FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

So when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?

whenever i want. why? it will happen. i have plans to visit LA soon and santa barbara isnt far.

So when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?

you are really a sick person. :cuckoo:

chris can tell you after i see him if he wants. until then i'm not going to tell him or you when i am going. it will happen when its convenient for me. i already have plans to visit LA.
I don't think my informing them of legal facts is why they bitch. They bitch at anything that doesn't serve the perps interests.

Personally I think it is going to be treason against the United States of America to argue for steel core columns in the core area.
It is only because of the quasi leadership of the truth movement that this matter is an issue. They are the ones that made misrepresentation of the core structure appear legitimate.

Recall, I'm the one that made 4 threads at A&E that gage never responded to even though they had independently verifiable evidence, then was banned on fraudulent premise. I'm also the one that Ph.D Ron Larsen wrote a page about relating to my demo model because it explains everything and is completely feasible.

Chris Brown's Demolition for the Twin Towers -- Why this Model?

The premise of the ban at A&E was totally erroneous.


gage publically stated that he would provide links to video images showing steel core columns in the core area as justification for his promoting that such structure exists, besides the fact it is "official" information. He never has provided those links.

The reason gage promotes the steel core columns is because with them as a core, no explanation for anything is possible. He may not be able to know that, (I've tried to tell him) but such is the case.

I agree with Chris.I dont think him presenting evidence of legal evidence is why they bitch.Like he said,they bitch at anything because it doesnt serve the perps interest. Chris is only telling them the truth when he says treason is prosecutable which is exactly what the neocons in the bush administration committed and people in congress and the government are still committing by participating in the coverup. These trolls will ignore the facts that anytime soneone in congresss such as congress woman Cynthia Mckinney or senator Mark Dayton spoke out against the official version and said there needs to be a new investigation,they lost their jobs,anybody in congress who speaks out,they get rid of them.

great country we have isnt it? the land of the free and brave where we cant even questions the governments version without losing our jobs.what freedoms we have huh?
keep licking that ass

You better hurry up and point out you accidentally quoted the wrong person before fizz, candycorn, ollie, and Snitch Bitch all suspect you are cheating on them..........
whenever i want. why? it will happen. i have plans to visit LA soon and santa barbara isnt far.

So when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?

you are really a sick person. :cuckoo:

chris can tell you after i see him if he wants. until then i'm not going to tell him or you when i am going. it will happen when its convenient for me. i already have plans to visit LA.

I just wanted to point out again you don't have the guts to keep your word because you threw a little temper tantrum like the little bitch you are so........

.....when are you gonna go see him you cowardly cocksucking child raping sheep fucking retard? Or was that more of nothing but empty words coming from a shitrag as worthless as you? I'm guessing you were just having another temper tantrum because you can't debate, you can't be honest, and I think you still have wet dreams about all the burnt, dismembered, and chopped bodies on 9E. Is that it? Is that why you are so upset? It's been too long and you want more fresh burnt meat you fucking cowardly asshole crybaby?
lol.:lol:agent Fizz uses the corporate controlled media PBS a GOVERNMENT program as one of his sources.I love it.:lol: and the discovery channel which was purchased by Murdock not too long ago as well.:lol: then Time magazine and NEWSWEEK who has ALWAYS partipated in many government coverups in the past? great independent sources.:lol: those others that he mentioned ,you might want to let him know chris,all say that because if they dont,they will lose government contracts they have and lose their funds and be labeled as crackpots if they come out and say the truth.:lol: He already knows thats true though so he doesnt care.He doesnt give a shit about the facts though of how the media participates in government coverups and is just a tool for them though.

You gotta be kidding me....PBS is a great source considering the msm climate and out of all msm outlets it is one of the most reliable. I also don't buy into this mass conspiracy active cover up bullshit. For one thing, it isn't necessary. For another......that entire theory is a paradox. I agree msm sources are pro government but what you're claiming here is way outta bounds.

Uh not at all.If you ever followed the programs of PBS on government stuff you would know they ALWAYS participate in coverups.:cuckoo: example,EVERY freaking time they cover the kennedy assassination in november,all they EVER do is promote that OTHER fairy tale commission the warren commission, that oswald killed kennedy.they omit key testimonys,key evidence and facts as well just like in the 9/11 coverup commission.

you STILL going to tell me they are an objective source?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: I used to research the kennedy assassination night and day before 9/11 came long.I have been fortunate enough to interview witnesses over the years that were there that day to know for a fact,the warren commission is bullshit like the 9/11 coverup commission.

you need to get educated on how the mainstream media is a tool for the government dude.the moment you start believing crap PBS tells you about 9/11 or the kennedy assassination,you might as well join the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists group and be buddies with ditzcon,candy cornboy and the others.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

I didn't say pbs is objective.....I said it's a great source....especially compared to the rest of msm and npr is even better. I've always said the msm is pro government so don't fucking tell me to get educated because I don't agree with your conspiracy theories about the msm.
still waiting for your proof, you lying sack of shit!!! :lol:

You would refuse to recognize any and everything. Proof means nothing to you. You are deception and evasion. the reverse of what you say is true.

the reverse is what i say is true?

then explain the following statement.

"i always lie" :lol:

That's easy you dumbfuck because you just admitted:

(posted by fizz in reverse)
"lie I always"
You would refuse to recognize any and everything. Proof means nothing to you. You are deception and evasion. the reverse of what you say is true.

the reverse is what i say is true?

then explain the following statement.

"i always lie" :lol:

That's easy you dumbfuck because you just admitted:

(posted by fizz in reverse)
"lie I always"
but, dipshit, if he always lies, then he was lying when he said that

Butt plate joing of vertical section IS not strong enough for "core column".


and where is your proof that those are butt plates and the columns weren't welded?

The photo does not show enough to tell what type of connections were used to splice the columns together vertically. Part of the structure show in the picture is to support the tower cranes, and are bolted. Some of that would stay, some of it would be removed as false-work.
The decking shown in the picture is commonly used to support a concrete deck. And that would make sense at least around the perimiter of the core structure.
There really is not enough shown in this photo to do anything more than make some guesses based on usual methods of construction.
That said, usually columns are welded using full-penetration welds at deck levels. That does not mean it was done here, just that is 'normal'. Those bolted joints in the columns are there as part of the structure to support those three tower cranes, and as the structure moves up, more are added and the cranes also move up.

There really is not anything special revealed in this photo. I have photos of buildings i worked on that show much more than this one does.

I have to go on an errand or two. Be back later to torment the twoofers. Hi guys, i am back from mexico!
see ya later!
You gotta be kidding me....PBS is a great source considering the msm climate and out of all msm outlets it is one of the most reliable. I also don't buy into this mass conspiracy active cover up bullshit. For one thing, it isn't necessary. For another......that entire theory is a paradox. I agree msm sources are pro government but what you're claiming here is way outta bounds.

Uh not at all.If you ever followed the programs of PBS on government stuff you would know they ALWAYS participate in coverups.:cuckoo: example,EVERY freaking time they cover the kennedy assassination in november,all they EVER do is promote that OTHER fairy tale commission the warren commission, that oswald killed kennedy.they omit key testimonys,key evidence and facts as well just like in the 9/11 coverup commission.

you STILL going to tell me they are an objective source?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: I used to research the kennedy assassination night and day before 9/11 came long.I have been fortunate enough to interview witnesses over the years that were there that day to know for a fact,the warren commission is bullshit like the 9/11 coverup commission.

you need to get educated on how the mainstream media is a tool for the government dude.the moment you start believing crap PBS tells you about 9/11 or the kennedy assassination,you might as well join the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists group and be buddies with ditzcon,candy cornboy and the others.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

I didn't say pbs is objective.....I said it's a great source....especially compared to the rest of msm and npr is even better. I've always said the msm is pro government so don't fucking tell me to get educated because I don't agree with your conspiracy theories about the msm.

PBS is a lousy source when it comes to 9/11 and the kennedy assassination as I just proved. your not making any sense hear,you just admitted that your aware of how the msm is pro government but now you just said its a conspiracy theory about the msm.make up your mind,is the msm pro government or you going to be like the others and be ignorant and just say its a conspiracy theory?:rolleyes:
Butt plate joing of vertical section IS not strong enough for "core column".


and where is your proof that those are butt plates and the columns weren't welded?

The photo does not show enough to tell what type of connections were used to splice the columns together vertically.

That is what the perpetrators would want people to think.

Panel 5 of the,

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

Shows the butt plate closer.


Butt plates were only used when guide rail support steel needed more sever alignment. Otherwise a single pass butt weld was used.
That is what the perpetrators would want people to think.
thats not a fucking answer, moron. blaming "perpetrators" is just you being a paranoid schizophrenic.:cuckoo:

Panel 5 of the,

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

Shows the butt plate closer.


Butt plates were only used when guide rail support steel needed more sever alignment. Otherwise a single pass butt weld was used.

where are you getting this information from? are you just making it up as you go along again? where is your proof that the connections were not welded?
Uh not at all.If you ever followed the programs of PBS on government stuff you would know they ALWAYS participate in coverups.:cuckoo: example,EVERY freaking time they cover the kennedy assassination in november,all they EVER do is promote that OTHER fairy tale commission the warren commission, that oswald killed kennedy.they omit key testimonys,key evidence and facts as well just like in the 9/11 coverup commission.

you STILL going to tell me they are an objective source?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: I used to research the kennedy assassination night and day before 9/11 came long.I have been fortunate enough to interview witnesses over the years that were there that day to know for a fact,the warren commission is bullshit like the 9/11 coverup commission.

you need to get educated on how the mainstream media is a tool for the government dude.the moment you start believing crap PBS tells you about 9/11 or the kennedy assassination,you might as well join the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists group and be buddies with ditzcon,candy cornboy and the others.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

I didn't say pbs is objective.....I said it's a great source....especially compared to the rest of msm and npr is even better. I've always said the msm is pro government so don't fucking tell me to get educated because I don't agree with your conspiracy theories about the msm.

PBS is a lousy source when it comes to 9/11 and the kennedy assassination as I just proved. your not making any sense hear,you just admitted that your aware of how the msm is pro government but now you just said its a conspiracy theory about the msm.make up your mind,is the msm pro government or you going to be like the others and be ignorant and just say its a conspiracy theory?:rolleyes:

One PBS program points out:

"...the 9/11 Commission never looked closely into NSA's role in the broad intelligence breakdown behind the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. If they had, they would have understood the full extent to which the agency had major pieces of the puzzle but never put them together or disclosed their entire body of knowledge to the CIA and the FBI."


"Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer told PBS, "None of this information that we're speaking about this evening's in the 9/11 Commission report. They simply ignored all of it."

Also, it was PBS that publicly aired the infamous Silverstein "pull it" comment in 2002. Your claims against pbs are not that strong.
I didn't say pbs is objective.....I said it's a great source....especially compared to the rest of msm and npr is even better. I've always said the msm is pro government so don't fucking tell me to get educated because I don't agree with your conspiracy theories about the msm.

PBS is a lousy source when it comes to 9/11 and the kennedy assassination as I just proved. your not making any sense hear,you just admitted that your aware of how the msm is pro government but now you just said its a conspiracy theory about the msm.make up your mind,is the msm pro government or you going to be like the others and be ignorant and just say its a conspiracy theory?:rolleyes:

One PBS program points out:

"...the 9/11 Commission never looked closely into NSA's role in the broad intelligence breakdown behind the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. If they had, they would have understood the full extent to which the agency had major pieces of the puzzle but never put them together or disclosed their entire body of knowledge to the CIA and the FBI."


"Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer told PBS, "None of this information that we're speaking about this evening's in the 9/11 Commission report. They simply ignored all of it."

Also, it was PBS that publicly aired the infamous Silverstein "pull it" comment in 2002. Your claims against pbs are not that strong.

well yeah they are definetely better than the mainstream media talking about those kinds of things at least .true you'll NEVER see fox news discuss anything like that.However,every single damn time they air anything about the kennedy assassination,its ALWAYS to propagate the lie that oswald was the lone assassian.I have never once in my entire life seen them talk about anything that questioned it like you just posted for 9/11.They never talk about the witnesses that saw a gunman behind the picket fence firing a rifle or anything like that that doesnt go along with the official version.

Unlike The History channel who USED to be objective at least about the kennedy assassination.they used to air specials like this one really good documentary they used to air quite a bit called THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY which does talk about people who saw a gunman behind the picket fence.they arent objective anymore though like they used to be.Now they never air that special anymore,now they just propagate the lie that oswald was the lone assassian the same way PBS always has on the kennedy assassination.I have been fortunate enough over the years to have interviewed people that were there that day on nov 22nd 1963 to know the official version,the warren commission is pure bullshit just like the other fairy tale commission the 9/11 coverup commission.

The only special I ever seen aired by PBS on 9/11 was that propaganda piece WHY THE TOWERS FELL which was such a fucking joke of a program that documentary is pathetic and should be burned so Im just going by that piece of shit garbage that they aired before which ignores witness testimonys,evidence and facts.
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