FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

you have always failed to show any concrete core, any plans for a concrete core, anyone that ever worked on a concrete core and have never shown any reason for anyone to think you are not totally insane. :cuckoo:
Since you cannot show any plans for a steel core from official sources and also CANNOT show steel core columns on 9-11, you lose.

The west end of the WTC 1 concrete core left of the spire.


I can show where the ex mayor of NYC took the plans in a violation of law.

But the perpetrators that control you won't want you to notice that.
Since you cannot show any plans for a steel core from official sources and also CANNOT show steel core columns on 9-11, you lose.

The west end of the WTC 1 concrete core left of the spire.

I can show where the ex mayor of NYC took the plans in a violation of law.

But the perpetrators that control you won't want you to notice that.
dipshit, EVERY plan for the WTC shows steel cores
because thats what they had
still waiting for YOU to produce one that contradicts the existing KNOWN plans
ditz said:
dipshit, EVERY plan for the WTC shows steel cores

There is only one an it not official. It is obsolete and altered. Single pixel wide and straight lines or spaces are not possible with a scanned pencil drawing at that scale. Note the edges of the characters next to the odd ones


The title block was freehanded.

ditz said:
dipshit, EVERY plan for the WTC shows steel cores

There is only one an it not official. It is obsolete and altered. Single pixel wide and straight lines or spaces are not possible with a scanned pencil drawing at that scale. Note the edges of the characters next to the odd ones

The title block was freehanded.
you are such a delusional fucktard
I haven't been on this site long, but my initial opinion is that trolls like Captain Nemo, I mean Divecon, get to bait, name call, and just act like a typical low IQ douchebag without fear of moderator retaliation as long as they are against the conspiracy theorists?
Since you cannot show any plans for a steel core from official sources and also CANNOT show steel core columns on 9-11, you lose.

The west end of the WTC 1 concrete core left of the spire.


I can show where the ex mayor of NYC took the plans in a violation of law.

But the perpetrators that control you won't want you to notice that.

all your shit has been debunked already. we can show plans for a steel core. you cant show ANY plans for a concrete core. you cant even keep your story straight as to where exactly the concrete core was supposed to be or how thick it was or anything like that at all. you simply make it all up as you go along.

the mayor had all his files archived on microfilm and THEY WERE RETURNED. you claim all this stupid shit like the plans were taken yet you have no source for that at all. you simply are making it up.

the concrete wall can't be where you claim it is in that picture because THE SPIRE WAS THE CENTER TWO ROWS OF THE STEEL CORE. are you now claiming your concrete core ran down the middle of the building? :cuckoo:
I haven't been on this site long, but my initial opinion is that trolls like Captain Nemo, I mean Divecon, get to bait, name call, and just act like a typical low IQ douchebag without fear of moderator retaliation as long as they are against the conspiracy theorists?

calling twoofers morons and idiots is ok because they actually are morons and idiots.
I haven't been on this site long, but my initial opinion is that trolls like Captain Nemo, I mean Divecon, get to bait, name call, and just act like a typical low IQ douchebag without fear of moderator retaliation as long as they are against the conspiracy theorists?
did you read the fucking thread?
if you did then that should change your mind
but i'm guessing you didnt bother
because you are yet another fucking moronic dipshit troofer
I haven't been on this site long, but my initial opinion is that trolls like Captain Nemo, I mean Divecon, get to bait, name call, and just act like a typical low IQ douchebag without fear of moderator retaliation as long as they are against the conspiracy theorists?

calling twoofers morons and idiots is ok because they actually are morons and idiots.

No, what it is a double standard. And if you'd had any intellectual honesty you admit that it's simply a matter of you HATE people that disagree with you or DARE make you think twice about this FREEDUMB loving nation ever being complicit in a crime against it's own citizens! <Gasp> the United States has never staged a false flag attack to rally the sheep, much less slaughter some sheep to gain sheep support! Never has that happened, LOL.

Moreover, as lemmings demonstrate, once the pluarality of HATE permeates the rank and file of a website other lemmings join in the hate fest for fear of being not part of the hate club! It's a low IQ trait common in most Americans. Worst of all, the U.S. armed forces veteran is usually the first to wave the flag and call bullshit for it is his psyche most affected when the truth of his deeds, his murder and genocide for money and empire under false pretenses is called into question. Was it not Iraqi freedom and dumbocracy that we were fighting for? What, we were lied to? LOL.

A chinese general once remarked that the thing he liked most about America was it's lack of historical memory, lol, the way you anti-conspiracy people behave on this board is a testament to that undeniable fact. So please, continue proving me right.
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I haven't been on this site long, but my initial opinion is that trolls like Captain Nemo, I mean Divecon, get to bait, name call, and just act like a typical low IQ douchebag without fear of moderator retaliation as long as they are against the conspiracy theorists?

calling twoofers morons and idiots is ok because they actually are morons and idiots.

No, what it is a double standard. And if you'd had any intellectual honesty you admit that it's simply a matter of you HATE people that disagree with you or DARE make you think twice about this FREEDUMB loving nation ever being complicit in a crime against it's own citizens! <Gasp> the United States has never staged a false flag attack to rally the sheep, much less slaughter some sheep to gain sheep support! Never has that happened, LOL.

Moreover, as lemmings demonstrate, once the pluarality of HATE permeates the rank and file of a website other lemmings join in the hate fest for fear of being not part of the hate club! It's a low IQ trait common in most Americans. Worst of all, the U.S. armed forces veteran is usually the first to wave the flag and call bullshit for it is his psyche most affected when the truth of his deeds, his murder and genocide for money and empire under false pretenses is called into question. Was it not Iraqi freedom and dumbocracy that we were fighting for? What, we were lied to? LOL.

A chinese general once remarked that the thing he liked most about America was it's lack of historical memory, lol, the way you anti-conspiracy people behave on this board is a testament to that undeniable fact. So please, continue proving me right.

no jackass. i dont hate people that disagree with me. i hate people that make stupid fucking assumptions like you just did.
fia said:
all your shit has been debunked already. we can show plans for a steel core. you cant show ANY plans for a concrete core.

You show non official plans from a very interested party Fake plans you mean. Obsolete and altered.

Accordingly it must be corroborated by images from 9-11 showing supposed steel core columns in the core area because I also show weak joining of what you call "core columns" in the core. Butt plats are NOT strong enough for core columns.


I show
fia said:
all your shit has been debunked already. we can show plans for a steel core. you cant show ANY plans for a concrete core.

You show non official plans from a very interested party Fake plans you mean. Obsolete and altered.

Accordingly it must be corroborated by images from 9-11 showing supposed steel core columns in the core area because I also show weak joining of what you call "core columns" in the core. Butt plats are NOT strong enough for core columns.


I show
you show STEEL CORE
fia said:
all your shit has been debunked already. we can show plans for a steel core. you cant show ANY plans for a concrete core.

You show non official plans from a very interested party Fake plans you mean. Obsolete and altered.

Accordingly it must be corroborated by images from 9-11 showing supposed steel core columns in the core area because I also show weak joining of what you call "core columns" in the core. Butt plats are NOT strong enough for core columns.


I show
you show STEEL CORE

Maybe -- just thinking this through a bit -- maybe what the fucking lying imbecile Troofer, ChristoFEARa, is showing are concrete beams cleverly disguised AS "steel."

And maybe it was designed with some thermite painted on to give it a metallic look?

So, possibly, the eventual implosion of the Trade Towers was a design element dating back to before the start of construction?

You know, I think I could tweak this one and become a full fledged Troofer!

If only I could manage not to give a damn at all about honesty like id-eots and ChristoFEARa..
fia said:
all your shit has been debunked already. we can show plans for a steel core. you cant show ANY plans for a concrete core.

You show non official plans from a very interested party Fake plans you mean. Obsolete and altered.

Accordingly it must be corroborated by images from 9-11 showing supposed steel core columns in the core area because I also show weak joining of what you call "core columns" in the core. Butt plats are NOT strong enough for core columns.


I show

holy crap, you just make shit up!!!!

you cant show any official plans for the twin towers either!!! where are your plans that show a concrete core? you claim the plans online are fake because you cant read one little block. how is that proof they are fake? thats totally insane. its a bit like saying the fuse in your car is missing so therefore the entire car doesnt exist.

what you call weak joints (of course you off no proof they are too weak) are actually connections for the steel beams to connect to the STEEL CORE COLUMNS and you can clearly see they actually are welded.
fits said:
holy crap, you just make shit up!!!!

you cant show any official plans for the twin towers either!!!

And I can show EXACTLY why the official plans are no where to be found.

The ex mayor, of NYC took them, but the perpetrators will not let you acknowledge that because it enables the FEMA deception.

I can show concrete on 9-11 for the core of WTC 2.

fits said:
holy crap, you just make shit up!!!!

you cant show any official plans for the twin towers either!!!

And I can show EXACTLY why the official plans are no where to be found.

The ex mayor, of NYC took them, but the perpetrators will not let you acknowledge that because it enables the FEMA deception.

I can show concrete on 9-11 for the core of WTC 2.

guiliani microfilmed the documents and returned them. you were shown news articles verifying that. yet you continue to repeat your lie about him hiding shit.

theres no concrete in your picture. :cuckoo:
fits said:
holy crap, you just make shit up!!!!

you cant show any official plans for the twin towers either!!!

And I can show EXACTLY why the official plans are no where to be found.

The ex mayor, of NYC took them, but the perpetrators will not let you acknowledge that because it enables the FEMA deception.

I can show concrete on 9-11 for the core of WTC 2.
guiliani microfilmed the documents and returned them. you were shown news articles verifying that. yet you continue to repeat your lie about him hiding shit.

theres no concrete in your picture. :cuckoo:
totally delusional
thats Mr Brown
flit said:
guiliani microfilmed the documents and returned them. you were shown news articles verifying that. yet you continue to repeat your lie about him hiding shit.

Your articles did not mention the "World Trade Center documents", others were mentioned and general procedures were mentioned. You of course have no link to an agency that will provide the official plans so the point is well made for a concrete core with INDEPENDENT VERIFICATIONS.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
flit said:
guiliani microfilmed the documents and returned them. you were shown news articles verifying that. yet you continue to repeat your lie about him hiding shit.

Your articles did not mention the "World Trade Center documents", others were mentioned and general procedures were mentioned. You of course have no link to an agency that will provide the official plans so the point is well made for a concrete core with INDEPENDENT VERIFICATIONS.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
why do you keep using stuff that has already been proven to be FALSE
you must love being massively WRONG

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