FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Christophera said:
The towers had different designs to their concrete cores.

Liar .. the only different design is the one in the vacuum of your mind ..the cores were the same buit in different orientation .. and were NOT CONCRETE FERK WITT


You will find peace when you confess your sinns ..
they werent exactly the same configurations, but they were similar in construction

This is true DC, and is what I meant but did not relate that aspect very well .. thanks for the clarification.

There is also an unusual anomoly with respect to the two towers and that is that WTC1 was taller .. excluding the antenna. The reason for this is that there was one particular floor, which was around floor 60 or so, which was the World Trade Academy floor.. or some such label, and it had a vertical height (floor to ceiling) which allowed it to have the more expansive (elite) space for whatever reason they used that floor for.

Just some useless information I gathered somewhere while studying the construction of the towers.

Unlike Chris I don't push a barrow load of lies around forums, to make click money from a blood money website.
Liar .. the only different design is the one in the vacuum of your mind ..the cores were the same buit in different orientation .. and were NOT CONCRETE FERK WITT


You will find peace when you confess your sinns ..
they werent exactly the same configurations, but they were similar in construction

This is true DC, and is what I meant but did not relate that aspect very well .. thanks for the clarification.

There is also an unusual anomoly with respect to the two towers and that is that WTC1 was taller .. excluding the antenna. The reason for this is that there was one particular floor, which was around floor 60 or so, which was the World Trade Academy floor.. or some such label, and it had a vertical height (floor to ceiling) which allowed it to have the more expansive (elite) space for whatever reason they used that floor for.

Just some useless information I gathered somewhere while studying the construction of the towers.

Unlike Chris I don't push a barrow load of lies around forums, to make click money from a blood money website.

He gets off on collecting blood money from the pain, loss, heartbreak, torment and suffering of the 9/11 victims families,

It's orgasmic to Chri$$y. It makes up for the lack of a woman in his life.
rattie is so out of it as an agent, he actually thinks I collect money from some aspect of this. I work. ratus refuses to recognize violations of law that deprive Americans of the plans for the Twin Towers so expose itself as an agent. ratit, cannot post an image of this core on 9-11. ratsy support the FEMA deception.


on the other hand, posting an image of the concrete core is easy.

Christ.. said:

What do you ... ? .. In as much as .. ? ....let's say we agree to call it .."work" .. just so you can reply to some extent or other .. without lying Chris! .. remember that bit.

Otherwise we won't believe you.

The Job you do Chris ...... what is it that you ... "I work" .. as in DO..

Tell us ... please.
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rattie is so out of it as an agent, he actually thinks I collect money from some aspect of this. I work. ratus refuses to recognize violations of law that deprive Americans of the plans for the Twin Towers so expose itself as an agent. ratit, cannot post an image of this core on 9-11. ratsy support the FEMA deception.

on the other hand, posting an image of the concrete core is easy.

he actually thinks I collect money from some aspect of this.

What about the $6.38 you claimed your website paid you? Are you admitting to a lie?

1) Doing what?
2) Prove it, or it's just another lie on your part.

on the other hand, posting an image of the concrete core is easy.

Then post an image of the intact core from the time that the twins were occupied. Or is this yet another lie?
That is exxactly what the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder would want you to say in order to protect them and conceal treason.

Conceal this traitor.


Or, produce an image of this core on 9-11.

If anyone has any questions about WHY CriscoFEARa so endlessly (and unpersuasively) loops his already frequently refuted posts, I can help answer that:

He has nothing else to offer. The fact that his drivel has been completely debunked no longer slows him down. He just ignores the refutations and burps-up his same tired and discredited crap.

Let us now show proper respect for CriscoFEARa's failed posting efforts!




Or, produce an image of this core on 9-11.

Try to keep up with the developments. The buildings were built WITHOUT cores. This entire conspiracy was developed when the buildings were built and all the NYC building inspectors were first paid off, then killed.

Abraham Lincoln (a jew) was behind the plot to steal oil from the Iraqi's. This elaborate plan played out to perfection.

We did it right in front of your eyes and there's nothing you can do about it.
Hey Chris.

What's behind polished panes above those express elevator entrances???


You've been owned weasel!

There is NO ROOM for a concrete wall between the express elevator entrances and the lobby area as proven by the next photo.

What's REALLY funny Chris is hat you keep claiming the leaked blueprints are faked, but I keep matching them up with every single photo out there.

How is that possible? How can I match the supposed "faked" blueprints with the real photos be they on, before, or after 9/11?

If they were fake, NOTHING would match.

Where's the 12' thick concrete wall that should be between the lobby and the express elevator doors Chris? I don't see any 12' spacing. As the photo has been annotated, it is only 2'-3' from the inside of the column to the elevator doors!!!!

Where is your 12' thick wall????

Again, gumjob neglects to state which tower. I've never said WTC 2 had 12 foot thick core walls but you have always failed to recognize that the Twins had different designed cores . . . of concrete


the light shining through the upper section absolutely proves there were no steel core columns and the core was basically empty allowing elevators, hallways and stairs.

If this is not true gumout will post the plans showing diagonal braces in the core.
Again, gumjob neglects to state which tower. I've never said WTC 2 had 12 foot thick core walls

Ok Chris. Let's play your game. How thick were the walls in WTC2? The long axis walls. Between the lobby and the express elevator doors.

This photo shows no more than 2'-3' IF they existed.
No guessing games agent. Show this core on 9-11.


You really do look like the village idiot when you constantly repost the same old tired bullshit. Even the laziest comedy club wanna-be freshens up his act from time to time.

What's YOUR excuse for not doing the same? Can't find any new fuzzy, smokey pictures of dust??

Oh, and by the way, I never did see you post what kind of job you're supposedly working.

Maybe you are just a comedy club wanna-be.
rattie is so out of it as an agent, he actually thinks I collect money from some aspect of this. I work. ratus refuses to recognize violations of law that deprive Americans of the plans for the Twin Towers so expose itself as an agent. ratit, cannot post an image of this core on 9-11. ratsy support the FEMA deception.

on the other hand, posting an image of the concrete core is easy.

he actually thinks I collect money from some aspect of this.

What about the $6.38 you claimed your website paid you? Are you admitting to a lie?

1) Doing what?
2) Prove it, or it's just another lie on your part.

on the other hand, posting an image of the concrete core is easy.

Then post an image of the intact core from the time that the twins were occupied. Or is this yet another lie?

Still waiting for these answers, Chris.
Still waiting, after all this time, for you to come up with new material instead of your typical rehashed bullshit.


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