FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

find any pictures of the concrete core yet?:lol:

So when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?
steel core.

steel core.

steel core during cleanup efforts. notice the steel core is relatively intact at this point of the building and there is no concrete core.

no concrete core.

and then these pictures of the core under construction. no concrete. notice in the first one the floor above is already in place.







TV show that Robertson participates in on the collapse of the towers which states it was a STEEL CORE!!

YouTube - 9/11: Why They Fell pt 2

another video documentary with robertson that says it was a STEEL CORE.

New York Times says steel core. Comparing 2 Sets Of Twin Towers; Malaysian Buildings Offered as Model - NYTimes.com
Newsweek. steel core. High Time - Newsweek.com
Time Magazine. steel core. Twin Terrors - The Discovery Channel - TIME.com
engineering.com steel core. ENGINEERING.com > World Trade Center Disaster
skyscraper.org steel core. The World Trade Center: Statistics and History
University of Sydney steel core. World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
Berkeley steel core. 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered
and one of my favorites....
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME

lol.:lol:agent Fizz uses the corporate controlled media PBS a GOVERNMENT program as one of his sources.I love it.:lol: and the discovery channel which was purchased by Murdock not too long ago as well.:lol: then Time magazine and NEWSWEEK who has ALWAYS partipated in many government coverups in the past? great independent sources.:lol: those others that he mentioned ,you might want to let him know chris,all say that because if they dont,they will lose government contracts they have and lose their funds and be labeled as crackpots if they come out and say the truth.:lol: He already knows thats true though so he doesnt care.He doesnt give a shit about the facts though of how the media participates in government coverups and is just a tool for them though.
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This is more evidence of why you stay away from actual debates......you are sooooooo fucking DUMB. Yes the link has different theories on how the Towers collapsed but what is NOT a THEORY is the central core was reinforced concrete. Even the part you linked states the tubing connects to the CENTRAL CORE you fucking retard reject.
wrong again dipshit
i don't avoid debate where it is possible
but i have learned in my 7 years of dealing with you fucking assholes that debate is not in your capabilities
so all i do is ridicule you fucking morons for being the fucking morons you are

btw, thanks for actually taking a stand on something, too bad it had to be on something so totally and completely wrong

I've taken stands on lots of issues and educated you dumbfucks in the process. Quick highlights:

Government withheld over 500 oral testimonies for four years

Bush did say he saw a plane hit "the FIRST building."

There is no hard evidence of phone calls from flight 77

On 9E flight 77 flew undetected for 36 minutes towards DC

The Towers did have concrete cores.....just like the one being built in the new 1 WTC Tower.

The family members most responsible for the Commission reject the governments conclusions on how the Towers fell.

There has never been a full investigation into 9E

Gee, pretty soon you assholes are going to realize just how fucking ignorant you are about that day. (don't worry....we know you'll never publicly explicitly admit it....but you make that admission every time you try to debate 9E 9E 9E 9E 9E.....lol!)

Not to mention that top ranked scientists from around the world dont accept the offical version,nor do hundreds of architects and engineers,or demolition experts,witnesses including credible people such as first responders and firemen or that top pilots around the worrld dont accept the pentagon story either,or the towers evidence was illegally confiscated.a crimal offense, but none of that is good enough for this stupid troll,only what the mainstream media say.great logic there.:lol::lol::lol::lol: boy they sure DO make that admission everytime they try to debate.:lol:
More than that. They will learn that ignorance of the law is no defense. Treason is prosecutable.

I appreciate you pointing out the publication errors but this "treason is prosecutable" garbage has to go. All you do is hand them a reason to bitch.

I don't think my informing them of legal facts is why they bitch. They bitch at anything that doesn't serve the perps interests.

Personally I think it is going to be treason against the United States of America to argue for steel core columns in the core area.
It is only because of the quasi leadership of the truth movement that this matter is an issue. They are the ones that made misrepresentation of the core structure appear legitimate.

Recall, I'm the one that made 4 threads at A&E that gage never responded to even though they had independently verifiable evidence, then was banned on fraudulent premise. I'm also the one that Ph.D Ron Larsen wrote a page about relating to my demo model because it explains everything and is completely feasible.

Chris Brown's Demolition for the Twin Towers -- Why this Model?

The premise of the ban at A&E was totally erroneous.


gage publically stated that he would provide links to video images showing steel core columns in the core area as justification for his promoting that such structure exists, besides the fact it is "official" information. He never has provided those links.

The reason gage promotes the steel core columns is because with them as a core, no explanation for anything is possible. He may not be able to know that, (I've tried to tell him) but such is the case.

I agree with Chris.I dont think him presenting evidence of legal evidence is why they bitch.Like he said,they bitch at anything because it doesnt serve the perps interest. Chris is only telling them the truth when he says treason is prosecutable which is exactly what the neocons in the bush administration committed and people in congress and the government are still committing by participating in the coverup. These trolls will ignore the facts that anytime soneone in congresss such as congress woman Cynthia Mckinney or senator Mark Dayton spoke out against the official version and said there needs to be a new investigation,they lost their jobs,anybody in congress who speaks out,they get rid of them.

great country we have isnt it? the land of the free and brave where we cant even questions the governments version without losing our jobs.what freedoms we have huh?
I appreciate you pointing out the publication errors but this "treason is prosecutable" garbage has to go. All you do is hand them a reason to bitch.

I don't think my informing them of legal facts is why they bitch. They bitch at anything that doesn't serve the perps interests.

Personally I think it is going to be treason against the United States of America to argue for steel core columns in the core area.
It is only because of the quasi leadership of the truth movement that this matter is an issue. They are the ones that made misrepresentation of the core structure appear legitimate.

Recall, I'm the one that made 4 threads at A&E that gage never responded to even though they had independently verifiable evidence, then was banned on fraudulent premise. I'm also the one that Ph.D Ron Larsen wrote a page about relating to my demo model because it explains everything and is completely feasible.

Chris Brown's Demolition for the Twin Towers -- Why this Model?

The premise of the ban at A&E was totally erroneous.


gage publically stated that he would provide links to video images showing steel core columns in the core area as justification for his promoting that such structure exists, besides the fact it is "official" information. He never has provided those links.

The reason gage promotes the steel core columns is because with them as a core, no explanation for anything is possible. He may not be able to know that, (I've tried to tell him) but such is the case.

I agree with Chris.I dont think him presenting evidence of legal evidence is why they bitch.Like he said,they bitch at anything because it doesnt serve the perps interest. Chris is only telling them the truth when he says treason is prosecutable which is exactly what the neocons in the bush administration committed and people in congress and the government are still committing by participating in the coverup. These trolls will ignore the facts that anytime soneone in congresss such as congress woman Cynthia Mckinney or senator Mark Dayton spoke out against the official version and said there needs to be a new investigation,they lost their jobs,anybody in congress who speaks out,they get rid of them.

great country we have isnt it? the land of the free and brave where we cant even questions the governments version without losing our jobs.what freedoms we have huh?
keep licking that ass
steel core.

steel core.

steel core during cleanup efforts. notice the steel core is relatively intact at this point of the building and there is no concrete core.

no concrete core.

and then these pictures of the core under construction. no concrete. notice in the first one the floor above is already in place.







TV show that Robertson participates in on the collapse of the towers which states it was a STEEL CORE!!

YouTube - 9/11: Why They Fell pt 2

another video documentary with robertson that says it was a STEEL CORE.

New York Times says steel core. Comparing 2 Sets Of Twin Towers; Malaysian Buildings Offered as Model - NYTimes.com
Newsweek. steel core. High Time - Newsweek.com
Time Magazine. steel core. Twin Terrors - The Discovery Channel - TIME.com
engineering.com steel core. ENGINEERING.com > World Trade Center Disaster
skyscraper.org steel core. The World Trade Center: Statistics and History
University of Sydney steel core. World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
Berkeley steel core. 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered
and one of my favorites....
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME

lol.:lol:agent Fizz uses the corporate controlled media PBS a GOVERNMENT program as one of his sources.I love it.:lol: and the discovery channel which was purchased by Murdock not too long ago as well.:lol: then Time magazine and NEWSWEEK who has ALWAYS partipated in many government coverups in the past? great independent sources.:lol: those others that he mentioned ,you might want to let him know chris,all say that because if they dont,they will lose government contracts they have and lose their funds and be labeled as crackpots if they come out and say the truth.:lol: He already knows thats true though so he doesnt care.He doesnt give a shit about the facts though of how the media participates in government coverups and is just a tool for them though.

You gotta be kidding me....PBS is a great source considering the msm climate and out of all msm outlets it is one of the most reliable. I also don't buy into this mass conspiracy active cover up bullshit. For one thing, it isn't necessary. For another......that entire theory is a paradox. I agree msm sources are pro government but what you're claiming here is way outta bounds.
These agents know the concrete core is the key to entire thing, which is why they are so unaccountable. Why the hell else would they object to the most common bulding material on the planet being used for a core structure when all evidence from independent sources identifies concrete?

The quasi leaders of the truth movement and these traitors are on the same team whether they know it or not.
again with the "agent" bullshit
if i WAS an agent, you would be DEAD
think(if you actually can) if i was an agent for the people you claim killed nearly 3000 citizens, and you were even remotely close to the truth, you would be DEAD

The only thing you have ever killed, or could kill, is an honest thought.

so very true.thats the only thing that Ditzcon could ever kill is an honest thought.:lol:
steel core.

steel core.

steel core during cleanup efforts. notice the steel core is relatively intact at this point of the building and there is no concrete core.

no concrete core.

and then these pictures of the core under construction. no concrete. notice in the first one the floor above is already in place.







TV show that Robertson participates in on the collapse of the towers which states it was a STEEL CORE!!

YouTube - 9/11: Why They Fell pt 2

another video documentary with robertson that says it was a STEEL CORE.

New York Times says steel core. Comparing 2 Sets Of Twin Towers; Malaysian Buildings Offered as Model - NYTimes.com
Newsweek. steel core. High Time - Newsweek.com
Time Magazine. steel core. Twin Terrors - The Discovery Channel - TIME.com
engineering.com steel core. ENGINEERING.com > World Trade Center Disaster
skyscraper.org steel core. The World Trade Center: Statistics and History
University of Sydney steel core. World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney
Berkeley steel core. 04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered
and one of my favorites....
Time Magazine article from 1964!! Art: Onward & Upward - TIME

lol.:lol:agent Fizz uses the corporate controlled media PBS a GOVERNMENT program as one of his sources.I love it.:lol: and the discovery channel which was purchased by Murdock not too long ago as well.:lol: then Time magazine and NEWSWEEK who has ALWAYS partipated in many government coverups in the past? great independent sources.:lol: those others that he mentioned ,you might want to let him know chris,all say that because if they dont,they will lose government contracts they have and lose their funds and be labeled as crackpots if they come out and say the truth.:lol: He already knows thats true though so he doesnt care.He doesnt give a shit about the facts though of how the media participates in government coverups and is just a tool for them though.

You gotta be kidding me....PBS is a great source considering the msm climate and out of all msm outlets it is one of the most reliable. I also don't buy into this mass conspiracy active cover up bullshit. For one thing, it isn't necessary. For another......that entire theory is a paradox. I agree msm sources are pro government but what you're claiming here is way outta bounds.

Uh not at all.If you ever followed the programs of PBS on government stuff you would know they ALWAYS participate in coverups.:cuckoo: example,EVERY freaking time they cover the kennedy assassination in november,all they EVER do is promote that OTHER fairy tale commission the warren commission, that oswald killed kennedy.they omit key testimonys,key evidence and facts as well just like in the 9/11 coverup commission.

you STILL going to tell me they are an objective source?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: I used to research the kennedy assassination night and day before 9/11 came long.I have been fortunate enough to interview witnesses over the years that were there that day to know for a fact,the warren commission is bullshit like the 9/11 coverup commission.

you need to get educated on how the mainstream media is a tool for the government dude.the moment you start believing crap PBS tells you about 9/11 or the kennedy assassination,you might as well join the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists group and be buddies with ditzcon,candy cornboy and the others.:lol::lol::cuckoo:
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again with the "agent" bullshit
if i WAS an agent, you would be DEAD
think(if you actually can) if i was an agent for the people you claim killed nearly 3000 citizens, and you were even remotely close to the truth, you would be DEAD

The only thing you have ever killed, or could kill, is an honest thought.

clight, Can we stop there?

How about a functional thought?

fiz-div agent, is the tool of the perpetrator and has has no function of its own. Apparently disabled from common knowledge recognition of many facts as is demonstrated.

What is divulged here has actually been going on for at least 6 years. Cognitive infiltrations.

Top Obama czar: Infiltrate all 'conspiracy theorists'

which you know about of course. I propose these guys are that program, the implications speak for themselves.

agreed NOBODY here should EVER read the posts of Ditzcons.He NEVER has ANYTHING constructive to say and just responds with posts such as -your a fucking idiot or -your a stupid moron when you ask him to address evidence and facts.same as slackjaw and candy corn,those 3 NEVER have ANYTHING constructive to say.they are just trolls here seeking attention,the best thing everybody interested in the truth about 9/11 can do,is put them on ignore and dont respond to them.dont feed the trolls,your just playing their game they WANT you to by responding. this advise always goes ignored though so i dont know im wasting my breath here.sheesh.
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find any pictures of the concrete core yet?:lol:

So when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?

whenever i want. why? it will happen. i have plans to visit LA soon and santa barbara isnt far.
you need to get educated on how the mainstream media is a tool for the government dude.the moment you start believing crap PBS tells you about 9/11 or the kennedy assassination,you might as well join the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists group and be buddies with ditzcon,candy cornboy and the others.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

find any pictures of the concrete core yet?

find any building plans for a concrete core yet? :cuckoo:
The only thing you have ever killed, or could kill, is an honest thought.

clight, Can we stop there?

How about a functional thought?

fiz-div agent, is the tool of the perpetrator and has has no function of its own. Apparently disabled from common knowledge recognition of many facts as is demonstrated.

What is divulged here has actually been going on for at least 6 years. Cognitive infiltrations.

Top Obama czar: Infiltrate all 'conspiracy theorists'

which you know about of course. I propose these guys are that program, the implications speak for themselves.

Holy fucking shitballs. You just cited wnd.....WND! Are you fucking kidding me? I have no idea what you are talking about with that infiltrate conspiracy theorist garbage and frankly......I want some of that peyote you're smoking....is it free?

Freedom is not free but it is exhilarating.

I chose WND to make a point. If they put it out, because in many ways it could be said to be against their political position, then it has more veracity than coming from a liberal camp where it would be expected.

I saw the beginning of the cognitive infiltrations at the howard sterne message board around the time he said "yea, that hole in the pentagon looked more like a missile than one made by a jetliner." on air. There was a cluster of them bashing the concrete core with exactly the same misrepresentations that fiz-div use today when they bother.

gamolon and stannrod date back to 2004 at Let's Roll forums then stalking me around the web at various forums. gamit was busted photoshopping in full view of the admins of breakfornews.com with an obvious alteration who appeared to join in then pronounce "verdict". Theatre.


A post here with all the images.


The exterior of WTC 1's footbridge was inserted on a layer created outside the buildings windows. The foot bridge windows can be seen bleeding through the perimeter columns of the WTC 2 lobby photo used to portray WTC 1.

There is a very serious, concentrated fraud occuring and has been for some years.
again with the "agent" bullshit
if i WAS an agent, you would be DEAD
think(if you actually can) if i was an agent for the people you claim killed nearly 3000 citizens, and you were even remotely close to the truth, you would be DEAD

The only thing you have ever killed, or could kill, is an honest thought.

so very true.thats the only thing that Ditzcon could ever kill is an honest thought.:lol:
at least i could have one to kill
you fucking morons cant even get an honest thought to look at
clight, Can we stop there?

How about a functional thought?

fiz-div agent, is the tool of the perpetrator and has has no function of its own. Apparently disabled from common knowledge recognition of many facts as is demonstrated.

What is divulged here has actually been going on for at least 6 years. Cognitive infiltrations.

Top Obama czar: Infiltrate all 'conspiracy theorists'

which you know about of course. I propose these guys are that program, the implications speak for themselves.

Holy fucking shitballs. You just cited wnd.....WND! Are you fucking kidding me? I have no idea what you are talking about with that infiltrate conspiracy theorist garbage and frankly......I want some of that peyote you're smoking....is it free?

Freedom is not free but it is exhilarating.

I chose WND to make a point. If they put it out, because in many ways it could be said to be against their political position, then it has more veracity than coming from a liberal camp where it would be expected.

I saw the beginning of the cognitive infiltrations at the howard sterne message board around the time he said "yea, that hole in the pentagon looked more like a missile than one made by a jetliner." on air. There was a cluster of them bashing the concrete core with exactly the same misrepresentations that fiz-div use today when they bother.

gamolon and stannrod date back to 2004 at Let's Roll forums then stalking me around the web at various forums. gamit was busted photoshopping in full view of the admins of breakfornews.com with an obvious alteration who appeared to join in then pronounce "verdict". Theatre.


A post here with all the images.


The exterior of WTC 1's footbridge was inserted on a layer created outside the buildings windows. The foot bridge windows can be seen bleeding through the perimeter columns of the WTC 2 lobby photo used to portray WTC 1.

There is a very serious, concentrated fraud occuring and has been for some years.

your digital photos do the same thing when you blow them up too far, moron. i already showed you that when you blow up one of your pictures the smoke doesnt touch the building. does that mean you photoshopped the picture? no. its just what happens when you blow up a digital image too far. :cuckoo:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__gUjUv1vvw]YouTube - Building the World Trade Center and Twin Towers - 1 of 2[/ame]

about 8 minutes in starts video of the STEEL core.

Misrepresentations exposed by one photo, and the fact that a steel core columns is never seen in the core area on 9-11.

Left and right of the central crane are butt plates used to join section of guide rial support steel because it allows shifting and adjusting. Butt plate joing of vertical section IS not strong enough for "core column".

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find any pictures of the concrete core yet?:lol:

So when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?

whenever i want. why? it will happen. i have plans to visit LA soon and santa barbara isnt far.

So when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?

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