FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

which pretty much puts an end to this whole debate and proves beyond a doubt that explosives brought those towers down since NIST cant get around the fact that those towers fell at freefall speed which is only possible when explosives are used.:cuckoo:

Yes. If we were in a reasonable debate. If someone was taking notes or prepared to share those facts, yes, that would be the case. However, the infiltration of the truth movement is widespread and the deception opposed deeply ingrained and it appears that a number of people were artificially eelvated in stature within the truth movement and are now false leadership. They spread the lie for FEMA.

The agents are denying the concrete core are doing so in such incompetence that they cannot even describe how the columns were severed IF they existed. gamit did at one time supported demolition. Just to give everyone an idea of the nature of the infiltration of the truth movement works with "false opposition". When asked how the supposed steel core columns were cut, gamit had no good description. Setting cutting charges with adequate placement and distribution is impossible with a steel columned building. All for faces of the box must have intimate contact with explosives.

Accodingly the agents MUST oppose the only construction method that can accomodate free fall, concrete.

Concrete can be easily fractured to fall freely by a small amount of properly placed explosives. Steel cannot.
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Are you trying to say that only 19 arabs were responsible and there were no other factors?:eusa_liar::cuckoo:

The perpetrators try to assert that but without the plans for the structure in question, the cause of death cannot be ascertained. To assert otherwise is illogical and working to cover the actual methods of mass murder.
keep supporting the terrorists

Since I support the Consitution by demanding lawful performance or logical and reasonable due process and I use independently verified evidence, your words can be deemed facietious and the terrorism was caused by the infiltrators/perpetrators you protect.

You have no independely verified evidence for the steel core columns and FEMA, not created under the Constitution has deceived NIST, proven by the evidence I post, rendering the analysis of collapse invalid which is supposed to be the cause of death.

Clearly you support the demise of the US Constitution and the secret means of mass murder which is essentially terrorism.

Typical culprit, accusing others of what they themselves are doing.
which is what you are doing'
you were the one that stated that bullshit
and you don't like it when it is used back against you
fuck off asswipe
keep supporting the terrorists

Since I support the Consitution by demanding lawful performance or logical and reasonable due process and I use independently verified evidence, your words can be deemed facietious and the terrorism was caused by the infiltrators/perpetrators you protect.

You have no independely verified evidence for the steel core columns and FEMA, not created under the Constitution has deceived NIST, proven by the evidence I post, rendering the analysis of collapse invalid which is supposed to be the cause of death.

Clearly you support the demise of the US Constitution and the secret means of mass murder which is essentially terrorism.

Typical culprit, accusing others of what they themselves are doing.
which is what you are doing'
you were the one that stated that bullshit
and you don't like it when it is used back against you
fuck off asswipe

I post evidence and reason, you post crude insults. Meaning that you are unreasonable BECAUSE you have no evidence. Actually your mentality reminds me of rumsfeld.

My evidence includes conclusive evidence from 9-11 showing massive concrete walls 400 feet off the ground,


Something that is absolutely NOT a part of what FEMA describes with the single official depiction of the core from an official source.

Note, the core is empty. The single column on the other side is an interior box column which is outside the concrete core wall. A fact well established in this thread.
Since I support the Consitution by demanding lawful performance or logical and reasonable due process and I use independently verified evidence, your words can be deemed facietious and the terrorism was caused by the infiltrators/perpetrators you protect.

You have no independely verified evidence for the steel core columns and FEMA, not created under the Constitution has deceived NIST, proven by the evidence I post, rendering the analysis of collapse invalid which is supposed to be the cause of death.

Clearly you support the demise of the US Constitution and the secret means of mass murder which is essentially terrorism.

Typical culprit, accusing others of what they themselves are doing.
which is what you are doing'
you were the one that stated that bullshit
and you don't like it when it is used back against you
fuck off asswipe

I post evidence and reason, you post crude insults. Meaning that you are unreasonable BECAUSE you have no evidence. Actually your mentality reminds me of rumsfeld.

My evidence includes conclusive evidence from 9-11 showing massive concrete walls 400 feet off the ground,

<removed pic that didnt show concrete core>

Something that is absolutely NOT a part of what FEMA describes with the single official depiction of the core from an official source.

Note, the core is empty. The single column on the other side is an interior box column which is outside the concrete core wall. A fact well established in this thread.
except your stupid images prove NOTHING of what you claim

and when are you gonna fucking learn that image you cliam as "FEMA" is not an exact plan, just a simplification of the tube within a tube construction
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what happens to the columns that are supporting the upper third of the tower?

You are twice wrong.

They didn't exist so fire had nothing to do with it.

Stop supporting the secret methods of mass murder agent.

Thats exactly what these disinformation agents are doing alright.Their no better of a person than the neocons in the Bush administration who pulled this off.as i said earlier,in the end,they will be horrified by what they have done and pay for it.Karma always comes back to suffer fools like them and they are going to experience it in the worst way along with the real terrorists such as Bush,Cheney,Wolferitz,Powell,Silverstein,Rumsfield,Ashcroft,Rice,Clinton, and the ones in the Obama administration who continue to participate in the coverup.

Your list of infiltrators has all the main characters to be sure.
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and that still doesn't support your claims

As if you have ever supported your claim that FEMA was correct about the core of the towers. You have never done that and cannot do that. It cannot be done and this thread proves it.

FEMA described the below to NIST and this graphic is the only official depiction of the towers. It comes from the original WTC report.


On 9-11 that core structure of vertical steel columns is never seen. What is seen is unmistakeable as a concrete core. A steel reinforced cast concrete tube.


Construction photos are misrepresented by calling what is elevator guide rail support steel, "core columns". Since they are never seen in the core area on 9-11 it is clear they did not have enough strength to be called "core columns".
again, that is NOT meant to be an exact diagram of the core, all it was was to be a simplified diagram of the "TUBE WITHIN A TUBE" construction

and the bottom pic does not show any concrete

again, that is NOT meant to be an exact diagram of the core, all it was was to be a simplified diagram of the "TUBE WITHIN A TUBE" construction

and the bottom pic does not show any concrete

Where is the "simplified" and needed interconnecting bracing?

As if a conceptual diagram could be exact, but that diagram is completely missing a vital feature.

Most importantly is that there is nothing "exact".

No plans. The ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding

Can you see any part of that here? And if not, why?

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again, that is NOT meant to be an exact diagram of the core, all it was was to be a simplified diagram of the "TUBE WITHIN A TUBE" construction

and the bottom pic does not show any concrete

Where is the "simplified" and needed interconnecting bracing?

As if a conceptual diagram could be exact, but that diagram is completely missing a vital feature.

Most importantly is that there is nothing "exact".

No plans. The ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding

Can you see any part of that here? And if not, why?

it wasnt needed to the purpose to show the "tube within a tube" moron
and again, that SAME photo you have posted over and over does NOT show a concrete core no matter HOW bad you wish it to
all it shows was the SOMETHING stayed up for a short period of time and then collapsed
now, as to why no light shines through it, it COULD be because of the gypsum wallboard that was known to have been used in the building and was already posted in this very thread during the removal as being intact on even LOWER floors
again, that is NOT meant to be an exact diagram of the core, all it was was to be a simplified diagram of the "TUBE WITHIN A TUBE" construction

and the bottom pic does not show any concrete

Where is the "simplified" and needed interconnecting bracing?

As if a conceptual diagram could be exact, but that diagram is completely missing a vital feature.

Most importantly is that there is nothing "exact".

No plans. The ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding

Can you see any part of that here? And if not, why?

it wasnt needed to the purpose to show the "tube within a tube"

I ask for some depiction at all of the needed interconnecting bracing between the fictional columns, and you evade. You distort by implying that anyone was trying to show the "tube within a tube". No one is or was.

You are simply evading and being manipulative.

The only logical purpose you can have for this is to keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret.

If the perpetrators are able to do that they can continue with the insurrection and infiltrations of the United States Government under its Constitution and your actions clearly enable that as a goal.
Where is the "simplified" and needed interconnecting bracing?

As if a conceptual diagram could be exact, but that diagram is completely missing a vital feature.

Most importantly is that there is nothing "exact".

No plans. The ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding

Can you see any part of that here? And if not, why?

it wasnt needed to the purpose to show the "tube within a tube"

I ask for some depiction at all of the needed interconnecting bracing between the fictional columns, and you evade. You distort by implying that anyone was trying to show the "tube within a tube". No one is or was.

You are simply evading and being manipulative.

The only logical purpose you can have for this is to keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret.

If the perpetrators are able to do that they can continue with the insurrection and infiltrations of the United States Government under its Constitution and your actions clearly enable that as a goal.
oh man
i give you more than you deserve and you only get ONE FUCKING LINE?
it wasnt needed to the purpose to show the "tube within a tube"

I ask for some depiction at all of the needed interconnecting bracing between the fictional columns, and you evade. You distort by implying that anyone was trying to show the "tube within a tube". No one is or was.

You are simply evading and being manipulative.

The only logical purpose you can have for this is to keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret.

If the perpetrators are able to do that they can continue with the insurrection and infiltrations of the United States Government under its Constitution and your actions clearly enable that as a goal.
oh man
i give you more than you deserve and you only get ONE FUCKING LINE?

The perpetrators will be very upset that you've been exposing the operation with incompetence as is well demonstrated with the usual incoherence and profanity.

The cause of death for 3,000 murders and I've proven here in this thread with the help of all opposition who have well proven they have no indepedently verified evidence to support that the steel core columns FEMA defines as the core structure of the Twin towers ever existed.

The Twin towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core and you psyops is trying to conceal that fact, ........... with nothing.
I ask for some depiction at all of the needed interconnecting bracing between the fictional columns, and you evade. You distort by implying that anyone was trying to show the "tube within a tube". No one is or was.

You are simply evading and being manipulative.

The only logical purpose you can have for this is to keep the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret.

If the perpetrators are able to do that they can continue with the insurrection and infiltrations of the United States Government under its Constitution and your actions clearly enable that as a goal.
oh man
i give you more than you deserve and you only get ONE FUCKING LINE?

The perpetrators will be very upset that you've been exposing the operation with incompetence as is well demonstrated with the usual incoherence and profanity.

The cause of death for 3,000 murders and I've proven here in this thread with the help of all opposition who have well proven they have no indepedently verified evidence to support that the steel core columns FEMA defines as the core structure of the Twin towers ever existed.

The Twin towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core and you psyops is trying to conceal that fact, ........... with nothing.
you are a fucking clown
like i would give a shit what the perpetrators think when you dont have a fucking clue what you are talking about
oh man
i give you more than you deserve and you only get ONE FUCKING LINE?

The perpetrators will be very upset that you've been exposing the operation with incompetence as is well demonstrated with the usual incoherence and profanity.

The cause of death for 3,000 murders and I've proven here in this thread with the help of all opposition who have well proven they have no indepedently verified evidence to support that the steel core columns FEMA defines as the core structure of the Twin towers ever existed.

The Twin towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core and you psyops is trying to conceal that fact, ........... with nothing.
you are a fucking clown
like i would give a shit what the perpetrators think when you dont have a fucking clue what you are talking about

Not only do I have a clue but I have defined the structural elements of this image showing the elevator guide rail support steel in the core of WTC 2, that you and the perpetrators want to call, "core columns". On top of them are butt plates which are not strong enough for "core columns", which must have 100% deep fillet welds.

The plates appear at around the 5th floor, which means 105 floors of supposed steel core columns bear on what you and FEMA want to call a column and there is no interconnecting bracing shown in the FEMA core diagram.


and after asking you to define those structures and you failed to respond, I described them, but you have no interest in any truth, so did not notice and still do not know.

BTW, for those sincere about learning about the actual structures, first, the concrete was poured no further that 7 floors below the top floor, so it's somewhere below in that image.

Research the foundations for the truth movement has been led to believe are core columns. You will find they are a stack of steel cribbing called a "grillage", it was set on a thinn concrete pad. No resistence to lateral forces as a "core column" must have.

The columns that did exist surrounding the concrete core, above seen with floor beams crossing them, below, seen across the far side of the core, the spire, the west, while the east concrete wall topples into the core area,


had a deep foundation that actually extended below the concrete core foundation and essentially surrounded the core foundation pinning into the limestone formation below to resist tilting.
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The perpetrators will be very upset that you've been exposing the operation with incompetence as is well demonstrated with the usual incoherence and profanity.

The cause of death for 3,000 murders and I've proven here in this thread with the help of all opposition who have well proven they have no indepedently verified evidence to support that the steel core columns FEMA defines as the core structure of the Twin towers ever existed.

The Twin towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core and you psyops is trying to conceal that fact, ........... with nothing.
you are a fucking clown
like i would give a shit what the perpetrators think when you dont have a fucking clue what you are talking about

Not only do I have a clue but I have defined the structural elements of this image showing the elevator guide rail support steel in the core of WTC 2, that you and the perpetrators want to call, "core columns". On top of them are butt plates which are not strong enough for "core columns", which must have 100% deep fillet welds.

The plates appear at around the 5th floor, which means 105 floors of supposed steel core columns bear on what you and FEMA want to call a column and there is no interconnecting bracing shown in the FEMA core diagram.

and after asking you to define those structures and you failed to respond, I described them, but you have no interest in any truth, so did not notice and still do not know.

BTW, for those sincere about learning about the actual structures, first, the concrete was poured no further that 7 floors below the top floor, so it's somewhere below in that image.

Research the foundations for the truth movement has been led to believe are core columns. You will find they are a stack of steel cribbing called a "grillage", it was set on a thinn concrete pad. No resistence to lateral forces as a "core column" must have.

The columns that did exist surronding the concrete core, the one here seen across the far side of the core, the west, while the east concrete wall topples into the core area.
again, as you have been told repeatedly
you see core columns and no concrete
yet another massive fail by you
you are a fucking clown
like i would give a shit what the perpetrators think when you dont have a fucking clue what you are talking about

Not only do I have a clue but I have defined the structural elements of this image showing the elevator guide rail support steel in the core of WTC 2, that you and the perpetrators want to call, "core columns". On top of them are butt plates which are not strong enough for "core columns", which must have 100% deep fillet welds.


The plates appear at around the 5th floor, which means 105 floors of supposed steel core columns bear on what you and FEMA want to call a column and there is no interconnecting bracing shown in the FEMA core diagram.

and after asking you to define those structures and you failed to respond, I described them, but you have no interest in any truth, so did not notice and still do not know.

BTW, for those sincere about learning about the actual structures, first, the concrete was poured no further that 7 floors below the top floor, so it's somewhere below in that image.

Research the foundations for the truth movement has been led to believe are core columns. You will find they are a stack of steel cribbing called a "grillage", it was set on a thinn concrete pad. No resistence to lateral forces as a "core column" must have.

The columns that did exist surronding the concrete core, the one here seen across the far side of the core, the west, while the east concrete wall topples into the core area.
again, as you have been told repeatedly
you see core columns and no concrete
yet another massive fail by you

I never claimed that image shows concrete. I explain, very logically that the connections seen left and right of the center crane on top of the elevator guide rail support steel are called butt plates and are too weak for core columns.

In this image here, on 9-11, is concrete.


another. The west concrete wall of WTC 1 core left of the spire.


Your selectivity exposes your unreasonable efforts to keep that dirty secret of the methods of mass murder used on 9-11 to kill 3,000 people.
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Not only do I have a clue but I have defined the structural elements of this image showing the elevator guide rail support steel in the core of WTC 2, that you and the perpetrators want to call, "core columns". On top of them are butt plates which are not strong enough for "core columns", which must have 100% deep fillet welds.

The plates appear at around the 5th floor, which means 105 floors of supposed steel core columns bear on what you and FEMA want to call a column and there is no interconnecting bracing shown in the FEMA core diagram.

and after asking you to define those structures and you failed to respond, I described them, but you have no interest in any truth, so did not notice and still do not know.

BTW, for those sincere about learning about the actual structures, first, the concrete was poured no further that 7 floors below the top floor, so it's somewhere below in that image.

Research the foundations for the truth movement has been led to believe are core columns. You will find they are a stack of steel cribbing called a "grillage", it was set on a thinn concrete pad. No resistence to lateral forces as a "core column" must have.

The columns that did exist surronding the concrete core, the one here seen across the far side of the core, the west, while the east concrete wall topples into the core area.
again, as you have been told repeatedly
you see core columns and no concrete
yet another massive fail by you

I never claimed that image shows concrete. I explain, very logically that the connections seen left and right of the center crane on top of the elevator guide rail support steel are called butt plates and are too weak for core columns.

In this image here, on 9-11, is concrete.

another. The west concrete wall of WTC 1 core left of the spire.

Your selectivity exposes your unreasonable efforts to keep that dirty secret of the methods of mass murder used on 9-11 to kill 3,000 people.
once again, you just waste bandwidth
Not only do I have a clue but I have defined the structural elements of this image showing the elevator guide rail support steel in the core of WTC 2, that you and the perpetrators want to call, "core columns". On top of them are butt plates which are not strong enough for "core columns", which must have 100% deep fillet welds.


The plates appear at around the 5th floor, which means 105 floors of supposed steel core columns bear on what you and FEMA want to call a column and there is no interconnecting bracing shown in the FEMA core diagram.

and after asking you to define those structures and you failed to respond, I described them, but you have no interest in any truth, so did not notice and still do not know.

BTW, for those sincere about learning about the actual structures, first, the concrete was poured no further that 7 floors below the top floor, so it's somewhere below in that image.

Research the foundations for the truth movement has been led to believe are core columns. You will find they are a stack of steel cribbing called a "grillage", it was set on a thinn concrete pad. No resistence to lateral forces as a "core column" must have.

The columns that did exist surronding the concrete core, the one here seen across the far side of the core, the west, while the east concrete wall topples into the core area.
again, as you have been told repeatedly
you see core columns and no concrete
yet another massive fail by you

I never claimed that image shows concrete. I explain, very logically that the connections seen left and right of the center crane on top of the elevator guide rail support steel are called butt plates and are too weak for core columns.

In this image here, on 9-11, is concrete.


another. The west concrete wall of WTC 1 core left of the spire.


Your selectivity exposes your unreasonable efforts to keep that dirty secret of the methods of mass murder used on 9-11 to kill 3,000 people.

fuck off, shitstain.
again, as you have been told repeatedly
you see core columns and no concrete
yet another massive fail by you

I never claimed that image shows concrete. I explain, very logically that the connections seen left and right of the center crane on top of the elevator guide rail support steel are called butt plates and are too weak for core columns.

In this image here, on 9-11, is concrete.


another. The west concrete wall of WTC 1 core left of the spire.


Your selectivity exposes your unreasonable efforts to keep that dirty secret of the methods of mass murder used on 9-11 to kill 3,000 people.

fuck off, shitstain.

Since you have no evidence what I said must reasonably taken as true. One can only conclude that you intend to prevent people being aware of how 3,000 were murdered, because the cause of death is inaccurate and I've rpoven that over and over.
I never claimed that image shows concrete. I explain, very logically that the connections seen left and right of the center crane on top of the elevator guide rail support steel are called butt plates and are too weak for core columns.

In this image here, on 9-11, is concrete.


another. The west concrete wall of WTC 1 core left of the spire.


Your selectivity exposes your unreasonable efforts to keep that dirty secret of the methods of mass murder used on 9-11 to kill 3,000 people.

fuck off, shitstain.

Since you have no evidence what I said must reasonably taken as true. One can only conclude that you intend to prevent people being aware of how 3,000 were murdered, because the cause of death is inaccurate and I've rpoven that over and over.

We already know how they were murdered, you pathetic little cumstain. Go jerk off to your Alex jones videos, you stupid fuckhead.

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