FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

As long as the reporter does not make the retraction, the retraction is not valid.

The reporter logically made an audio tape of a phone conversation. The particular passage describing a concrete core, was compiled from a number of general descriptions.


It has been very important to get rid of Robertsons efforts to provide an accurate description.
LOL your link is dead again

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Chris seems to experience technical difficulties anytime he talks about engineering.:lol::lol:
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

The World Trade Center: Statistics and History
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, geneva, verdana]Also unique to the engineering design were its core and elevator system. The twin towers were the first supertall buildings designed without any masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure created by the buildingsâ high speed elevators might buckle conventional shafts, engineers designed a solution using a drywall system fixed to the reinforced steel core.

no concrete in the core

Waz a matta stun? Got no evidence of the steel core columns from 9-11? Show the core you assert existed on 9-11.

(Image removed because it is irrelevant)

Or was it an "air core" instead of "invisisteel"?

This is your delusion Chris. I have never asserted that any type of core existed.

What I did do was look at the presentation you provided and researched it and found it to be a total cock and bull story fabricated by you for unknown reasons.

It is you who goes around the internet finding forums to post your shit crap theory. I don't go around posting imbecile theories about the Twin Towers construction.

What I have done is educate a lot of people about your delusions and provided evidence which consistently shows that your theory is a load of dingoies kidneys.

You fail to accept any contrary evidence because, what you want to do is destabilise any investigation into anomolies surrounding the tragic events of 9/11.

It is you who is the psyop agent, and it's the reason you are being attacked from both sides of the 9/11 fence. Those that do not agree with the Official Story and those who do.

You are basically an imbecile and this is demonstrated by your apparitions at the Namasteezy forum where you record and share your behaviour for unknown reasons with yourself. Are you suffereing from a multiple personality disorder perhaps?

Are you still drinking Chris? I know this upsets you when I mention it, so my guess is that you are not yet reformed. Try it this year as a New Years Resolution.

Namasteezy Spirit - Records, Weavings, Music, & Interdependent Research for future generations :: View topic - The Post 9-11 Disinformation PSYOPS

Doesn't it ring any bells in your thick skull ... ?? Your own behaviour is fucking crazy and totally stupid.

Perhaps you've been found out .. and through your own actions on the internet, have ensured you are known globally as a total nutcase.

Just try to accept defeat in the face of overwheliming evidence that there was no documentally, no concrete core, no C4 exploding rebar, no theory.

It's all a pack of lies Chris and you should really own that.

:eusa_angel: Stann
Waz a matta stun? Got no evidence of the steel core columns from 9-11? Show the core you assert existed on 9-11.


Or was it an "air core" instead of "invisisteel"?

This is your delusion Chris. I have never asserted that any type of core existed.
:eusa_angel: Stann

As I suspected, stunrude asserts that FEMA lied (because it cannot prove otherwise) and that there was an air core.
FEMA misrepresented the core structure as steel core columns. This image proves that the steel in the core was not core columns because there are no diagonals, there are no gusset plates. The precense of butt plates ont he tops of the vertical steel in the core proves the steel is not core columns because butt plates are too weak to join sections of core column.


The steel int he core in construction photos is elevator guide rail support steel and all of that feel as soon as the demo progressed. Here is the empty core with rebar of the concrete wall surrounding it on the west side.

Point out the steel core columns in this image of the WTC 2 core on 9-11.

you cant, moron, because they are covered by gypsum wall planks and obscured by DUST
you just keep proving what an idiot you are

but you CAN with images of that exact same thing from the OTHER side
What you suggest is not possible because the hundreds of thousands of tons of steel would have torn off the gypsum and left steel structure visible.

Again you are exposed in attempting an illogical misinterpretation to uphold the FEMA lie.
What you suggest is not possible because the hundreds of thousands of tons of steel would have torn off the gypsum and left steel structure visible.

Again you are exposed in attempting an illogical misinterpretation to uphold the FEMA lie.
then go back and take a look at the OTHER side, dipshit
and stop ignoring the facts
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Waz a matta stun? Got no evidence of the steel core columns from 9-11? Show the core you assert existed on 9-11.

Or was it an "air core" instead of "invisisteel"?

This is your delusion Chris. I have never asserted that any type of core existed.
:eusa_angel: Stann

As I suspected, stunrude asserts that FEMA lied (because it cannot prove otherwise) and that there was an air core.

Again moron Chrusty-sphincter fails to read posts and somehow translates this inability into a speculative response based on nothing more than his delusional outlook.

Please demonstrate through a quote of my words that I have ever asserted the likes of what incomprehensible nonsense you reefer to .. in your excuse for a relevant response to my statement.
This is your delusion Chris. I have never asserted that any type of core existed.
:eusa_angel: Stann

As I suspected, stunrude asserts that FEMA lied (because it cannot prove otherwise) and that there was an air core.

Again moron Chrusty-sphincter fails to read posts and somehow translates this inability into a speculative response based on nothing more than his delusional outlook.

Please demonstrate through a quote of my words that I have ever asserted the likes of what incomprehensible nonsense you reefer to .. in your excuse for a relevant response to my statement.

Since you cannot produce a single image showing this core digrammed here in he core area on 9-11,


And you refuse to acknowledge that this is concrete, despite the complete absense of any projecting steel, showing steel core columns did not exist, it is logical to conclude that your message really is, (as actions do speak louder than words) "The twin towers had an air core".

Effectively that is what you said. You are a liar agent stalking the truth with text manipulation and lies, so why should I bother with your posts???

As I suspected, stunrude asserts that FEMA lied (because it cannot prove otherwise) and that there was an air core.

Again moron Chrusty-sphincter fails to read posts and somehow translates this inability into a speculative response based on nothing more than his delusional outlook.

Please demonstrate through a quote of my words that I have ever asserted the likes of what incomprehensible nonsense you reefer to .. in your excuse for a relevant response to my statement.

Since you cannot produce a single image showing this core digrammed here in he core area on 9-11,


And you refuse to acknowledge that this is concrete, despite the complete absense of any projecting steel, showing steel core columns did not exist, it is logical to conclude that your message really is, (as actions do speak louder than words) "The twin towers had an air core".

Effectively that is what you said. You are a liar agent stalking the truth with text manipulation and lies, so why should I bother with your posts???

Again moron Chrusty-sphincter fails to read posts and somehow translates this inability into a speculative response based on nothing more than his delusional outlook.

Please demonstrate through a quote of my words that I have ever asserted the likes of what incomprehensible nonsense you reefer to .. in your excuse for a relevant response to my statement.

Since you cannot produce a single image showing this core diagrammed here in the core area on 9-11,


And you refuse to acknowledge that this is concrete, despite the complete absense of any projecting steel, showing steel core columns did not exist, it is logical to conclude that your message really is, (as actions do speak louder than words) "The twin towers had an air core".

Effectively that is what you said. You are a liar agent stalking the truth with text manipulation and lies, so why should I bother with your posts???


The perpetrators of mass murder would appreciate your efforts to minimize the fact you cannot evidence the core they want people to believe existed.

If you are not serving them,why are you here?

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