FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Robertson does not describe steel core columns. The video is a total misrepresentation.

this is coming from a guy that didnt pay his child support for over a dozen years. a guy that completely fabricates everything he says.

a guy that thinks anyone that disagrees with him is a super secret government agent.
Robertson does not describe steel core columns. The video is a total misrepresentation.

this is coming from a guy that didnt pay his child support for over a dozen years. a guy that completely fabricates everything he says.

a guy that thinks anyone that disagrees with him is a super secret government agent.

This guy can prove his rights were violated over and over in order for the municipality to evade conformance to state laws. And under law, law cannot be used to collect.

My children are well taken care of except their futures are endangered by the concealment of treason you conduct.


All you can do is prove you support secret methods of mass murder and the infiltration of the US government.
Robertson does not describe steel core columns. The video is a total misrepresentation.

this is coming from a guy that didnt pay his child support for over a dozen years. a guy that completely fabricates everything he says.

a guy that thinks anyone that disagrees with him is a super secret government agent.

This guy can prove his rights were violated over and over in order for the municipality to evade conformance to state laws. And under law, law cannot be used to collect.

My children are well taken care of except their futures are endangered by the concealment of treason you conduct.


All you can do is prove you support secret methods of mass murder and the infiltration of the US government.
you are such a liar, no one would believe a thing you post
well, except for dipshits like 911rimjob
but then he agrees with every troofer moron even when they post completely contradicting stories
Inside the perimeter columns is a portion of the brownish concrete of the top of the WTC 2 concrete core falling onto WTC 3.


Just a few seconds before the WTC 2 concrete core is completely exposed standing to the 68th floor after all of the exterior steel was taken down.

Inside the perimeter columns is a portion of the brownish concrete of the top of the WTC 2 concrete core falling onto WTC 3.

you are such a fucking liar
you can even see the truss section in that piece
yet you deny that it is a piece of FLOOR
Inside the perimeter columns is a portion of the brownish concrete of the top of the WTC 2 concrete core falling onto WTC 3.

you are such a fucking liar
you can even see the truss section in that piece
yet you deny that it is a piece of FLOOR

Yep, I see that too. Chrissy, why did they build this alleged concrete fantasy core out of floor trusses, like the one that is clearly visible in your pic?
Inside the perimeter columns is a portion of the brownish concrete of the top of the WTC 2 concrete core falling onto WTC 3.

you are such a fucking liar
you can even see the truss section in that piece
yet you deny that it is a piece of FLOOR

Yep, I see that too. Chrissy, why did they build this alleged concrete fantasy core out of floor trusses, like the one that is clearly visible in your pic?
he has been shown to be so massively wrong on EVERYTHING he posts even the rest of the troofer forums ban him
you are such a fucking liar
you can even see the truss section in that piece
yet you deny that it is a piece of FLOOR

Yep, I see that too. Chrissy, why did they build this alleged concrete fantasy core out of floor trusses, like the one that is clearly visible in your pic?
he has been shown to be so massively wrong on EVERYTHING he posts even the rest of the troofer forums ban him

Yep, I saw him get booted from two forums I have been on before i was on this one.

Then my "agent boss" ordered me to come over here to keep an eye on his treasonous ass.






I particularly liked: YouTube - WTC 1&2 UNIQUE DESIGN.

What will the Troofers say about THAT?

Robertson does not describe steel core columns. The video is a total misrepresentation.

You lie:

Like many high-rises built in the 1960s, the Twin Towers were constructed with their weight distributed between a hollow steel core (containing services like elevators) and steel columns around the perimeter, maximizing open floor space. Many believe the older high-rise design, in which steel columns are often encased in concrete, is more fire resistant.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘You should have used more concrete in the structure,’” said Robertson. However, his chart plotting the strength of steel vs. concrete at various temperatures showed that at the incendiary levels that raged in the towers, the two materials become similarly weak.
04.17.2002 - World Trade Center remembered

Find ANY proof from Mr. Robertson that he used concrete (despite his desire to seek something more lightweight and despite his own chart showing that at incendiary levels the weakness of concrete and the weakness of drywall were the same) in the design for the Cores' construction.

Mr. Robertson absolutely DID (despite your dishonest claim) describe the use of a steel core. The fucking article you always trot out has been debunked. It didn't QUOTE Robertson, you liar. It was an erroneous assumption by the ignorant author.
Here is an amazing (and early) analysis which includes some points that help refute the bullshit spewed by that fucking liar, ChristoFEARa:

"Though the WTC towers stood over 1,360 feet above the street level, the structures' bases were actually set 70 feet into the ground, and one had a 100-foot-tall antenna atop it, so with 205-foot widths, they had a lot of [exterior] area facing the wind," the engineer stated. He calculated that the approximate maximum wind shear force that a single face needed to withstand to be somewhere around 11,000,000 pounds. The gravity loads (weight) produced by the towers at their bases were on the order of 500,000 tons, Fowler said.

To handle these immense forces, the engineers "designed the World Trade Center essentially as a large beam section," explained another panel member, Robert McNamara, president of the engineering firm McNamara and Salvia. Called structural tubes in the business, each twin tower was strongly framed in structural steel. The frame comprised inner and outer rectangular box tubes consisting of closely spaced steel box columns connected by steel spandrel members or truss beams that supported 40,000-square-foot cross-braced floors, each nearly an acre in area, the empaneled engineers said. This configuration created a complete exterior tube around the building and a center tube down the middle.

The 90-foot-long central core, formed of massive vertical steel columns that held most of the building's weight, contained elevator shafts, stairways and utility spaces, they said. The core's columns were thicker toward the base to support huge accumulated gravity loads. The outer perimeter tube, a tight prefabricated latticework with 61 14-inch steel box columns (spaced 39 inches on center) on each building face, provided all the bracing resistance against lateral and twisting forces from wind and seismic action. This exterior grid served as a moment frame, providing a large moment arm (of torque) against overturning and deflection forces. The outer tube bore part of the gravity-induced downward load as well as, they noted.

The huge inner and outer rectangular tubes "needed to be protected to maintain their structural integrity, so the floors acted as reinforcing diaphragms or bulkheads [the term used in shipbuilding]," said panel member Jerome Connor, professor of civil and environmental engineering at M.I.T. The office floors, which each comprised a 35- to 60-foot clear span from the core to the exterior grid, were panelized structural members supported by open web joists with steel decks above them, he said. The horizontal truss struts, bolted and welded to the exterior grid and the core column structures, included viscoelastic stringers that provided increased damping to help make the structure less lively in the wind, according to Connor. Each steel floor deck was covered with four inches of concrete. "With almost an acre of area for each floor and figuring about 100 pounds per square foot of area," he estimated that "each floor system weighed about 3,200,000 pounds."

* * * *
Scientific American: When the Twin Towers Fell (commented)

Really solid piece. Well worth the read. And printed less than one month after the attacks.
Of course it has no evidence to be consistent with,


and is inconsistent with independently verified evidence.

Dude you shouldnt have posted on this thread,thats keeping it on the top and your wasting your time arguing with this stupid fuck troll.He wont even address any facts or evidence you bring up and just comes back with insults when he cant refute it and like the hypocrite he is,goes around whining about being insulted when he is the one that always starts it with the insults first.fucking hypocrite this idiot is.

>plagerized from 911insidenutjob<
Chris, here's why you are CLUELESS.

In the photo above you say the dark grillages you point to are for the elevator support steel which was just inside the outer ring of massive box columns. Per your claim, the massive box columns were outside your supposed concrete core while the elevator support steel was inside your supposed concrete core.

Concering the columns in the core, how many column rows were there for the short axis and how many column row were there for the long axis? I'll answer for you. 6 columns along the short axis wall and 8 along the long axis.

Next is the photo that I have marked up. I have drawn red lines to indicate the column rows and numbered them 1 through 6. What's that you say? Only 6 column rows from bottom to top? How can that be? That would make the grillages you point at support for the massive box columns since columns rows 1 and 6 are massive box column rows.



Here is the same photo. How do we know that bottom to top is the short axis of the core (6 column rows) and left to right is the long axis of the core (8 column rows)?

How do we know that those are the 8 column rows along the long axis? See the column rows number 4 and 5? Those that the 2 columns are closer together that any of the other columns in the row. Column 4 has 3 columns to the right of it which means that column 5 has 3 columns to the left of it. 8 columns.

Here's your "buttplate" picture. The columns in the red rectangle are column rows 4 and 5 above.

So your claim that those grillages you call are are for elevator guide rail support steel is completely wrong. Those are actually grillages for the BOX COLUMNS!!!


Wait. Let me guess. You re-remembered what you didn't remember you remembered all those years ago?

How in the world did you screw this up Chris???


This is answered here,


Showing an inconsistency of the use of an inadequate image is not going to compensate for the fact that there has never been an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

Showing an inconsistency?!

It's not an inconsistency. You completely fucked up. You rendered an explanation about what was contained in a photograph to support your theory AND give people the impression that you know what you're talking about when construction is being discussed.

You failed describing that photo miserably which shows me you are making stuff up to try and fit your theory. How did you screw up what you thought you saw in that photo so badly?

The fact is that photo shows 6 column rows going from the bottom to top which makes those dark grillages you have marked a "elevator support grillages", which is TOTALLY wrong, grillages for the massive core columns. Then you go on to say that the light area just outside the dark grillages is where your concrete core was. Another huge mistake on your part.

So the question is now Chris...

Did you fuck up describing what is in that photo? Yes or no?

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