FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

No, it was from the first WTC report.

Did you find an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 yet? I know you've been looking for 6 years.

I only find images showing an empty core area that is surrounded by fragments of concrete walls or remnants of them like this rebar of the north core wall.


You do realize that continuing like you arre with no evidence in efforts to conceal the true design of the Towers core is misprision of felony enabling treason?
i did a search on the image, dipshit, i found where you got it from
stop lying
btw, here is where he got that first pic from

Multi-Storey Buildings in Steel, Godfrey, GB.
looks like he will steal the pics from them and add his own bullshit to it

Curious. When I take a diagram and later it to represent what is independently verified but when gumjob photoshops images of the WTC 2 lobby,

to make them look like WTC 1 by putting objects of WTC 1 exterior on a layer appearing as outside the window, it is okay.

The footbridge appearing as outside the towers windows can be seen bleeding through the perimeter columns.

The idea gumjob had was to try and support the notion that because there were elevators entering the lobby that there could not have been concrete core walls because they would be too thick.

WTC 2 did have elevators with a totally redesigned core. Here is an image of WTC 1 with black granite panels between the interior box columns.
that isnt photoshoped, you dipshit
thats what happens when you over enlarge a digital image
btw, here is where he got that first pic from

Multi-Storey Buildings in Steel, Godfrey, GB.
looks like he will steal the pics from them and add his own bullshit to it

Curious. When I take a diagram and later it to represent what is independently verified but when gumjob photoshops images of the WTC 2 lobby,

to make them look like WTC 1 by putting objects of WTC 1 exterior on a layer appearing as outside the window, it is okay.

The footbridge appearing as outside the towers windows can be seen bleeding through the perimeter columns.

The idea gumjob had was to try and support the notion that because there were elevators entering the lobby that there could not have been concrete core walls because they would be too thick.

WTC 2 did have elevators with a totally redesigned core. Here is an image of WTC 1 with black granite panels between the interior box columns.
that isnt photoshoped, you dipshit
thats what happens when you over enlarge a digital image

Wrong. The image just pixelates. Features from behind do not show through.
Curious. When I take a diagram and later it to represent what is independently verified but when gumjob photoshops images of the WTC 2 lobby,

to make them look like WTC 1 by putting objects of WTC 1 exterior on a layer appearing as outside the window, it is okay.

The footbridge appearing as outside the towers windows can be seen bleeding through the perimeter columns.

The idea gumjob had was to try and support the notion that because there were elevators entering the lobby that there could not have been concrete core walls because they would be too thick.

WTC 2 did have elevators with a totally redesigned core. Here is an image of WTC 1 with black granite panels between the interior box columns.
that isnt photoshoped, you dipshit
thats what happens when you over enlarge a digital image

Wrong. The image just pixelates. Features from behind do not show through.
the only one that sees what you claim, is YOU
a delusional fucktard
No, it was from the first WTC report.

Did you find an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 yet? I know you've been looking for 6 years.

I only find images showing an empty core area that is surrounded by fragments of concrete walls or remnants of them like this rebar of the north core wall.


You do realize that continuing like you arre with no evidence in efforts to conceal the true design of the Towers core is misprision of felony enabling treason?

I can't take anymore. Even if that picture is not photoshopped it's too damn ambiguous to point out anything with certainty. You've already admitted to making mocked-up news links so why wouldn't you touch photos?

You're no fucking different than divedick, fizzbitch, or any of these idiot OCTAs because you say whatever the hell it is you want then toss out newly discovered terms like your MOP bullshit to try and give the appearance of technical legitimacy. You constantly fucking embarrass all Troofers with this charade and I have no idea you accomplish absolutely zero goals. You do nothing but give OCTAs excuses and when they point out something legitimate you ignore it. Ie. The "Painful and Horrible" story by Newsweek you claimed was "properly archived" is no where near Newsweek's archives. It is also true Robertson did not say in that story the core was concrete yet you continue on with that bullshit. It makes no fucking sense. If you care about getting all the facts about 9E then stop doing all this sheisty shit because you are creating a whole hell of a lot of problems and are embarrassing Troofers everywhere.
No, it was from the first WTC report.

Did you find an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 yet? I know you've been looking for 6 years.

I only find images showing an empty core area that is surrounded by fragments of concrete walls or remnants of them like this rebar of the north core wall.


You do realize that continuing like you are with no evidence in efforts to conceal the true design of the Towers core is misprision of felony enabling treason?

I can't take anymore. Even if that picture is not photoshopped it's too damn ambiguous to point out anything with certainty. You've already admitted to making mocked-up news links so why wouldn't you touch photos?

You're no fucking different than divedick, fizzbitch, or any of these idiot OCTAs because you say whatever the hell it is you want then toss out newly discovered terms like your MOP bullshit to try and give the appearance of technical legitimacy. You constantly fucking embarrass all Troofers with this charade and I have no idea you accomplish absolutely zero goals. You do nothing but give OCTAs excuses and when they point out something legitimate you ignore it. Ie. The "Painful and Horrible" story by Newsweek you claimed was "properly archived" is no where near Newsweek's archives. It is also true Robertson did not say in that story the core was concrete yet you continue on with that bullshit. It makes no fucking sense. If you care about getting all the facts about 9E then stop doing all this sheisty shit because you are creating a whole hell of a lot of problems and are embarrassing Troofers everywhere.

That is all wrong, and the photo shows rebar and it is taken from the same camera that took this image of the spire but seconds later.


Someone posted that image on a message board about 7 years ago and it is hosted by ~jeffrey.king2.

Your text assertion that Robertson did not provide Newsweek with the information is absurd because liability dictates, and engineers are very sensitive to such, that Robertson would ask for the publication of an immediate correction and the internet version would be the first to change.

I've no idea what MOP is.

I'm embarrassing no one. There are laws being violated and they protect our Constitution. I am creating problems for traitors. Do you have a problem with that?

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382

U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having
knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals
and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same
to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the
governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is
guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title
or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
No, it was from the first WTC report.

Did you find an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 yet? I know you've been looking for 6 years.

I only find images showing an empty core area that is surrounded by fragments of concrete walls or remnants of them like this rebar of the north core wall.


You do realize that continuing like you arre with no evidence in efforts to conceal the true design of the Towers core is misprision of felony enabling treason?

I can't take anymore. Even if that picture is not photoshopped it's too damn ambiguous to point out anything with certainty. You've already admitted to making mocked-up news links so why wouldn't you touch photos?

You're no fucking different than divedick, fizzbitch, or any of these idiot OCTAs because you say whatever the hell it is you want then toss out newly discovered terms like your MOP bullshit to try and give the appearance of technical legitimacy. You constantly fucking embarrass all Troofers with this charade and I have no idea you accomplish absolutely zero goals. You do nothing but give OCTAs excuses and when they point out something legitimate you ignore it. Ie. The "Painful and Horrible" story by Newsweek you claimed was "properly archived" is no where near Newsweek's archives. It is also true Robertson did not say in that story the core was concrete yet you continue on with that bullshit. It makes no fucking sense. If you care about getting all the facts about 9E then stop doing all this sheisty shit because you are creating a whole hell of a lot of problems and are embarrassing Troofers everywhere.

Wow, just wow.
There is dissension among the twoofer ranks.
Now the battle becomes who has embarrassed the 'movement' more.
I have to give you respect for voicing your own opinion curve, no kidding.
dude, you are just making this shit up as you go along? where is your documentation proving "elevator guide rail supports" and documentation for your 3 inch rebar and your documentation that concrete core was 17 feet thick.... of wait..... 12 feet thick.... ooops try again.... 5 feet thick!!!! :lol:
No, it was from the first WTC report.

Did you find an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 yet? I know you've been looking for 6 years.

I only find images showing an empty core area that is surrounded by fragments of concrete walls or remnants of them like this rebar of the north core wall.


You do realize that continuing like you arre with no evidence in efforts to conceal the true design of the Towers core is misprision of felony enabling treason?

I can't take anymore. Even if that picture is not photoshopped it's too damn ambiguous to point out anything with certainty. You've already admitted to making mocked-up news links so why wouldn't you touch photos?

You're no fucking different than divedick, fizzbitch, or any of these idiot OCTAs because you say whatever the hell it is you want then toss out newly discovered terms like your MOP bullshit to try and give the appearance of technical legitimacy. You constantly fucking embarrass all Troofers with this charade and I have no idea you accomplish absolutely zero goals. You do nothing but give OCTAs excuses and when they point out something legitimate you ignore it. Ie. The "Painful and Horrible" story by Newsweek you claimed was "properly archived" is no where near Newsweek's archives. It is also true Robertson did not say in that story the core was concrete yet you continue on with that bullshit. It makes no fucking sense. If you care about getting all the facts about 9E then stop doing all this sheisty shit because you are creating a whole hell of a lot of problems and are embarrassing Troofers everywhere.

Wow, just wow.
There is dissension among the twoofer ranks.
Now the battle becomes who has embarrassed the 'movement' more.
I have to give you respect for voicing your own opinion curve, no kidding.

That's the problem, CL is a "twoofer" and I'm a truth seeker.
I can't take anymore. Even if that picture is not photoshopped it's too damn ambiguous to point out anything with certainty. You've already admitted to making mocked-up news links so why wouldn't you touch photos?

You're no fucking different than divedick, fizzbitch, or any of these idiot OCTAs because you say whatever the hell it is you want then toss out newly discovered terms like your MOP bullshit to try and give the appearance of technical legitimacy. You constantly fucking embarrass all Troofers with this charade and I have no idea you accomplish absolutely zero goals. You do nothing but give OCTAs excuses and when they point out something legitimate you ignore it. Ie. The "Painful and Horrible" story by Newsweek you claimed was "properly archived" is no where near Newsweek's archives. It is also true Robertson did not say in that story the core was concrete yet you continue on with that bullshit. It makes no fucking sense. If you care about getting all the facts about 9E then stop doing all this sheisty shit because you are creating a whole hell of a lot of problems and are embarrassing Troofers everywhere.

Wow, just wow.
There is dissension among the twoofer ranks.
Now the battle becomes who has embarrassed the 'movement' more.
I have to give you respect for voicing your own opinion curve, no kidding.

That's the problem, CL is a "twoofer" and I'm a truth seeker.

dude, you are just making this shit up as you go along? where is your documentation proving "elevator guide rail supports" and documentation for your 3 inch rebar and your documentation that concrete core was 17 feet thick.... of wait..... 12 feet thick.... ooops try again.... 5 feet thick!!!! :lol:

Since I can post images of concrete on 9-11 surrounding the core area,

dude, you are just making this shit up as you go along? where is your documentation proving "elevator guide rail supports" and documentation for your 3 inch rebar and your documentation that concrete core was 17 feet thick.... of wait..... 12 feet thick.... ooops try again.... 5 feet thick!!!! :lol:

Since I can post images of concrete on 9-11 surrounding the core area,


and no one can post an image showing steel core columns inthe core area on 9-11, those trying to show a steel core are totally inadequate with evidence and are proven wrong.
chris, clearly your own picture shows the remains of a steel core, the one that is shown in this picture taken during construction.

'truth seeker' my ass, treasonous propagandist is more like it.....


  • $coreconstruction.jpg
    46.6 KB · Views: 9
The image is its own proof for any with experience in steel and concrete construction.

IF, there were steel core columns in the core area, THEN they would be visible on 9-11, AND the structural steel would be obvious.
Check out this detailed rebuttal of the Concrete Core HOAX:

The 'WTC Had a Concrete Core' Hoax, page 1

The "discussions" between the resident ChrissytoFEARas of THAT site and the guys there who are calling bullshit on them is VERY MUCH like this thread.

funny you should mention that. Some time ago I had a conversation in that forum, and it carried over to this one with little miss "truth seeker".
No, it was from the first WTC report.

Did you find an image of the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 yet? I know you've been looking for 6 years.

I only find images showing an empty core area that is surrounded by fragments of concrete walls or remnants of them like this rebar of the north core wall.


You do realize that continuing like you are with no evidence in efforts to conceal the true design of the Towers core is misprision of felony enabling treason?

I can't take anymore. Even if that picture is not photoshopped it's too damn ambiguous to point out anything with certainty. You've already admitted to making mocked-up news links so why wouldn't you touch photos?

You're no fucking different than divedick, fizzbitch, or any of these idiot OCTAs because you say whatever the hell it is you want then toss out newly discovered terms like your MOP bullshit to try and give the appearance of technical legitimacy. You constantly fucking embarrass all Troofers with this charade and I have no idea you accomplish absolutely zero goals. You do nothing but give OCTAs excuses and when they point out something legitimate you ignore it. Ie. The "Painful and Horrible" story by Newsweek you claimed was "properly archived" is no where near Newsweek's archives. It is also true Robertson did not say in that story the core was concrete yet you continue on with that bullshit. It makes no fucking sense. If you care about getting all the facts about 9E then stop doing all this sheisty shit because you are creating a whole hell of a lot of problems and are embarrassing Troofers everywhere.

That is all wrong, and the photo shows rebar and it is taken from the same camera that took this image of the spire but seconds later.


Someone posted that image on a message board about 7 years ago and it is hosted by ~jeffrey.king2.

Your text assertion that Robertson did not provide Newsweek with the information is absurd because liability dictates, and engineers are very sensitive to such, that Robertson would ask for the publication of an immediate correction and the internet version would be the first to change.

I've no idea what MOP is.

I'm embarrassing no one. There are laws being violated and they protect our Constitution. I am creating problems for traitors. Do you have a problem with that?

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382

U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having
knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals
and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same
to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the
governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is
guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title
or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

You're a fucking joke. You linked the same lame ass msnbc article but wrote "Newsweek" in your post. Do this simple thing: provide a newsweek link to the article.

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