FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

fiz said:
Hey Chris. How did you manage to fuck up your analysis of this next photo? You really screwed up. Three times in one photo analysis.

If you were honest you would admit that the photo is too low of an angle to use in the way we are trying. Distances cannot be estimated accurately.

The wide strip outside the elevator pits is where the concrete core foundation was, and the interior boc columns surrounded it. Just like this image that shows the 12 foot thick base wall of the WTC 1 north side core.

It has a 3x7 foot ulitiy hallway running the length of the wall segment and daylight shines through it.
fiz said:
Hey Chris. How did you manage to fuck up your analysis of this next photo? You really screwed up. Three times in one photo analysis.

If you were honest you would admit that the photo is too low of an angle to use in the way we are trying. Distances cannot be estimated accurately.

The wide strip outside the elevator pits is where the concrete core foundation was, and the interior boc columns surrounded it. Just like this image that shows the 12 foot thick base wall of the WTC 1 north side core.

It has a 3x7 foot ulitiy hallway running the length of the wall segment and daylight shines through it.
still delusional
Still posting evidence instead of lame text.

This image shows the west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. The photo looks south along the line of the wall. What is interesting is that the north concrete wall is gone. The fractured end of the concrete wall can be easily discerned.


But seconds before it was there.


The rebar could be of the north wall residing in the dust cloud left of the top photo, or of the west wall after the spire fell, after the top photo.
Still posting evidence instead of lame text.

This image shows the west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. The photo looks south along the line of the wall. What is interesting is that the north concrete wall is gone. The fractured end of the concrete wall can be easily discerned.


But seconds before it was there.


The rebar could be of the north wall residing in the dust cloud left of the top photo, or of the west wall after the spire fell, after the top photo.
thats NOT rebar, dipshit
you dont post evidence, you post delusional bullshit
there is no concrete walls in any of those pictures.

the spires were the center two rows of columns of the steel core. they werent even close to where your fictional concrete core is supposed to have been. :cuckoo:
fiz said:
Hey Chris. How did you manage to fuck up your analysis of this next photo? You really screwed up. Three times in one photo analysis.

If you were honest you would admit that the photo is too low of an angle to use in the way we are trying. Distances cannot be estimated accurately.

The wide strip outside the elevator pits is where the concrete core foundation was, and the interior boc columns surrounded it. Just like this image that shows the 12 foot thick base wall of the WTC 1 north side core.

It has a 3x7 foot ulitiy hallway running the length of the wall segment and daylight shines through it.

if you were honest, you'd admit you're a total fucking moron.
no rebar. no concrete walls. no explosions.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sv0My2zfFA&feature=related]YouTube - 9/11 "spire" on NBC[/ame]
fiz said:
Hey Chris. How did you manage to fuck up your analysis of this next photo? You really screwed up. Three times in one photo analysis.

If you were honest you would admit that the photo is too low of an angle to use in the way we are trying. Distances cannot be estimated accurately.

Who mentioned distances? I'm talking about what you claim to have existed and the idiotic claims you try to derive from that photo.

The wide strip outside the elevator pits is where the concrete core foundation was, and the interior boc columns surrounded it. Just like this image that shows the 12 foot thick base wall of the WTC 1 north side core.

That above is completely incorrect. Let's see if you can understand why. The core of the towers was composed of 8 column rows by 6 column rows correct? The short side of the core had 6 column rows and the long side had 8 column rows. This is proven by these next to photos.
6 column rows (short side):

8 column rows(long side):

The long column side (8 column rows) had two columns in the middle that were spaced closer that the rest of the columns along that side. Hence the red oval I circled them with in this photo:

The fact here is that the short side of the core, 6 columns, can have NO MORE THAN 6 COLUMNS!!!! I marked the 6 column row foundations in this next photo. This shows the short side of the core:

In this next marked up photo notice the 2 closely spaced columns in the middle of the 8 columns mentioned above. Here is that photo. I circled the two close columns with a red oval:

This next photo shows the 2 close column foundations. Notice that there are 3 columns to the right of the one close column on the right for a total of 4 columns. There were 3 more columns to the left of the other close column for another 4. That makes 8 COLUMN ROWS:

You have incorrectly identified what is what in your foundation photo. It has been proven that the "light colored" band above the darker grillages is NOT the core foundation as it is OUTSIDE the extents of the core. It also proves you incorrect about the core columns NOT using grillages as that is what is shown to have been BELOW ALL the core columns per the foundation photo.

You fucked up big time! You have NO CLUE as to what you are talking about.

I can even find the plans for the pit in the middle of that photo:

Here is a closer detail of the pit on one of the plans:

What a complete moron. And you claim to have construction knowledge?! You're a friggin joke!!!

By the way Chris, in your photo shown next, see the annotation you put in blue that says "Interior box column bases 20 foot centers"? The annotation that point to the little white squares with a man standing on one of them?

Those are column foundations for columns only used in the subbasement levels of the towers. They are shown here in this blueprint I annotated:

The amount of stupid coming from you is just amazing.

You have been deceived by the Jews who control your finances and media. It was the ZOG who ordered the Twin Towers destroyed, that's why the Jews stayed home from work. They were told to stay home by their Rabbi the previous Saturday - this is factual.

p.s. Please try to not play the name-calling card, it is so American.

You have been deceived by the Jews who control your finances and media. It was the ZOG who ordered the Twin Towers destroyed, that's why the Jews stayed home from work. They were told to stay home by their Rabbi the previous Saturday - this is factual.

p.s. Please try to not play the name-calling card, it is so American.

maybe you should let the jews control your finances too. maybe that would raise your standard of living in your shitty little countries.

you wouldnt know a fact if it walked up to you and handed you a roll of toilet paper and explained you didnt need to use your hands to wipe your ass anymore.:cuckoo:

You have been deceived by the Jews who control your finances and media. It was the ZOG who ordered the Twin Towers destroyed, that's why the Jews stayed home from work. They were told to stay home by their Rabbi the previous Saturday - this is factual.

p.s. Please try to not play the name-calling card, it is so American.

maybe you should let the jews control your finances too. maybe that would raise your standard of living in your shitty little countries.

you wouldnt know a fact if it walked up to you and handed you a roll of toilet paper and explained you didnt need to use your hands to wipe your ass anymore.:cuckoo:


He has received official mullah-given advice on proper ass wiping! One may use stones, but the limit seems to be just three of the small smooth ones. Evidently, more than three stones somehow entails the risk of pleasure?

Who can tell how these idiots "think?"

You have been deceived by the Jews who control your finances and media. It was the ZOG who ordered the Twin Towers destroyed, that's why the Jews stayed home from work. They were told to stay home by their Rabbi the previous Saturday - this is factual.

p.s. Please try to not play the name-calling card, it is so American.


You have been deceived by The "Prophet" Mohammed, puke on him and his vile name. It was, of course, your people who took down the Twin Towers and killed so many totally innocent people. The "Jews" did NOT stay home from work, idiot. You just lap up baseless and dishonest propaganda because you are an inferior human being. That's the only fact you need to worry about.

P.S. When you spew your vile racist bullshit, you have no moral high ground from which to lecture anybody about the minor "offense" of "name-calling." So, as ever, eat shit, fucktard.

You have been deceived by the Jews who control your finances and media. It was the ZOG who ordered the Twin Towers destroyed, that's why the Jews stayed home from work. They were told to stay home by their Rabbi the previous Saturday - this is factual.

p.s. Please try to not play the name-calling card, it is so American.

maybe you should let the jews control your finances too. maybe that would raise your standard of living in your shitty little countries.

you wouldnt know a fact if it walked up to you and handed you a roll of toilet paper and explained you didnt need to use your hands to wipe your ass anymore.:cuckoo:


He has received official mullah-given advice on proper ass wiping! One may use stones, but the limit seems to be just three of the small smooth ones. Evidently, more than three stones somehow entails the risk of pleasure?

Who can tell how these idiots "think?"

they are supposed to use an odd number of rocks to wipe their ass. so what happens if one gets "stuck"?? does it still count or do they need to pick up another rock?

it would suck to go to hell simply for wiping your ass with the wrong number of rocks in it.
gumjob said:
Those are column foundations for columns only used in the subbasement levels of the towers. They are shown here in this blueprint I annotated:


That looks right. That oblique view of the foundation fooled me. knowing that they were limited to the subasement makes me realize they are too far from the elevator pits.

So at that level the interior box columns are perhaps less than 10 feet inside the sub basement columns and the concrete core foundation 15 feet.

You've not proven steel core columns exist. You've only proven that I incorrectly interpreted a photo not satisfactory for the interpretation.

Is this the kind of thing you have to do when you do not have any evidence for steel core columns?

This looks exactly as it should as the east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core just like Robertson told Newsweek, that the towers had a concrete core.

gumjob said:
Those are column foundations for columns only used in the subbasement levels of the towers. They are shown here in this blueprint I annotated:


That looks right. That oblique view of the foundation fooled me. knowing that they were limited to the subasement makes me realize they are too far from the elevator pits.

So at that level the interior box columns are perhaps less than 10 feet inside the sub basement columns and the concrete core foundation 15 feet.

You've not proven steel core columns exist. You've only proven that I incorrectly interpreted a photo not satisfactory for the interpretation.

Is this the kind of thing you have to do when you do not have any evidence for steel core columns?

This looks exactly as it should as the east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core just like Robertson told Newsweek, that the towers had a concrete core.
except Robertson never told newsweek that
maybe you should let the jews control your finances too. maybe that would raise your standard of living in your shitty little countries.

you wouldnt know a fact if it walked up to you and handed you a roll of toilet paper and explained you didnt need to use your hands to wipe your ass anymore.:cuckoo:


He has received official mullah-given advice on proper ass wiping! One may use stones, but the limit seems to be just three of the small smooth ones. Evidently, more than three stones somehow entails the risk of pleasure?

Who can tell how these idiots "think?"

they are supposed to use an odd number of rocks to wipe their ass. so what happens if one gets "stuck"?? does it still count or do they need to pick up another rock?

it would suck to go to hell simply for wiping your ass with the wrong number of rocks in it.

Any reason to send SOME of those fuckers to hell is good enough for me.

As to his fucking scumbag idiot propaganda, maybe the douchebag would be man enough (doubtful of course) to review the list of known victims of the 9/11/2001 attacks. CNN.com - September 11 Memorial

I'm no fucking expert, but I have lived in NY all my fucking life; so I'll wager a month's pay that there are QUITE a few Jewish names in that tragic list.

Maybe they just didn't get the urgent telephone tree info from the Zionist government that morning?

Fucking Tariq should eat a barnyard full of shit, that scumbag.
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