FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

You are pretty ignorant so you probably don't know that for every arrest for a crime of insanity there must be an insanity action. A court hearing. If I allege there are missing insanity actions, all I need to do is count the arrests for crimes of insanity and compare the insanity actions to see if they are equal. the sheriff has the arrest and booking records.

This has been required since the Magna Carta.

You are also very predictable.

the insanity cases from 1876 are completely irrelevant to the court case for YOU NOT PAYING CHILD SUPPORT you fucking moron. :cuckoo:

Sorry your brain is so faulty. The failure to appear on subpoena was in 1998, years before the county retaliated against me by using the state family law courts to deprive me of rights. That is why the issue of estopped is so prominant as a defense. But the court deprived me of all right.
you dont pay your support and you think it was the county against you
the insanity cases from 1876 are completely irrelevant to the court case for YOU NOT PAYING CHILD SUPPORT you fucking moron. :cuckoo:

Sorry your brain is so faulty. The failure to appear on subpoena was in 1998, years before the county retaliated against me by using the state family law courts to deprive me of rights. That is why the issue of estoppel is so prominant as a defense. But the court deprived me of all right.
you dont pay your support and you think it was the county against you

The county failed to appear on subpoena 6 years before the family law court started ripping me off for my rights.

Your support for secret methods of mass murder really overshadows that issue. The fact you cannot provide one piece of independently verified piece of evidence for steel core columns exposes that you are working for that secrecy, which is disgusting. Which of course enabled the treason, so misprision really fits your act.
Sorry your brain is so faulty. The failure to appear on subpoena was in 1998, years before the county retaliated against me by using the state family law courts to deprive me of rights. That is why the issue of estoppel is so prominant as a defense. But the court deprived me of all right.
you dont pay your support and you think it was the county against you

The county failed to appear on subpoena 6 years before the family law court started ripping me off for my rights.

Your support for secret methods of mass murder really overshadows that issue. The fact you cannot provide one piece of independently verified piece of evidence for steel core columns exposes that you are working for that secrecy, which is disgusting. Which of course enabled the treason, so misprision really fits your act.
keep proving yourself insane

they didnt "rip you off" of anything, you fucking DEADBEAT
pay your child support and they wouldnt have had anything to do with you
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They were insanity actions. They represent a situation of many extreme behaviors and that is always useful to the study of psychology.

Of course the perps won't care about that or violations of law, so you won't either.

So you are contemplating mounting an insanity defense?

If you want to look up old Court documents, you fucking moron, you don't do it by issuing process to the sheriff.

You are pretty ignorant so you probably don't know that for every arrest for a crime of insanity there must be an insanity action. A court hearing. If I allege there are missing insanity actions, all I need to do is count the arrests for crimes of insanity and compare the insanity actions to see if they are equal. the sheriff has the arrest and booking records.

This has been required since the Magna Carta.

You are also very predictable.


The thing about stark raving mad fuckups like you is that you keep proving -- every time you open your stupid mouth or submit a post -- that you really are tragically ignorant, stupid and mentally imbalanced.

Insanity is a medical problem. Insanity is not a crime.

One MIGHT under some circumstances get picked up by the government on the basis of one's being "insane," but that is not a criminal matter when it happens, you buffoon. It is a civil commitment. Like when some person is in very close proximity to being a danger to himself or to others due to his "insanity."

Again, what you posted is utter gibberish and complete nonsense because it is impossible to "count" the number of arrests for the crime [sic] of insanity. There are no arrests for non-existent crimes.

Wipe the drool off your chin you deadbeat fuckup.
That is what a core column needs for foundation not a crappy bracket resting on a stack of "I" beam cribbing that bears on a 1 foot concrete slab.

The "grillage" in between the elevator pits can be seen in the core area of WTC 1. "Slurry wall" is an error and is really the perimeter footings of the tower.


The 17 foot thick is now known to extend from the outer edge of the outermost elevator pit to between the interior box column footings which were 5 feet measured perpendicular to the core face. That 5 feet of concrete is outside the core basewall which was 12 feet thick down into the core foundation

Not this shit again.


I'll post the reasons why your claims above are nothing but bullshit. More to come...
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That is what a core column needs for foundation not a crappy bracket resting on a stack of "I" beam cribbing that bears on a 1 foot concrete slab.

The "grillage" in between the elevator pits can be seen in the core area of WTC 1. "Slurry wall" is an error and is really the perimeter footings of the tower.


The 17 foot thick is now known to extend from the outer edge of the outermost elevator pit to between the interior box column footings which were 5 feet measured perpendicular to the core face. That 5 feet of concrete is outside the core basewall which was 12 feet thick down into the core foundation

Not this shit again.


I'll post the reasons why your claims above are nothing but bullshit. More to come...

Chris, here's why you are CLUELESS.

In the photo above you say the dark grillages you point to are for the elevator support steel which was just inside the outer ring of massive box columns. Per your claim, the massive box columns were outside your supposed concrete core while the elevator support steel was inside your supposed concrete core.

Concering the columns in the core, how many column rows were there for the short axis and how many column row were there for the long axis? I'll answer for you. 6 columns along the short axis wall and 8 along the long axis.

Next is the photo that I have marked up. I have drawn red lines to indicate the column rows and numbered them 1 through 6. What's that you say? Only 6 column rows from bottom to top? How can that be? That would make the grillages you point at support for the massive box columns since columns rows 1 and 6 are massive box column rows.



Here is the same photo. How do we know that bottom to top is the short axis of the core (6 column rows) and left to right is the long axis of the core (8 column rows)?

How do we know that those are the 8 column rows along the long axis? See the column rows number 4 and 5? Those that the 2 columns are closer together that any of the other columns in the row. Column 4 has 3 columns to the right of it which means that column 5 has 3 columns to the left of it. 8 columns.

Here's your "buttplate" picture. The columns in the red rectangle are column rows 4 and 5 above.

So your claim that those grillages you call are are for elevator guide rail support steel is completely wrong. Those are actually grillages for the BOX COLUMNS!!!


Wait. Let me guess. You re-remembered what you didn't remember you remembered all those years ago?
Even your own modified drawing shows eight column rows and 6 column rows. You have put your hallways in between the two columns that are close together.

Count them Chris. 8 rows


We know that ChristoFEARa has never been able to substantiate his ridiculous claim that the CORE of the Twin Towers was made out of steel and concrete as opposed to having been made just out of steel.

We know that ChristoFEARa has been both unable and unwilling to show us pictures from the construction -- or even after the collapse -- establishing that the construction of the CORES included any concrete.

What ChristoFEARa has been unwilling to demonstrate and unable to demonstrate raises a question.

WHY do the scumbag treasonous filthy dishonest Troofers, like ChristoFEARa, wish to pretend that the construction of the CORES of the Twin Towers included concrete?
We know that ChristoFEARa has never been able to substantiate his ridiculous claim that the CORE of the Twin Towers was made out of steel and concrete as opposed to having been made just out of steel.

We know that ChristoFEARa has been both unable and unwilling to show us pictures from the construction -- or even after the collapse -- establishing that the construction of the CORES included any concrete.

What ChristoFEARa has been unwilling to demonstrate and unable to demonstrate raises a question.

WHY do the scumbag treasonous filthy dishonest Troofers, like ChristoFEARa, wish to pretend that the construction of the CORES of the Twin Towers included concrete?

Chris knows exactly what he is doing. He has refused to acknowwledge photos, written evidence and the voice of reason from several posters here, myself included. Even when presented with photos taken during construction, he refused to even acknowledge them, choosing instead to obstruct the conversation and to spread lies.
No, chris knows what he is doing, his masters have issued him orders. Whoever labled him an agent is correct. They may not be correct in who he works for, but he is an agent, nonetheless.
I maintain he is an enemy of the USA, an agent of the enemy. Just lokk at the activity that he engages in, and how he does it. Nobody can possibly be that obtuse, it MUST be intentional.
Nope he is a treasonous agent working for the benefit of, and providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.
To purposely betray one's country in the manner that he continues to do, for personal gain or any other reason, is simply an act of treason.
To betray the nation that provided your mother the safety to birth, nurture and raise you is the lowest act one can engage in. This activity is only undertaken by the lowest for of human scum on the planet, now matter what country you come from.
We know that ChristoFEARa has never been able to substantiate his ridiculous claim that the CORE of the Twin Towers was made out of steel and concrete as opposed to having been made just out of steel.

We know that ChristoFEARa has been both unable and unwilling to show us pictures from the construction -- or even after the collapse -- establishing that the construction of the CORES included any concrete.

What ChristoFEARa has been unwilling to demonstrate and unable to demonstrate raises a question.

WHY do the scumbag treasonous filthy dishonest Troofers, like ChristoFEARa, wish to pretend that the construction of the CORES of the Twin Towers included concrete?

Chris knows exactly what he is doing. He has refused to acknowwledge photos, written evidence and the voice of reason from several posters here, myself included. Even when presented with photos taken during construction, he refused to even acknowledge them, choosing instead to obstruct the conversation and to spread lies.
No, chris knows what he is doing, his masters have issued him orders. Whoever labled him an agent is correct. They may not be correct in who he works for, but he is an agent, nonetheless.
I maintain he is an enemy of the USA, an agent of the enemy. Just lokk at the activity that he engages in, and how he does it. Nobody can possibly be that obtuse, it MUST be intentional.
Nope he is a treasonous agent working for the benefit of, and providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.
To purposely betray one's country in the manner that he continues to do, for personal gain or any other reason, is simply an act of treason.
To betray the nation that provided your mother the safety to birth, nurture and raise you is the lowest act one can engage in. This activity is only undertaken by the lowest for of human scum on the planet, now matter what country you come from.

You bet. When I posed the question that ended my previous post, I was being rhetorical.

My "question" was:
WHY do the scumbag treasonous filthy dishonest Troofers, like ChristoFEARa, wish to pretend that the construction of the CORES of the Twin Towers included concrete?

The REASON is clear. IF the steel had been encased in concrete, the ability of the flames during the 9/11/2001 atrocities to warp and distort the steel might not have existed. The concrete might well have served as adequate insulation. If that were the case, according to the dishonest goofy Troofer "theory," then the only "other" explanation for the collapses would "have" to be that explosives had been planted.

But if there was no concrete, then the fires could very well have caused structural loss of integrity for the steel cores, resulting in the collapses in a way that required no conspiracy.
We know that ChristoFEARa has never been able to substantiate his ridiculous claim that the CORE of the Twin Towers was made out of steel and concrete as opposed to having been made just out of steel.

We know that ChristoFEARa has been both unable and unwilling to show us pictures from the construction -- or even after the collapse -- establishing that the construction of the CORES included any concrete.

What ChristoFEARa has been unwilling to demonstrate and unable to demonstrate raises a question.

WHY do the scumbag treasonous filthy dishonest Troofers, like ChristoFEARa, wish to pretend that the construction of the CORES of the Twin Towers included concrete?

Chris knows exactly what he is doing. He has refused to acknowwledge photos

I've acknowledged your photos and shown they are misrepresentations and NOT evidence.

Factually, you've been shown that the FEMA deception is verified meaning that your continued denial and subterfuge constitutes treason.
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We know that ChristoFEARa has never been able to substantiate his ridiculous claim that the CORE of the Twin Towers was made out of steel and concrete as opposed to having been made just out of steel.

We know that ChristoFEARa has been both unable and unwilling to show us pictures from the construction -- or even after the collapse -- establishing that the construction of the CORES included any concrete.

What ChristoFEARa has been unwilling to demonstrate and unable to demonstrate raises a question.

WHY do the scumbag treasonous filthy dishonest Troofers, like ChristoFEARa, wish to pretend that the construction of the CORES of the Twin Towers included concrete?

Chris knows exactly what he is doing. He has refused to acknowwledge photos

I've acknowledge your photos and shown they are misrepresentations and NOT evidence.

Factually, you've been shown that the FEMA deception is verified meaning that your continued denial and subterfuge constitutes treason.

I think you being born was treasonous.
I also found another ChrissytoFEARa-related 9/11 Troofer site.
HE gets "interviewed" on this site (I believe it's a two part-er).
It includes a lovely picture of the poor paranoid loon.
CAUTION: The following image might scare small children, pets and anyone with sensitive eyes. Proceed ONLY with extreme caution!


And here is the interview site: The Next Level :: View topic - 9/11 Audio: Twin Towers Built for Demo

his ears are obviously trying to get as far away from his abnormal brain as possible.
When you don't have evidence, but do have a directive, an agenda, then agents of the infiltrated US government must engage is this type activity to try and conceal treason.
When you don't have evidence, but do have a directive, an agenda, then agents must engage is this type activity to try and conceal treason.

Speaking of not having evidence, don't think it hasn't been noted that you engage in really limp efforts at "rhetoric" to try (futilely) to silence those who persist in exposing the lying fraud you are.

Oh nosies. The fucktard ChristoFEARa is gonna call us an "agent" again! :eek:

LOL! :lol:

Not counting your fellow scumbag lying sick Troofer asshole friends, there's not one single solitary RATIONAL person you have EVER convinced with any of the miles of bullshit you have piled higher and higher.

And all that time and effort COULD have been used to earn some money to SUPPORT your OWN poor children. You twisted piece of lowlife shit.
When you don't have evidence, but do have a directive, an agenda, then agents must engage is this type activity to try and conceal treason.

Speaking of not having evidence, don't think it hasn't been noted that you engage in really limp efforts at "rhetoric" to try (futilely) to silence those who persist in exposing the lying fraud you are.

Oh nosies. The fucktard ChristoFEARa is gonna call us an "agent" again! :eek:

LOL! :lol:

Not counting your fellow scumbag lying sick Troofer asshole friends, there's not one single solitary RATIONAL person you have EVER convinced with any of the miles of bullshit you have piled higher and higher.

And all that time and effort COULD have been used to earn some money to SUPPORT your OWN poor children. You twisted piece of lowlife shit.
he is banned at so many boards it is funny
even the troofer boards ban him
Speaking of rhetoric. Well, mostly ad hominem and misrepresentation.

I can post an animated .gif of an image of the east core wall of WTC 1 toppling into the empty core behind.


Heres the [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dWBBEtA5bI]Youtube video, core wall falling at 17 seconds[/ame] which was the source for that.

A poster on another board had never heard of the concrete core. Saw the evidence, went looking for their own and found that. Then they made this video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2MStxGeRdE]YouTube - North Tower - Concrete Core[/ame]
That is what a core column needs for foundation not a crappy bracket resting on a stack of "I" beam cribbing that bears on a 1 foot concrete slab.

The "grillage" in between the elevator pits can be seen in the core area of WTC 1. "Slurry wall" is an error and is really the perimeter footings of the tower.


The 17 foot thick is now known to extend from the outer edge of the outermost elevator pit to between the interior box column footings which were 5 feet measured perpendicular to the core face. That 5 feet of concrete is outside the core basewall which was 12 feet thick down into the core foundation

Not this shit again.


I'll post the reasons why your claims above are nothing but bullshit. More to come...

Chris, here's why you are CLUELESS.

In the photo above you say the dark grillages you point to are for the elevator support steel which was just inside the outer ring of massive box columns. Per your claim, the massive box columns were outside your supposed concrete core while the elevator support steel was inside your supposed concrete core.

Concering the columns in the core, how many column rows were there for the short axis and how many column row were there for the long axis? I'll answer for you. 6 columns along the short axis wall and 8 along the long axis.

Next is the photo that I have marked up. I have drawn red lines to indicate the column rows and numbered them 1 through 6. What's that you say? Only 6 column rows from bottom to top? How can that be? That would make the grillages you point at support for the massive box columns since columns rows 1 and 6 are massive box column rows.



Here is the same photo. How do we know that bottom to top is the short axis of the core (6 column rows) and left to right is the long axis of the core (8 column rows)?

How do we know that those are the 8 column rows along the long axis? See the column rows number 4 and 5? Those that the 2 columns are closer together that any of the other columns in the row. Column 4 has 3 columns to the right of it which means that column 5 has 3 columns to the left of it. 8 columns.

Here's your "buttplate" picture. The columns in the red rectangle are column rows 4 and 5 above.

So your claim that those grillages you call are are for elevator guide rail support steel is completely wrong. Those are actually grillages for the BOX COLUMNS!!!


Wait. Let me guess. You re-remembered what you didn't remember you remembered all those years ago?

How in the world did you screw this up Chris???


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