FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core


Why are your annotations for this photo so screwed up? How did you get all this wrong?

Interesting Chris. You're quoted as saying this a while ago. Here is the link. It's post 10717.

Has Anyone Seen A Realistice Explanation For Free Fall Of The Towers? - Page 268 - JREF Forum

Christophera said:
WTC 2 had 2 hallways in each direction and they were quite which could create the "lobby feel" and give the impressson that elevators were accessed from outside core walls when in fact the elevators were accessed from inside the core only.

If you knew the towers as well as you claim you did and got all your information from your supposed documentary, how in the world did you get this so wrong?
Since you cannot come up with plans or an image of this core on 9-=11,


My memory will have to do. At this point, I've reconciled all the inconsistencies of the design and committed them to an approximate diagram of the WTC 2 concrete core and it's pedastal base.

Since you cannot come up with plans or an image of this core on 9-=11,


My memory will have to do. At this point, I've reconciled all the inconsistencies of the design and committed them to an approximate diagram of the WTC 2 concrete core and it's pedastal base.



Are you friggin' kidding me?!?!?!?

There are SO many damn mistakes in that drawing you just did that I don't know where to begin!

Let me ask you something Chris.

You were SO sure that you knew what the towers were designed like. You held to the fact that the cores were only slightly different and that ALL elevator access in BOTH towers was from the center of the core only.

Then I proved you wrong where you had to admit that there was access from outside he core to the express elevators.

Then you started in with your towers were radically different and came up with a detailed explanation on how WTC2 was designed after Cape Canaveral and that the redesigned WTC2 AFTER they started building WTC1 from which they corrected all their mistakes.

So answer me this Chris you damn liar.

If you knew about WTC2 being designed like Cape Canaveral and that the core designs were radically different between WTC1 and WTC2, why did you argue that BOTH cores had elevators within the core until I proved you wrong? Where did you get all this "new" information about Cape Canaveral such? Information that you NEVER spoke of before I proved you wrong about the elevator access.
Since you cannot come up with plans or an image of this core on 9-=11,


My memory will have to do. At this point, I've reconciled all the inconsistencies of the design and committed them to an approximate diagram of the WTC 2 concrete core and it's pedastal base.


Here's your first major mistake. According to the Oxford article you keep posting, all the stairwells, elevator shafts, and vertical ducts were contained INSIDE the concrete core. You have your 23 express elevators on the OUTSIDE!!!!! Your article disagrees with what you just posted moron!

In addition to the two banks of express elevators (one on each side of your "pedestal" consisting of 12 and 13 express elevators each), you have completely screwed up the 24 local elevator locations in the MIDDLE of the core you idiot!!!!

You just made a core with NO room whatsoever for the 24 local elevators!!!!!

Wrong, those elevators start at the mezzanine and even the 2nd floor to allow the escalators to top out.

Why haven't you posted an image of this core yet?

Wrong, those elevators start at the mezzanine and even the 2nd floor to allow the escalators to top out.

Why haven't you posted an image of this core yet?

Why haven't you posted a construction photo of an intact concrete core?

We both know his photoshop ability is not good enough to do that......
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I never did figure out exactly what point Goof-0-phera was trying to make.
Chris, how did you mess up so bad with your dimension??? 31' from perimeter columns to core wall in this photo.

Yet you tell us in your scaled drawing of the WTC1 lobby level that the distance between the perimeter columns and core wall is 25'.

Why the 6' discrepancy between the two pictures???? What happened? Did you forget which lie you posted first?

How did you screw up so bad identifying the structural components in this photo??? Your annotations and descriptions are completely wrong!!!
Since you cannot come up with plans or an image of this core on 9-=11,


My memory will have to do. At this point, I've reconciled all the inconsistencies of the design and committed them to an approximate diagram of the WTC 2 concrete core and it's pedastal base.



Are you friggin' kidding me?!?!?!?

There are SO many damn mistakes in that drawing you just did that I don't know where to begin!

Let me ask you something Chris.

You were SO sure that you knew what the towers were designed like. You held to the fact that the cores were only slightly different and that ALL elevator access in BOTH towers was from the center of the core only.

Then I proved you wrong where you had to admit that there was access from outside he core to the express elevators.

Then you started in with your towers were radically different and came up with a detailed explanation on how WTC2 was designed after Cape Canaveral and that the redesigned WTC2 AFTER they started building WTC1 from which they corrected all their mistakes.

So answer me this Chris you damn liar.

If you knew about WTC2 being designed like Cape Canaveral and that the core designs were radically different between WTC1 and WTC2, why did you argue that BOTH cores had elevators within the core until I proved you wrong? Where did you get all this "new" information about Cape Canaveral such? Information that you NEVER spoke of before I proved you wrong about the elevator access.

You never answered this Chris. Where did you get the new information about Cape Canaveral? Where did you get the information that the "short walls" between the pedestal and the core columns connected to the core walls?
My memory will have to do. At this point, I've reconciled all the inconsistencies of the design and committed them to an approximate diagram of the WTC 2 concrete core and it's pedastal base.


Another question. You state the following in the picture you have drawn above.
Christophera said:
Core base was pedestal with elevators outside on the long axis faces. Top of pedestal was mezzanine level. The lobby was the only floor with access through the core wall face into the elevator. Above lobby elevator axis was from inside the core only.

The bolded/enlarged text is what I have a question about. Why? Because in the same picture you state the following:
Christophera said:
Interior box columns had short wall connecting to pedestal that went up at an angle to join the long axis core wall face.

You're contradicting yourself again. Where exactly was the location of the core wall face In WTC2? Was it flush to the inside of the express elevators and over the pedestal? If it was, how did the access to the express elevators "go through the face" of the core wall????

This is what truthful researches do Chris. They answer the tough questions even if it means they are wrong. Something you have always been unwilling to do if it challenges your theory in any way.

Oh yeah. I forgot to add this. You know your two blue hallways running the short axis in the picture above? They are in the way of the express elevator shafts that ran vertically. Yet another major mistake you've made.
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My memory will have to do. At this point, I've reconciled all the inconsistencies of the design and committed them to an approximate diagram of the WTC 2 concrete core and it's pedastal base.


Do you actually realize what a major fuck up you've just presented with your made up solid concrete core pedestal that went from the ground up to the mezzanine?

I'll give you a little time to think about it Chris to see if you can figure out why this is impossible.

I'll also write William Rodriguez to see if he can confirm that there was, according to you, a solid concrete block in the core in the basement levels the made up this concrete pedestal of yours in WTC2.

We'll see what he says.

All of your efforts represent concealing treason. No text from you has any value to Americans because its purpose is to destroy the Constitution.

Produce an image of this core on 9-11.


or go away.
All of your efforts represent concealing treason. No text from you has any value to Americans because its purpose is to destroy the Constitution.

Produce an image of this core on 9-11.

or go away.

Produce a construction photo of your concrete core.

or go away.

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