FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

dcon said:
why do you keep using stuff that has already been proven to be FALSE

Without linking to the proof, and it being REAL, your text only aligns you with secret methods of mass murder, and keeping the secret.
More than links agent. Evidence from construciton consist with what is seen on 9-11. The steel in the core WAS NOT core columns. It only provided support for the elevator guide rails.

why do you keep using stuff that has already been proven to be FALSE
you must love being massively WRONG

because thats all he has. its clear the WTC had a steel core to any intelligent person.

this would not include chris, of course.
More than links agent. Evidence from construciton consist with what is seen on 9-11. The steel in the core WAS NOT core columns. It only provided support for the elevator guide rails.


hey look!! you posted pics of the STEEL CORE again!! :lol:

where are your pics of a concrete core?
where is your documentation supporting your claims in the graphics of your pictures? you dont have any. its obvious. you are simply making this all up as you go along. :cuckoo:
More than links agent. Evidence from construciton consist with what is seen on 9-11. The steel in the core WAS NOT core columns. It only provided support for the elevator guide rails.

hey dipshit, your photos show STEEL CORE COLUMNS

and not one speck of concrete
The pictures prove that what you are calling "core columns" are really support for the elevator guide rails, which explains why the core is ALWAYS empty on 9-11.

UBL has indicated what he will do if any Muslim is held accountable for this act. To execute is to do so at your own peril.
UBL has indicated what he will do if any Muslim is held accountable for this act. To execute is to do so at your own peril.

Fuck him and fuck off.

Nobody with a brain gives a damn what that fucking piece of camel-twat-munching shit says.

I can't quite figure if you ARE the complete asshole you seem to be, or if you're just playing some stupid childish game as many poseurs do.

Either way, go fuck yourself.
The pictures prove that what you are calling "core columns" are really support for the elevator guide rails, which explains why the core is ALWAYS empty on 9-11.


you are completely out of your fucking mind. you show us a picture of the steel core on 9/11 and claim they are "elevator guide rail supports" with absolutely NOTHING to back that claim up. then you claim what we are looking at is empty.

you are a loon. :lol:
As ususal, the reverse of what agents say is most often true. That photo shows no structural steel whatsoever, and the core is empty.

The very fine vertical elements can only be rebar.
The very fine vertical elements can only be rebar.
proof you are delusional. :cuckoo:


where id the rebar come from? did it miraculously fall from the sky because the picture taken just before the one above clearly shows no rebar.

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fiz said:
where id the rebar come from? did it miraculously fall from the sky because the picture taken just before the one above clearly shows no rebar.

The rebar was inside the concrete wall which was sandwiched between the interior box columns and the outer elevator guide rail support steel. When the spire fell all the surrounding steel dropped away revealing the rebar.
Hey Chris. How did you manage to fuck up your analysis of this next photo? You really screwed up. Three times in one photo analysis.

1. The blue text that says "Interior box column bases 20 foot centers" is completely wrong.

Those couldn't have been box column bases. There were only six column rows for the short side and those are already accounted for as shown in this photo that I annotated.

2. You say that in this photo, the double red arrow points to the location of your concrete core wall. How is that possible? The column grillages just below that are the 6th and final column row. That would mean that mean that your core COMPLETELY surround all columns in the core. That goes against your claim that the concrete core wall was sandwiched between to column rows.

3. You claim that the grillages were only for the elevator support steel and not adequate for the core box columns. This photo shows you wrong. 6 column rows and 6 rows of grillages. That means the grillages WERE used for the ALL the columns.
fiz said:
where id the rebar come from? did it miraculously fall from the sky because the picture taken just before the one above clearly shows no rebar.

The rebar was inside the concrete wall which was sandwiched between the interior box columns and the outer elevator guide rail support steel. When the spire fell all the surrounding steel dropped away revealing the rebar.


You foundation photo in my post above shows that you claim that concrete wall was located OUTSIDE the core columns. How could they have been sandwiched in between them?

Uh oh!!!!!!

fiz said:
where id the rebar come from? did it miraculously fall from the sky because the picture taken just before the one above clearly shows no rebar.

The rebar was inside the concrete wall which was sandwiched between the interior box columns and the outer elevator guide rail support steel. When the spire fell all the surrounding steel dropped away revealing the rebar.

holy fuck!! that is the DUMBEST explanation i have ever heard. when the steel fell away gravity doesnt have any effect on the rebar and it stayed there!!

hey jackass. the picture before shows there is no rebar. suddenly in the second pic the rebar "magically" appears?!! the steel falls away but rebar floats in the air?

did you get dropped on your head or what? :cuckoo:
fiz said:
where id the rebar come from? did it miraculously fall from the sky because the picture taken just before the one above clearly shows no rebar.

The rebar was inside the concrete wall which was sandwiched between the interior box columns and the outer elevator guide rail support steel. When the spire fell all the surrounding steel dropped away revealing the rebar.


You foundation photo in my post above shows that you claim that concrete wall was located OUTSIDE the core columns. How could they have been sandwiched in between them?

Uh oh!!!!!!

for one thing, the two core columns he claims were around the concrete were not 12' apart
and the fact he uses 2 photos of the exact same thing and in one he claims its rebar and in another he claims elevator guid rails

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