FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Not "core columns" but steel in the core. If they were "core columns" they would be standing on 9-11 in the core area because they would have the strength. Obviously they do not have that strength because they are never seen in the core on 9-11. The below is too small. It is rebar.

dipshit, you lack perspective
the distance only makes them appear small
compare the size of the windows on the near by buildings?
do you think those windows are only 6" wide?


This is an exploding building. This is not a collapse. Care to refute this fact? You can't.

Nanothermite has been found in the WTC dust.

A spout of orange molten metal seen just before the South Tower's fall in videos of the Tower's north face around the crash zone

Reports of molten metal in the remarkably hot rubble of Ground Zero

High levels of metals found in aluminothermic incendiaries -- such as manganese, zinc, and barium -- in samples of World Trade Center dust

Remains of the Towers' structural steel showing severe corrosive attack involving sulfur

An iron-rich sphere found in dust form the Twin Towers. The solidified droplet indicates temperatures in excess of the melting point of iron (2795ºF).

Minute solidified droplets of previously molten iron in samples of World Trade Center dust

Pieces of active nano-engineered aluminothermic chips in samples of World Trade Center dust
damn, you are totally fucking INSANE
i have a question for you, since you decided to post in this fucking insanity driven thread, do you believe the WTC towers had concrete cores like the OP goof-o-phera claims, or do you not wish to even address that insane theory?

I'm curious about something. I haven't done much on this thread....How many BINGOs do you think Christopher alone gave you:


i have a question for you, since you decided to post in this fucking insanity driven thread, do you believe the WTC towers had concrete cores like the OP goof-o-phera claims, or do you not wish to even address that insane theory?

I'm curious about something. I haven't done much on this thread....How many BINGOs do you think Christopher alone gave you:


a coverall

oops wait
just one short of the cover all
i dont believe i have seen him use the "bush dupe" line yet
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dipshit, you lack perspective
the distance only makes them appear small
compare the size of the windows on the near by buildings?
do you think those windows are only 6" wide?


This is an exploding building. This is not a collapse. Care to refute this fact? You can't.

Nanothermite has been found in the WTC dust.

A spout of orange molten metal seen just before the South Tower's fall in videos of the Tower's north face around the crash zone

Reports of molten metal in the remarkably hot rubble of Ground Zero

High levels of metals found in aluminothermic incendiaries -- such as manganese, zinc, and barium -- in samples of World Trade Center dust

Remains of the Towers' structural steel showing severe corrosive attack involving sulfur

An iron-rich sphere found in dust form the Twin Towers. The solidified droplet indicates temperatures in excess of the melting point of iron (2795ºF).

Minute solidified droplets of previously molten iron in samples of World Trade Center dust

Pieces of active nano-engineered aluminothermic chips in samples of World Trade Center dust
damn, you are totally fucking INSANE

You can't handle the facts, its disturbing to see your reactions to them. Gross reality, but your brain is chemically imbalanced.


You won't be able to respond with maturity or relevance to this either.

your bullshit doesnt deserve it, so no i wont
you are right on that ONE point
everything else, not so much

This is an exploding building. This is not a collapse. Care to refute this fact? You can't.

Nanothermite has been found in the WTC dust.

A spout of orange molten metal seen just before the South Tower's fall in videos of the Tower's north face around the crash zone

Reports of molten metal in the remarkably hot rubble of Ground Zero

High levels of metals found in aluminothermic incendiaries -- such as manganese, zinc, and barium -- in samples of World Trade Center dust

Remains of the Towers' structural steel showing severe corrosive attack involving sulfur

An iron-rich sphere found in dust form the Twin Towers. The solidified droplet indicates temperatures in excess of the melting point of iron (2795ºF).

Minute solidified droplets of previously molten iron in samples of World Trade Center dust

Pieces of active nano-engineered aluminothermic chips in samples of World Trade Center dust
damn, you are totally fucking INSANE

You can't handle the facts, its disturbing to see your reactions to them. Gross reality, but your brain is chemically imbalanced.


You won't be able to respond with maturity or relevance to this either.


You can't handle it. 2.25 seconds of free fall = controlled demolition. You can't handle this fact, deflect from it and continue to be absurd, you're a joke child.
2.25 seconds of freefall does NOT equal a controlled demo, dipshit
its YOU that cant handle FACTS
2.25 seconds of freefall does NOT equal a controlled demo, dipshit
its YOU that cant handle FACTS

Yes it does, because there is NO other way to remove every support beam by fire. there is NO way for fire to create a highrise collapse at freefall. That is a fact. Enlighten yourself with the reality of Newtonian Physics. 2.25 seconds of freefall proves NIST report is a fraud. Explosives were used.

dipshit, physics is physics
and the 2.25 seconds is a very short period of time, and the way it was "freefall" wasnt exactly straight down
but you will ignore that fact and just continue with your bullshit
nothing you bring here is new info, its all old shit that has been debunked several times over
you morons refuse to accept facts and you replace them with your paranoid delusions

seek out professional help, you seriously NEED it
dipshit, physics is physics
and the 2.25 seconds is a very short period of time, and the way it was "freefall" wasnt exactly straight down
but you will ignore that fact and just continue with your bullshit
nothing you bring here is new info, its all old shit that has been debunked several times over
you morons refuse to accept facts and you replace them with your paranoid delusions

seek out professional help, you seriously NEED it
This deserves no response. You deserve no acknowledgement. You have no sense, logic, intellect, or morals.

dipshit, physics is physics
and the 2.25 seconds is a very short period of time, and the way it was "freefall" wasnt exactly straight down
but you will ignore that fact and just continue with your bullshit
nothing you bring here is new info, its all old shit that has been debunked several times over
you morons refuse to accept facts and you replace them with your paranoid delusions

seek out professional help, you seriously NEED it
This deserves no response. You deserve no acknowledgement. You have no sense, logic, intellect, or morals.
you are a fucking idiot
Agent divot is a void in the dirt of the golf course of life and will refuse to use any and all evidence that might protect the US Constitution because divot IS and agent of the infiltration. This is well proven.
dipshit, physics is physics
and the 2.25 seconds is a very short period of time, and the way it was "freefall" wasnt exactly straight down
but you will ignore that fact and just continue with your bullshit
nothing you bring here is new info, its all old shit that has been debunked several times over
you morons refuse to accept facts and you replace them with your paranoid delusions

seek out professional help, you seriously NEED it
This deserves no response. You deserve no acknowledgement. You have no sense, logic, intellect, or morals.
you are a fucking idiot

It's like they WANT people to know how ignorant and stupid they are lol

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They hope the lurker thinks that they are an ordinary American and that all Americans are stupid so there is no point in examining the info from any of them. PSYOPS, false groups infiltrating and encouraging uses of cognitive distortions.
Agent divot is a void in the dirt of the golf course of life and will refuse to use any and all evidence that might protect the US Constitution because divot IS and agent of the infiltration. This is well proven.

you mean troll divecunt is.
It is that psyops confusion.

Confused because it doesn't need to be organized. ei. What is better, organized crap or disorganized crap?

It's all about marginalizing the random viewers perceptions on the first pass. Anybody who is paying attention will see the agenda and blind beliefs at the feeding trough of deception.

yeah true enough,disorganized crap is better.:lol: i Once ran into this one agent at another site that cracked me up so bad it was unreal.as you know,it only took a couple hundred or less people to plant the explosives in the towers.the OCTA'S here always say that it would take thousands to pull it off,thats their standard usual motto.this agent at this other site he REALLY went overboard.he went and said it would take 90,000 people to plant them.:lol:usually the OCTAS say something like 10,000 or so but THIS agent really took it to the extremes.:lol::lol: he of course cant admit he lost his credibility there big time like they cant here.:lol:
Frank De Martini (RIP), was an engineer/architect that worked for the PA. He explains how the Twins could survive multiple airliner impacts.


The steel net, "like a mosquito net" and grid was the rebar of the concrete core walls. I believe he was told to not use the word concrete.

It is certain that the steel framework does is not described. A net or grid refers to primarily a 2 dimensional figure. The concrete core shear wall.

the trolls always dodge this fact.:lol: they come up with the most ludicrous crap when I post that like-9/11 says because the onsite construction manager Frank Demartin designed it that way that it should say.Thats their logic,doesnt matter what the EXPERTS like the deisgners of the towers said or what thousands of architects and engineers or expert witnesses that were there who heard explosions or what the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years say,only what the government institutions and the government controlled media say is the ultimate word of god good enough for them.they can only fling shit in defeat when confronted with that video and these facts.:lol::lol:

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