FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

No one should give a rats ass about the core, as long as whatever is asserted is independently verified with consistent evidnce. Logical, reasonable proof.

Meaning only the perpetrators would give a rats ass, or their agents and they would be the only ones trying to deny independently verified evidence, agent

Hey, Chri$$y,

Where's the concrete??

Where's the concrete??

Where's the concrete??

Thanks for playing, Goofball.
One more for you Chri$$y,


Now notice how tightly the floor fits to the core columns. Explain again how they supposedly fit a concrete core between the floor & the steel. From the looks of this picture, you couldn't fit your tiny pin head in there.
he's already made up a stupid excuse for pics like that. he will say (absurd as this sounds) that the concrete core was poured 80 feet below the construction of the building. of course, he has no evidence to back up this claim and we all know he just made it up.... but he will still claim that.
The WTC 1 concrete core was not completely destroyed. Part of the north side base wall survuved. A segment. The wall was poured in segments and this one did not see the detonattions for some reason.


What is seen does not match the plans in anyway. The plans show an elevator, an air shaft or a steam shaft where we see the massive core base wall so large it has a 3x7 utility hallway running the length of it that was used to connect plumbing cast into the core wall as a space saving, strengthening measure.


Those same plans, on about 20% of the 200 + sheets has anomalies from digital alterations that added revision tables to them to make them appear as final drawings. Those things are not characters of the alphabet.


The title block is freehand lettered. This cannot be with the final drawings for the two tallest buildings in the world.


The plans the truth movement is using are apart of the FEMA deception and the ex mayor of NYC took the cities plans illegally from city offices and locked them in his own warehouse.
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Agents say "debunk" but they do not do so, because they have no evidence and they have no reason.

This debunks the quasi leaders of the truth movement and connects them to drone technology which is making big money in Afghanistan now.

A verifiable Connection
Strange Bedfellows: AE911Truth, the Drone Industry, and Dwain Deets American Everyman

So many "loose changes" came together for me by reading that page.

Gage connected to Hoffman connected to Deets Connected to Roberts and more.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by Robertson to present the Tower concept to Minoru Yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed Robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the Twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .TIFF filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file I downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


I used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

I've posted that image on many forums in 9-11 activism. Not debate or discussion because 97% of the time I was opposing absolutely no substance, only ad hominum and, repetitive misinterpretation, evasion, cognitive distortions and nonsense. The same sheet also had what appeared to be an "01" in the date for the day of the month. Something not commonly done in 1967.

I examined the files at 911research.wtc7.net in late 2007 and found the same high resolution .TIFFS that the download had.

Just a few months ago I went back to the wtc7.net site and found that the original .TIFFS had been converted to .PNG's with drastically reduced resolution. So much so that the original resolution I obtained from the screen shot was no longer possible. Indicating "truth seekers" had a desire to reduce the resolution of the scanned blueprints(?)


FEMA connected to NIST, connected to Deets, connected to Silverstein, connected to Jones, connected to Hoffman, connected to Roberts, connected to Gage all promoting a description of a core structure that did not exist and protecting that deception with actions unreasonble to the purposes they profess to have.
Many reserachers of 9-11 have noticed that there are no steel core columns. 9-11 mysteries asks, "Where are the core columns?". This website, now gone, asks too.

Agents say "debunk" but they do not do so, because they have no evidence and they have no reason.

This debunks the quasi leaders of the truth movement and connects them to drone technology which is making big money in Afghanistan now.

A verifiable Connection
Strange Bedfellows: AE911Truth, the Drone Industry, and Dwain Deets American Everyman

So many "loose changes" came together for me by reading that page.

Gage connected to Hoffman connected to Deets Connected to Roberts and more.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by Robertson to present the Tower concept to Minoru Yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed Robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the Twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .TIFF filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file I downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


I used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

I've posted that image on many forums in 9-11 activism. Not debate or discussion because 97% of the time I was opposing absolutely no substance, only ad hominum and, repetitive misinterpretation, evasion, cognitive distortions and nonsense. The same sheet also had what appeared to be an "01" in the date for the day of the month. Something not commonly done in 1967.

I examined the files at 911research.wtc7.net in late 2007 and found the same high resolution .TIFFS that the download had.

Just a few months ago I went back to the wtc7.net site and found that the original .TIFFS had been converted to .PNG's with drastically reduced resolution. So much so that the original resolution I obtained from the screen shot was no longer possible. Indicating "truth seekers" had a desire to reduce the resolution of the scanned blueprints(?)


FEMA connected to NIST, connected to Deets, connected to Silverstein, connected to Jones, connected to Hoffman, connected to Roberts, connected to Gage all promoting a description of a core structure that did not exist and protecting that deception with actions unreasonble to the purposes they profess to have.

get sentenced to any jail time for not paying child support lately? :eusa_whistle:
Since you have no evidence, you must try and change the subject agent.

My license is reinstated. I'm cooperating with the corrupt courts that refuse to provide Constitutional rights. Here the clerks refuse to file a "MOTION TO STRIKE" the commissioners erroneous declaration.


To not stamp that pleading "FILED" is a violation of Constitutional rights.

To produce an analysis of building collapse WITHOUT having the building collapse is a deprivation of due process, a Constitutional right. NIST did not have the plans. This disclaimer compensates for that.


The ex NYC mayor stole the plans from the public to enable the deception and make it so NIST could continue without them.

NIST could NEVER produce their analysis of collpase IF they use the plans. The public would know that collapse was not true. They would know of the concrete core and be looking for the massive pieces of concrete. They would know that concrete is not effected by fire like steel is.
Since you have no evidence, you must try and change the subject agent.

My license is reinstated. I'm cooperating with the corrupt courts that refuse to provide Constitutional rights. Here the clerks refuse to file a "MOTION TO STRIKE" the commissioners erroneous declaration.


To not stamp that pleading "FILED" is a violation of Constitutional rights.

To produce an analysis of building collapse WITHOUT having the building collapse is a deprivation of due process, a Constitutional right. NIST did not have the plans. This disclaimer compensates for that.


The ex NYC mayor stole the plans from the public to enable the deception and make it so NIST could continue without them.

NIST could NEVER produce their analysis of collpase IF they use the plans. The public would know that collapse was not true. They would know of the concrete core and be looking for the massive pieces of concrete. They would know that concrete is not effected by fire like steel is.

excuses, lies and delusions.

mr browneye keeps trying to convince us the sky is red.:cuckoo:
the wtc 1 concrete core was not completely destroyed. Part of the north side base wall survuved. A segment. The wall was poured in segments and this one did not see the detonattions for some reason.


what is seen does not match the plans in anyway. The plans show an elevator, an air shaft or a steam shaft where we see the massive core base wall so large it has a 3x7 utility hallway running the length of it that was used to connect plumbing cast into the core wall as a space saving, strengthening measure.


those same plans, on about 20% of the 200 + sheets has anomalies from digital alterations that added revision tables to them to make them appear as final drawings. Those things are not characters of the alphabet.


the title block is freehand lettered. This cannot be with the final drawings for the two tallest buildings in the world.


the plans the truth movement is using are apart of the fema deception and the ex mayor of nyc took the cities plans illegally from city offices and locked them in his own warehouse.

agents say "debunk" but they do not do so, because they have no evidence and they have no reason.

This debunks the quasi leaders of the truth movement and connects them to drone technology which is making big money in afghanistan now.

a verifiable connection
strange bedfellows: Ae911truth, the drone industry, and dwain deets american everyman

so many "loose changes" came together for me by reading that page.

Gage connected to hoffman connected to deets connected to roberts and more.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by robertson to present the tower concept to minoru yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .tiff filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file i downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


i used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

the faked wtc 1 plans
the faked wtc 1 plans

i've posted that image on many forums in 9-11 activism. Not debate or discussion because 97% of the time i was opposing absolutely no substance, only ad hominum and, repetitive misinterpretation, evasion, cognitive distortions and nonsense. The same sheet also had what appeared to be an "01" in the date for the day of the month. Something not commonly done in 1967.

I examined the files at 911research.wtc7.net in late 2007 and found the same high resolution .tiffs that the download had.

Just a few months ago i went back to the wtc7.net site and found that the original .tiffs had been converted to .png's with drastically reduced resolution. So much so that the original resolution i obtained from the screen shot was no longer possible. Indicating "truth seekers" had a desire to reduce the resolution of the scanned blueprints(?)


fema connected to nist, connected to deets, connected to silverstein, connected to jones, connected to hoffman, connected to roberts, connected to gage all promoting a description of a core structure that did not exist and protecting that deception with actions unreasonble to the purposes they profess to have.

since you have no evidence, you must try and change the subject agent.

My license is reinstated. I'm cooperating with the corrupt courts that refuse to provide constitutional rights. Here the clerks refuse to file a "motion to strike" the commissioners erroneous declaration.

To not stamp that pleading "filed" is a violation of constitutional rights.

To produce an analysis of building collapse without having the building collapse is a deprivation of due process, a constitutional right. Nist did not have the plans. This disclaimer compensates for that.

The ex nyc mayor stole the plans from the public to enable the deception and make it so nist could continue without them.

Nist could never produce their analysis of collpase if they use the plans. The public would know that collapse was not true. They would know of the concrete core and be looking for the massive pieces of concrete. They would know that concrete is not effected by fire like steel is.

since you have no evidence, you must try and change the subject agent.

My license is reinstated. I'm cooperating with the corrupt courts that refuse to provide constitutional rights. Here the clerks refuse to file a "motion to strike" the commissioners erroneous declaration.

To not stamp that pleading "filed" is a violation of constitutional rights.

To produce an analysis of building collapse without having the building collapse is a deprivation of due process, a constitutional right. Nist did not have the plans. This disclaimer compensates for that.

The ex nyc mayor stole the plans from the public to enable the deception and make it so nist could continue without them.

Nist could never produce their analysis of collpase if they use the plans. The public would know that collapse was not true. They would know of the concrete core and be looking for the massive pieces of concrete. They would know that concrete is not effected by fire like steel is.

View attachment 10348

You disinfo'd the NIST disclaimer, how typical of an agent.

My entire search of the NIST product for the plans, some description of the plans netted only one thing close to dealing with it. The disclaimer.


The only official graphic depiction of the core of the Twin Towers from official source of any kind. Two of the tallest towers in the world and this is ONLY depiction of the core structure from officials sources. Using the following information, coupled with the lack of official plans, the circumstance clearly empowers a deception


The ex mayor took the WTC documents from city offices in violation of law.
since you have no evidence, you must try and change the subject agent.

My license is reinstated. I'm cooperating with the corrupt courts that refuse to provide constitutional rights. Here the clerks refuse to file a "motion to strike" the commissioners erroneous declaration.

To not stamp that pleading "filed" is a violation of constitutional rights.

To produce an analysis of building collapse without having the building collapse is a deprivation of due process, a constitutional right. Nist did not have the plans. This disclaimer compensates for that.

The ex nyc mayor stole the plans from the public to enable the deception and make it so nist could continue without them.

Nist could never produce their analysis of collpase if they use the plans. The public would know that collapse was not true. They would know of the concrete core and be looking for the massive pieces of concrete. They would know that concrete is not effected by fire like steel is.

View attachment 10348

you disinfo'd the nist disclaimer, how typical of an agent.

My entire search of the nist product for the plans, some description of the plans netted only one thing close to dealing with it. The disclaimer.


the only official graphic depiction of the core of the twin towers from official source of any kind. Two of the tallest towers in the world and this is only depiction of the core structure from officials sources. Using the following information, coupled with the lack of official plans, the circumstance clearly empowers a deception


the ex mayor took the wtc documents from city offices in violation of law.

since you have no evidence, you must try and change the subject agent.

My license is reinstated. I'm cooperating with the corrupt courts that refuse to provide constitutional rights. Here the clerks refuse to file a "motion to strike" the commissioners erroneous declaration.

To not stamp that pleading "filed" is a violation of constitutional rights.

To produce an analysis of building collapse without having the building collapse is a deprivation of due process, a constitutional right. Nist did not have the plans. This disclaimer compensates for that.

The ex nyc mayor stole the plans from the public to enable the deception and make it so nist could continue without them.

Nist could never produce their analysis of collpase if they use the plans. The public would know that collapse was not true. They would know of the concrete core and be looking for the massive pieces of concrete. They would know that concrete is not effected by fire like steel is.

View attachment 10348

You disinfo'd the NIST disclaimer, how typical of an agent.

My entire search of the NIST product for the plans, some description of the plans netted only one thing close to dealing with it. The disclaimer.

The only official graphic depiction of the core of the Twin Towers from official source of any kind. Two of the tallest towers in the world and this is ONLY depiction of the core structure from officials sources. Using the following information, coupled with the lack of official plans, the circumstance clearly empowers a deception

The ex mayor took the WTC documents from city offices in violation of law.
why do you keep repeating debunked crap????
do you somehow think that it will be true the 5000th time you post it when it has NEVER been true?
The 5000th time you lied didn't make anything more true or develop any evidence. You only appeared as a more obvious liar, idiot and agent.

Meanwhile, the first time I posted this, any reasonable person would have realized that FEMA lied.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
the 5000th time you lied didn't make anything more true or develop any evidence. You only appeared as a more obvious liar, idiot and agent.

Meanwhile, the first time i posted this, any reasonable person would have realized that fema lied.

robertson is verified by oxford, verifying domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of wtc 2 core, verifying the top of wtc 2 core falling onto wtc 3, the wtc 1 rebar, just after the wtc 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the wtc 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on wtc 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the wtc 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised nist contracted analysis of free fall by bazant et. Al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.


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