things you do because you have no evidence.

The east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core toppling into the empty core.

wrong again, dipshit
that is a FLOOR
And here folks is the deal breaker. Proof that Christophera is nothing more that a liar and disinfo agent trying to spread his bullshit to confuse people. Here is a quote from this very board:
WTC 2 had 2 hallways in each direction AND elevators that opened onto the lobby through the core wall. The documentary "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers" focused on WTC 1 but did have a little on WTC 2 which actually was finished before WTC 1 because access accross the core and elevators where so much better.
Above he admits that his information came from the documentary.

The WTC 2 core base was a totally new design for any building ever. It had a central pedestal with dimensions perhaps 30 feet smaller that the inside core dimension of 80 x 120'. The escalator ran up it. From the pedastal, perpendicuarly outwards from the long axis were walls that went out between the elevator door openings to connect with the interio box columns that are visible from inside the lobby.
People would enter from the lobby then exit from another set of doors on the inside of the same elevator into the core area where a hallway would take them back out to the floors.
The doc showed a cape canaveral launch pad that was used to test the design and the elevator doors were rocket exhaust ports. The gantry weight simulated the core which sat on the perpendicualr walls while the rocket sat on the cenral pedastal.

The "doc" showed? So Chris has known about this pedestal design information and elevators being outside the core of WTC2 since when Chris?


So Chris admits that he got the core pedestal design information, Cape Canaveral testing of the core, and the fact that the express elevators were accessed OUTSIDE the core from the documentary? How long have you known this information Chris? 15 years?

If that's the case, that you knew this information for many years, then why did you lie in this thread quote and admit that I finally showed you proof that the express elevators were accessed from outside the core? Up until that moment, you had been arguing that there was NO ACCESS AT ALL to the elevators in EITHER core. Here is your quote:
Cjristophera said:
It appears you have found an image of elevators accessed from the outside of the core.

Here is the link to the thread: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

So if you knew there was elevator access outside the core since you saw the documentary many years ago, why were you arguing that there WASN'T any until I showed you proof via a photo and then you admit that I finally found proof per the quote above? I mean that quote from you was posted on November 16th, 2007!!!!



Why where you lying about knowing information that the WTC2 core had express elevator access from outside the core at the lobby level since seeing the "documentary" in 1990? Why had you been arguing that there WASN'T access in either tower's core until I showed you photos that made you ADMIT that there was, but only in WTC2.

Why the charade Chris? How come you were lying all that time?

Major fuckup Chris!

The perpetrators would want you to pretend that such bleed through is normal, but it is not. These are the things you do because you have no evidence.

you do realize that every time you are proven wrong you simply use the blanket statement "thats what they want you to think".

it just proves how delusional you are. when you have no facts you blame "the perpetrators".

you are insane. i'm sure i'm not the only person to tell you that. get help.
The perpetrators would want you to pretend that such bleed through is normal, but it is not. These are the things you do because you have no evidence.

you do realize that every time you are proven wrong you simply use the blanket statement "thats what they want you to think".

it just proves how delusional you are. when you have no facts you blame "the perpetrators".

you are insane. i'm sure i'm not the only person to tell you that. get help.

Moronic agents that think that other people think like they think can only gather around their psyops BS and lies to muddy the environment. You can prove nothjing except your action serving treason.

fizz lie

fizz lie
The perpetrators would want you to pretend that such bleed through is normal, but it is not. These are the things you do because you have no evidence.

you do realize that every time you are proven wrong you simply use the blanket statement "thats what they want you to think".

it just proves how delusional you are. when you have no facts you blame "the perpetrators".

you are insane. i'm sure i'm not the only person to tell you that. get help.

Moronic agents that think that other people think like they think can only gather around their psyops BS and lies to muddy the environment. You can prove nothjing except your action serving treason.

fizz lie

fizz lie
the only one proven to be a liar and a deadbeat is YOU you fucking delusional fucktard
you do realize that every time you are proven wrong you simply use the blanket statement "thats what they want you to think".

it just proves how delusional you are. when you have no facts you blame "the perpetrators".

you are insane. i'm sure i'm not the only person to tell you that. get help.

Moronic agents that think that other people think like they think can only gather around their psyops BS and lies to muddy the environment. You can prove nothjing except your action serving treason.

fizz lie

fizz lie
the only one proven to be a liar and a deadbeat is YOU you fucking delusional fucktard

Bwhahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa, . . . how do you prove it? With a big text "Because I say so".

I easily show that most of what you post is deceptive manipulation and outright lies.


However, I can post substance supporting the assertion that the Twins had a concrete core, and I ususally do.

A completely independent engineer certifed in 12 states states the Towers had a concrete core. November 2001.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. See chapter 2.1. A statement completely consistent with images from 9-11. The west wall of WTC 1 concrete core.

So explain why you haven't used a few to describe what structural elements 1, 2, & 3 are.

because i'm not your little monkey that you can bark demands at....

you fucking delusional deadbeat moron. :lol:
and because it is totally irrelevant to the fact the the core was STEEL

Naw, the perps won't let you because the diagonal steel seen is a part of the crane platform or crane towers and you cannot show diagonal bracing in the core from construction.

For different reasons I cannot show concrete at construction by I have a good reason you refuse to recognize.

It is a violation of law enabling (stealing all the construction photos of concrete during construction) the FEMA deception

You have no logical reason to refuse to identify structural elements associated with the twin towers if you state you believe there were steel core columns in the core area.

The butt plates on the tops of what the truth movement has been mislead to think are "core columns" prove that the vertical steel inside the core could not have been "core columns' because the joint between sections is too weak. Left and right of the central crane.

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because i'm not your little monkey that you can bark demands at....

you fucking delusional deadbeat moron. :lol:
and because it is totally irrelevant to the fact the the core was STEEL

Naw, the perps won't let you because the diagonal steel seen is a part of the crane platform or crane towers and you cannot show diagonal bracing in the core from construction.

For different reasons I cannot show concrete at construction by I have a good reason you refuse to recognize.

It is a violation of law enabling (stealing all the construction photos of concrete during construction) the FEMA deception

You have no logical reason to refuse to identify structural elements associated with the twin towers if you state you believe there were steel core columns in the core area.

The butt plates on the tops of what the truth movement has been mislead to think are "core columns" prove that the vertical steel inside the core could not have been "core columns' because the joint between sections is too weak. Left and right of the central crane.

and, dipshit, anyone can see the crane platform is INSIDE the steel core
you are too fucking stupid for words
and because it is totally irrelevant to the fact the the core was STEEL

Naw, the perps won't let you because the diagonal steel seen is a part of the crane platform or crane towers and you cannot show diagonal bracing in the core from construction.

For different reasons I cannot show concrete at construction by I have a good reason you refuse to recognize.

It is a violation of law enabling (stealing all the construction photos of concrete during construction) the FEMA deception

You have no logical reason to refuse to identify structural elements associated with the twin towers if you state you believe there were steel core columns in the core area.

The butt plates on the tops of what the truth movement has been mislead to think are "core columns" prove that the vertical steel inside the core could not have been "core columns' because the joint between sections is too weak. Left and right of the central crane.

and, dipshit, anyone can see the crane platform is INSIDE the steel core
you are too fucking stupid for words

There you go with your psyops confuser tactic pretending you are so confused that you think I'm saying that the crane is NOT inside the core. A total non issue brought forth to confuse as if it was accurate or had any merit at all.

Naw, the perps won't let you because the diagonal steel seen is a part of the crane platform or crane towers and you cannot show diagonal bracing in the core from construction.

For different reasons I cannot show concrete at construction by I have a good reason you refuse to recognize.

It is a violation of law enabling (stealing all the construction photos of concrete during construction) the FEMA deception

You have no logical reason to refuse to identify structural elements associated with the twin towers if you state you believe there were steel core columns in the core area.

The butt plates on the tops of what the truth movement has been mislead to think are "core columns" prove that the vertical steel inside the core could not have been "core columns' because the joint between sections is too weak. Left and right of the central crane.

and, dipshit, anyone can see the crane platform is INSIDE the steel core
you are too fucking stupid for words

There you go with your psyops confuser tactic pretending you are so confused that you think I'm saying that the crane is NOT inside the core. A total non issue brought forth to confuse as if it was accurate or had any merit at all.


you remain a dipshit
Keep dodging the question Chris.

Why'd you lie? According to you, you have ALWAYS known that the cores were different. You have ALWAYS known that WTC2 was a pedestal core and tested at Cape Canaveral. You supposedly knew all this from 20 years ago when you saw your "documentary" in 1990. You admitted this.

Why then have you been arguing until 2 years ago that BOTH cores had no access to the express elevators from OUTSIDE the core from the lobby level when you supposedly knew WTC2 had access according to your documentary?

Can't answer that can you Chris? You've been EXPOSED. You're nothing but a liar.


You've been nailed and there's nothing you can do about it.


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